
The Number Project

Four years after the events of '246', Rick and friends are working together to try and put an end to Experiment Labs once and for all.

JD246 · Hiện thực
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As Rick hopped into the car, he grumbled.

"What's wrong?" A voice coming from the drivers seat asked.

"I don't even know where to begin." Rick sighed.

The driver laughed.

"No hello after four years, just some bitchin' and moanin', huh?"

"Chris," Rick sighed.

"Nah, no worries." Chris laughed.

"Welcome back, Summers." He smiled.

"I'll let Sena know we're on our way." Rick said, pulling out his phone.

"No!" Chris shouted.

"They want to be surprised." He said.

Rick grumbled.

"Fine." He said, relaxing himself.

"Anyways," he started.

"One of the elites was at my interview, so I guess he's onto us." He then looked down.

"Then I met him again in the break room." He narrowed his eyes.

"He spewed some crap about atonement, and something about it being for their sake."

Chris looked in the rear view mirror.

"Whose sake...?" He asked.

"Hell if I know." Rick sighed.

As they drove a bit longer, they turned onto a familiar street. Outside of Sena's Flowers shop, stood a crowd of familiar faces.

Rick's eyes widened.

"What the..."

As the car stopped, Chris opened the door.

"Welcome home, leader." He laughed.