
The Nullifier

Ajay Varma a college student dies in a car accident and is reborn In an alternate world know As Midgard in a country called Eden as a slave. A world filled with magic with little to no compassion.

Alpha2516 · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Chapter 9: Dungeon Boss

As Allen and Lilith ventured deeper into the mysterious dungeon, they could feel the air growing heavy with anticipation. The flickering torches along the damp stone walls cast eerie shadows, while the distant sound of dripping water echoed through the corridors. They knew they were approaching the final level, where the dungeon boss awaited.

Ascending a spiraling staircase, the duo emerged onto a vast open platform that overlooked a breathtaking sky. It was a wondrous sight—a celestial illusion within the depths of the dungeon. The sky seemed to stretch on forever, adorned with vibrant hues of purple, orange, and gold. Wisps of clouds danced lazily overhead, seemingly unaffected by the darkness that shrouded the dungeon below.

In the center of the platform stood the dungeon boss—a colossal, hulking creature named Zephyrion. Towering over Allen and Lilith, Zephyrion's body was composed of swirling winds and crackling lightning. His eyes glowed with an otherworldly intensity, filled with malevolence and power.

Without hesitation, Zephyrion unleashed a torrent of gusts, causing the very platform beneath the adventurers' feet to quake. Allen and Lilith braced themselves, knowing they had no time to waste. Allen quickly assessed the situation and made a decision.

"Lilith, get away from here," Allen said urgently.

"Don't tell me you're going to fight this beast alone!" Lilith exclaimed, her voice laced with concern.

"You don't have your magic pathways, and your physical prowess is dampened because of the slave mark. It's better you get away from here," Allen explained, hoping she would understand.

Lilith, though not liking it, understood Allen's reservation. Before she could convey her thoughts, Allen dashed forward, engaging Zephyrion head-on. The monster retaliated with a powerful magical attack, breathing flames that threatened to engulf Allen. He skillfully dodged the flames, relying on his quick reflexes.

It became clear to Allen that Zephyrion was a formidable opponent. The lack of experience with such a powerful foe was getting to him. He attempted to use spells inherited from Arcan's memory, but nothing seemed to work. Zephyrion effortlessly defended against each move Allen made.

Zephyrion's attack struck Allen, injuring him. Despite his enhanced strength and healing factor, Allen grew weary. Thoughts raced through his mind as he struggled to find a way to turn the tides.

"What should I do?" he pondered, feeling the weight of the situation.

Meanwhile, Lilith, although safe, watched helplessly as Allen suffered in his battle against the monstrous foe. She desperately wanted to aid him, but the mark on her body restrained her power, rendering her unable to assist.

As Allen faced another imminent attack, he heard a voice within his mind, distinct and commanding: "Nullify!"

Confusion swept over Allen as he looked around, unable to identify the source of the voice. Zephyrion unleashed a beam of blue flames, aimed directly at Allen. In that critical moment, Allen's body was enveloped in a maroon aura, nullifying the beam's destructive power. The energy seemed to dissipate harmlessly around him.

"Allen!!!" Lilith shouted, fearing she had lost him. But to her relief, Allen emerged unscathed, his body surrounded by the protective maroon aura. It was a phenomenon he had never experienced before, an instinctual defense that didn't require mana but effectively neutralized the attack.

With newfound determination and the mysterious nullifying ability, Allen and Lilith resumed their battle against Zephyrion, their hearts filled with hope. The clash of powers and the vibrant illusionary sky created a stunning spectacle.

"It's time to end this!"

Allen said with confidence

To Be Continued…