
The Nullifier

Ajay Varma a college student dies in a car accident and is reborn In an alternate world know As Midgard in a country called Eden as a slave. A world filled with magic with little to no compassion.

Alpha2516 · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Chapter 6: The Will that broke the Shackles

"Ugh! It hurts!"

Lilith cried in pain. But that was just the beginning. The guards were furious, they had lost three of their comrades and the slave that knew the route of the dungeon had been killed.

"You bloody bitch!"

One of the guards shouted, he walked up to her and repeatedly kicked her in the stomach. Lilith had started to cough out blood.

"You and your fucking boyfriend got our friends killed! And for what? Just so that you two could what? Jump into the fucking pit of death?!"

Lilith was being badly hurt. The pain of getting dragged and then kicked had gotten to her. Normally a demon wouldn't be hurt by something like this but because of the obedience mark her endurance had reduced to that of a human.

"At least he got away. Wait I never asked his name, did I?

She thought.

"I can't die like this though, no I can't!"

She said out loud.

The guards tried to hit her again but she moved as if she had regained some of her physical capabilities back. She unleashed her agility, evading the guards' grasp with graceful movements. Her hands, once bound by chains, became deadly weapons, striking with precision and intent. But the guards were relentless, their numbers overpowering.

One of the guards grabbed her by the hair and said

"You are a feisty one, aren't ya?"

As he said that he slapped her and tore her clothes off. The list was evident from the guards eyes but he knew that trying to rape with an Archdemon could make it so that he could never be able to even touch a woman in his life but his disappointed face quickly turned into excitement when he noticed a peculiar mark that was present on her back.

"The Hell's mark?! How is that even possible only the demon royal family should have this!!"

The guard shouted. The guards realised that Lilith wasn't the daughter of an army general but the Demon King Asmodeous himself. They tightened their grip, their cruel smiles etched upon their faces. They pinned down Lilith on the ground.

One of the guards removed a blade from his pocket and said.

"Do you know what this is princess? This is a Mythril blade, I had spent a lot of money on it, I thought it was a waste of money but today it will show me it's worth… by cutting of your pretty horns."

For a demon the most humiliating and the most painful thing was for their horns to be cut off. The guards with their cruel smiles started to cut off Lilith's horns.


She cried in pain.





"Where am I?"

Allen asked.

After the pain he had felt, Allen had suddenly been transported to what looked like a big white room. He looked around but all of it looked empty. Just as he thought he was alone.



Something cut him.


Allen turned his head to the direction of the voice. He saw a man that looked like he was in his thirties dressed like a royal, he had a muscular lean build and was considerably tall. He went on to say

"For something that has happened today doesn't happen often, you my friend have met one of the 'Unknowns'."

Allen was confused but one thing that he was sure of was that, the person in front of him was very powerful.

"What are you talking about?"

Allen asked.

"I guess it's natural for you to not know. My race was once eternal ever living and all powerful, we were on top of the food chain, we were the Alpha's we were the Apex of the Apex predators."

The man said

"Then why do I not know of you, why doesn't anyone even talk about you race?"

Allen asked.

"Because your kind and the demons betrayed me! And after I am out of here I am going to have my revenge."

The man said

"You mean that there was a time when Humans and Demons worked together?"

Allen asked.

"Why are you so shocked? Aren't you doing precisely that, with that demon girl you like so much."

The man said.

"I don't like her."

Allen replied.

"Aww someone is blushing! Young love, isn't it? Unfortunately"

The moment the man said that Allen's hands and legs got tied with what looked like white glowing ropes.


Allen shouted in pain as the ropes got tighter.

"You won't have time to complete it. 1st layer! Physical and biological changes"


Allen shouted

"Your physical body is too weak, be honoured that I am giving it the strength of an 'Unknown'."

Allen's muscle Fibres that were broken were all being fixed even his broken arm was magically repaired and his body was becoming capable of even withstanding nukes.

"Now let's repair your broken magic Pathway"

It was ceremonious to destroy a persons magic pathway when they would be turned into a slave, this made their future generations born with broken magic pathways as well.

Allen's Pathways we're being restored and we're becoming stronger than ever.

"Now my knowledge shall transferred as well"

Allen's mind was being swarmed with information related to magic, weaponry and martial arts.

"And finally! My will"

Allen was struggling inside his own mind to keep his will. This entire time he was having a one sided battle against the man from the Unknown race. He had almost given up and had almost lost his body to this foreign entity.


He heard Lilith's cries

"Is that your girlfriend, well unfortunately you are a bi-"

Before the man could complete his sentence Allen broke the ropes that bound him, he looked up and said

"She isn't my girlfriend."

"How did you? It's not possible for a lower race to do that!!"

The man cried in intense panic

"You are in my body, motherfucker!"

The moment Allen said those words Lightning started to strike down the man continuously and intensely.

"What the hell is going on?! How is he able to do that? This should not be possible!!!"

The man thought

"How are you able to do this?! How?! You are supposed to be weak!!!!"

The moment he shouted Allen was right in front of him and said

"Because this is how I want to be. You forgot that this isn't my real body but just an imaginary one and if this battle is happening inside my body I have already won. You said it yourself 'Broken body, broken Pathways but a strong heart. This will of mine will break every possible shackle and destroy my obstacles"

Allen raised hand in front of the man's forehead

"Wait!! WAIT!!!!"

The man cried.

"Pralaya! (Destruction)"

Allen said softly

A huge beam of light collided with the man. His entire body disintegrated and his head half burnt flew off. Just before dying he thought.

"How did I"

Then something popped up in front of him that said


Then he thought

"Of course, this kid is one of them."

His head fell down on the floor and disintegrated.






Lilith cried in pain

"Cry! Cry more you bitch!!!!"

The moment that guard said those words his head exploded. The remainder of the guards got shocked and when they looked down even Lilith wasn't there anymore.

"What the hell happened?! Where did that bitch go?!"

The Guards panicked.

Little did they start to look around than they found Lilith in the arms of Allen.

"What the hell didn't he die?"

"Isn't he more muscular than he was before?!"

The guards exclaimed.


Lilith with a smile looked at Allen and said in a weak voice.

"Don't worry I will take you away from here. No one will hurt you, I promise."

Allen said in a soft voice

"You fucking sl-"

Before the guard could complete his sentence Allen looked in his direction and just from his gaze the guards head exploded.

All the guards got shocked and tried to use the obedience spell but it didn't work, in fact the slave mark was gone and a new mark that seemed to be written in a foreign language (Sanskrit) had appeared on his chest.

All of them go terrified.

Allen looked at them and said

"Don't you dare interrupt me when I am talking to her."

To Be Continued…