
The Nullifier

Ajay Varma a college student dies in a car accident and is reborn In an alternate world know As Midgard in a country called Eden as a slave. A world filled with magic with little to no compassion.

Alpha2516 · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Chapter 10: Victory

As the epic battle raged on, Allen fought with unwavering resolve. Empowered by the newfound nullifying ability, Allen deftly countered Zephyrion's attacks, using his agility and quick thinking to exploit the creature's weaknesses.

Lilith, although unable to use her full magical potential, provided support in whatever way she could. She utilized her knowledge of Zephyrion's movements and weaknesses to guide Allen, helping him dodge devastating blows and strike at critical moments.

With each clash, Allen's nullifying aura grew stronger, neutralizing Zephyrion's elemental assaults. The maroon energy crackled around him, shielding him from harm and imbuing his own strikes with amplified force. As Allen landed powerful blows on the monstrous boss, cracks began to form in Zephyrion's swirling wind and lightning form.

Sensing his impending defeat, Zephyrion unleashed his ultimate attack—a devastating storm of chaotic energy that threatened to consume everything in its path. The very fabric of the illusory sky trembled, and the ground beneath Allen and Lilith shook violently.

Realizing the dire situation, Allen took a deep breath, centering himself amidst the chaos. He tapped into the mysterious nullifying ability, focusing all his energy on nullifying the storm of destruction that raged around him. With every ounce of his being, he channeled the maroon aura, pushing back against Zephyrion's overwhelming power.

Time seemed to slow as Allen's determination intensified. He summoned all his strength, combining it with the nullifying energy, and launched himself at the weakened Zephyrion. With a resounding roar, he struck the creature's core, shattering its form and dispelling the dark magic that had plagued the dungeon.

As Zephyrion crumbled into oblivion, the illusionary sky above them gradually faded, revealing the true nature of their surroundings—an ancient chamber adorned with intricate runes and relics of a forgotten time.

Breathing heavily, Allen and Lilith stood victorious, their bodies weary but their spirits triumphant. They had overcome insurmountable odds and emerged victorious against the dungeon boss that had threatened their lives.

In the aftermath of the battle, as they caught their breath, Allen and Lilith shared a moment of relief and gratitude. They acknowledged each other's strengths and contributions, knowing that their unwavering partnership had been crucial to their success.

With Zephyrion defeated, the malevolent presence that had plagued the dungeon began to dissipate, lifting the oppressive atmosphere that had clung to its depths. The air grew lighter, and a sense of tranquility enveloped the chamber.

As they looked for a way to leave the dungeon

"Dungeon Cleared!"

A voice was heard by them

And a flash of light enveloped them. The light was so bright that it had forced them to shut it, when they opened their eyes they realised that they had been teleported a brightly lit room where there was a big chest present.

To Be Continued…