
The Nueva Espada

When Ichigo, Rukia, and their friends are Betrayed by the Soul Society, They Want Revenge, They join with unlikely allies to build an army to destroy the Soul Society.

angelhalad · Kỳ huyễn
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27 Chs

Chapter 27:Highway Star

"It's Ichi-Nii's reiatsu..." Karin hushed

"What the hell..." Ginjo grunted as he aimed his eyes in the direction of the reiatsu "It's not just Shinigami, it's Hollow too..."

"What's going on?" Jackie asked "Why would all this reiatsu be in the one place?"

"I have no idea but I intend to find out" Ginjo growled as he bolted from the door

"Wait!" Jackie belted "What do you think you're doing?! You're just gonna rush to the scene?! That's beyond reckless!"

"Ms. Jackie does have a point" Giriko supported "Charging in head first is far from ideal, we should wait and asses the situation as we usually do"

"There's no time!" Ginjo shouted as he whipped his head towards them "This may be our only chance!"

"To what?" Riruka asked "Are we just gonna nab a Shinigami, have him take us to Soul Society and then kill 'em all?!"

"Since when has that not been the plan?!" Ginjo roared "It's our opportunity and it's staring us right in the face! If Ichigo's there, then-"

"Then we could get him on our side" Karin finished for him "I'm going too"

"Then come on!" Ginjo stated as he slammed the door open and vanished with a flicker of Bringer Light, which was quickly followed by Karin, reenacting the exact same motion

"Damn it" Jackie spat before she too pursued Ginjo

"Oh man, this is going to be a drag" Yukio sighed as he put his console in his pocket and jumped off his seat "I'll follow them, make sure they don't do anything stupid"

"I'll be making the appropriate phonecall to Mr. Tsukishima and Mr. Shishigawara" Giriko nodded

"I'll be here, using up our booze" Riruka piped, with a raise of her glass

"Ichigo..." Urahara muttered

"In the flesh" Was his smug reply, accompanied by a twisted smirk

Urahara's eyebrows narrowed, his lips clamped together, his eyes, while shaded by his hat, burned holes into Ichigo's skull

He mentally debated whether on not to inch his hand closer to his Zanpakuto, however he noted that Ichigo had already drawn one of his swords, and he couldn't afford to take the risk

Not with his child just five feet behind him

"Are you alone?" Was Kisuke's silence breaking question

"I think you already know the answer to that" Was his mocking reply, a quick mental scan revealed seven more reiatsu signatures just outside the door

"What do you want?" Was Kisuke's next question

"I think you know" He stated, his thumb running up and down the hilt of Tensa Zangetsu

"I don't, why would I have asked otherwise?" He asked, his tone unchanging

"Don't fuck with me Kisuke" Was Ichigo's smug rebuttal "Tell me where it is"

"I have no idea what you're talking about" Kisuke confided once again

"Will any of your friends in the back?" Ichigo asked with a chuckle

Kisuke's skin turned ice cold at the statement

"Don't you-"

"I sense those two little brats...that Kido expert...oh, even my dear sweet cousin has payed you a visit" Ichigo laughed, scanning the reiatsu in the area "But there's a small signature I don't recognize"

"Stop it" Kisuke growled

"I wonder...just who is that?" Ichigo pondered, tapping his chin with his free hand "If you won't tell me then I guess my curiosity will get the better of me and-"

"Okay, enough!" Kisuke panted "My son, it's my son you're sensing"

"Your son?!" Ichigo laughed "Well this is a surprise! You and Yoruichi got down and dirty and the condom broke?"

"Not exactly" Kisuke snided

"Oh?" Ichigo sounded "You know what, I don't care. All I'm here for is what rightfully mine, now hand it over"

"I told you before, give it to me. I'm tired of these games Kisuke" Ichigo threatened

"And as I told you, I have no idea what you are talking about" Kisuke bluntly informed him

"Don't fuck around Kisuke" Ichigo threatened "Give me the Hogyoku"

All that brought forth was a confused look from the shopkeeper

"I'm not a patient man, Kisuke" Was Ichigo's response to the look

"I...was under the impression that the Hogyoku was in your possession" Kisuke spoke the truth

"Well...I suppose you could be telling the truth" Ichigo noted "But there's only one way to find out isn't there?"

Kisuke immediately understood the meaning behind that statement, and practically ripped his Zanpakuto out of its sheath

The instant he readied his eyes forward, Ichigo was already lunging towards him. An inevitable clash of their swords was due, but the clash of the two blades was cancelled out as a barrier appeared between the two, Tensa Zangetsu ricocheting off the Kido

"Danku" Kisuke muttered, recognizing the spell

"Boss" Were the caster of Kido, Tessai's booming words as he shoved the screen door aside

"Tessai, get-"

"It's already taken care of" Tessai affirmed him "Miss Kukaku is heading for the Senkaimon along with your child, a Hell Butterfly is also delivering the message"

"If you're calling for backup, I wouldn't bother" Ichigo scoffed as he aimed his blade towards the large man "We have that side taken care of"

The two men immediantly recognized the meaning behind those words

"You mon-" Tessai began

"Well then, Kisuke" Ichigo smirked as he once again readied his sword towards the shop keeper "Are you going to answer my question?"

"Jinta, Ururu"

The two aforementioned children stepped out of the doorway, the red haired boy holstering an overly large steel bat and the young girl possessed a large cannon, currently perched on her shoulder

"Are you using children to fight me?" Ichigo scoffed "How low will you sink Kisuke..."

"Pot, meet kettle" Was Kisuke's retort

"Very well then, but keep in mind" Ichigo stated as his reiatsu began to rise "It's Four Vs. Eight"

On cue, the rest of his forces stepped in through the front doors

Kisuke immediately recognized Rukia, despite her cropped hair, Uryu too was still recognizable. The other five however we a complete mystery to him

"Whenever you're ready Kisuke" Ichigo stated he drew his second blade

"I'm ready" Was his simple statement "Scream, Benihime!"

Starrk knew his instinct was right

The instant he felt the Reiatsu spike, the instant he felt the reiatsu of his former comrades, he knew what it meant

"Shit" Was his understanding statement as he leaped off the roof

"So you felt it too, right?"

His head whipped around to the sound of the voice, his eyes meeting the faces of The Vizards, Chad and Gantenbainne

"We all did too, in case you hadn't noticed" Love piped in

"So why are we just standing around?" Rose asked

"Let's get a move on" Shinji stated, throwing a nod in Starrk's direction

The former Espada simply nodded back as Lilinette appeared by his side

"Are you going to admit it?" He asked her

"Admit what?"

"That I was right?"


"Thought as much"

Renji's eyes darted back and forth between the three in front of him, he observed his three opponents, who were almost Shinigami in nature

"I don't recognize any of them..." He noted as he observed the three "I don't recognize their reiatsu either, they weren't here in the last invasion"

"'Asked you a question, kinda rude to ignore us" Ichiru noted

"Who are you?" Renji asked, his tattoo'ed eyebrows narrowing

"That is none of your concern" Daisuke informed him "All that matters is the question at hand"

"We're gonna need an answer Shinigami" Ichiru demanded

"You didn't even ask the actual question yet" Mithra grumbled

"Oh..." Ichiru realized "Right...the Hoyoka"

"Hogyoku" Daisuke corrected

"The Hogyoku, we'll be needing it back" Ichiru demanded

"What the hell are you talking about?" Renji question, glaring at the orange haired boy

"Something about this guy...it feels familiar"

"It's exactly as he stated" Mithra said as she stepped forward "We're taking the Hogyoku back with us, even if we have to rip Soul Society apart to find it. Just make it easier on yourself and hand it over to us, Shinigami"

"And like I just said, I have no idea what you're talking about, Arrancar" Renji spat back

"You don't speak to me like that" Mithra growled, stomping forward until her shoulder was grabbed by Ichiru

"Woah there, calm your tits Mithra"

"'The hell did you just say?!" She snapped

"Take it easy and undo the calamity that is your mammies" Ichiru repeated


"You don't speak to me like that!" Mithra roared as she flew her elbow into his face

"Honestly" Daisuke sighed, but then noted the incoming blade "Move"

"Wha-ARGH" Ichiru yelped as Daisuke grabbed his shoulder and darted off with a burst of Sonido. Mithra however decided to simply sidestep the extending Zabimaru

"You think an Arrancar would know to keep his eye on his enemy" Renji scoffed at the trio

"Arrancar?!" Ichiru spluttered "You think I'm an Arrancar?! They're Arrancar!"

"Thank you for sounding so offended" Daisuke sighed

"I am offended! I consider this racism!" Ichiru cried

"You don't even know what that word means" Mithra sighed "Look, are we here to take back the Hogyoku or not?"

"I was getting to it" Ichiru scoffed "You, Shinigami, Hogyoku, gimme"

"How many times are you going to make me repeat myself?" Renji glared as he retracted Zabimaru "I have no idea what you're talking about"

"Sunova..." Ichiru sighed as he unbuckled the case from his belt "Looks like we're doing this the hard way"

Renj immediately readied his blade as the Arrancar reached into the case

And pulled out a sheathed Nodachi.

"That's a pretty long sword, you know how to swing it?" Renji spat

"Alright, how are we doing this?" Ichiru asked as he readied his blade

"It seems he has a long range Zanpakuto..." Daisuke noted "I believe it would be best if Mithra handled him"

"Fine" Mithra agreed as she placed her hand on her hips "I'll take care of this one"

"And the two sneaking behind us?" Ichiru asked

"We'll have to take care of that" Daisuke nodded before the two vanished with a dash of Shunpo and Sonido

Dodging the two blades that were inches from cutting them down

"It's not nice to sneak up people, you know" Ichiru sighed as he reappeared behind his would-be attacker

"Not often do I find myself agreeing with him, but-" Daisuke sighed

"You're pretty fast" Came the voice of one of them "Really impressive that you manged to dodge it"

"Captain Yoruichi, why are complementing the enemy?" Came the voice of the other

"Nice to meet someone with manners" Ichiru chuckled "Yoruichi right? Yeah, the old man mentioned you a few times"

"Old man?" Yoruichi chuckled "I see Ichigo's soldiers have no respect for the man in charge"

"Respect?" Ichiru chuckled "Not a chance"

"We will ask you the same question" Daisuke stated "Where-"

"We're not here to answer your questions" Came the voice of the other one "We're here to stop you"

"Are you sure can, girl" Daisuke glared

"I am not just some woman" She glared "I am Squad Five Lieutenant, Momo Hinamori, now draw your sword"

"Impossible, I do not possess such a thing" Daisuke stated "My powers lie in something other than a blade

"If you don't have a sword, then just fall!" Hinamori shouted as she leapt into the air "Snap, Tobiume!"

An orb of fire immediately rescinded from the blade, coming towards the two

"You have it covered, I take it?" Ichiru shrugged

"Of course" Daisuke noted as he held up his hand, his jackets sleeve dipping down to reveal a bangle around his wrist

Which began to glow

"Principe Blindaje Gunbai"

The bangle turned into nothing more than a ring of light, which resolved into an orb which shot up into his hand. And then it took shape

Into a wide, hourglass shaped wooden fan, colored while with a black trim around it

Nevertheless, the flames continued to speed towards him, he held his fan towards it

And then it glew it white and absorbed the blast

"What?!" Hinamori cried out, before the Arrancar appeared beside her in the air

"Shinseigaeshi" he muttered

And a large flash ensued, with the force of Tobiume's blast firing out of the fan and right into Hinamori

"Hinamori!" Yoruichi cried out as the Lieutenant was blasted across the area, before her senses told her to be alert

"Oi, Oi" Came a groan from behind her that she recognized as the Orange haired foe "I could of totally stabbed you there"

"I doubt that" was her mocking reply as she tilted her head towards him "My instincts told me that you weren't going to attack"

"Oh?" He sounded "Well if that's the case, How about I actually attack you this time?"

"You can try, but you may wanna unsheathe your blade first" She smirked

"Oh, this thing?" he questioned as he observed the blade "This is its sealed form, If you want the whole thing...whatd'ya say? I'll show you mine if you show me yours"

"With pleasure" She smirked "Tear, Kurai Hyono Yoroi!"

The farmiliar gauntlets formed on her arms and legs, erecting an impressed whistle from Ichiru

"Oooh, shiny" He chuckled as he tossed his blade into his other hand "Alright, let's go the full shebang shall we?"

With that, he unsheathed the long blade and lifted the blade directly in front of his face

"I thought you said you were going to release your Zanpakuto?" Yoruichi questioned

"As many would like to tell you, I'm not good at keeping promises with Women"

And with that, he charged forth

Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez was a man who hunted down his prey, quickly as possible, a man who sunk his teeth into his foe and ripped them to shreds

Which is why this current situation was far from pleasing

The instant he landed down and introduced himself, he found him faced with a transparent wall. One they separated the panther and his prey

"Chuku Kirihana Shoheki" Was the declaration of the glasses wearing Lieutenant "I examined the reiatsu you Arrancar left behind, using it, I was able to make a barrier that prevents the likes of you passing through"

"I get it" He mumbled as he run his hand along the Kido "It feels like my power is being rejected...no, absorbed"

"I was appointed Lieutenant solely for my prowess in Kido" She stated, allowing a cocky smirk to show "You should know who you're messing with"

"Hey, hey" Shunsui pouted "I didn't appoint you as Lieutenant just for your prowess in Kido"

"Shut up Captain"

"Ah, shit...this is boring" Grimmjow sighed "All I did was come here to ask about the Hogyoku"

"The...Hogyoku?" Tatsuki mumbled to herself, the name felt familiar, perhaps Kisuke had mentioned it

"But if you don't know...let me ask another question, did you teach any of the other Shinigami this kido crap?"

Nanao's face turned sour at that remark

"No..." Was her truthful reply

"Then I'm off" Grimmjow sighed "I'll find someone who isn't a coward who hides behind walls"

"Wait, you're just going to leave?" Shunsui asked

"That's the plan" Grimmjow shrugged as he turned to leave "Aren't you going to try to stop me?"

"Not at all, you're free to leave" Shunsui smirked "Though should you feel the need to return, I'll have some tea prepared"

The Arrancar let out a mere grunt before dashing off

"Quickly now, we have to get you out of here" Shunsui stated to Tatsuki "You're just a Substitute, you've got no place here"

"But-" She began to plead

"No buts" Shunsui declared as he grabbed the girl by the shoulder "Hold your ground Nanao-chan"

"Yes" She nodded as the two disappeared in a flash of Shunpo

His prized Urahara Shoten went up in smoke the instant his sword clashed with Ichigo Kurosaki's Tensa Zangetsu, the sheer impact of their reiatsu blew the wooden walls apart, sending all the combatants to the street

Urahara carefully parried all the incoming blades coming at him, Tessai and Ururu assisted him in fighting them off while Jinta swung his bat at anyone in sight

"Shred, Benihime!" He declared as a red diamon shaped shield appeared in front of his blade, which proceeded to fire off sharp red projectiles, a majority of which were dodged, the others; blasted away by Ichigo's blade

Gamma Akutabi chainsword swung, aiming at Urahara's neck was parried by a kido barrier from Tessai who simultaneously blocked a strike from Cirucci

Arturo released an X shaped bala at Ururu, only for her to blast it before it could reach with her Bazooka. Uryu's Licht Regen aimed at Urahara was swifly dodged by the shopkeeper

"This is bad" Kisuke exclaimed to himself as he help the hat on his head "There's no way the four of us can hold all of them off, unless..."

"What's wrong Kisuke?" Ichigo mocked "Surely you're not afraid, are you?"

"Mocking me seems to be your new favorite passtime, doesn't it?" Kisuke scoffed back "But the fact is, you're now separated from the rest of your group"

"Meaning?" Ichigo questioned as he glared

"Meaning...Bakudo #85, Kura Bunkatsu"

"What?" Ichigo expressed as a black circle surrounded him and Kisuke "What is this?"

"Ichigo!" Rukia shouted as the circle around Ichigo and Kisuke began to form an orb

"What are you doing Kisuke?!" Ichigo snapped as the black orb completely surrounded them

"Separating you from your herd" Kisuke claimed as the orb began to crumble away

Revealing a completely new surrounding

"Where are we?" Ichigo questioned as he observed the unfarmiliar scenery, he looked down, noticing he seemed to be above forest of sorts

"Bakudo #85, Kura Bunketsu had the ability of spacial displacement" Urahara informed him "When the orb surrounded us, it took us to another point in space, granted it doesn't cover much of a distance but-"

"It moved us to another point in space...I see...then it's just like his power" Ichigo noted "No...this doesn't nearly cover the same distance as him"

"What are you talking about?" Kisuke snapped

"It doesn't matter" Ichigo declared as he readied his blades "Just inform me where we are so I can properly mark your tombstone"

"We're in Naruki City...and I'm not the one who's going to die today" Kisuke declared as he pointed Benihime towards Ichigo

"Did...did they just vanish?" Gamma asked as he stared as the spot where Ichigo and Urahra once stood

"Yup" Gintoki nodded

"You two should be on alert" Katsura informed them "Just because those two have left does not mean the battle has come to an end"

"You are correct!"

All three and the others turned their attention the owner of the voice

Shinji Hirako, accompanied by the Vizards, Gantenbainne, Starrk and Chad

"Starrk?" Gamma observed

"Chad?" Rukia and Uryu asked, agape

"Yo, yo, yo" Shinji smiled "As I'm sure you're aware, we're here to stop all of you"

"Great" Gamma sighed "So now it's twelve vs. seven..."

"Funny how numbers can change like that" Gintoki noted as he scratched his head

"Well..." Chad said "Where's Ichigo?"

"You just missed him" Gintoki noted "But that's fine, we're still here"

"If you stand in our way, we will cut you down"

"Alright ladies and Gentlemen, pick your opponent and let's get this show on the road...Hachi, Tessai, you know what to do

"Yes" He nodded as and Tessai clasped their hands together and both recited "Brethren-in-arms withdrawing for the distance of eight suns and standing still; blue bolt, white bolt, black bolt, red bolt; sinking into the ocean together seeking redemption

Ryubi no Jomon!"

Dozens, possibly hundreds or pillars formed around them until five huge door-like barriers formed around them

"Apologies, five is all we can manage for the time" Hachi apologized

"That's fine, we'll tag-team up" Shinji nodded

"Why is there a...door there?" Cirucci asked

"Koko no Jomon" They both declared as they weaved several handsigns, forming five watermill shaped barriers

"Should we stop him?" Arturo asked

"Probably" Gintoki shrugged

"Kigai no Jomon" they simultaneously declared as dozens of small hexagons to form five honeycomb like structures

"Fuck this!" Gamma roared as he charged forward

"Hoyoku no Jomon!" they roared as a five rings or fire surrounded their other kido spells, from the fire came many red planks and folded together to form a shape similar to birds wings

"Now..." Tessai mumbled


And with that, the five sets of four barriers linked together, creating five clear-black prison barrier around the arrancars

"'THE HELL?!" Gamma shouted as he trapped alone in one of them

"'Hoo boy" Gintoki sighed as he and Katsura were isolated in one of them

"In retrospect, we probably should of moved" Katsura noted

"Meirda" Arturo sighed as he too was trapped in one alone

"Well shit" Cirucci sighed as she was stuck in one, accompanied by Rukia

"Suppose this is the way is has to be" Uryu noted as he too was alone in one them

"Split up" Shinji commanded entering the barrier with Gamma through the Koko no Jomon

"Wait, that thing is a door?" Gamma asked "If that's the case, what's stopping me for leaving?"

"Me" Shinji smiled

"'That right?" Gamma scoffed

"Yo, looks like we're playing doubles" Gintoki noted as Love and Rose entered their barrier

"Very well then" Katsura nodded

"Let's make this quick and painless boys, we all got stuff to do" Love claimed as he picked his ear

"Don't screw around, Mashiro " Kensei commanded

"Aww Kensei, you're no fun!" Mashiro pouted as they entered one of the barriers

"A la mierda" Arturo sighed the two began to approach him

"So, the designated girl fight then?" Cirucci questioned as Hiyori and Lisa entered the barrier with her and Rukia

"Looks that way" Rukia sighed "Are you ready?"

"Of course I am" She nodded

"I'm sorry it has to be this way...Uryu" Chad apologized as he and Gantenbainne entered the barrier with his old friend

"You have nothing to apologize for" Uryu confided "If you've stepped in here, it's because you have every intention of fighting me"

"Uryu...you were the one who doubted Ichigo the most...so why didn't you switch sides like I did?" Chad questioned

"I can't switch sides now...I have to protect" The Quincy glared "Things I will lose if I do..."

"Is that the only reason...?" Chad questioned again

"Maybe it is, maybe it isn't" Uryu scoffed


"It's useless Chad" Gantainbainne informed him "He's not going to listen..."

"Yeah...suppose you're right" Chad sighed sadly before forming the armor on both his arms

The Quincy drew his bow in response

"Sir Hachigen, please remain outside to maintain the barriers" Tessai asked

"Of course" He nodded

"Very well then" He thanked as he too entered one of the barriers "Apologies Hirako-san, but I can't just sit by and-"

"It's fine" Shinji nodded "I could use your help anyway"

"Two on one, you guys just don't care about playing fair do you?" Gamma chuckled before he revved up his chainsword "But that's okay...neither do I"

Starrk and Lilinette looked around the five barriers laid around them, they decided to charge forth, intending to join Shinji and Tessai

"No" Were the words that stopped him

"What?" Starrk exclaimed

"Listen Starrk...you got some business with Ichigo" Shinji stated, tilting his head back to the Arrancar "And quite frankly...I dunno if Kisuke is enough to hold him"

Pausing for a while, he understood the meaning of his words and he and Lilinette took off in the direction of Ichigo's reiatsu

Kugo Ginjo stopped dead in his tracks at the sudden change in atmosphere

He was rushing to Karakura as a mass of Shinigami and Hollow reiatsu surged, one of the Reiatsu signatures apparently belonging to Ichigo Kurosaki

However, it seemed like he didn't have to travel far, as that signature suddenly felt a lot closer

"What the?" Ginjo wondered aloud "Did that energy just jump?"

Sensing it, he found it felt similar to Karin, the only way that familiarity could be

Was if they were related...

"Don't know why...don't know how...but for some reason he just got a lot closer" Ginjo noted

"Ginjo!" Came the cry of Jackie Tristan as she finally caught up "Enough already!"

"Not when we're so close!" Ginjo roared to her and prepared to charge forward

Only for a Senkaimon to open in front of them

And Tatsuki Arisawa to exit it

"Are you just gonna stand there all day or are you going to attack?" Mithra demanded an answer

"Like I'd attack a woman first" Renji scoffed as he crossed his arms

"If this some bullshit sign of chauvinism then piss off" She growled "Or are you just afraid that woman is stronger than you?"

"It doesn't matter if you're stronger or not, I'm not going to attack first"

"Is this the way the Shinigami world operates?...tch, and I never thought I'd say this, but I'm glad Kurosaki isn't like that"

"You're glad Ichigo isn't like me?" Renji spat "I wouldn't be that grateful..."

"Idiot, I wasn't talking about Ichigo Kurosaki" Mithra scoffed

"What do you mean?" Renji glared

"It doesn't matter" She scoffed as she pulled up one of her sleeves "Just stand still so I can shoot you"

Her rolled up sleeve exposed her wrist, also exposing her Quincy cross

"W-What?!" Renji stuttered

"Atom-Herz!" She roared as the cross exploded in a mass of energy

"No, that's impossible!" He gaped as a long bow appeared in the girls hand

"Like I said, stand still" She commanded as she pulled back and an arrow formed "I want to kill you in the fewest shots possible

Yoruichi roared as she flung her fist towards Ichiru, who blocked the incoming strike with his blade

"Geez, come on" Ichiru sighed "If this is your limit then I've really been misinformed on what you can do..."

Yoruichi was about to swing her other fist into his face, only for him to disappear

And re-appear behind her, with his blade firmly placed in her back

Until he realized that all he had stabbed was her Captain's haori

"Stealth Hoho: Shiho #3" Came her voice from his left "Utsusemi"

"I knew it" He smiled as he flung the haori off the blade and rested the Nodachi on his shoulder "There is more to Flash Master Yoruichi after all..."

"Oh you better believe it" She smiled as she vanished causing Ichiru to raise an eyebrow

Before he was blasted away


Backflipping in the air, Ichiru slammed his hand down, digging his hand into the ground in attempt to grind to a halt

Eventually stopping, he sighed as he attempted to regain his breath, his hand still buried in the ground

"Having a little trouble?" She smirked "Boys nowadays are all talk and no action"

"You almost hit me in the balls" Ichiru grumbled as he righted himself "That's like...the dickiest of dick moves...no...actually the dickiest of dick moves would be if you actually hit me in the balls..."

"Is this guy for real?" Yoruichi asked herself "Then again...I don't think I should underestimate someone who took a hit from Kurai Hyono Yoroi and shrugs it off just like that

Plus...I'm certain I've never met him before but...for some reason, he feels familiar"

"I have the feeling you're holding back on me" Yoruichi informed with a glare

"Well, maybe I am and maybe I'm not" Ichiru shrugged "Look I'm just gonna ask you know, 'kay? Where is...the...thingy"

"Hogyoku" Came Daisuke's far off voice

"Thank you, Hogyoku" Ichiru nodded

"The Hogyoku?" She wondered aloud "Didn't the reports say Ichigo had it?"

"Great, so you don't know either, fan-tucking-fastic" He grumbled "Well shit, if that's the case; I'm outta here"

"I'd like to see you try" Yoruichi glared once more

"I don't wanna kill you" Ichiru stated in a cold voice, unlike his usual tone

Yoruichi charged forth again, a punch meeting nothing but air as Ichiru disappeared, re-appearing behind her and taking a swing with sword, likewise; meeting nothing but air. Sensing her appearing from behind, he dashed around her

"Every time he dodges or intends to strike, he runs around in a half-circle formation, maybe because he's not venerable until his sword is within cutting distance, I can't strike him until he's directly in front of me either..."

"Hado #31: Shakkaho" She declared as she fired the blast behind her, which was sliced by Ichiru's blade

"Hado #58: Tenran" She shouted as she jumped back and fired the tornado-like blast from her hand

Ichiru launched himself into the air to avoid it, where he noted her preparing another spell

"Bakudo #30: Shitotsu Sansen" She voiced as a triangle made of Kido appeared in front of her and fired off three rods from each point

Dodging the blast once more, he re-appeared behind her but before he could swing his blade, he was greeted with an elbow to the chest and kick, knocking him back

Slamming his hand once again to grind to a halt and dodging another Shitotsu Sansen, he once again ran fourth in a half-circle motion

Swinging his blade once more, it was blocked by one of Yoruichi's gauntlets

Afterwards, she muttered just one word


Mithra aimed her bow directly at the red haired Shinigami's head, and without hesitation, fired the arrow

The Shinigami sided stepped it and it's then that he swung his long range Zanpakuto at the girl. Using the bow itself to deflect it, Mithra charged forward while drawing an another arrow

Pulling the blade back and dodging the shot, Renji leapt high into the air

"I'm not letting you get away" Mithra confirmed as she leapt after him

"That feeling...she's following me using Hiren Kyaku...so she is a Quincy. But how? Ishida is the only one still alive, he-"

Seeing another arrow reading his way, Renji swiped it away with his blade. Seeing many more coming his way, he continued to swipe them away until they shredded his blade

"Higa Zekko!" He howled as he sent the segments of the blade towards her

She glared at incoming blades, aimed her bow and uttered;

"Licht Regen"

Shooting dozens of arrows, Mithra smacked the segments of Zabimaru away, also having Renji dodge the remainder of the shots. The shinigami shunpo'ed away as he held the broken remains of his Shikai

"Guess I don't have a choice" He grumbled as he held the blade in front of his face "Bankai"

"It's strange" Yoruichi noted to herself as he parried each one of Ichiru's strikes "He's suddenly gotten a lot faster"

Slicing more and more and seeing that he was getting nowhere, Ichiru glared and uttered


Yoruichi's eyes widened as he swung his sword down, sending a slender beam in her direction

"Damn!" She cursed as she blocked it with her gauntlets "It's like...Ichigo's Getsuga Tensho!"

She attempted to swat the blast away only for it to push her back further

"Damn it! How long does this thing last?! I've been pushed back about a hundred feet and it's not even beginning to fade away!"

Sensing she wasn't going to be able to deflect it, she shunpo'ed away from the blast, sending the beam into the sixth division barracks, which it sliced clean through

"What is with old ladies like yourself and over confidence?" Ichiru grumbled "Seriously, the hell did you tear the clothing off your back with that Shunpo thing, you tryna seduce me?"

"Little boys like you don't understand the allure of a real woman" She smirked back

"In what universe are you a real woman?" Ichiru scoffed "You're just a naggy old hag...with a...somewhat nice body...I guess"

"I wonder if the father of my child feels the some way" She smiled once again

"Geez, you're a mom?" Ichiru gurgled "No wonder you're so annoying...Typical MILF...though with that body you could never tell you had a ki-what the hell am I doing, why aren't I killing you?!"

"Good question!" Yoruichi shouted as dashed forward, Ichiru ran forth in his typical half-circle formation "There you go again, running around in a circle"

"It's so I have a good clean shot at slitting your throat!" He roared as he aimed his blade at her jugular

"What a waste" She declared as she shunpoed away "And here I was-"


"W-What?!" Yoruichi quietly gasped as she felt her back get slashed

"What was a waste?" Ichiru asked from behind her

"How did you..." She grumbled as he jumped in the air, away from him "I didn't even blink, didn't sense any change in his reiatsu and yet, he got behind me and cut me

It was strange...I didn't feel like he used his speed...or even Shunpo to get behind me"


Yoruichi looked down at the source of the noise, seeing the orange haired boy standing directly below her, with his blade drawn

"Zanmetsu" He called once again

She dodged the thin beam this time, which didn't halt until it reached the top of the Shakonmaku

"What was it you said you were called...Flash Master Yoruichi?" Ichiru scoffed as Yoruichi landed on the ground "And yet, there you are with a gash on your back, maybe you got that nickname because from what I've heard; you seemed to enjoy taking your clothes off"

Yoruichi grumbled at him, still trying to figure it out

"It wasn't Shunpo...It wasn't pure speed either so how was he able to get behind me so fast?"

"You're wide open!" He roared as he ran forth, his blade once again aiming at her throat, which she blocked

"He didn't cut me this time..." she noted "Perhaps he can use extreme speed in short bursts?"

Ichigo continued to swing his blade faster and faster, to the point where Yoruichi was completely on the defensive

"Shit! I have to get out of this!"

"Hado #57: Daichi Tenyo!" she roared as she lifted her hand, sending large rocks surrounding them to fly towards Ichiru , who sliced through them with his blade

"Hado #32: Okasen!" Yoruichi shouted as fired the large yellow blast at Ichiru, who launched into the air to avoid it

"Think...think!" She cried to herself "There must be a weakness, there has to be a reason why he can't just appear behind me anymore!

Wait...appear...and when he cut me, he was standing at...could it be? Can he..."

"Only one way to find out" She informed herself "Hado #12: Fushibi"

"What the-?!" Ichiru cried out as he was entangled within a large orange spider-like web "What is this?"

"Looks like you underestimated the size of the kido and decided it wasn't worth dodging" She smiled "That should keep you in place for a while"

"You seriously think this will stop me?" He scoffed as he began to rip free

"Time to test out my theory" She declared to herself "Hado #31: Shakkaho"

"Shit!" Ichiru declared as the fiery red blast neared him "That'll light up this web like a freakin' christmas tree"

Closer and closer it emerged, and it soon went up in flames

Yoruichi observed the scenery as the smoke cleared, the two kido's having faded away

But Ichiru stood there on the ground, unharmed

And she smirked as she looked down at him


The orange haired boys eyes widened at her remark but his expression changed to a much more annoyed one

"Well...shit" he grumbled "You figured it out..."

"Futhermore, your teleportation is limited" She smiled "I figured that out since when you cut me, you were standing where I had knocked you back after activating Kurai Hyono Yorai and the place where launched that Zanmetsu attack up at me was where I knocked you back for a second time after using Shunko

Each time, when you dug your hand into the ground, you planted something that allowed her to teleport, didn't you?"

"God damn..." He sighed as lifted his foot

Revealing the Kanji "星斗/Seito", etched in the ground

"Seito...as in star?" She questioned

"That's right...I can plant these markings anywhere and I can teleport to them at any given time" He declared as he held his Zanpakuto out "This is the the power of my Zanpakuto; Orai Seito"

"Your Zanpakuto's power?" Yoruichi asked with a raised eyebrow "But you said-"

"I said I was good at lying to women" He smirked "My Zanpakuto was released the entire time, in fact; it's always released, I'm not very good at controlling my reiatsu..."

"Who are you...?" She asked with a glare

"Well my name is Ichiru" He smirked as he slung his blade over his shoulder "My second name...well, I don't feel like telling you"

Yoruichi eye's burned a hole into the boys head, possibilities running through her head

The theory of him being Ichigo Kurosaki's son and therefore making her the father of his uncle was not one of them...

"Hikotsu Taiho!"

The large beam shot forward from his Bankai, aiming directly at the girl; who swiftly dodged it

"You honestly thought that was going to hit? How stupid" She spat

"'That right?!" Renji roared as he swung Hihio Zabimaru towards the girl

Only for her hold out her hand and stop it dead in its tracks

"Yes...it is" She declared coldly as she yanked the Bankai forward

"What the hell?!" Renji snapped as he flew towards the girl

"Now..." She breathed as she pulled back her bow, an large arrow forming "Titan Schuss"

Firing the massive shot at the Shingami, it came within inches of blowing his head off, the Shinigami discarded his Bankai and vanished in a dash of Shunpo, causing the arrow to smash into the barracks

And send them up in flames

"Woah! Holy shit Mithra!" Ichiru laughed "When did you learn to do that?"

"You idiot, you helped me develop it!" She roared

"Oh yeah..."

"Honestly Kurosaki" She spat

"Oh come on, you know you love me" Ichiru smiled up at her

"Shut up" she mumbled as Renji re-appeared, reclaiming his dropped Bankai

"Whatever ails ya" He shrugged

"You seem to be getting along pretty well, 'that your girlfriend?" Yoruichi chuckled

"Not quite..." He chuckled back "Don't get me wrong, I've asked her out more times than I can count but she turns me down everytime, quite frankly I'm starting to think she plays for the other team, you know what I'm saying?"

The instant he finished that statement, an arrow landed just two feet from his head

"Mithra!" He yelped

"Pay attention!" Renji roared as he leapt back toward her, swinging Hihio Zabimaru

"You're implying my attention ever left you" Mithra stated coldly as she drew her bow again

"She's really hot when she's angry" Ichiru laughed

"You should listen to his advice, pay attention" Yoruichi threatened

"Relax...I know what I'm doing" He smiled

Daisuke Schiffer sat down as he observed his two friends battle their Shinigami opponents

His battle had ended before it had even began. Leaving him with more than enough time to sit down and observe

"Hinamori!" Came two simultaneous cries from behind him

However, his observation was interrupted as two Shinigami's had seemingly discovered their defeated comrade. Tilting his head back, he caught sight of two Shinigami observing the girl, before focusing their gaze on him

"Short, white hair, captain with an orange haired, large breasted female lieutenant" He muttered to himself

"You're the one who did this to Hinamori aren't you?!" Came the snapping voice of the Captain as he drew his Zanpakuto

"Indeed I am, Toshiro Hitsugaya" He confirmed as he got to his feet and observed his two opponents "And Rangiku Matsumoto"

"You know of us" Hitsugaya glared as Rangiku too drew her sword

"Indeed I do, I observed the information given to us by Kurosaki-sama several times over my lifetime" Daisuke responded blankly "Since you seem to be engaging me in battle allow me to introduce myself; I am Daisuke Schiffer, I possess powers you have neer seen before so if you do indeed wish to face me, allow me to inform you; you will lose"

"I will not back down" Was Hitsugaya's stern reply

"I see then...then seeing how it's two against one, allow me to even the odds"

Clutching his gunbai in one hand, he lifted up his other arm high up, causing his jackets sleeve to roll down, revealing another bracelet on his opposite wrist; which too began to glow

And took the form of a monk's staff

"Personal Monje Principe" He declared as he lowered the staff "Now that I'm weilding two weapons, this makes things a little farer, no?"

"I don't believe this!" Jinta roared examined the five separate fights going on "They friggin' leave us out the fight!"

"Jinta, maybe we should-" Ururu meekly began

"Cram it!" He snapped "Hey, pink head, let us in!"

"A battlefield is no place for children" Was Hachigen's reply

"Why you-"

"No, he's right"

Jinta and Ururu turned their head towards the source of the voice

"Mr. Shiba?" Ururu questioned

"You two should get out of here" He said as he placed his palms on the kids shoulders "Go back to the ground and wait for this all to end"

"Okay" Ururu nodded as she grabbed a hold of Jinta and flew to the ground "Goodbye Mr. Shiba!"

"Hey Ururu! Let go me, I'll-"

"I don't see Ichigo...nor do I sense him..." Ichigo muttered

"If you're looking for Ichigo Kurosaki, then you should know that Kisuke Urahara teleported both of them away with Bakudo #85"

"Kisuke did?" Isshin asked before he closed his eyes and tried to sense Ichigo's presence "I feel it...it's around Naruki City"

"Go, we can deal with them" Hachi informed Isshin

"Thank you" Isshin nodded before speeding off

"It's time...Ichigo"

Ginjo and Jackie stared ahead at the girl in front of them, who was completely oblivious to either of their presences, with wide eyes

The Senkaimon closed behind her, the girl, sensing the fluctuation of reiatsu, darted her vision from side to side, which is when she caught the two fullbringers in her line of sight

"Who are you two?" She questioned with a raised eyebrow

"Shit...Ginjo" Jackie seethed

The man simply glared ahead at the female Shinigami

"Answer me, who are you?" Tatsuki demanded as she placed her hand on the hilt of her Zanpakuto "They don't seem to be Shinigami..."

"Who are you" Ginjo spat back "I think that's the real question here"

"Substitute Shinigami, Tatsuki Arisawa" Was her spiting reply which froze up Ginjo

"Sub...stitute Shinigami?" Ginjo reiterated with wide eyes

"Shit...that probably means she had a badge" Jackie growled "Ginjo...we-"

"Yeah...I know" He stated coldly as he moved his hand to his necklace

Tatsuki in response, gripped the hilt of her blade harder. However upon seeing that Ginjo was not going to back down, she unsheathed the blade

"If you don't back off right now..." She warned, but the two fullbringers refused to budge "Alright them...Screech, Sa-"

"Invaders Must Die"

All three would-be combatants eyes widened a mesh of what appeared to be black pixels began to envelop the substitute shinigami

"What the hell?!" Tatsuki roared as she was imprisoned "What is this! Let me out of here!"

From the outside, the pixels took the form of a thin rectangular block with red progress bar and text reading 'Saving' above it

"What the...that's-" Ginjo mumbled

The red progress bar completely filled, changing the text to 'Complete'

"And there we go" Came the sigh of a young boy

"Yukio, what did you just do?" Ginjo growled at the new arrival

"What do you think?" He shrugged "You heard her yourself, she's a substitute, things would turn it pretty bad if you actually fought her, so I did you a favor"

"You little-"

"Yukio's right Ginjo" Jackie agreed "Listen, we have a Shinigami with us now, that's all we need"

"No it isn't" Ginjo growled "We need to ally ourselves with Ichigo, that's why we're rushing over here in the first place!"

"Listen damn it!" Jackie roared, just as Karin arrived on the scene "Kid, maybe you can talk some sense into him"

"Your Bringer Light is pretty slow" Yukio sighed as he turned on his portable gaming console "I passed you back there like three minutes ago"

"Well maybe it wouldn't be so slow if you let me train within your fullbring!" She snapped

"There's no time for this!" Ginjo snapped "We-"

"Wait, who did Yukio save in his fullbring?" Karin questioned

"Tatsuki something" Jackie began to reply "apparently, she's a substi-"

"Tatsuki...Arisawa?!" Karin gasped

"Yeah, you know her?" Jackie asked

"She...she was one of Ichi-Nii's best friends..." Karin muttered

"She was?" Ginjo questioned "Then why is she with the Soul...screw it, if she's friends with Ichigo then maybe taking her back will help us gain Ichigo's trust"

"And how are we going to convince her after practically kidnapping her?!" Jackie snapped

"Tsukishima" He muttered, it being the only thing that needed to be said "Now come on, Ichigo's just a little farther ahead!"

"Kugo!" Jackie roared but he had already dashed forward with Bringer Light, leaving her no choice but to pursue him "Damn it..."

"Wait up!" Karin cried as she ran after them, leaving Yukio alone

"Honestly" He sighed

"La Gota"

"Shit!" Ikkaku Madarame cursed as he dodged the water blast from above, however the sheer force of the blast sent him flying back

"Ikkaku!" Yumichika roared

"Relax, idiot!" He shouted as he appeared beside him "I'm-"


Before Ikkaku could get another word out, a deep gash laid upon his body

"Ikkaku!" Yumichika shouted as he witnessed his friend fall to the ground before turning his attention to the Arrancar "Damn you!"

He dashed upwards, his Zanpakuto drawn and stuck against the Espada's large shark-fin like blade



Yumichika could not finish his sentence, as Harribel called down a large torrent of water which smashed him to the floor

"D-Damn it" Yumichika gasped out as he laid on the ground

Harribel prepared herself to deliver a final blow, only for a sound to pique her interest

"Ho? Such a naughty appearance" Came an oily voice from behind her "If I give you a few yen, will you take the rest off?"

Harribel eased her head around to face the source of the voice, meeting an unfarmiliar face

"Who are you?" She questioned

"Me? Well I'm Squad 4 Captain Seinosuke Yamada" Came his smiling reply "You'll find my lieutenant on the ground below healing those you just took care of"

A small gander confirmed that a silver haired woman was down below, healing both men

"I am Tercera Nueva Espada, Tia Harribel" She retorted

"That you are...and it seems that you have a water type Zanpakuto" Seinosuke smirked "I believe that makes me an ideal opponent for you"

"Are you implying what I think you are?" Harribel questioned with a glare

"Oh yes I am" he smiled "Stray, Chikyufu Tohi"

"Woah, geez!" Gintoki yelped as he dodged as shot from Love's Tengumaru

Another swing from the large club was stopped by Katsura, was knocked it away with his blade. However, he dashed backwards to avoid a shot from Rose's Kinshara

"Having trouble Zura?" Gintoki chuckled

"It's not Zura, It's Katsura" He merely replied "And no, I am not struggling against our opponents, and it would be appreciated if you actually contributed something to the fight"

"Well...we gotta make it fair for them, don't we?" Gintoki smikred as he and Katsura pointed their blades to the two vizards

"If you're holding back, now's the time to stop" Love stated as he dispelled his hollow mask "You two better start taking things seriously now, you dig?"

"He's right" Rose added "If you two aren't going to fight seriously, then just lay down your weapons and surrender"

"You hear that Zura? They're mocking us" Gintoki scoffed "We can't have that now, can we?"

"It's not Zura, it's Katsura...And no we cannot!"

The two dashed forward, Gintoki's wooden blade meeting Love's Tengumaru, the blades were interlocked and Gintoki knocked Love back with a kick, sending him flying into the wall of the barrier, however the Vizard righted himself and springboarded off the wall, swinging down Tengumaru once again. Gintoki braced himself and blocked the strike

"Your movements are pretty sharp" Love complimented as he swung his Zanpakuto several more times, each time blocked by Gintoki

"You won't get away, you're already caught in my Kinshara's web" Rose stated as he donned his hollow mask and extended his whip-like Zanpakuto

Katsura carefully dodged each incoming swing, until he had no choice but to block them. And Rose took this opportunity to wrap Kinshara around his blade.

Katsura silently cursed as he was yanked forward, however he was able to free his blade and take a swing at Rose which the vizard narrowly avoided, blasting him back with a swing of Kinshara. Katsura righted himself in the air and prepared his blade once again, dodging and blocking shots from Kinshara, however, the flower-stem like protrusion at the end of the blade latched onto him

"Kinshara Sonata #11; Izayoi Bara"

With that call, the tip of the blade detonated, leaving a large blast and cloud of smoke

"Zura!" Gintoki called out just as he dodged a strike from Love

"That's one down" Rose sighed "Love, I took care of that raggedy samurai, I'll-"

"I'm not a raggedy samurai"

Rose's eyes widened, a large gash appearing on his shoulder before her could turn around to view his attacker

"Rose!" Love shouted

As Rose began to fall down, his eyes caught sight of his attacker, who apart from his robes being slightly charred, looked exactly the same

"I'm Katsura"

"Bankai, Tekken Tachikaze!"

"Extend your flaming wings, Fenix!"

Kensei and Arturo, now in their strongest states, charged forward and clashed. Kensei's bladed gauntlets clashing against Arturo's reiatsu blades


A quick boot from Arturo interrupted her attack and sent her flying out the watermill shaped gate, out of the barrier

"Wheeeee!" She cried as she plummeted to the ground

"God damn it..." Kensei sighed

"The little girl had no place in a man's fight" Arturo glared "Now it's just the two of us"

"Fine by me" Kensei growled as he donned his mask

Kensei and Arturo sent a flurry on punches and sword strikes at each other, each punch and strike parrying the other. They threw another punch and strike at each other; ending with them in deadlock.

However, eventually the two weapons freed from the others grip, Kensei's bladed fist narrowly missing Arturo's face, Arturo's reiatsu blade narrowly missing Kensei's face. The two leapt back to opposite ends of the barrier, jumping off the walls and once again clashing in the centre of the kido spell. The sheer force of each other blocking the others attack sent them both spinning back to the walls once again. Both righted themselves once more and unleased a torrent assault on the other, some of Kensei's punches connected, some of Arturo's sword swings connected, leaving noticable cuts on both mens arms.

Arturo swiftly dodged an uppercut and began to dash around with bursts of Sonido; believing speed to be his greatest asset at the moment. Kensei did his best to try and keep track of the Arrancar, but the instant he lost sight of him, he knew what was coming and jumped back to avoid a stab from above. Seeing he now had the advantage, Arturo formed a second blade around his other hand and flailed wildly as Kensei, who could only defend. Their blades interlocked once more before Kensei kicked him off, he threw his fist forward, unleashing a torrent of wind forward which Arturo dodged

"Tachikaze...severing wind" Arturo noted

The hollowfication began to increase Kensei's speed as the two clashed once more over and over again, they practically bouncing off the walls at the point. Their clashes were so great that minor cracks began to appear in the barriers walls.

And that's when decided to fire a cero...

Kensei, sensing there was no way he could dodge it in time, he did all he could do and exited the barricade

The red blast filled the barrier, covering it in a cloud of smoke, of which Arturo dashed through and out of the barrier, clashing with Kensei once again

Hachigen cringed internally as what he saw, they had exited the barrier, they was no holding them back now...

More punches and swings were thrown, each other sending them further and further away from their comrades

And before long, they had reached the Karakura river back, crashing through the above bridge connecting the roads

"What the hell?!" Was the cry of many confused drivers at the sudden destruction of the bridge

Arturo pushed Kensei further and further back until they were practically skimming along the water. However Kensei grinded to a halt and few a single punch with everything he had. Arturo likewise put all of his available reiatsu into his blades and swung down

The sudden explosion at see could be seen from a mile away

"Holy shit, did you see that?!" A passerby shouted

"Was that some kind of explosion?"

"What happened!"

"Did a bomb go off?!"


Within the water pouring down, Kensei and Arturo reemerged with a dash of Shunpo and Sonido, on empty Karakura Town beach

"You're pretty good" Kensei nodded

"Thank you" Arturo smirked

"Let us advance Sasakibe" Yamamoto commanded his Lieutenant as they exited their squad barracks

"Yes sir...I sensed approximentally nine signatures but two seem to have disappeared, out of the remaining seven, I sense four of which are currently in battle"

"Which means three of them are out there biding their time" Yamamoto grumbled "Very well, Sasakibe, can you locate th-"


Smashing down onto the bridge in front them, the three signatures they were about to look for had just arrived

They immediately recognized Orihime Inoue, who was gently gliding on her Santen Kesshun shield

The other two were complete mystery however...

"Aren't you glad I caught you and tagged along?" One chuckled

"Silence" Was the reply of the other

"Who are you?" Sasakibe demanded "identity yourselves"

"I am Ulquiorra Schiffer, Primera Nueva Espada" He declared, already in his Segunda Etapa form

"Call me Grimmjow, the Segunda" The other smiled, also already in his released state

"Very well then" Yamamoto boomed "You have saved me the trouble of looking for you..."

"Shred, Benihime"

Forming the red shield in front of his blade, Urahara fired off a barrage of energy bullets at Ichigo, who blocked each one with his two blades

"Getsuga Tensho!" Ichigo roared through his mask, firing the titular blast. Urahara, sensing his shield would not be enough, wisely dodged the blast

"Damn" Kisuke cursed internally as he tried to parry both of Ichigo's blades

"You're running out of time Kisuke!" Ichigo howled as he swung his blades

"Scream, Benihime!" Urahara cried out, the red blast managing to get Ichigo to back away

Kisuke charged forth, swing Benihime down to Ichigo's head, which he blocked with both his blades.

"Getsuga Tensho" Ichigo quietly muttered

The instant the black energy began to form around Tensa Zangetsu, Kisuke backed off with a dash of Shunpo, causing the Getsuga to hit nothing but the clouds

"Kamisore, Benihime!" Kisuke yelled as he fired a red-wave shape blast, Ichigo retorted by firing another Getsuga at it, the two blasts creating a cloud of smoke

"What's wrong Kisuke?" Ichigo laughed "All out of ideas?"

"Hardly" He glared as he raised his blade once more "Scream-"


However, the sound of them calling out the names of their attacks were drowned out by four simultaneous shouts, two from behind Kisuke

"Burn, Engetsu!"

"Kick, Los Lobos!"

And two from behind Ichigo

"Cross of Scaffold!"

"Dirty Boots"