
The nuclear test (Rough draft)

After the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the world was afraid of the might of nuclear threat. Due to this scientist tried to find a way to create a more controlled way to create a weapon. After a breakthrough, some scientists found a way to use nuclear waste and alter it in order to give people special powers. Numerous human experiments were made until finally there was a breakthrough. A little after this many advanced countries became able to succeed, however even if there was a breakthrough, the rate of people who were able to acquire powers after being exposed to the waste was still low. After numerous experiments in 1990, all the countries of the world decided to gather and sign a treaty to stop human experimentation. However, when the first generation of children was being born the radioactive molecules in the air gathered in different spots and created gates to different realms. These gates contained massive resources and along with it come monsters and new civilizations. These gates were successfully hidden from the public by governments around the world. It's now the year 2014, Luis is living a regular life in New York. Not liked by anyone, he was adopted his aunt's family due to his parents' death. His only moments of peace were when he trained his body and when he watched and read anime and manga, and hangs out with his cousin. One day during one of his runs a strange bag fell on him, which will lead to a change in his life.

Grasshopper_sensei · Thành phố sách
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94 Chs

Vigilantes dinner

"These two are Edd and John. They are not good with guns and physically so you won't see them around that often. But they are good at gathering information for us." (Argus)

Edd has a beard with black hair, not many notable descriptions, I'd say he's got a very generic face. Just like his partner, except that John is cleanly shaven. They both are in their late twenties, or at least I assume them to be. Also pointing out that they are not good at combat? Is that okay?

"Hello there." (Edd)

"Nice to meet you." (John)

"... Aren't you guys too trusting, pointing out that they aren't good at combat and only gather information? For all, you guys know I could easily be deceiving you." (Luis)


Nobody answers. The room remains quiet, is that something I wasn't supposed to point out? Did something happen to them before? I should probably fix the mood a bit.

"*Clears throat* I mean, not that I... would do so." (Luis)

Well, that was great, when it comes directly from the perpetrator it doesn't sound very convincing, now does it?

"...Yes...um-" (Rebecca)

Sara walks over to where we are.

"If the introductions are over now. Can we get someone to help me with the food?" (Sara)

"...Alright! Let's go help Sara everyone!" (Argus)

Thanks for rescuing e of this awkward situation. With that, everyone but Edd and John went to help out Sara make some food.

We all helped in some way or another. Whether it was through setting up the table. Cutting something or other, or doing the actual cooking. We were done with everything in about 15 minutes. Dinner, a lot of scrambled eggs with some bacon and toast. After the preparations were done we sat at the table.

"Alright then, time to eat everyone!" (Sara)

With that, we started eating along with some small chat here and there. The dinner table was lively, everybody talked, I joined in the conversations on topics that I knew about. I guess it was the most relaxation I've had in a while.

Usually, I have to eat alone after a long day of patrolling here and there. I guess I liked this atmosphere a bit. It reminds me a bit of the old times with... I should probably refrain from thinking that too much. We were there for about an hour chatting away at the table.

"Oh wait! Hold on guys, we gotta do a toast! Sara, bring out the alcohol! Peter! Bring out the cups!" (Argus)

"Alright!" (Sara)

Alexander nods.

"You guys do realize a minor right?" (Luis)

"A minor doesn't go around bringing down criminal organizations and killing people." (Peter)

I thought about it for a second.

"Touché." (Luis)

Sara and Peter return to the table give us each some alcohol and a cup. After Argus made sure that everyone had received a cup he started his small toast.

"Well then, this toast is for the Dark Menaces and the-" (Argus)

"Luis" (Luis)

"What was that?" (Argus)

"Name is Luis, I prefer that one." (Luis)

"If you prefer Luis, why did you call yourself Dark Menace?" (Peter)

"I didn't name myself that (the author did! I have a poor naming sense guys, gomenasai!), I was given that name in the streets and it stuck to me. I just used it cause I found it convenient."

Sara laughs.

"Using a name like that because you find it convenient?" (Sara)

"Yes." (Luis)

"In that case, as I was saying. This toast is for Luis' and the Vigilantes accomplishment of bringing down Crimson Night!" (Argus)

"Cheers!" (Everyone)

I look at the cup, should I be drinking at a place like this? Should I be drinking at all? Well.. a little won't hurt. Everybody already drank their's sooo... I'll only be having one cup. Everyone looks at me as I drink the alcohol. This shits a bit bitter...I've heard that people vomit the first time they ever have alcohol because it is a harmful substance. Or was it something else? I don't know.

I drink the whole cup and put it down.

"So, how was your first taste?" (Argus)

"Shit taste bitter." (Luis)

Everyone started laughing.

"I know what you mean!" (Sara)

"Yep! Yep!" (Rebecca)

"Well, that's all you are getting for now." (Argus)

" I wouldn't take any more even if I was offered." (Luis)

At that moment I notice a reaction coming from my body. I inspect it more... my body is cleansing out whatever is harmful to me. Wait, does this mean I can't get drunk?!

Well, that will suck in the future. Well, on the positive side, I will probably be immune to poison... Well, I'm not sure about that. I could test it but I can only think of one way to test it, and I would rather not do so.

"Well then, let's keep this party going." (Argus)

I would like to stay here but I think I should probably get going already.

"This is it for me, I'll start heading back." (Luis)

"Already?!" (Argus)

"Yes," I say as I stand up.

This place is too much for me. This atmosphere reminds me too much of a couple months back. It is somewhat painful.

"Won't you stay for a little more?" (Rebecca)

"No thanks...can I have my jacket and mask back?" I say looking at Argus.

"...Sure. Let's go get them," says Argus as he stands up too.

" Goodbye Luis" (Sara)

"Have a safe trip back." (Rebecca)

"Don't forget that we'll be meeting again in two days to discuss what to do about Bloody Crips.!" (Peter)

Alexander nods. Is that the only way of communication this man was taught?!

"Sure, bye everyone." (Luis)

With that Argus and I proceeded out the door. We walked to the next room over and entered.

"I wanted to ask you this, but what are those bracelets for?" (Argus)

"... Nothing really, just a bit of a promise I made." (Luis)

"Promise?" He says as he takes out my jacket and gives it to me along with my mask.


"... I won't pry too much into it I guess. Also, you know, the offer to enter the NYC Vigilantes still stands!" (Argus)

Usually, I dismiss it right away. But after seeing the small atmosphere they had. I guess I want to remain with them, I want to go back to how I used to be...But I'm also scared of what would happen if I did. I only have about a week and a half left... I guess joining them may be impossible...

"...Let's say you once made a promise to a dear friend of yours. However, there's a time limit on it because there's a good chance that you'll be going away soon and the closer you get, the more lost you become. What would you do in that situation?" (Luis)

"... I think I may try seeking for help and try to find people to rely on in order to achieve it and not lose myself." (Argus)

But that's only something you can do Argus, I don't have that type of trust in people nor someone to rely on. These past years have taught me to rely on myself if I ever want to find my own happiness.

The only time that wasn't the case was the last months of schools I had. And even that was taken from me as well... I can't take that happening again. I want to fulfill the promise I started before I start to move on.

That's right... I started this thorny road because of that promise and those days that I enjoyed. If there's anything that I haven't quite lost yet, it is the feeling those memories bring me and the promise I made to Tara. I only have one week and a half to do this. I will definitely end it before I leave.

"... I will be leaving," I say as I take my jacket and mask.

"The offer still stands," he says as he grabs my arm and looks at me with serious eyes.

I look at him. When I have someone so earnestly inviting me, I really start to waver on my resolve.

"... I will think about it, I'll give you a proper answer after the raid on the Bloody Crips." (Luis)

I put on my mask and jacket. I grab my gun and put it on my hip and walked out.

I get to the roof and start jumping from building to building thinking about what should I do. Is it okay to let go of Tara and join them? Or should I clear my promise to Tara before joining them? Should I have the Vigilantes help me on my personal grudge? I haven't gotten any closer to knowing who was it that killed Tara that day.

Do I keep holding onto my past until I find a resolution? Or do I move forward with new people that I may be able to call comrades? I don't know what to do. I feel my black bracelet on my right arm for the first time since this started. What should I do Mary? I'm so lost, I'm afraid to take either path, I don't want anymore regret.

With those thoughts, I headed back to my apartment in what appeared to be a silent night.

A lot of ending volume foreshadowing has been made already!!! Well, the foreshadowing started as soon as the volume started and some small details that I mentioned come into play in the last chapter. Well, no one is really paying attention to this light novel in the middle of nowhere but as an amateur, I do my best to improve story quality!

Grasshopper_senseicreators' thoughts