
The Novel's Extra Nobody

This is... so trippy... Like... Hmmm... How do I explain this? I am now inside the novel, where the main protagonist is inside his own novel. Does that even make sense? After reading [The Novel's Extra] by Jee Gab Song over and over again from the novel, manhwa adaptation, and back, I am now in this situation where I have to live throughout the story as another extra. Sigh... and... daym... What is Chae Nayun doing there? *** Author's Reminders. This is a fanfic based on TNE by Jee Gab Song. The story will start diverging after Yeonha's incident a lot. Expect new devils, stronger Djinns, stronger villains, and lots of struggles from fighting scenes. MC will start weak and grow into an OP character. MC might seem happy-go-lucky, but give him a chance. Also, MC can often be cringe. Also thank you for reading. Updates are every 11 hours.

Alfir · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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235 Chs

Ideal Life VIII

Four Years Ago.

What is an ideal life?

Four years ago, Rachel glimpsed what an ideal life looks like. Well, I've seen it too, but for some strange reason, I feel compelled to reject it. Maybe it's just my stubborn nature. After recovering from my injuries, though still far from my prime, I'm making significant strides in my recovery.

Rachel turns to me, her eyes earnest, "Is it alright if we prioritize searching for my Lionheart Sword?"

I nod, understanding the urgency, "Yes, while the trace is still fresh, we must find it at any cost."

And so, the two of us set out for the Yoo family. Rachel begins to recount our Time Travel, and how we ended up crossing paths with Yoo Jinhyung and Cheok Jungyeon. In our original timeline, they were quite famous—Yoo Jinhyung, a master rank Hero revered for his abilities, and Cheok Jungyeon, a super-criminal feared for his strength. However, in this timeline where powers don't exist, they are now rescuers, the kind of people who help others. It's truly fascinating how people from different realities can be so different.

I reflect on her words, "It's interesting, isn't it? How circumstances can shape people into entirely different versions of themselves."

Rachel agrees, "I cannot agree more. It's a reminder that our choices and the world we live in play a significant role in shaping who we become."

When Rachel and I reach the Yoo residence, we are surprised to see a teenager with the name Yoo Yeonha. The young lass is just a year younger than us. Yoo Yeonha asks us what we want. Rachel and I share a look. We know Yoo Yeonha; she is our friend in our original timeline.

"I'm here to visit your dad," I tell Yeonha.

From inside the house comes the voice of Yeonha's mom, Jin Yeojun, inviting us in. The mother of their household seems animated, seemingly very excited at the sight of visitors.

"Come in, come in!" Jin Yeojun exclaims as she ushers us inside.

Rachel explains, "Your husband saved us in the recent earthquake."

Jin Yeojun goes on and on boasting about her husband, and Yeonha is embarrassed by it. Rachel, always quick on her feet, expertly interviews Jin Yeojun about her life too.

"So, how's life as the rescuer's wife?" Rachel asks with a smile.

Jin Yeojun reveals, "I'm actually the breadwinner of our family, but that doesn't diminish the good deeds my husband does as a rescuer."

Yeonha seems proud of her dad too, her embarrassment turning into a warm smile. I join the conversation, expressing admiration for their family's strength.

"I shouldn't be the one boasting," Jin Yeojun laughs, "but thank you for acknowledging it."

I remember the visitation gift we brought and almost forgot about it. "Oh, we got something for you," I say, reaching for the fruit basket we brought.

Jin Yeojun protests, "You really shouldn't have."

But Rachel and I insist, handing over the basket filled with all kinds of fruits—oranges, apples, pineapples, and more.

"We wanted to bring a little joy to your household," Rachel says.

Jin Yeojun beams with gratitude, "Thank you both so much. This is really too kind."

Yeonha smiles, and the warmth in the room grows as we settle in for a delightful visit with old friends.

The door creaks open, and Yoo Jinhyung steps into the room. His eyes widen in surprise as he takes in the unexpected sight of Rachel and me.

"Hey, Yoo Jinhyung-ssi," I greet him, mustering a smile. "Thanks again for saving us from the earthquake. I don't remember much, being unconscious and all, but I really appreciate it."

Yoo Jinhyung shrugs, a modest smile playing on his lips. "No big deal. If you want to thank someone, it should be Cheok Jungyeon. He's the one who carried you out of there."

I nod, acknowledging his words. Rachel chimes in, her gratitude is more explicit. "Yeah, seriously. Thanks a lot. I remember everything, and you guys were amazing."

Yoo Jinhyung shifts the conversation, a twinkle in his eye. "Speaking of Cheok Jungyeon, he's getting married. You guys should come. If you visit, it'll be a blast."

I raise an eyebrow, genuinely surprised. "Married? Cheok Jungyeon?" It's hard to fathom, given my mental image of him. Rachel, more optimistic, assures him, "We'll definitely be there."

Transitioning to a more pressing matter, I broach the reason for our visit. "By the way, Yoo Jinhyung, did you happen to see a sword when you rescued us? It's a family heirloom."

Yoo Jinhyung furrows his brows, concentrating on the memory. After a thoughtful pause, he shakes his head. "I can't recall anything about a sword. Sorry."

"No worries," I reply, understanding the limitations of his recollection. "Do you have any idea where we might find it? We really need to track it down."

Yoo Jinhyung leans back, pondering. "If you're looking for something like that, maybe ask Aunt Zhang. She might know more."

Rachel and I exchange glances, a new lead to follow. "Thanks, Yoo Jinhyung. We'll check with Aunt Zhang then," I say, determination lacing my voice. Our quest for the family heirloom continues, and Aunt Zhang seems to be the next piece in this mysterious puzzle.

Yoo Jinhyung ushers us into his cozy living room, glancing over his shoulder to make sure no one is listening. "Listen, guys, it's Aunt Zhang who's seen you and Rachel in trouble," he says, leaning in and lowering his voice.

Surprised, Rachel and I exchange glances. "Aunt Zhang? Who's she?" I inquire. "From how you say her name, you must know her."

Jinhyung quickly provides the necessary details. "She lives a couple of blocks from here. I've known her for a while. Nice lady, a Chinese immigrant. I recall her panicking and running to me back then. The place you guys have gotten almost pinned over was near her store after all."

Rachel and I nod appreciatively. "Thanks for letting us know. Can you share her address?" Rachel asks.

Jinhyung jots down the details on a piece of paper, handing it to us. "Here you go. She's a good friend, and I trust her judgment. Just be careful, okay?"

We express our gratitude, and before leaving, I ask, "Can we have your contact number, just in case?"

He willingly shares it, and with a quick "Take care," we're out the door.

As we approach Aunt Zhang's address, Rachel senses something off. "It's too quiet," she observes.

Leading the way, I guide us through the gate left ajar. "Let's check it out," I suggest.

Standing by the door, I knock gently, calling out for Aunt Zhang. The door opens on its own, creaking eerily. A frown creases my forehead as the pungent smell of decay wafts towards us.

Slightly alarmed, I take a step forward, but Rachel grabs my hand. "Hold on. This feels wrong. We can't just barge in. It's trespassing."

She urges caution, and her words make sense. "You're right," I concede, pulling back. "Let's play it safe. There's something off about this."

I dial Yoo Jinhyung's number urgently, my fingers tapping impatiently on the screen. After a few rings, he picks up.

"Jinhyung, it's urgent. Aunt Zhang's house is exposed, and the door is wide open. I think there might be a robbery or something."

Yoo Jinhyung's voice is calm but concerned, "I'll be there immediately. Don't go in; just wait for me."

Rachel and I stand by the gates of Aunt Zhang's house, tension hanging in the air. Rachel breaks the silence, "This feels right, you know? We're not in our own timeline. There's a proper way of doing things here."

I nod in agreement, "Yeah, you're right. We need to be cautious. I smelled something off when I opened the door earlier. I hope I'm just being paranoid."

"Not paranoid, just wanting for us to be safe," Rachel adds, her eyes scanning the surroundings.

Yoo Jinhyung arrives, his brisk steps echoing urgency. "Let's go in," he says, leading the way.

We enter Aunt Zhang's home, and the sight that greets us is chilling—a lifeless Aunt Zhang lying on the sofa. The air grows heavy with the reality of the situation.

Yoo Jinhyung immediately pulls out his phone, "I need to contact my colleagues. You two should get out of here. Let the professionals handle it."

Outside the house, Yoo Jinhyung motions for us to follow him. Rachel and I share a knowing look. One glance was enough; we knew Aunt Zhang didn't die of natural causes.

As we step away from the scene, the gravity of the situation settles in. The 21st century may be beautiful, but it has its darkness, and we've just stumbled upon it.

I wake up, disoriented, still in the black sedan. The world outside is cloaked in darkness thanks to the window's black tint. The hum of the engine fills the silence. Memories flood my mind as I recall that time when Rachel and I visited Yoo Jinhyung. The night after the confirmed murder, I slipped into the house and conducted my own forensic investigation.

I arrived at the chilling conclusion that Aunt Zhang was indeed killed by a sword, possibly the Lionheart Sword that Rachel had left behind. Our joint investigation would have continued if not for the frustrating dead end we encountered early on—just where the hell did the sword go? The murder, already sensationalized, took an even more mysterious turn as the murder weapon remained elusive.

In the dimly lit interior of the sedan, I notice a figure seated beside the driver. A mysterious woman with dark hair, carrying a sword by her waist. It's a sight that sends shivers down my spine; I recognize that sword—Lionheart.

Desperation prompts me to question the woman. "Where did you get that sword? What's your name?" My inquiries hang in the air, unanswered. The woman ignores me, and frustration builds as I try to extract information from her.

Beside me, the person holding my arm tightens their grip, a vice-like restraint. A hushed voice warns me to shut up, the urgency in their tone sending a chill through my veins. I glance at the familiar sword at the mysterious woman's side, realizing that this silent encounter holds more secrets than I could have ever imagined.

I smile.

I love secrets.