
Friends stick together

Story time!

So once upon a time ya da ya da, look I was young and stupid on a hot summers day and we had a park near our house. So me being a kid with nothing to do, asked my friends if they were busy and all except 1 was in summer school. Fyi everyone in our grades pretty much failed because they tried a new teaching method on us... well me and my 1 friend had already finished our summer school two weeks before so we both went to the park and decided to make clay pots!

Our park was sand on top if you dug deep you would find clay and mud, if you dig deeper there was muddy water. So we went to the park with a mud bucket, it's a bucket filled with extra mud and clay ( it's a water sludge concoction!). Halfway through being there three goth chicks showed up and started harassing my friend which was weird because neither of us even knew them? Well anyway after calling my friend names and after asking them three times to stop. I had enough. so I did what any kid would do, I looked at the bucket and looked at them, I said run and started chasing the goth chicks outta the park with a bucket full of mud. I believe I chased them about a track field before I gave up. Me and my friend both were laughing at the end and I was happy that my friend was happy!

I only saw those goth chicks once more but that was a different story...