
The Noble Squad by Udo Steve Mbanaso

The kingdom of Larion has its citizens Zachary, a rogue barely liked in the eyes of others having a troubled and questionable past what will he decide to do in the future Jason, an adventurer on a quest with a team him being the leader and as well a human. Will he be able to complete his quest and help the beings that actually need it along the way. Luke, a skilled ranger started his journey searching for a mythical beast found it but his journey has begun Larion is a beautiful and peaceful kingdom filled with a lot of magical creatures or beings and other hidden places to be discovered. Larion has been in war with its enemies whom may have figured a way into the walls of Larion and are causing havoc. Will it be stopped Will peace reign The king of Larion is doing his best to keep his kingdom.

Udo_Mbanaso · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

Chapter 10

Zackary P. O. V

"Ahh". I winced

My head, what happened". I let out a groan while getting up from what felt like hard wood covered by a blanket.

I opened my eyes saw what I got up from was exactly as described.

"hey". A grumpy voice from behind startled me. i turned to see a chubby face chubby man with an odd haircut, few sets of teeth misplaced. He had holes in his teeth.

I have not even looked at the room I am in properly.

"Get off your lazy ass and go serve our customers, don't be sloppy". He said immediately branding me a tray of bottled drinks shoving me to the door.

I am already handed a tray of drink and shoved to the door. These drinks are not the type for anyone. From the label they are wine, beer and some real strong stuff.

With this i already know that I am either in a bar club where people come to get spoiled, forget their problems live care free. This is what some people see as their own version of recreation.

This place is way roomier than expected, clean sparkly bright. It has a chandelier lighting the room but silver glass.

There is even a receptionist with drinks behind him and occupied chairs in front sipping their drinks. Although the place is nice something about the air is unsettling.

I arrived to the table where I am to serve these drinks.

"Here are your drinks". I said sounding a bit blunt but trying to come off as polite while doing the tray on their table.

Damn it, these customers looks loaded the two girls and a guy. The ladies are dressed in lovely gowns with fur and necklace round their necks. The guy has a brown suit with a hat, a cane and a one eyed glasses on his right eye.

I am taken a back by this new development or what should I call it. In any case this place is run by theives looking for ways to get money, they try to steal people's things depending on the quality. For instance if they know you're rich they will most like take one of expensive things, if you're not rich they will leave you alone cause there is nothing that you have that is of worth to them.

I wonder why the rich keep coming it seems that they earn so much that they don't know what to do with it. That shouldn't be a problem we can help you know what to spend your money on. They are not bothered to come up with a solution.

With that description it seems like I know this place but something is missing like I am forgetting a hidden information that is at the back of my mind.

I need to be alone and think properly. As I placed my hand on my lap the first that comes to mind is my sword. I went back to where I was jolted from. This side is not as clean and nice as the other side. It looks like where a big chaotic riot happens. The place is surrounded by dust some of which the particles sinks into my nostrils causing me to heavily exhale in hopes of removing then.

Yes, back to my sword problem I saw it with someone I grabbed it from the person's fat hairy hand.

Upon looking at the thief's face which brings up the fact that everyone here are thieves but whatever, his skin is dark brown, I can see the hair on his hands due to the fact that he folded his sleeves. He is wearing the same the as me but mine are more clean and his sleeves are folded. I hope he doesn't go out dressed like a dirty unkept goat.

He has a mustache covering his upper lip. The expression on his face is displeasing. He is angry.

"Give me that sword". He orders me

"I ... we could be rich". he continued correcting himself.

This guy really needs to learn some manners and even if he did I still won't give it to him now I feel like I am in some crisis. The second part is a lie for sure.

"No". I replied showing a sign of disapproval by nodding my head. Something feels like a two way coin for me.

I could see the smirk that appeared on his face even through that bushy mountain on his face.

I noticed I was shaking which surprises me cause there is no way I am afraid of him.

"Give it to me". he says with more smirking. he seems to have noticed this.

I spin and swing the sword around my feet. I could move I quickly noticed that and head to the door closing it behind me as I got through it was push not pull.

I made a disguise out of the apron I was wearing even hiding the sword so people won't see it.

I walk through shoving some people I ignore them I did not care for their order. I placed my hand on the sword strapped to me gazing at it.

Let's see... this sword where did I get it from I searched through my mind to see if I can get it. I start to get a flashback of a guy in armour bleeding.

"I got this from a guard". I thought to myself while trying to make sure I was unrecognisable.

I have been disturbed way too much. I am sure that I noticed earlier that I was uneasy.

It is like everything is so fuzzy in my head. I took a seat on the middle of the place hopefully they won't see me quickly cause it is busy with other waiters taking people's orders.

Then, someone came by asking if the other seat was taken. I didn't answer so the person sits down.

I am just thinking to myself about everything.

"Zachary". He calls my name

He snaps me out of my thoughts getting my attention. He offers me a drink that he paid for but I could refused.

I look up to see the guy if I know him and oddly I do and it is not like where I did something wrong to piss him off but he is the one who did something to piss me off.

I wouldn't be surprised from his own point of view he might think I am at wrong but I know when something is involving my sister I am not wrong.

I harshly refuse any drink he wants to buy for me.

"hey, why can't I buy a drink". he said but I didn't answer I only spared him a glare.

I will admit he looks good. he is wearing all black he has brown eyes and a nice hairstyle.

He tries to speak I point my sword directly at him though it was causing a scene I didn't care about that. He found a way to remove my disguise making everyone to notice me.

Then it happen everyone became blue and turns into tentacles, the place became a cave. The disguise vanished.

The tentacles wrapped itself around my body.


I use my sword to cut them all off I stepped on a rock, the tentacles went backwards and disappeared.

I immediately went outside. I am not even sure if the time. So all that was some kind of illusion, the bar CA thing was not real