
The Noble Academy

A place to protect Family to fight Friend to kill Does the afterlife exists or is it just another bedtime story to tell? Are Heaven and Hell really exist or they are just another scary bedtime story for kids? Can Elizabeth Lupisicoupokulus find it all in her new home, where everything isn't exactly like it used to be for. A place for those unwanted, magical, and possibilities.

iCLance · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Chapter 1

How do we know a smile from ridicule. Or a laugh from a smile or when sighing from a groan. How can a series of human voices make a story on the listener's thoughts. Why does fire create a sign of pleasure very quickly rather than making someone panic. How do we make the world feel what we feel...

Or how can the range of the human mind be seen and guessed in the novel easily. How can a cup on the table only be seen as a coffee cup or an antique Chinese cup that is good. Or, perhaps, is it an invitation to relax and enjoy a cup of hot drink...

How could someone be judged by what they are and the profession.

Maybe it's what we wear that could define what we are. Or... someone could define as weak by not having massive muscle...

What does the purpose of bullying someone else, do they get joy from it? Is it why hate exists, simply just to feel the happiness from the pain we caused. What kind of enjoyment did someone get from doing all those negative things...

How could a man define as a terrorist by having a huge beard.

Could we talk like a civil person in a war or why someone should be defined as bad or good based on what they did.

What about the afterlife, is it really exist or is it just another bedtime story to tell. Does that mean Heaven and Hell really exist or they are just scary bedtime stories for adults. If so, does every good man go to heaven. Do a sinner isn't worthy of heaven. Does that mean God are just a fictional character served for good rating movies.

Do people who have an "I see humans but no humanity" photo on their Instagram really acknowledge the meaning of it. Or is it just to make them look cool and for compassion matters stuff. Why do we have to fake feeling sorry if we don't feel anything at all. Does that mean we have to fake everything we feel despite whatever happens.

There was once said that, "Justice is for all, but not for everyone." But did a spy or hitman ever wonder if their target deserved a second chance. Or did they ever think about it with the family. Especially children, did they deserve to live this cruel life without their parents. Is this how kids in the orphanage feel.

What does the purpose of justice then if someone never going to have one?

This story begins with once upon a time in a small town that supposed to be a peaceful-beautiful morning that was about to be disrupted when Marianne sensed Anseln's men had found them but not making any move toward them.


Marianne knows this day will come for them, she knows sooner or later Anseln will come to take her from the older Lupisicoupokulus and corrupt the little girl's mind. Perhaps, not this sooner. So, she wrote a location on a small piece of paper and then forced Elizabeth to remember it before she threw it into a fireplace.

After packing everything that Elizabeth might need, with a heavy heart, Marianne told her that the little girl needs to continue her journey to the location alone without her. She drove her to the nearest bus station and then taking one last time to remember every inch of her daughter's face, she gave her one last hug.

"I'm not letting you go, mom... The first one to let go loses." The 16 years old girl hugged her mother tightly like she refuses to let her go.

"Don't be fret, my little bird." Trying to keep her voice steady, "just know that I'll always be with you. Wherever you are." Breaking away from the hug and kissing her forehead, "fly away, my precious little bird."

Little did Anseln knows, a Lupisicoupokulus are a very smart family and always will be two or three steps ahead of you.