
Into the ninja-verse, Enter Zhu Ling Yu!

"Phew" Zhu Ling Yu sighed. he had just barely escaped by the skin of teeth. Well more like the skin of... what were his robes made out of anyway? Granny Ai and Granny Yi had shoved it into his arms and flung him into a changing room. He had hesitantly gotten dressed 'cause 'Who knows what they're thinking' and he was right. Of course he should have noticed it's striking similarities to wedding garments, but why we he be suspicious of his wonderful grannies? Though he probably should have been tipped off by their requests for great-grandchildren, and the gleam in their eyes, but he didn't want to think his beloved grannies would betray him. But honestly trying to marry him off to Chen Mei? That was an accident waiting to happen. Sure she was beautiful, and from good lineage, but her personality was horrible, she was his number one fangirl and always acted fake, and she didn't even care about her cultivation levels! She was slightly over a century older than his couple thousand years, but he would have been able to beat her easily when he was only a bit over two hundred! Two hundred! She was a disgrace to her family name, and they tried to marry him off to her? Where is the love? The common decency? Oh sure he was of 'marriageable age' but was it his problem that all the girls in his age-group were all fangirling wastes of space who thought more about their looks then their cultivation? He was only interested in a woman who could defend herself, he wasn't looking for a genius! Was that too much to ask? He had said as much when the hoards of fangirls had asked his preferences. 'Do you prefer short hair or long hair?' 'What do you think about the color of my dress?' All sorts of inane questions that had no bearing on the topic of what type of girls he preferred. Of course what did they do after he answered? Continue to ignore their cultivation, that's what! They focused even more on superficial things like makeup and jewels and fancy silks. Honestly, he had been entertaining the idea of a vacation long before that farce of a wedding attempt had been made, and it merely sped up his plans. Thankfully, he had already packed everything he needed into a space ring, and had kept the ring on him when the ambush had occurred. Even if he hadn't had it though, he would have been fine with what he had in his pocket dimension.

Now, the more pressing issue. Where in the universe was he? He had panicked when he saw the marriage alter, and promptly pulled on his Dao of Space to get him anywhere but there. In hindsight, that was a horrible idea, as currently he was lost. Very lost. Lost with a capital L. Lost as in 'I have no clue what multiverse I'm in' lost. Why did he forget to set a default jump? Why? What had possessed him so, to jump without concern as to where he landed? Oh yes, forced marriage to a weak idiot. Never mind, this was far better. At least here he would be free of the nagging, and the fangirls, and everything else they wanted him to focus on instead of his cultivation. Sure he had long ago reached the pinnacle of martial arts, magic, and mental energy, but there were still things to be learned! At least he had brought of of the illusion and array books and manual he had collected with him. Now, back to figuring out where he was.

Zhu Ling Yu, using his Soul Sensing Art, felt the presence of a lone mortal soul fairly close to where he was sitting. Deciding to wait for it, as it was coming in his direction, he pulled out a basic manual on arrays to read as he waited. After all, he had all the time in the world. A few minutes later, the mortal soul appeared leaping through the trees, wearing a strange skintight outfit with... chainmail? 'How odd' Zhu Ling Yu thought. The mortal also wore a headband with a scratched out picture of a... spiral? He wasn't quite sure it had an odd point on it. He quickly caught the mortal with a basic array he had got from the manual, and had been practicing on for a year or so, to catch the fangirls, and sadly it had failed every single time. It had been rather vexing. The mortal flailed and tried to escape from the barrier and said some words in an interesting language that Zhu Ling Yu couldn't understand.

"Who might you be?" He asked, hoping that the mortal could understand him, but it was not to be. As the mortal scowled and didn't answer, merely shouting something he couldn't understand. he decided the mortal couldn't understand him, and quickly caught and absorbed the soul, so he could get the knowledge contained. Of course it was unnecessary, but that mortal had scowled and insulted him? Was it an insult? It was probably an insult, so it was perfectly within his rights to consume it's soul.

As all the memories and knowledge the little mortal had known flowed into Zhu Ling Yu´s head, he mused on the specifics of the world he had found himself on. Of course he could easily leave, but he'd likely get noticed by his grannies, and they wouldn't be thrilled on his escape from the forced wedding. So naturally, he would stay on this odd world until the issue blew over. Anyways, gathering from the new information he had collected, he was on a world collectively called the 'Elemental Nations' It was separated into multiple 'Lands' like the 'Land of Fire' the mortal who's soul he had consumed had hailed from. There were 5 main 'Shinobi Villages' like 'Konohagakure' where they raised children into being killers-for-hire, and weapons to point at whoever attacked the village. Each major village was led by a 'Kage' who was the village's strongest 'Shinobi'. The mortal who's soul had been consumed had been 'missing-nin' who had betrayed his village. There was multitude of other interesting tidbits of information like what chakra was, and the ways it could be used, like ninjutsu which was like magic with hand signs, genjutsu which was like illusions, he was really interested in that, and taijutsu witch was just like martial arts. Of course there were subsets like iryojutsu and kenjutsu which were medical ninjutsu and sword fighting respectively. Thankfully, he realized as he finished digesting how the language worked, he had been insulted, and thus hadn't killed someone and consumed their soul for no reason. Hmm, maybe he should of thought of that before consuming the soul. Oh well.

Zhu Ling Yu pondered what he should do with this information. After all, it had nothing to do with him. Even if he decided to get involved what could he do? He was all powerful compared to these chumps. Noticing that the last details had fallen into place, Zhu Ling Yu got a glint in his eyes. Bloodline limits! So many bloodlocked inheritances! They weren't even kept hidden! They could be taken! There were so many possibilities! If he could get something good enough, he could bring it back for his grannies as a bribe to not be angry, and not marry him off again! It was perfect! Though he would have to create new body to try it out, and he'd have to be on this world for a mortal lifetime, but that was a small price to pay. After all, he remembered what had happened the last time something like this had happened. There was a jealous guy whose fiance was one of his fangirls, and he had ended up 'tripping' through a dimensional gate that 'just happened to be there' and the fact that the guy was studying the Dao of space had nothing to do with anything. Man his grannies were upset. Actually, he wondered how that world was doing. While it was pretty useless, there were all sorts of entertainment. Cool things like ´Movies´ and ´the internet´. Anyways, back to creating a body. According to that missing-nin´s memories, there was a clan in his old village called the ´Uchiha´ who had an bloodline called the ´Sharingan´ which could copy jutsus. If he could evolve it to work on magic, or qi, he´d be golden. Now how was he going to do this?

Maybe he could possess a random Uchiha? No, that would leave his own body unprotected... though he could put it in his personal pocket dimension...Nah, if he possessed a body it wouldn't have qi, or magic, or anything really. He could just kill one and steal it´s eyes, but what if it wasn´t compatible? Maybe he should just merge his body with the fetus of an Uchiha... Hmmm that could work, but still... he had worked sooo hard purifying his body... wouldn't that be a waste? Well he could merge a portion of his essence with a fetus and leave his body in his pocket dimension... The spiritual energy here was rather abundant so be could handle recultivating... besides it wouldn't harm his actual body.

Alright. He had a plan of action. Now, to find a pregnant Uchiha. Though... where exactly was Konohagakure? That mortal had gotten caught and had hightailed it a random direction. Well, first things first. He quickly separated his soul from his body, and let it fall into a portal leading into his pocket dimension.

"Well off to Konoha I go!"

Welp. This happened. I ended running out of interesting things to read, and ended up here. As a writer. Oh God. I apologize in advance for my awkward update schedule. (Technically I should be doing some of that homework... or one of those two projects... or studying for those tests...) I'll probably only update when I have time... and I have to write first... Well if this isn't popular I shouldn't have to worry. Hope those of you who read this like it!

ImmortalChuunicreators' thoughts