
The Deafening Silence

Piero walked away, face blank, with a little blood staining her hands. Haru stared after her with tears starting to well up in his eyes. He held his nose in both his hands, desperately trying to stop the bleeding. Blood ran down both of his hands and onto his clothes. He was so focused on his nose, he didn't hear or see when Piero approached him once more. "Here." She stated simply, as she lifted his head, grabbed his nose with a tissue. "Blow." She told him, letting him blow the blood into the tissue. "I'm sorry…" she mumbled lowly while looking away from Haru in regret. "I let my anger get the best of me," They reach out a hand to help them up and Haru smiles and takes it. They start walking towards the woods in silence. Haru could feel more tears prick at their eyes as they walk deep in their thoughts, blaming everything on himself. He knew that he shouldn't have pressed Piero about it, but he still did. After a few moments, he feels drops of water run down his skin, he looks up confused as he knew he wasn't crying, although the tears did well up on his eyes waterline. The sky was dark and sunless, and rain was swiftly picking up like a shroud of mystery. He didn't like how depressing the scene became, he looked around and everything was so dull. From the dark trees to the almost black clouds. It was like the entire universe wanted to rub in the fact that their friendship was like a glass pane, and there was already a crack in it.

Piero stares at the ground as they walk, watching the moist mud give way under their very feet. Their ears didn't like the squelching noises it made every step, but they put up with it. After a few moments alone with their thoughts, they glance over at Haru but then look away, afraid they'll catch his gaze. She bites the inside of her cheek nervously, wanting to tell him how sorry she really is and how much she regretted every second of it. But they couldn't bring themselves to say it. Every time they tried, the words were unable to pass her lips and that's what made her truly sorry. She had launched an attack when all he was doing was questioning her actions and being curious on why they would do such a thing, but then again… Curiosity did kill the cat.