
the nightmare bed

Lauren_Keith_7640 · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

the shop

After what feels like a couple minutes but was actually days I woke up but instead of me being in that nightmare bed or even in my own house, I was on a shelf? I didn't get understand it, a shelf where even was I?! I looked around it looked like a antique store, old stuff with unique things, I was confused about everything. I tried to move my legs were string my arms were string and my whole was string. I tried and tried to move after what felt like forever, I finally moved only a little bit and I fall down onto the floor but I wasn't hurt, I looked around confused, I saw a mirror and once I looked in it I saw myself I was a red string doll, what was going on! I started to panic and continued to panic until I heard a voice "my oh my look who fell" a deep deep voice said I remember that voice from the phone the one who said the red string doll. I looked at him panicked he was a tall skinny man he didn't look old or young he didn't look human or monster he was a freak of nature what even was he. What was happening?