
the nightmare bed

Lauren_Keith_7640 · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

covering red

My legs were red!? What happened!? Question came back faster and faster, more and more. I was scared, confused. What was happening!? Was this a dream or was it real!? And if it was real what happened!? I was Panicking until the phone rang, that broke my focus and I looked around. I didn't have a phone on my room, it sounded like the house phone, not my parents or sister phone it sounded like the house phone. I looked at my string leg, thinking this can't be true but I needed to get to the house phone. I tried everything to get to the house phone, I ended up crawling to the kitchen, my legs didn't even feel like they were ever there even, it feels like they were never there in the first place, it felt strange and weird, when I finally got to the phone I had trouble reaching it. But when I finally picked it up the voice! "The red doll" the voice said, it sounds more deep than last time more terrifying, I gain terror from the voice, it felt more and more real. I dropped the phone, once I heard it I knew it. The red doll, what was he talking about if I don't get the red doll does my body become red string!? I was terrified and confused, is this a dream or is it real?