
The Night Shadow

The Shadow That Everyone Fears * * * Legacy Reather is one of the world's greatest assassins. Known as The Night Shadow in the underground world, feared by all criminals. Killing is all she's known her whole life until the king's council needs her assistance on finding the missing king of Vendeline. Asked to stay at the palace and protect the prince and princess, Legacy will unravel dark secrets and lead to finding the truth of who she truly is. Legacy doesn't expect this to be a long mission but it is only the beginning. With brutal deaths and now a missing king, Legacy's journey begins.

espinozajasmin01 · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

Legacy Raether landed upon a puddle of water, splattering onto her black leather boots. The cold night wind whooshed past her, causing a few strands of her golden hair to plaster against her face as she surveyed the dark, lonely streets of Vendeline for some idiot who would've been stupid enough to follow her-----considering all the enemies wanting her dead.

But they would never stand a chance against all the deadly skills Atlas had taught her.

Finding no threat, Legacy pushed the strands of hair behind an ear, then she took off-----her dark cloak flowing behind her like a quiet phantom.

The buildings were a blur as she ran as fast as she could, trying to warm her freezing body. It'd been a while since she had a full free night to herself, but she deserved it, since her special day was tomorrow.

Turning a street, the gravel beneath her boots crunched.

She could now feel blood flowing warmly through her veins, making her heart beat faster and turn her breathing heavier, but she wasn't tired, sweat still hadn't formed.

Making three more turns, she halted before an empty alley, her heart beating rapidly, she could hear it in her ears and head. Evening her breath, Legacy strolled quietly towards the sewer lid and lifted the heavy iron.

She slipped her slim body through the hole and felt her boots land upon dirty water. Putting the iron lid back in place, Legacy silently shifted through the sewer water which smelled like the inside of a human. Rotting.

Legacy did not dare look at her dirty boots, or what exactly was on them as she stepped up on stone floors and shifted towards the metal door.

Standing before the door, Legacy shoved her hand in the pocket of her pants and pulled out a small-weighted key and shoved it into the key lock and twisted.

Once hearing the click, she pushed the door slightly and a creak sounded, signifying a need of oil.

Stepping inside, she shut the door behind her and shoved the key back inside her pocket.

Legacy made her way through the dark tunnel, which had terrified her five years ago when she had first come here with Revon.

That night hadn't end well.

The sound of cheering came through another metal door located at the end of the tunnel as she neared it.

Pushing it open, Legacy was met with scents of sweat, blood, and alcohol.

A few eyes shifted towards her as she made her way towards the arena, where two male fighters were facing each other with blood dripping from nose or mouth-----possibly ear.

Moving to a dark, lonely corner, not too far or too close to the huge crowd, Legacy leaned against it.

She watched as a huge, bulky man, whom she'd never seen before, run an odd-looking eye over the more thinner man, who laid on the bloody arena. His eyes halted upon the man's dirty knees, elbows, and jaw. She noticed the small tug on the bulkier man's dried lips.

He knew exact what move to make next.

The crowd cheered louder and the bulkier man ran towards the thinner man like an angry monster that was going to devour him.

The thinner man was barely rising from the ground, tiny rocks clung onto his sweaty body as the bulkier man kicked his jaw hard enough that people gasped and the crack of bone sounded.

Then he stepped hard on the thinner man's knee that bones jutted out of his skin, but the thin man had no time to scream, he was already fainted on the gravel.

Or dead.

The people paid him no attention, and went to embrace the bulky man, who grinned widely, causing his rotting, yellow teeth to show.

Feeling the eyes of someone on her, Legacy scanned the huge crowds and spotted no one, but a few men running an eye over her body, there eyes filled with lust. Legacy continued, her eyes stopping on a man who leaned againsta stoned wall near the metal door where she had entered, he was dressed in black cloak slightly darker than hers. He had a hood pulled a little too low, which covered his eyes, arms crossed over his broad chest. But only caught a glimpse of a defined, young-looking face.

She shifted her eyes to his dark leather boots that reached his knees, different from hers. But she knew he hid a weapon in there. No one came to the dangerous side of Vendeline without protection.

Especially, in underground fights.

Legacy didn't recognized him, so she didn't bother to stare at him.

Though there was an itchy feeling that he was still watching her.

Ignoring that feeling, Legacy surveyed an old-looking man with a wooden staff, and a short white beard that hung a little too long from his chin, and little bits of hair ontop his head-----he wore a dark-brown heavy cloak that reached the dirty ground, possibly too big for his small frame. He swiftly made his way through the crowds, a curved wooden plate that was filled with gold coins.

He halted before the bulky, terrifying fighter, who could crack bones, and looked him directly in the eye. The old man's stare was unflinching as he handed the plate to the fighter, who took all the golden coins. The fighter said nothing to the old man, only slightly bowed his head.

The old man said nothing, and Legacy watched as the man walked into another full crowd, and disappeared. Vanished.

Legacy blinked once. Twice.

There was only was man she knew could do that. "I'm offended, Miss Raether," Legacy recognized that acient voice, she turned her head so fast that her neck cracked.

Beside her stood Evrin, the man who had the plate of golden coins. How hadn't she recognized him.

"Have I turned that old that you didn't notice my presence?"

Legacy opened her mouth to apologize, but no words seemed to come out. She'd known him for five years, but this time there was something different about him. She just couldn't put her finger on it.

He must've seen her loss for words, so he just kindly smiled, and placed a tan, rough hand on her shoulder, and said, changing the subject, "You haven't come to visit in a month,"

It'd only been a month she headed out of Vendeline to deal with a murder in Verla, and left before coming to visit him.

Legacy said, "An investigation had come up in Verla, a seventeen year old girl was found dead on a street," the mention of it brought up the images of the young blonde girl's insides out, her throat ripped off as if some sort of monster had attacked her.

Evrin said, his eyes bore into hers. "So I've heard, it has been going on for a month now,"

It has, Legacy had been sent there for most of the murders, or kidnappings. The images of the ravaged bodies still haunted her at night. In most of them, she had vomited her guts up. As well as other assassins.

But some who had gone missing, had been found dead brutally or not at all.

Evrin shifted his gaze towards her. "Are you afraid?"

She immeditately said, "No, I'm not afraid at all," and that the was the truth. She wasn't.

Evrin stilled sttared deeply into her eyes, as if searching for something, and finally spoke, "Good. There shall never be anything to fear."

Then she asked, "How's Revon?" She was done with the awkward question and didn't want to think of those murders.

"He's well, he was being a pain since he was bored without you and I sent him to work at the docks,"

Legacy bit her lip, trying to hold in her laugh at the thought of Revon working at the docks. When he was youger he'd always say that was the least thing he'd ever do.

He was always afraid some mermaid would pop her head out of the water and kill him. Legacy would always laugh in his face since she didn't believe such a thing.

She'd sure love to see him working there.

Loud cheering came as the bulky man brought down the other man who grunted in pain on the ground. Blood oozing out of his stomach as if he had been stabbed, but there was no weapon in sight.

"I don't like him," Evrin muttered, so lowly that no one must've heard but her.


Evrin lifted his chin towards the bulkier man, "Arrav, he's been the champion since you been gone, always thinking he's some sort of king," Evrin looked to me, "Why don't you fight him?"

Legacy frowned, "Me?" Ervin nodded. Legacy eyed Arrav, who eyed the gold coins in his hands as if it were everything. Legacy shifted her gaze back to Evrin, who still watched her, his body fully turned to her. "I don't think I can, he's looks very skilled and dangerous."

Evrin arched a brow, looking a bit pissed. "Nonsense," he turned to leave. "You're Legacy Reather, everyone fears you around here, there's nothing or anyone that could possibly be more dangerous than you," he smiled, a glint of something she couldn't figure out in his brown eyes, then disappeared.

Legacy stared blankly at where Evrin had stood a second ago, her heart surprisingly thundering. Legacy glanced towards the entrance door, but the young man was gone.

And she couldn't be more glad.

Taking a deepbreath, she walked to where Arrav stood, and stepped into the arena.