
Dark Eye’s Twilight

I walk a dark lonely road I wish someone would come and be by my side.

The feelings I feel are my best kept secret.

My true thoughts I bury so only the twilight in my dark eyes may see them.

For if anyone else would I may never be allowed the same life.

The suffering I withstand is truly heavy to the point I hide it from myself and pay the old bridge toll for my choice.

Lend me your sadness so you may rest easy.

I shall hide it in my eyes so you may live happy.

I shall wear my smile so none may know my real emotion.

I who holds the wall up so no one will truly know.

My smile may bring the happiness out in everyone almost for when they are happy I may finally smile true.

I am glad for that night I saw what this world really was.

I chose to live to see others happy.

Recently I decided I would wear a real smile one I would not fake for others.

While I smile I see the darkness pierced with light the true twilight in my dark eyes.

I finally have a small grasp of happiness and I will hold it till it is no more.