
The night I became a girl 2

Through the first week being kicked out of the empire,we had scarce food and barely any money to survive the next week. With no where to go,thank God that Lee Fea was my best friend or else I would had killed him for it. But for the money,it was for the money not to get any one. So he dressed me up as a girl and brought me to this bar(pretty girls dress up nicely, to suduce men with big guns or money). With the anger I had for him I looked at how much they get payed,what the flipen world, this can last use the hole month. Even though I was made at him for his stupidity I just needed the money.

On the job....

(Boss) You girls better get me my money. Or else I'll give you to the fat por man that waits out back.

(girls in the rows) Man.. this guy, I don't need this.I only got this job to get myself a rich man.

(me in my head) What dose this fu**en man want.Im only hear because Lee Fea couldn't get me a better job.

out on the battlefield....

With many discussing men drouling for the girls big boobs. Non of them wanted me.Thank God that I had a flat chest or the man next to me would crawl up to me knees.

Though the night...

(random man drunk) Hey baby come satisfy me tonight and I'll give you a 1,000 yen for it.Hick... Hick..

(Wong Lang aka me and me real name ) excuses me sir I can not.I am pregnant with a child so sorry that I can not do what you asked of me.

(random drunk man) Oh you slut you must be lieing to me Hu. Then let me raise the price higher,I'll give you 20,000 yen for you to satisfy me.Thats my final offer so come over hear and give me some sugar or else ill tell your boss you didn't do what your require to do.

(Wong Lang)do you know who I am.I am the first soaaaa..(owe crap I can't tell him that)

(drunk man) what did you say.your the first soaaaa.. of what.

(me) No I mean that I was the first.Never mind my words it means nothing to you,so I'll be on my way.

(drunk dude) What beautiful curve but you have.Though you don't have the boobs why not get the bottom, am I right.

(me) No get your filthy hands away from me Mr. Exusse me can someone help me.HELP!!!!

(Drunk dude) Girl I'll give you a nice night just let me get in there.I'll be gentle with you.

(me) Hell no I don't mean to be like this but I told you get your filthy hands of my BUTT.

Having no one around to help get his hands off me, just thought

if no one comes in the count down of 3...2...w..o..

(prince of the Northern empire) Hey get your hands off of her.You low life person. Dont you know how to treat a lady with respect.

(drunk dude) Who do you think you are to tell me this you son of a bit*h bastard.I got this hot butt chick for myself though she don't got the upper parts she got the lower ends.She is mine go find yourself your own girl.

(northern prince) what did you just call me you bit*h.Secerity take this low life away.I prince Ye chen from the northern empire shall not tolerate such hostality.

(drunk dude) P...p..prince o...f.of the northern empire!! I'm so sorry my Lord.Oh great and powerful Lord please don't do this to me.You can have her to yourself.Just let me go don't take me out please your majesty.

( Northern prince.) Secerity take him.

(drunk man)Noooo...

(me) Thank you for taking him away how can I repay you. I don't have money on me but I can do anything to help your needs.

(Northern Prince) Well I know how many girls pay there hero.(whisper in ear) With your body.