
The night's party

Seven at night, Roman headed towards Jack's House.

Roman wanted to take him to a party near their city, it was a long way away, but their determination was great to attend this party.

The two friends set off towards their goal unaware of the consequences that would befall them.

The two friends thought it was just a short walk and they would attend the party and then go home.

Between Jack and Roman on their way and the darkness was filling the way , the two friends were talking loudly and laughing hysterically, suddenly Jack asked his friend Roman

Who invited you to this party

Roman replied : I don't know a stranger, but as you know, we haven't been to a party for a while, and this is our chance

These answers were enough to comfort Jack and they made their way to the party.

After a long walk in total darkness, they decided to sit down to rest.

After sitting for a few moments they heard a strange voice saying:

You're late for the party!؟

It was a terrifying voice that shocked Jack and Roman for a moment, then Roman said Don't be afraid just imagine, Jack, Jack felt calm and then they continued their way.

After a long walk they started hearing loud noises, voices and laughter .

Then Roman said: it looks like we got Jack

Jack replied: But we are still, the forests have not yet reached any civilized place.

Roman (answers, smiling): maybe they decided to have a party, the Forest, who knows

Jack (surprised): I don't really know how we came without knowing who the owner of the party was.

Roman (laughs): we were deprived of concerts for a long time, we had to take advantage of this opportunity.

They continued on until it seemed to them that they had arrived.

Jack (looking at Roman): Where Are these people, here is the source of all this noise.

Roman( with surprise): wonderful! Look, it's like we're in the middle of a party,but where are these people

Jack: look, there's a light there, let's see

They set off quickly until they arrived and there were a lot of fires and the noise got louder

Jack's injury to Roman is a shock freshness. They stopped without moving or talking.

Suddenly they heard a strange voice again: (with an evil laugh)

You see, I told you to just have fun, the party food was guaranteed to you and here it came to us with an old one .

It was at this moment that Jack and Roman realized that they were the ones meant by food .

But they had no solution other than heartbreak,Roman felt guilty and turned to his friend and apologized from him saying: Believe me I didn't know it was a trap forgive me Jack.

Jack(who is shocked and has not yet understood what happened) was unable to utter anything Jack fell to the ground and began to look left to the north, maybe he could see


But the strange thing is that no one spoke to them after that and the atmosphere got lost as it is, noise, loud party, laughter, it was like a dream.

Jack, lying on the floor, is trying to wake himself up from the dream, while Roman is crying heartbreak and a sense of guilt.

Suddenly Roman stood up and tried to talk to his friend Jack, but to no avail, Jack deteriorated terribly, Roman decided to escape after the dark voice did not speak to them, Roman thought that they were busy with the party and this was his chance to escape.

Roman stood up and as he was preparing to escape, he was hit by a strong slap on the face, it was enough for him to lose consciousness.

Roman began to open his eyes and began trying to comprehend what happened, after remembering everything that happened, the first thing he did was to look at the place where Jack was lying down, but the surprise was that he did not find Jack in his place, Roman began to look left and right, but the thing he would see, would make him collapse and destroy him completely.

The head of his friend, childhood friend, age friend, the head that carried several smiles .

Hanging on a tree.

A scene that was enough to start killing Roman slowly internally.

As Roman lay dying slowly from blame and heartbreak, a voice came from afar again(with an evil laugh)

"Our second meal is ready now, guys, get ready."

This was the end of two friends, all she cared about was going to a party to forget the worries of life, but the two friends forgot the whole life and not just the worries.

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