
The Next King!

True peace was achieved after one hundred years of devastating world war that was called Armageddon; which means no more crime, no more violence, and most importantly no more evil in the world. The world has been living in its true peace for hundreds of years. But it doesn't last for long. The year 248 AA. Adam, a young man that's seeking revenge for his father who he watched dying with his own eyes when he was little. Now at the age of nineteen years old, he finally able to enter the game where his dad had died on "The King's Game". Will he be able to avenge his father? What is The Kings Game? What kind of obstacles that he will run into? Read to find out!

WorldLight · Kỳ huyễn
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138 Chs

Mountain - D

"You got a lot of guns with you, young lady! Let's see who's the better shooter between the two of us!" A raccoon masked man shouted and held his sniper rifle tightly while aiming it towards Crow who was standing a couple of meters away from him.

Chkk! Chkk! The raccoon masked man loaded his sniper rifle and aimed it towards Crow's head while standing beside a pine tree.

BAAM! BAAM! The raccoon masked man pulled the trigger of his sniper rifle and a large shiny silver bullet flew out from the nozzle of the gun. In a split second Crow instantly took out one of her handguns that was on her left side using her right hand and shot it towards the raccoon masked man.

CLANKKK! The two bullets collided right between the raccoon masked man and Crow and fell to the ground. The raccoon masked man lowered his gun and suddenly laughed "HAHAHAHA! YOU ARE GOOD! NOW LET'S SEE IF YOU CAN HANDLE MY PACK!"

SKRRSSSSSSSSKK! Suddenly twelve raccoon masked men who have different eye colors jumped out from pine trees which were beside the raccoon masked man and stands beside him. All twelve raccoon masked men were holding similar sniper rifles in their hands and pointed their nozzles towards Crow.

"Good luck young lady! SHOOT!" the raccoon masked man shouted and aimed his sniper rifle towards Crow who slowly grabbed a handgun from her right side using her left hand.

BAAM! BAAM! BAAM! BAAM! BAAM! BAAM! BAAM! BAAM! All thirteen raccoon masked men pulled their triggers right at the same time while Crow holds her hands right in front of her. Thirteen shiny silver bullets flew through the air at a lightning speed towards Crow who was standing still.

BAAM! BAAM! BAAM! BAAM! BAAM! BAAM! BAAM! BAAM! In an instant, Crow emptied both of her guns while looking towards each of the bullets that were flying towards her. Crow's bullets instantly changed their trajectory in the middle of the air and collided with each of the raccoon masked men's bullets.

SWOOSH! Crow puts her handguns back in their place and suddenly spins around. In just a couple of seconds, Crow turned into a jet-black spinning top and threw all of her handguns around her.

BAAM! BAAM! BAAM! BAAM! BAAM! BAAM! BAAM! Crow shot dozens of bullets and aimed all of them towards all thirteen raccoon masked men's shoulders and knee caps. All thirteen raccoon masked men suddenly dropped their guns and fell to the ground while Crow stopped spinning and put all of her handguns back to her sides.

BOOOOOM! Crow turned around as fast as she can and saw Bunny smiling wide while a gigantic semi-transparent red arm grew on her back. The gigantic arm had grabbed nine contestants who have different masks and slammed them to the ground "GOOD JOB JACOB!"

"Thank you but it's all you Bunny! Good job at training very hard so I can finally project one of my arms! Keep training as hard as you can! Because this isn't even one percent of my power! We should unlock more of my powers!" Jacob smugly boasted himself inside Bunny's head.

BAAM! Jacob suddenly fell to the ground and quickly turned his head around towards Aurora who looked towards him angrily while folding her hands in front of her "You shouldn't tell her that Jacob!"

"Bunny! Don't listen to him and train at your own pace! I know how much pain you endured during your training so take your time with it! Don't listen to him!" Aurora shouted while staring at Jacob who instantly bowed towards her.

"Okay, Aurora! I will take my time on my training but I want to get stronger as fast as I can and catch up with the others. So please take care of me." Bunny smiled while Jacob's arm slowly lifted from the ground while still holding the contestants who were unconscious.

"I will take care of you but once again, please don't push yourself too much. It takes time to get strong you can't push it, remember that Bunny." Aurora said inside Bunny's head while she nodded her head a couple of times.

Bunny turned her head towards her right side and waved towards Crow who instantly waved back towards her "I think we got all of them in this area! Let's go back to the others! I bet they already got the rest of them!"

"So is this all of them?" Adam asked while dragging the boar masked man and threw him towards a pile of contestants that they beat. Bunny walked towards the pile with Jacob's hand on her back and drop the thirteen raccoon masked men that Crow shot.

"Yup! That's the ones that Crow shot and I didn't see any other bodies when I walked back here." Bunny explained while Jacob's hand turned into a dark red stone and crumbled into red dust that disappeared as it touched the snow on the ground.

"I got ten! That's must be the most out of everyone right!" Roo folded his hands and puts them in front of his chest while smiling wide.

"You got ten because you stole two of mine." Bull looked towards Roo and punched his left shoulder.

"I got ten too," Adam said while looking towards the large pile of contestants.

"Okay, but no one got more than ten right? So that's mean Lion and I tied!" Roo smiled while looking towards Adam.

Crow suddenly raised her right hand and everyone looked towards her who instantly pointed towards her notebook that she was holding with her left hand "I got thirteen."

"WHAT?! NO WAY! You must be joking-"

"No, she shot thirteen of those raccoon masked guys." Bunny cut off Roo and pointed towards the raccoon masked man that was on the very top of the pile.

"Bull, you said you got a way to hold all of them together. What is it?" Adam asked while looking towards Bull who instantly grabbed his golden stick with both of his hands and smiled widely.

"Yes! This is the first time I'm doing this so don't judge me." Bull melts the golden stick and slowly turned it into a pile of thin string, Bull walked closer to the pile of contestants and slowly weaved the golden string around the entire pile.

After two minutes, Bull wiped the sweat on his forehead and took a step backward while staring at the pile of contestants that were stuck together with the golden string "I'm sure they can't get out from that. I think I did well for my first time sewing."

"That looks good for your first time Bull, when did you learn to sew?" Bunny asked while looking towards Bull with Crow beside her.

"A couple of days ago, I learned from Karina and she was amazing. She could make colorful flowers and amazing motifs only using a couple of strings and it was beautiful." Bull explained while smiling widely.

Adam looked towards his watch that instantly showed him the objective of the game along with the counter that says 1/20 contestants "Hey someone have already reached the top of the mountain. We can't waste our time here let's go."

"Don't be sad Roo, you did good back there. Let's go." Bull smiled towards Roo while putting his right hand around Roo's neck. Roo nodded and Bull walked ahead with Bunny and Crow right behind him who were talking to each other.

Roo took a deep breath and ran as fast as he can quickly catch up to Adam who was right in front of the feet of the mountain. The five of them found a path that leads up the mountain a couple of meters away from where they fought and quickly climb the mountain.

BRUUUM! BOOM! BOOM! The five of them suddenly stopped after roughly half an hour walking on the path while the side of the mountain shook. Crow pulled Bunny's hand and pointed towards the road ahead of them.

"LION! ROO! WATCH OUT!" Bunny shouted while staring at a giant boulder rolling down the path towards the five of them. Roo instantly ran forwards while pulling his right hand to his back. he stopped a couple of meters away from the boulder and took a deep breath while it rolls towards him at an incredible speed.

BOOOOM! Roo punched the boulder as hard as he can and the boulder instantly shattered into thousands of pieces that flew down the side of the mountain. Roo turned around and smiled towards everyone who gave him a thumbs up.

"Good job! Roo!" Adam clapped while walking towards Roo with Bull, Bunny, and Crow behind him who was clapping as well.

"Come on let's go we can't waste our time." Roo turned around with a very wide smile on his face and quickly walked forward happily. The five of them continued climbing the mountain with Adam and Roo and the front, Bull in the middle, and Bunny and Crow right behind Bull.