
The next gen spider-man

Earth 108 . It's the year 2016 and already looking like a futuristic future from a movie can they keep it that way?

Saiyannationyt12 · Tranh châm biếm
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8 Chs

The Black cat Strikes

On top of one of the many skyscrapers in New York, we see Spider-Woman and the new hero Spider-Man.


Petra: So.

"How long have you been spider-woman?"

Petra: Okay wow right off the bat this was before you got back to the school went on a field trip to Oscorp and then we went to the spider labs...

"And it bit you the same way it but me and gave me spider-powers but more advanced."

Petra: Basically yeah...And so after that, I decided to earn some moments.


Petra: Because I wanted to buy you a gift... but the guy was being a jerk and so...

"Petra what did you do?"

Petra: Instead of stopping the guy I let him robbed him and I felt good until a few minutes later uncle Ben got shot and I realized it was my fault.

"Oh no, Petra I'm sorry I wasn't there for you?"

Petra: Don't worry it wasn't your fault."

"Yeah, it wasn't... So do anyone else known?"

Petra: Mj does after my first fight I barely made it back and then she stole her dad's car and bandage me up.

"So those excuses you made were actually to stop crime."

Petra: Well some of them were real after I had stopped them.

"So why didn't you tell me."

Petra: Why didn't you tell me you were Spider-Man.

"I plead the fifth well might get the truth out now."

Petra: What truth."

"That Miles and Gwen know about me being Spider-Man... I went to them after and so Gwen made the web fluid and miles made my suit which it can go into my watch."

Petra: Your father's watch.

"Yup that's the one... so then do you want to team up."

Petra: Yeah.

"But first ..."

As he leans in for a kiss which turns out into something more.

A/N: I don't think I'm going to do lemons for this story... maybe.

As the days turn into weeks we can see them both taking down infamous numbers of criminals like the wrecking crew, Shocker, and Hydro-man as they quickly became New York's favorite spider couple. In his house, he and Petra gently rub her arms as he gets an alarm for a break-in at jewelry.

A/N: I thought of using the scene from Batman hush and Batman 2016 run when they're taking down enemies.


As I swing towards the store as I look through to see Yup a break-in.

"Hmm, damn it seems like whoever was here was able to get everything."

Karen: She's getting away.

I look through the hole that I came out and she's right as I see a female in a black leather costume with a bag that probably has the jewelry And swing after her. It continued for a few minutes until I was able to stop her.

"Stop you thief and hand over the jewels ."

???: Really how old are you.

"It was the best I could up with now never mind that just hand over the jewels and just hand you over to the police."

???: Hmm Nah.

"Just who are you?"

???: The name is the black cat, and where's your little girlfriend?

"She's sleeping but enough about her from what I hear she's been chasing you for a year and a half now."

Black Cat: You got that right, well a girl to do what they got to do to survive.

"Your not leaving."

Black Cat: You know what they say never look into a black cat's eyes it gives you certain bad luck.

"Bad luck isn't real."

As she gives off the chase I try to stop her with web-shooters started to short out.

"Aww crap."

The next day.

Miles: So she got away.

Gwen: And somehow damaged your webs shooters.

"That's what I'm trying to say."

Petra: Didn't you say that her eyes glowed.

"That too."

Mj: Well I dig up some information that we had on her last year.

"And you said that she has never  been caught."

Petra: Yup.

Harry: Who haven't caught yet.

Petra: Um um Jackson hasn't been able to get caught last night when we're playing tag.

"Yeah, that's right."

Harry: Well anyway it's this is the final week for our projects have you guys finished them.

"Yeah, I and miles finished ours it's a hacking app."

Miles: But we are going to explain it at the presentation on Friday.

Liz: Hello. 

Gwen: I forgot but not to forget since I went to her for our project guys meet Liz, Liz the guys.

"So what your project on."

Gwen: Unlike you, two were not going to reveal ours until the actual date.

Felicia: So is this a group of loser clubs.

"If this is a group of losers why are you here?"

Felicia: Well after duping George now I'm in this group too.

"Well welcome to the club."

Felicia: What were you nerds talking about anyway?

Miles: We talking about our projects, where you can finish yours.

Felicia: It's almost done just need to find a few more parts.

"What are you building?"

Felicia: A small metal tractor beam.

Gwen: Why would you want that.

Felicia: I have my reasons, are you going to help or not.

"Since we have nothing to do sure, you guys fine with that?"

Gwen: Sure why not, Petra you've been quiet this whole time.

Petra: Nothing wrong I just been thinking.

"About what?"

Petra: Things.

"Eh... lunchtime is almost over it's best to get back to class."


You know what I like after school is swinging around the city with your girlfriend who was secretly known as Spider-Woman for a Year and a few months by now as we spotted a corner that a few thugs were trying to Robb an old lady.

"Cmon guys."

Thug1: Ah crap it's them.

Thug2: Told you it was a bad idea.

Thug3: This is dum let's go.

Spider-Woman: Man I didn't even get to punch anything.

"It's fine.. hey mam do you mind if we walk you to where the bus is."

Old Lady: No thank you, thanks to you to its old people like us that's able to walk out at night.

"Well now have a good night."

As we swing away Petra speaks.

Petra:  I think I know who Black Cat is.


As both of our alarm as she got her new suit, and landed at a diamond store and landed in front of the black cat.

Black Cat: Well Well Spider it seems you brought her along this time.

Spider-Woman: I know who you are.

Black Cat: Oh.

Spider-Woman: Felicia.