
Chapter 35:Finishing Sub Mission

System:Ding! Sub Mission:Build a Military Camp and 1,000 troops to train, Reward:Esdeath (Akame Ga Kill)

Turning in the Esdeaths mission, you see her card pop up in the item area of your stats menu. Think about it a little bit, you decide to summon Esdeath later because you want to make some plans before summoning her.

Looking at the mission to save the slaves, you decide to not turn it in because you might be able to free some more slaves. While your were checking out the mission tab, you remember the blacksmiths mission.

Going to one of the buildings in the west district, you turn one of the buildings into a blacksmiths and adding a store front just in case someone wants to buy anything. Adding the Flame Wytherns Scaled Forage, Mithril anvil and hammer into the back, you turn in the mission.

System:Ding! Sub Mission Complete:Blacksmith Shop, Reward:Hephaestus (DanMachi)

Allowing Hephaestus to be summoned, the floor of the forage room lights up. Fading away, you could see Hephaestus with her crimson eye and red ponytailed hair reaching to the waist. She has a rather sharp face and slender body with an eyepatch over her right eye.

You:"Hey Hephaestus, I know that after just summoning you it's rude for me to ask you this but could you make some armor for the dungeons girls? Just think of them as your familia now"

Hephaestus:"Sigh*, you're kidding me. I'm not trying to brat here, but you know how much our made-to-order equipment costs, right?"

You:"I know it's expensive, but... Please, Hephaestus! I'm begging you! (Gets on the ground)"

Hephaestus:"What exactly are you supposed to be doing, anyway?"

You:"Prostrating myself. Takemikazuchi(Lies, you got it from the anime) told me about it. It's the ultimate technique for apologizing and begging"

Hephaestus:"He needs to learn to keep his mouth shut. [Your Name] tell me why you're willing to go this far"

You:"I want to help the girls inside the dungeon to survive! Their trying to get stronger! They've found a home, and now their trying to survive a long, and harsh world. It's a dangerous world. So I want the power to help them! A weapon to cut open a way for them! Their always going to be with me, and I can't always be their for them. They give me happiness, and I can't just do nothing for them. I'm their savior, but I can't always be there like I should be. I would hate not being able to help them defend themself when I'm not there!"

Hephaestus:"Trying to help them, huh? Fine. I'll make your equipment. For your dungeons sake."

hearing her agreeing, you jump at her and give her a hug.

You:"Thank you, Hephaestus!" rolling her eyes, she hugs you back.

Hephaestus:"Just so we're clear, you're paying. Even if it takes decades, or centuries"

You:"Yeah! I know!"

After thanking Hephaestus, you go get the materials mined so far in the Elite Mine.

Hephaestus:"Now then, what to do?"


Getting to the mines, you take the vanadium and chromium the Golems mined up last night and synthesizing it into a 2 Steel Golems to make a vanadium-steel alloy and stainless-steel, ordering them to send all the metals mined into the storage room of Hephaestus Blacksmith. After which, you sent until evening synthesizing all the steel around the dungeon into either vanadium-steel or stainless-steel.

Having more types of metals to work with, you and Nymph started working on more types of Golems and items you could make. One of the item you made first was an osmium-iridium crucible for Hephaestus, mages and alchemist for their alloy making, spell-craft, and potion brewing.

You guys started off with tungsten because it's known as the metal with the highest melting point and because of that, you and Nymph decide to make it the new Fire Golem. The only changes you made where that their were more wind circles, to increase the range, speed, and heat of the fire fired. You replaced all the Golems on parol or guard duty with the new Tungsten Golem

Another attack type golem you guys made was the Silver Golem, making it an artificial electro-master because sliver has the highest conductivity of all the metals. By using a lightning type mana stone and placing lighting magic circles almost everywhere you guys could think of on and in the Golems body. The design of the Sliver Golems are slimmer for faster movement and contains an outer coating of iron sand to manipulate.

(Note:Imagine the normal Golems as metal gorillas but smooth metal, and its head shaped like the manikins you see at the mall; faceless)

Titanium is stronger than steel but much less dense and has an extremely high melting point so you and Nymph decide to save it for when you guys start making aircrafts since this would be a great material to use considering it's also used to make aircrafts on earth.

The gold, white gold, platinum, and gems were moved into the 'treasury' or the empty rooms on the 10th Floor no one goes to besides you, Ikaros, and Nymph. Although your slimes are there, you don't worry about Ikaros finding them because she doesn't care and wouldn't tell, while your more worried of Nymph using the slimes on the girls before you... which isn't a bad thing because it puts the blame of her instead of you. Thinking about it, you check on the slimes while also adding more aphrodisiacs you bought from the... Shop Keeper.

You:"I wonder what my shadow clone did to Blacky" Thinking about the Shop Keeper, you think of some measurements just in case he finds the city and you.

System:Ding! User has bought [Sensing Barrier] for 500,000 Dp

Placing the sensing barrier formation inside the 10th floor, you can could sense everything that moves inside the dome covering the city and more.

You:"At lease there's buffer time for me to intercept anyone that attacks the city. This will allowing the girls to evacuate into the dungeon"

Wanting to keep the rest of your Dp just in case, you give Alice some Golems that can help prepare some of the ingredients that need cutting, grinding, or smashing instead summoning more cooks or chefs.

You:"Maybe I should send one of the Shadow to watch the Shop Keeper. I better get the original Ikaros, Shadow, and girls on the airship here quick since I don't know how power full the Shop Keeper is or if a shadow clone of Ikaros could handle him. If worst comes to worst, I can always use summon to get Ikaros back here"

Not wanting to risk it, you reinforce the inner walls around the large church and clan halls using the titanium you weren't going to use on golems. You also place the 5 basic mana gathering circles inside the mage training ground, 5 in the Shizen Clan Hall for the Elves and Fairys, and the last 5 inside the dungeon core room to increase the speed and amount of mana the dungeon can use to reinforce and regeneration the dungeon/city.

Since you haven't gotten your shadow clones memory's, you decide to send a shadow to the slave outpost while also using the 2 Shadows left to help the girls training.