
Chapter 31:Airship

SHADOW IN WEST(Late Afternoon)

Since it was almost time to get on board the airship, you went back to the girls telling them it was time to go. The way to get onto the airship was going up a tower and waiting for the airship to park next to it. Since you got their early, you decide to check again for anyone to Spying on you with Sage mode. Checking around, you sense the same people from the auction that has been following you after it. Although your a little worried, you know that they won't attack with Ikaros, and are probably here to protect.

Theirs 3 possibilities that you can think of right now for them not attacking you when they could have done it at any time until now. The first possibility is that their here to protect you since they want to protect the chosen one that can summon a Archangel or something like that, or they want to protect and watch you because they want to know how you summon Ikaros and not wanting anyone else to find out your method. The second possibility is that someone else more powerful is protecting you that can hide or see farther than you; such as the Shop Keeper with his unknown and probably powerful background, Shiroi Nazo since he's powerful to get the Dungeon Core in the first place, or some high rank religious figure holding back your spy's. The third possibility is that either Shiroi Nazo, or someone at the auction wants to find out what the Dungeon Core is and does since form what you can tell, no one knows what it is or does, and is waiting for you to hopefully show them how to use it.

Not thinking about it any farther, you see the airship in the distance; it's like the helicarrier from marvel, but shaped like a ship, made of less metal, and you can sense wind magic coming from the turbines. Looking closer, you can see that the hull has a complex magic array craved all over it. Reading and memorizing the magic array, you see that it's a giant light weight spell, although it's not a wind type spell, you could probably guess that it's a gravity type spell. Since you haven't seen a gravity spell before, you try to memorize every detail you could with your eidetic memory.

Seeing that the airship has parked and the bridge is being lowered, you get ready to board the ship. Showing your guys ticket to the staff, you walk into the bridge. Getting one the ship, you and the girls find your guys room before anything; although we got are tickets somewhat late, it was still ok since there wasn't a lot of people rich enough to afford 2nd class. Although you couldn't get first class since there were only 10 first class rooms and they were all booked by low rank nobles on this worlds version of a cruise.

Getting to your rooms, you guys walk into a beautiful designed room; with gold decorated almost everywhere, fine silk and fabric furniture, and a magic tools around the room. The toilet wasn't as advanced as your dungeon's but it was still working with complex wind and water magic, while the bath was small and only allowed one or two people.

Using Sage mode, you see the outline of the rooms inside the ship. Everyone below 3rd class didn't have a restroom and the quality and space Keeper decreasing. Memorizing the layout of the ship and drawing it out for Ikaros just in case thing go south and theirs a need to run away or escape from something or someone.

Although the group girls caught most people attention on the way here, it was a good way to not make Ikaros stand out since you don't want her to stand out alone and maybe forcing her to use her angel form. Ikaros also knows this since she has her emotions, and is only going to use for angel form in a time of emergency knowing that her wings might put you in a unwanted situation.

Knowing from anime that something might go wrong, you stay close to the girls. Walking to the deck, you and Ikaros have a titanic scene which you knocked on wood after that since you don't want it to rice a titanic flag.

After walking around the ship, you notice that not many are walking outside since this isn't an actual cruise and there isn't anything entertaining on the ship. The girls notice this to and you guys seal yourselves inside your rooms, buying the girls some easy to learn board and card games while you shut yourself inside your room to train while Ikaros plays and watch the girls.

Although the ship has seals on the ship for privacy like noice and sensory canceling magic, it doesn't work on chakra and reishi. Seeing nothing wrong so far, you start training Armament Haki since it's the only one you can do without damaging the ship. After an hour of flying, you get a notification from the system.

System:Ding! Mission:Protect airship from incoming flying monster horde, Reward:

Everyone Alive:[(lvl:4)Vector Manipulation], [(D)Basic Chakra Jutsu], 500,000 Dp

90% live:[(lvl:4)Electro-Master], [(C)Armament Haki], 450,000 Dp

80% live:[(lvl:3)Electro-Master], [(C)Armament Haki], 400,000 Dp

70% live:[(C)Armament Haki], [(B)Observation Haki], 350,000 Dp

60% live:[(B)Observation Haki], [(B)Weapons Mastery], 300,000 Dp

50% live:[(C)Water Style Jutsu], [(B)Weapons Mastery], 250,000 Dp

You:"Huhhh, I knew that something would happen"

Walking into the girls room, you tell them about the flying monster horde that's coming this way soon, before leaving. Seeing you leave, Ikaros tugs a piece of you shirt, looking back you see Ikaros worried about you.

Ikaros:"Master" saying that while looking at you with sad puppy eyes.

You:"sigh*, Ikaros, I'm not going to get myself killed alright. If the system thinks I can't do it, it would probably tell me to run instead of protecting the ship. Plus I think you can't carrier everyone in this room" hearing you out, she looks back at the girls because she knows what you said is true, she can't carry everyone here off the ship in time. Knowing that her new friends that she hanged out for the past few days might die, she looks back at you even sadder.

You:"Sigh*, how about this, I might need some help with this, why don't you girls shoot magic and arrows at the horde from the deck, while I take care of the rest" all of them agree silently, stand all together to get ready for the fight.

Not wasting any time, you leave them to get ready while you get towards the deck. Using Sage mode you sense that a horde of Wytherns and other flying monsters, all of different ranks come towards you guys. Seeing the large amount of monsters, you think of what to do.