
Chapter 16:Sub Missions

Since you finished Nymphs Mission, you check your systems log.

System:Ding! Mission complete:**** and humiliate Nymph, Reward:2 [Affectionate Slave Collar], and 159,000 Dp

System:Ding! User has met requirements to learn [Lust (Tier:1)]

You:"Lust? And why is there a tier?" Curious you check what Lust.

[Lust (Tier:1)]:One of the seven deadly sins skill set. Allows user to leave a mark on sex partner when user cums inside partner.


-7x Affection

-1% Stats of Partner, Max:77 Stats

-Control birth [on/off]

(Tier 2)Requirement:

-Mark 777 Partners

-Cum inside 7777 in a week

Without hesitation, you turn off birth because your girls, dungeon, and you aren't ready for kids. Also you want to see what else you can control if you level up lust.

You:"System what was the requirements to learn Lust?"

System:To learn this skill, user must have at lease 77 partners and cum inside 777 times

Within a week

Sunned, you remember about the orgy you just had this morning. Taking into account your Shadows, 216 girls, and cumming into them at lease 3-5 times in each of them; doing the math inside your head, you realize you meet the requirements in 2 hours.

Since you guys are still inside the Hot Spring, you start another orgy, marking everyone. (Invisible Heart above there womb)


After marking everyone, you guys clean yourself again.

Thinking about it, it's been awhile since you synthesized new skills; you check your stats.


Name:(your name), Job:[Anime Dungeon Master], Human/Shinigami/Hollow/Vampire(Shinobu Oshino)








Sp. Atk:A



Ability:[Golemancy], [Synthesis],[Basic Monster Language], [Hand-Signs Mastery], [One Hand-Signs Mastery], [Shadow Clone Jutsu], [Sharingan](three tomoe), [Vampiric Regenerate], [Shadow Imitation Jutsu], [Summon], [Golem Shadow Clone Jutsu], [Shadow Clone], [Reverse Summoning Jutsu], [(B) Taijutsu], [(C) Reishi Control], [(C) Chakra Control], [(E) Life Steal], [(C) Reishi Regeneration], [(C) Chakra Regeneration], [(E)Magic Blacksmith], [Body Flicker Jutsu Mastery], [Flying Rajin Mastery], [Basic Chakra Nature], [Chakra Kekkei Genkai], [Gaia's Blessing], [(F) Earth Style Jutsu], [Basic Magic Knowledge], [(F)Mana Control], [(F) Weapon Mastery], [Lust (Tier:1)]

Items:[Ichigo's Shikai], 50x[Flying Raijin Kunai], 2x[Affectionate Slave Collar]

Dp:167,134 Dp


You:"Tch, leveling up to level 50 takes so much time. Whatever, let's start Synthesizing some skills"

System:Synthesizing [Lust (Tier:1)] and [(E) Life Steal]

System:Ding! User has upgraded [Lust (Tier:1)]

You:"that's new, systems show me the change in lust"

[Lust (Tier:1)]:One of the seven deadly sins skill set. Allows user to leave a mark on sex partner when user cums inside partner.


-7x Affection

-1% Stats of Partner, Max:77 Stats

-Control birth [on/off]

-Recharge Energy using partners, Max:77 Energy

(Tier 2)Requirement:

-Mark 777 Partners

-Cum inside 7777 in a week

You:"That might be useful later on. Let's continue" continuing, you can't Synthesize new skills. Sad you think about items you could use. Looking at the Collar you got as a reward, they remind you of the effects of Croce di Pietro from 'A Certain Magical Index'. Thinking about trying to make one, you think of some ideas to get the same effect.

You:"Maybe I should Synthesize it with a cross to make a Croce di Pietro, But I think a radio tower would work better, but if I ready wanted to, I could try Synthesizing with a satellite, that would really boost the range but how do I get a satellite into space? Ikaros? She did evolve so maybe it's possible... what to do, what to do. Should I use one on Nymph? Nah, let's keep as an extra just in case the first Synthesis false"

You decide to leave Synthesis for now. Moving onwards, you try to think of a way to increase your Dp, while not destroying the ecosystem.

You:"Maybe I should find humans and start a town, but for now, is there any way to increase the monsters around here for Dp? Plus I need stronger monsters to level up" thinking about it, you decide to find humans since it's the easiest way to get constant Dp. Use it your 4 Shadows, they go in different directions, each going in a cardinal direction. Using Flying Raijin, the Shadows go at an insane speed, while Ikaros flys trying to find anything in the sky; since this is a fantasy world, you think there might be sky city's.

After getting out of the hot spring, you free the obedient, horny, and mentally scarred Nymph. After which, you start thing what you should do next.

System:Ding! Sub Missions:Finish your idea of making a human town near your Dungeon.

-Blacksmith Shop, Requirement:A workplace, and Materials Worthy of Hephaestus; If Requirements not met, another being will be summoned

Reward:Hephaestus (DanMachi)

-Religious Building, Requirement:Meet Standards of Summoned Being; If Standards aren't met, another being will be summoned

Church, Reward:Saber Lily(Fate)

Shrine, Reward:Miko(Sealed) (No Game No Life)

-Restaurant, Reward:Chef That Likes Your Kitchen

-Residential Building, Reward:1 Lottery Ticket per 1,500 Residential Space

-Mall, Reward:10% Dp increase inside mall

-School, Reward:

-Castle, Reward:41 Homunculus Maids (Overlord)

-Sect/Clan Hall, Reward:Allow User to give 10 people Naruto Bloodlines per Sect/Clan Hall, Note:Every Clan will have a different Bloodline

-Protective Walls, Reward:Upgrade The stone in the wall and mined, 3x durable, and resistant

Seeing the obvious sign of what to do, you start planning a city over the dungeon. Your Castle will obviously be directly over the dungeon; you decide to build a Castle similar to Hiryuu Castle From 'Akatsuki No Yona' facing west, placing the dungeon entrance in the middle of the stairs at the bottom. Around the castle I'll be 4 Clan Halls, one for each cardinal direction, and a church because your also going to put Ikaros into the church. After the Clan Halls and church, will be a wall similar to the walls in Attach on Titan but less tall; if we need to we'll make the walls taller.

Since the Inn is already on the west side, you decide to place the Shrine, restaurants, residential, and mall there. Since the building style of the inn and shrine is similar, you place the shrine behind the inn, which will also make it easy for Miko to go to the Hot Spring.

Looking at the reward for the restaurant, you think about what chef you want and how to increase the chances of summoning her; your favorite chef would have to be Alice Nakiri from 'Food Wars!', and placing high tech cooking equipment would help increase the chances of summoning her.

For residential, the Inn surrounding the large hot spring can hold about 3,000 people, making it 2 Lottery Tickets. Wanting more tickets, you add an apartments complex that can holds about 9,000 people, making it now 8 tickets in total. As for the mall reward, it's better to make it wider than tall, so you make a mall in the south.

You:"let's leave the north side for now and make another wall around the buildings in place. Now how to finish these builds? Make more Golems? Earth Style Jutsu? My I should use my reminding points to buy the Alchemy skill, put I didn't watch it so all I know is how to reshape things, and I don't want the dog girl monster I see on the internet sometimes... I guess reshaping is good enough for what I'm using it for, and should be easy it use"

System:Ding! User has bought [Alchemy (Comprehensive)] for 5,000 Dp

System:Ding! User has bought [Alchemy (Deconstruction)] for 20,000 Dp

System:Ding! User has bought [Alchemy (Reconstruction)] for 15,000 Dp

SystemDing! Skill Compression... User has learned [Transmutation]

System:Ding! User has bought 2 [Transmutation Circle Glove] for 100 Dp

Putting on the Gloves, you take the stone the Golems mined and build the first walls which would protect the Castle and Clan Halls, because it would be the easiest, while also making the buildings that are going to be made stronger.


Building the wall you get a message from the System.

System:Ding! Achievement:10 Dungeon Floors, Reward:100,000 Dp

You:"I guess the Golems dug the 10th Floor. Hey system, you didn't tell me anything about achievements, what's the deal? What are the other achievements"

System:System isn't allowed to tell you other achievements. User must gain achievements on your own.

You:"Well that's BS, but I can guess that every 10 floors equals an achievement tho"


You:"Guess your still aren't going to tell me. Welp I guess I better finish this sub mission first"


System:Ding! Sub Mission Complete:Build Protective Wall Around Dungeon, Reward:Stone 3x durability, and resistances

You:"Finally, now we can start building the other buildings"


Note:Don't worry I'm going to put another time skip into the next chapter so that you don't have to read about the building progress that much anymore. Also sorry for the now posting a chapter yesterday, and late today, it's my birthday, (October 30th) 🎉🎉🎉🎉

[(F) Weapon Mastery]

-[(B) Swordsmanship]

-[(B) Archery]

-[(F) Spearsmanship]