
The New World Of DxD (Hiatus)

Do not own story, Front Cover Neither and Character's except The OC Character that i have made. Arriving to a place you always wanted to go to with wifus everywhere and Main character's that you despise. What is first thing you do? You cuckold The Main Character's shagging their wifes into submission and Show the World what is real dominance by killing anyone that oppose's your Decision and choices. This is the Story of Kagato Gremory, Descendent of Caumrupt Gremory and Chosen Child by God to either Keep the World of DxD from danger or Be the danger and Bring the world of DxD down to Hell literally.

TruckkunJr · Tranh châm biếm
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14 Chs

Chapter 7: A Man of Wincest, got a problem?

While Our MC was decorating his house, currently in Kuoh Academy which was known as an all girl's school but has recently allowed men as well. 4 females were talking among themselves. 2 of the 4 was seated playing Chess while the other females were behind them, onlooking the game of chest.

Each one of the girl's were Beauties in there own aspects and personalities. The European looking, crimson haired and blue eyed girl is Rias Gremory. Younger Sister of Our MC and Current Satan, Sirzechs Lucifer. The girl behind Rias was the young girl that Kagato saved after his leave from Japan, Raven coloured hair, Violet eyes. This girl is Akeno Himejima, Daughter of Shuri Himejima, Baraqiel and Queen of Rias peerage.

The girl that was playing and currently winning against Rias is Sona Sitri, 1.66m, Bob cut black hair, violet eyes and Heir to one of the most prestigious family in the underworld. Also behind her was, Tsubaki Shinra, long straight black hair that went to her lower back, light brown eyes and Queen of Sona peerage.

"Rias how has Hyoudou-san been doing lately? Knowing his reputation and Actions before joining your peerage I'm surprised he hasn't been pestering you to just let him have a touch of your 'oppai's'."

"Except giving them stares and drooling all over them. He hasn't done nothing, I'm was tempted to heal him naked and see how his reaction was after waking up..... But even after year's of trying to get onii-san out of my head and move forward. I still can't."

Looking at the Downcast Rias to not show her pain and sorrow. Just almost broke down by the mention of her older brother. Pity could be seen in Tsubaki and Sona's eyes while Akeno could only give a far off look, Sadness displayed on her face but quickly changing to a teasing expression.

"Rias don't act like you haven't been stalking your precious onii-san on his almost daily Vlogs. Nevermind his Sports games that are downloaded on your phone. You even have a Picture of him on your front cover."

"Ohhhhhh.... Never would of expect the girl that is the Number 1 beauty of Kuoh would be a Bro-con. Must run in the family with Sirzechs-sama being a sis-con as well."

Listening to Sona and Akeno teasing her. Rias just gave Akeno a betrayed look and tried to quickly deny her but nothing came out, she couldn't refute Akeno's statement because it was all true even her older brother being her Front cover background. Rias also knew she wasn't the only one even her mother was the same, but less noticeable compared to her. Grayfia would occasionally watch Kagato's games with a longing and guilty look, Rias couldn't understand what was going on in her Oba-sans head.

"I'm not a Bro-con! I-I-I just miss onii-san okay... Anyway Sona, I've heard that we will be having a new teacher this year. By any chance do you know who this person is?"

Changing the subject as quick as possible, Rias looked at Sona with a curious facial expression. Akeno hearing this, also looked at Sona's thoughtful face trying to probe whatever she could.

"*sigh* I've asked the Principle but he couldn't disclose who it was, the only thing I could get out of him even though this school belongs to us was, the person was very influential and popular."

Hearing this the room went silent. All 4 Woman was trying figure out who this Mystery person was, one thing was in all there heads. Whoever this person was, he/she must be powerful that even the principal who could get his job sacked didn't dare give any information towards Sona.

"Then we will just have to wait until tomorrow to see who this mysterious Person is than, Rias-sama, Sona-sama."

Nodding at Tsubaki's words. Everything else went just like any other meeting with asking how there peerages was doing and etc.

[Next Day]


The once alive alarm clock was now lying crushed and dead on the bed side table by the Mighty hand of Kagato.

"Arghhhh! Why does my alarm clocks always break after It turns on. Seriously who makes these things?"

Gradually waking up steadily, Kagato looked at the clock on the wall that displayed 8:00 am and decided to get a quick shower, get ready and make some toast with a coffee to wake himself up before leaving the house. So after 15 minutes of a fast shower, Kagato putted on a simple, Crimson vest to match his hair, Black long sleeved shirt that hugged his body showing his muscular body, Black Trousers that did the same as the shirt, Black Shoes and not forgetting the golden watch for finding out the time.

Finally Drinking his coffee and eating his toast. Kagato walked outside his 2 story modern house and locked the door. Heading to Kuoh Academy which wasn't that far, he could already see some student's heading that way.

[1st Person]

Finally arriving at Kuoh Academy only 5 minutes before Class starts, I hear whisper among the student that I passed by, if you really call them whisper's because whisper's I swear aren't meant to be loud. I could also feel the intense glares that had Hatred in them by mostly every single male like seriously not my fault you ain't handsome. The girl's were as usual, acting like Fangirl's most likely from hearing my songs and handsome face.

"Tsk. Fucking handsome guys, why can't they all drop dead."

"Isn't that the famous Singer that made Per*ect? I can't believe he is soo handsome, I wouldn't mind having a one night stand."


Okay, let's just forget about the last girls words..... Walking up some stairs and finally down the schools corridor's, I finally arrived at the classroom. 3-A at the top of the door, hearing all the student's inside gossiping and guessing who the teacher is. I opened the door and scanned the student I will be having this year, immediately my eyes noticed 4 Woman.

My little Fire cracker or should I just change it to my fire cracker because I could definitely tell that she no longer little in any way, Akeno, Sona and Tsubaki. Walking steadily to the front I wrote my name in Kanji on the board.

"As you can see I will be your Teacher throughout this year. My name is Kagato Gremory, most of you might of heard of me by sports games while doing college in America, songs or Vlogs. But that doesn't matter here. If you have any questions than raise your hand."

Right away probably most of the classroom raised there hands. I really should of thought my plans through before I proceeded in doing them, being handsome would of already made me gain a lot attention wherever I went but with being popular as well. Woman throw themselves at me like a bunch of horny teenagers and men either despise me, which not gonna lie I enjoy swimming in. Or Idolise me.

This is too troublesome..... Looking over the girl's and males that raised there hands, I picked a canon fodder female that look good looking but to be honest every female is good looking even woman that are thousands of years old.

"Kagato-sensei are you by any chance related to Rias-san?"

"Yes. I am her older brother by a year, I guess my hair colour gave me away straight away."

Seeing her nod and sitting back down. I once again pointed towards another canon fodder character but this time male.

"Kagato-sensei, being a huge fan of your music especially Sports. I'm Curious out of everywhere you could of went, why did you choose to teach?"

"It was hard choosing between my career. at some points I was planning to go professional in either Basketball or Football, but what made me decide to teach was to help the future generation be better than the past generation's. In the end I chose this school so I could do that as well as look after My little fire cracker."

Responding to the Canon fodder in a half lie, half true. I could already notice Akeno's giggling almost laughing and Rias pouting with a blush, faced downwards to not show anyone. Picking another person but this time not a canon fodder person, I pointed at Sona.

"Kagato-sensei are you planning to become an advisor for a club."

"I'm not to sure about becoming a advisor for a club but if the subject interests me then I would consider it."

"That's all for Questions. Let's get on with the Lesson now shall we."

Doing the daily things in teaching the class until the end of school. I notice while teaching the classroom, Akeno's constant Teasing and sultry Looks towards me whenever i took a glance at her cleavage. Which she probably did on purpose. Rias on the other hand gave me glances from time to time unlike her queen's open stares, her glances were full of shy but underneath them was Happiness and love.

Finishing School finally. Most of the Student's have already left including Sona and Tsubaki. Checking who was left, Akeno and Rias was the only ones currently in the classroom talking to each other. Getting a chance to speak to them, I walked up to Rias and started head patting her being 1.95m compared to her 1.72m, made her head near my lower chest.

"How has been my little Fire cracker? It's been boring without you, Kaa-san and Oba-san around me. Hope you was alright as well Akeno-chan and your mother Shuri-san."

Looking up to me both, Akeno and Rias finally noticed how tall I was. After all I am taller than Sirzechs by 0.07m/3 inches/7cm, Stroking Rias's soft fluffy hair I noticed by Anime characters enjoy doing this. Rias blushing at my enjoyment of her hair and Akeno's giggling.

"I've been Great since you saved me. Before I forget, thank you for everything you have done for me and my Kaa-san Kagato-kun."

"Don't be stupid and stop bowing. I did that from the good of my heart, but I won't deny I had my reasons as well."

Why the hell is this girl still giving me a smile? I just told you I didn't do it for you but for my self instead.... Woman, you can never really understand these creatures. Looking at Rias, who had a goofy smile and blushed noticing my stare.

"e-erm I missed you onii-san..... and me, mother and Grayfia are alright. If you could onii-san can you stop patting my head, me and Akeno need to our club. If you want, you can come as well to meet our other peerage member's."

"I'm glad to hear and no. I won't stop head patting you until I'm satisfied and sure. Show me the way, It's my first time exploring the building after all."