
The New Titans: A Teen Titans Story

Jordan King was once a regular kid that grew up fatherless in the crime capital of the world, Gotham City. Everything was normal until his mother was shot and paralyzed in a mugging gone wrong. Filled with rage and hatred, Jordan trains intensely to become a hero to take out his anger on the criminals of the world, but to be a hero, he has to overcome this anger. Even with no powers, he and his many allies have to band together to defeat many threats to Jump City, Gotham, and the world. He has to grow up and become a Titan to finally evolve into a Pheonix.

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66 Chs

End of the Night

Thirty minutes have passed since the army first started approaching the manor. Jordan and Bruce exit the Batmobile and run into the mansion. They rush into a secret room in the mansion and see Alfred touching buttons on a holographic screen. Alfred wipes some sweat from his forehead as the two heroes approach.

"What's the deal, Alfred? Where's the lockdown?" asked Jordan.

"Someone shut down the lockdown system," said Alfred.

"How is that possible?" asked Jordan.

"Someone got in. Maybe it was Talon or someone else. They had to be skilled to get in here," said Bruce.

"Well, we have a huge problem on our hands. A giant undead army-sized problem," said Jordan.

"The Court will never come back into existence after we deal with them," said Bruce.

"They're here, sirs. They're climbing the walls as we speak," said Alfred.

"Let's go. The Court has to be taught to not mess with my family," said Bruce.

Bruce and Jordan run out of the secret room and run into the foyer. On the outside, the Talons climb up the walls and hop onto the roof. They then bust through the large window on the roof and land around the two heroes. Bruce puts his fists up and Jordan pulls out his katanas.

"These are a lot for two people," said Jordan.

"We can do this. Just don't get in my way," said Bruce.

"I will try not to," said Jordan.

"Good. Here they come," said Bruce.

All of the undead assassins charge at the two caped crusaders. The first to come in contact with the Talons is Bruce. Bruce defeats one with a couple punches, another with a couple kicks, another with a mix of kicks and punches, and he grapples one towards Jordan. Jordan takes his turn and knees the Talon in the head. He then grabs two Talons and smashes their heads together. Jordan then punches a few a couple times and throws in some kicks as well. A couple minutes pass, but the Talons keep on coming.

"They just won't go down. What do we do?" said Jordan.

"Retreat deeper into the manor. Alfred should have put the lockdown system back in place," said Bruce.

"Speak of the devil," said Jordan.

Bruce and Jordan turn their heads to the windows for a few seconds and see the windows being covered up. They take their leave and run towards another room. The zombies follow their prey, but they can't reach them before a steel door stops them.

"How long will the door last?" asked Jordan.

"Not long," said Bruce.

The Talons start to pierce through the steel door with their cold hands and bust it down. Jordan and Bruce start to run away, but they are almost stabbed by a line launcher launched by other Talons that somehow got there first. Bruce grapples to the second floor and takes down the snipers with a few punches and explosives. On the ground floor, Jordan dismantles his amount of Talons by slicing their bodies to pieces with his katanas and some Explosive Claws. The talons try to stab him with throwing knives and line launchers, but he dodges them and throws Claws into their heads.

"They're not that hard to beat. I was just overreacting," said Jordan.

"Our threat should always be overestimated, Jordan. Or should I say Dark Phoenix?" said Talon.

The leader enters the large room and walks towards the center of the room. A smile lies on his smirk face.

"Where's Tim?" asked Bruce.

"You don't have to worry about him, Bruce. He is mine now," said Talon.

"You bastard. He isn't your property," said Jordan.

"You can't blame me. You two made it so goddamn easy," said Talon.

"You're going to eat your words, you piece of filth," said Jordan.

"It's a two v one. Give up," said Bruce.

"Never," said Talon.

"Bring it then, bitch," said Jordan.

Talon leans back weirdly and then rushes the two heroes. Jordan and Bruce proceed to rush towards Talon as well. This was a bad idea for Talon of course. He will not come out of here unscathed. Not at all. Well, back to the fight. Talon tries to go after Jordan, the worst fighter out of the two, but Bruce covers the young hero and knees Talon in the stomach. Jordan then punches Talon while Bruce kicks him. They switch the sequence of attacks and Bruce chops Talon in the neck while Jordan kicks him in the family jewels. While Talon is stunned by the pain, Jordan kicks Talon in the china and sends him flying into the air. Bruce jumps up, grabs him, and slams him onto the ground.

"You should have never shown up here. Should have brought more Talons," said Bruce.

"There are always more Talons than first estimated," said Talon as he pulls out a small gadget.

Talon presses the gadget hard and multiple Talons immediately hop through the window. They land behind Talon and start to encircle the two crime fighters.

"Those are a lot of Talons," said Jordan.

"Not too many for us to handle," said Bruce as he pulls out two Explosive Batarangs.

"Get them," said Talon.

"Run or fight?" asked Jordan.

"Run," said Bruce.

Bruce starts to run first and Jordan follows. The Talons follow as well but are stopped after Bruce explodes the Batarangs with a trigger. A few are destroyed, but many remain. Jordan and Bruce hop through the window and then grapple to the rooftop. They quickly run across the rooftop as the zombie assassins still follow them. They reach the edge and then leap off the roof. The ground opens and the heroes dive into it. Jordan throws a few Explosive Disks behind them and kills a few of the Talons. They reach the Batcave in only thirty seconds and quickly run over to the Batcomputer.

"How much backup did he call?" asked Jordan.

"A lot," said Bruce.

"We need backup. Alfred, how's the mech coming along?" said Jordan.

"Good so far, sir, but I need more time," said Alfred.

"We don't have much time before they get here," said Jordan.

"I will move quickly sir," said Alfred.

"They're here," said Bruce as he turns around.

Behind the two heroes, the Talons fall from the sky like rain on a bad day. Jordan and Bruce look at each other before they rush the Talons. They first hit the closest Talons with some right hooks before jumping up and landing powerful kicks. They decide to divide the Talons by Bruce running in the other direction while Jordan flips up the stairs. Many Talons follow Jordan and fall right into his trap. Jordan pulls out a few Claws and launches them at the Talons with his full strength. The Claws decapitates some of them while it just stuns others. The stunned ones get hit with mini explosives before blowing up into smithereens.

"Way too easy," said Jordan.

"Indeed. You would have made a good Talon," said Talon as he lands thirty feet in front of Jordan.

"I would hate to be one of you. You guys suck," said Jordan.

"Then, just die," said Talon as he charges at Jordan.

Jordan pulls out his escrima sticks and waits for Talon to get close. The leader does and Jordan first smacks him in the face a few times with his escrima sticks. Then, he knees him in the face before somersaulting over Talon, grabbing his face, and slamming him on the hard surface. He lands a hard knee on him before grabbing him by his legs and throwing him into one of the suit containers. Talon tries to get up but is grabbed and kicked off the ledge. He hits the ground in seconds and then Jordan lands on him seconds later.

"Why would I want to be a Talon when you guys are so weak? The zombies were a better challenge," said Jordan.

"Get off," said Talon as he tries to kick Jordan off.

"Not a chance," said Jordan.

"You fool. I'm just one of the many players in this city. You may take me down, but there are people even bigger than me. If I die, you will never have a grip over this city," said Talon.

"That's what they all say, pal," said Jordan.

Jordan gets up and places his foot on Talon's head as he waits for Bruce to come to find him. Then, he notices something. He grabs a piece of paper from Talon's suit and looks at it.

"What house is safe for children, but can make you go mad?" said Jordan.

"It's a riddle. A message for the Bat," said Talon.

"It's an orphanage for mentally or physically disabled children. Willowwood Home for Troubled Children," said Bruce as he walks up.

"Why there?" asked Jordan.

"I'll show you," said Bruce.

"What about him?" asked Jordan.

"Tim's en route. He will deal with him," said Bruce.

"Already here. It looks like I missed the apocalypse," said Tim as he walks into the cave.

"Watch him. We will be back," said Bruce as he and Jordan walk past Tim.

"Just great," said Tim.

"I guess this is karma," said Talon.

"Shut up," said Tim.

An hour passes. The Batmobile arrives at the abandoned orphanage and pulls up in front of it. Jordan and Bruce hop out and enter the large building. They quickly check the first floor but find nothing. They then move up a floor and look around up there too. Bruce walks towards a door and opens it, but he is trapped by a net, shot by a weapon.

"Bruce!" exclaimed Jordan.

Jordan runs towards Bruce, but he is kicked away by a large leg and sent flying into a wall. The mysterious attacker walks out of the dark room and enters the "light". He is wearing a modern white Talon suit that easily fits his large build.

"Who are you?" asked Jordan.

"Thomas Wayne Jr, but you know me as Lincoln March," said March.

"Lincoln? But, why?" asked Bruce.

"It should be obvious, brother. I'm just taking back what is mine," said March.

"You are not my brother. I have no siblings," said Bruce.

"Good joke, Bruce, but I am your big brother. Mother gave birth to me first," said March.

"You're not a part of my family. You're just another crazy Talon," said Bruce.

"Mother always wore a red pin. A red pin only given to those who come from here. I lived here while you lived a life that I didn't get. One that deserved to be mine," said March.

"I'm tired of hearing your crap. Let's finish this," said Bruce.

"We'll deal with him together," said Jordan.

"No, this is my fight. Just sit back and watch," said Bruce.

Bruce pulls out a file and uses it to escape the net. He quickly gets up and charges at his "brother". He punches him a few times and even lands a kick, but March isn't affected by it. He's enjoying his "little brother's" attempt to fight him, but after a while, he is no longer amused and is ready to try.

"I expected more, brother, but I guess that I was expecting too much. My turn," said March.

March punches Bruce and then spheres him through a wall. He then tries to fly away as his "brother" falls, but Bruce grapples to his suit and follows him through the sky. He tries to shake him off by smashing him on a window of a skyscraper, but he still "stands strong". March flies up to a plane and tries to drop Bruce in the engine, but he has placed an explosive on March's jetpack. The explosive explodes and March falls out of the sky. Bruce hops off the plane and dive bombs towards his "brother". As they fall through the clouds, Bruce tries to reach out to March, but they fall into a warehouse before he can reach. March quickly gets up, but it takes Bruce a few more seconds than usual.

"That was a nice little trip," said March.

"Your takeover attempt is over. It's time to go to Arkham," said Bruce.

"I'm the one standing, brother and I will stand until the end of time," said March.

"Don't do this. I can get you help," said Bruce.

"There is no helping me and I don't want it," said March as he pulls out a gadget.

He then throws the gadget into a tanker and it explodes. Bruce quickly acts and throws his cape over himself to block most of the explosion. He doesn't take too much damage, but he is sent flying outside of the warehouse. Once he reaches the outside, he quickly puts out the flames on his suit and runs back into the warehouse. He extensively searches for his "brother", but can't find him. He has escaped. He continues to search until he hears static in his cowl. He taps it and hears Jordan's voice.

"Bruce, where are you?" asked Jordan.

"He disappeared," said Bruce.

"How?" asked Jordan.

"He was trained well," said Bruce.

"Is the night over?" asked Jordan.

"I don't know, but I have a good feeling," said Bruce.

Two hours pass. The Batfamily now sit in the living room of the Wayne Manor, either enjoying alcoholic or nonalcoholic beverages. Laughs are heard and conversations are had. Everyone is having fun, except for Jordan who stares out of a window. Jason notices this and yells at him.

"Yo, Jordan! Are you going to be a sourpuss tonight! We just won!" exclaimed Jason.

"Well, a demon is going to come back by the end of the month and the Court has prevented me from preparing for like two weeks. I can't be happy," said Jordan.

"You can do all of your preparations tomorrow, but tonight, we should all party and have fun," said Yin.

"I have to leave early in the morning. I'll pass," said Jordan.

"We got Talon, but March is still out there. Shouldn't we be more focused on him?" said Dick.

"Without the Court, March isn't a threat. If he comes around again, we will deal with him. Just like the others," said Barbara.

"Well, I think that the 'others' are already here. Penguin is robbing a museum," said Bruce.

"So, who wants to go deal with him? He's too easy for us. Tim should try to take him," said Jordan.

"No. He's too easy," said Tim.

"So, how about you, Yin?" asked Jordan.

"I refuse," said Yin.

"So, who will deal with him?" asked Jordan.

"All of us. This city needs something to fear outside the Court and me. They need to see the strength of the Batfamily," said Bruce.

"Won't it be a little overkill? It's just the Penguin at the end of the day," said Jason.

"I don't believe in overkill. Let's go show Gotham her knights," said Bruce.

We have made it to the end of this little subarc. I included the Court because I thought that they were cool and an interesting add to this story. I also added in Tim Drake's Robin and included a more unknown character, Yin, into the mix of this story and the Batfamily as a whole. I wanted to not just make this season longer, but to not rush right into "The End". Also, I wanted to expand on the lore, but we all know the end is coming. Three more chapters are left until the arc ends and it will be a banger. Enjoy the chapter and have a good day!

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