

As she was now hearting out she stopped and looked at her house" (sigh) Its now time for me to live my dream , bye mom" she said in a voice which had no ounce of sadness and rather she seemed more relieved , that just broke her mom . Tomia 's mom wanted to just cuddle with her daughter and live the last moment she will ever see her daughter but some how she kept her face looking very stern which made Tonia feel like her mom didn't care whether she was there or gone and her step dad Mr Jones wasn't even bothered in fact he wanted her gone as soon as possible ,( turns out he was Some how related to Tomia 's dad 's death and seeing her everyday hurt him its not like he wanted to be involved but it was just a coincident and he is traumatized by that day and just thinking about it hurts him deeply hence seeing his best friend 's wife like made everything worse and he made it his life 's mission to make her smile but he ended up falling for her perfect qualities and ended up marrying her and he thought that he would also make his new daughter smile like her mom but she was cold towards him , he tried in so many times but that was all in vain as she didn't budge , he soon gave up on her and concentrated on his wife , who late gave birth to two beautiful twins and even though he did not do anything he could see the distance forming between the Tomia and her mom until they could no longer talk properly without having a fight and since all he wanted was to have peace in the house so he figured if Tomia were to go away there would be peace in the house ). "Bye Mr Jones , mom and you two " deep inside she wished her mom would change and ask her to stay and hug her then let go of her but her mom was still as stern as ever and that caused a moment of awkward silence then luckily the cab arrived , driving away in the cab looking at the window remembering all the moments she spent in every spot in this town , bringing joy and excitement to what's awaiting her in her new journey.