
Chapter 10: Breaking Root's Chains

Naruto sat at Ichiraku's, already on his third bowl of ramen, when he spotted two familiar figures walking past.

"Oi! Hinata! Ino!" he called out cheerfully, noodles still dangling from his mouth. "Want to join me? Old man Teuchi's miso ramen is extra good today, dattebayo!"

Hinata immediately turned red, pressing her fingers together in her characteristic nervous gesture. "N-Naruto-kun..."

Ino rolled her eyes but smiled. "You're going to get fat eating all that ramen, you know?" Despite her words, she guided a still-blushing Hinata to the seats beside Naruto.

"No way!" Naruto grinned, patting his stomach. "I burn it all off with training! Besides, ramen is the food of the gods!"

"One miso ramen," Teuchi announced, placing a fresh bowl in front of Naruto.

"That's your fourth bowl already?!" Ino exclaimed in disbelief.

"A-ano," Hinata spoke softly, "I'll have one miso ramen too..."

"Make that three," Ino sighed. "If you can't beat them, join them, I guess."

"That's the spirit!" Naruto beamed. "Hey, hey, did you guys hear about what happened in Suna? It was crazy! There was this huge-" He suddenly remembered Tsunade's warning about keeping secrets and caught himself. "Uh, I mean, it was a really important mission!"

Ino leaned forward, her gossip sensors tingling. "Oh? What kind of important mission?"

"The k-kind where you saved the Kazekage?" Hinata added quietly, a proud smile on her face.

"Hehehe," Naruto scratched the back of his head, "Well, yeah! But Granny Tsunade would kill me if I said too much. Let's just say it all worked out, dattebayo!"

"Here you go, ladies," Teuchi placed two steaming bowls of ramen in front of Ino and Hinata.

"Itadakimasu!" they chorused.

As they ate, Naruto couldn't help but feel grateful for moments like these - simple, peaceful times with friends. Even with all the crazy things happening, it was nice to know some things stayed the same.

"Hey," he suddenly perked up, "want to hear about this new jutsu I'm working on? It's super cool and-"

"NO!" came Teuchi's immediate response, remembering the last time Naruto demonstrated a new technique in his shop.

Everyone burst out laughing, even Hinata giggling behind her hand, as Naruto pouted dramatically.

"Some other time then, dattebayo!"

As Naruto continued to enjoy his ramen, it seemed as if his aura or perhaps just sheer coincidence began to attract more of his friends to Ichiraku's.

Suddenly, a loud voice boomed from down the street. "Oi, Naruto! There you are!"

Kiba came bounding up with Akamaru at his heels, followed by a quieter Shino.

"We've been looking all over for you," Kiba grinned, plopping down next to Ino. "Should've known you'd be here stuffing your face."

Shino adjusted his sunglasses. "Why? Because Naruto's love for ramen is as predictable as the life cycle of the Aburame clan's kikaichu beetles."

"Eh? Shino, you're here too?" Naruto exclaimed, only just noticing him.

Before Shino could express his usual dismay at being overlooked, another familiar voice called out.

"Naruto-kun! Your flames of youth burn brightly even while eating!" Rock Lee appeared, striking a pose. "I shall join you in this feast to fuel our bodies for training!"

Tenten, walking alongside Lee, sighed. "Lee, not everything has to be about training."

"Geez, is the whole village showing up?" Ino remarked though she was smiling.

As if on cue, Shikamaru and Choji rounded the corner.

"Troublesome," Shikamaru muttered, seeing the growing crowd. "I told you we'd find him here, Choji."

"Naruto!" Choji called out excitedly. "Are you having a ramen party? Count me in!"

Naruto laughed, his blue eyes sparkling with joy. "The more the merrier! Old man Teuchi, we're gonna need a lot more ramen!"

Teuchi chuckled, shaking his head. "Coming right up! Ayame, we're going to need some help back here!"

As his friends settled in around him, ordering their own bowls and chatting animatedly, Naruto couldn't help but feel a warm glow in his chest. This, he thought, was what he fought so hard to protect - these moments of friendship and laughter.

"Alright, everyone!" he declared, raising his chopsticks high. "Let's eat!"

A chorus of "Itadakimasu!" rang out, filling the air with the sound of friendship and the promise of many more bowls of ramen to come.

As the group of friends continued to enjoy their impromptu ramen party, the atmosphere at Ichiraku's was lively and warm. Naruto, at the center of it all, was beaming with happiness.

Sakura came running up the street, slightly out of breath.

"There you all are!" she exclaimed. "I've been looking everywhere! Lady Tsunade wants to see us, Naruto."

Naruto slurped up the last of his noodles. "Eh? Granny Tsunade? What for?"

Sakura shrugged. "it's a mission, and it's important."

"Alright, alright," Naruto sighed, standing up reluctantly. "Guess the party's over for me."

His friends waved goodbye as he prepared to leave with Sakura and Kakashi.

"Wait," Teuchi called out, handing Naruto a to-go container. "Take this with you. Can't have you facing the Hokage on an empty stomach!"

Naruto's face lit up. "Thanks, old man! You're the best!"

As the trio departed, the rest of the group continued their meal, the sound of laughter and friendly chatter filling the air. Naruto couldn't help but glance back, a contented smile on his face. No matter what mission or challenge lay ahead, he knew he had the support of his friends and the strength of their bonds to carry him through.

"Alright," he said, turning to Sakura and Kakashi with determination in his eyes. "Let's go see what Granny Tsunade wants. I'm ready for anything, dattebayo!"

As Sakura and Naruto were heading to the Hokage's office, Sakura turned to Naruto with a serious expression.

"Naruto, there's something you should know," she said, lowering her voice. "Lady Tsunade mentioned that before we head out on our next mission, she's going to introduce us to a new captain and teammate."

Sakura hesitated before continuing, "She also told me that you need to be on your best behavior in front of the new teammate. He's... a Root ninja."

Naruto nodded solemnly, understanding the implications. He knew he couldn't show any suspicion or act out of the ordinary, as Sai wasn't his friend yet and would likely report back to Danzo.

"I got it, Sakura-chan," Naruto said, his voice uncharacteristically serious. "I'll be careful."

As they approached the Hokage's office, Naruto's mischievous grin returned, and he eyed the window with a glint in his eye. Sakura, anticipating his intentions, quickly grabbed his collar.

"Oh no, you don't!" she scolded, dragging him towards the door. "We're using the entrance like normal people, Naruto!"

"Aw, come on, Sakura-chan!" Naruto whined but allowed himself to be pulled along. "The window's much faster!"

Ignoring his protests, Sakura knocked on the door, still maintaining a firm grip on Naruto's jacket to prevent any last-minute escape attempts.

"Enter!" came Tsunade's voice from inside.

As they stepped into the office, Naruto's eyes immediately fell on two figures standing before the Hokage's desk. One was a pale-skinned young man with short black hair and an emotionless expression, while the other was an older man with brown hair and a beard.

Naruto took a deep breath, reminding himself to stay calm and not give anything away. This was going to be an interesting meeting, and he knew he had to be careful with every word and action from now on.

As Naruto and Sakura entered the Hokage's office, Tsunade sat behind her desk with a serious expression.

"Team Kakashi," she began, "meet your new captain, Yamato, and your new teammate, Sai."

The pale-skinned ninja, Sai, offered a fake smile. "Hello, Dickless."

Naruto's eye twitched, but he remembered his role and managed to contain his reaction to just clenching his fists. "What did you call me?!"

"Naruto!" Sakura warned, grabbing his arm.

Tsunade cleared her throat. "Your mission is to investigate reports of Orochimaru's activities near the Tenchi Bridge. We have reason to believe one of his spies will be meeting a contact there."

Naruto's heart raced, knowing this was where they'd originally encountered Sasuke. But this time, things would be different.

"When do we leave?" he asked, trying to maintain a casual tone.

"Tomorrow at dawn," Yamato answered. "I expect everyone to be punctual."

As they left the office to prepare, Naruto couldn't help but wonder how different this mission would be from his future knowledge. He'd have to be careful not to reveal too much while still trying to change things for the better.

As the team left Tsunade's office, Naruto's mind was racing. He knew he had to be careful not to reveal his future knowledge.

"Alright team, meet at the village gates at dawn," Yamato instructed. "Pack for a week-long mission."

Sai nodded silently while Sakura replied, "Understood, Captain Yamato."

Trying to act normal, Naruto grinned and said, "You got it! I'll bring extra ramen, dattebayo!"

As they dispersed to prepare, Naruto headed home, his thoughts in turmoil. He knew that this mission had led to a confrontation with Sasuke in the original timeline. But now, with his advanced skills and knowledge.

Inside his mindscape, Kurama spoke up. "Oi, kit. Remember not to show off too much. We don't want to alert Danzo's spy."

"I know, I know," Naruto replied mentally. "But it's hard! I want to save Sasuke this time, and stop Orochimaru earlier!"

"Patience," Kurama growled. "We have a plan. Stick to it."

Naruto sighed as he packed his bag. "Yeah, you're right. I'll try to keep calm."

The next morning, as the sun began to rise, Team Kakashi gathered at the village gates. Naruto arrived last, yawning but ready for action.

"Alright team," Yamato said, "let's move out. Stay alert and follow my lead."

As they leaped into the trees, Naruto couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and apprehension. This mission was about to unfold very differently from last time, and he was determined to make it count.

"So, Sai," Naruto called out, trying to sound casual, "what kind of Jutsu do you use?"

Sai turned his head slightly, that fake smile still plastered on his face. "I specialize in ink-based ninjutsu. Why do you ask, Dickless?"

Naruto's eye twitched at the nickname, but he managed to keep his cool. "Just curious! We're a team now, right? Gotta know each other's strengths!"

Sakura, sensing the tension, quickly interjected. "Naruto's right. Teamwork is important. Captain Yamato, what's our strategy for this mission?"

Yamato nodded approvingly at Sakura's question. "Our primary objective is to capture the spy. you guys will observe the meeting at Tenchi Bridge from a distance. Under no circumstances are you to engage unless necessary."

The mission continued, with Naruto, Sakura, and Yamato sharing knowing glances while maintaining a facade of normalcy around Sai. The challenge of navigating this delicate situation while trying to change the future weighed heavily on them all.

"So, Sai," Naruto called out while jumping through the trees, his usual loud and energetic self, "what kind of Jutsu do you use? Is it something super cool? Or maybe something lame like Konohamaru's Sexy Jutsu?"

Sai turned with his fake smile. "I use ink-based ninjutsu, Dickless."

"STOP CALLING ME THAT!" Naruto exploded, nearly missing the next branch. "I'll show you who's dickless, you fake-smiling jerk! Let's fight right now, dattebayo!"

"Naruto!" Sakura yelled, bonking him on the head. "Stop picking fights with our teammate!"

"But Sakura-chan!" Naruto whined, rubbing his head. "He started it!"

Yamato turned back with his scary face. "Na-ru-to..."

"Eep!" Naruto straightened up immediately. "Sorry, Captain Yamato!"

Inside his mind, Kurama growled. "Oi, kit, you're overdoing it."

"No way," Naruto thought back. "This is exactly how I'd normally act! Besides, that jerk does get on my nerves, dattebayo!"

The group continued through the trees, with Naruto occasionally glaring at Sai while muttering about "stupid nicknames" and "showing him with my awesome jutsu."

As they finally approached about a day's journey from the bridge, Yamato called for a halt.

"We'll stay at An Inn tonight," he announced. "After that, we'll train our formation with the three days we have left."

Sakura and Naruto cheered at the prospect of a rest day at the inn, while Sai just offered his usual fake smile.

Upon arriving, they headed straight for the hot springs. In the men's bath, Naruto, being his usual boisterous self, stood up in front of Sai.

"See! I've got a way better tool than you, dattebayo!" he declared loudly, pointing at himself.

Sai, unfazed, simply looked at him and replied, "Oh, so you do have one after all."

In the women's bath next door, Sakura overheard their discussion and turned beet red, utterly embarrassed by Naruto and Sai's crude conversation.

Yamato, trying to relax in the bath, just sighed heavily. "This is going to be a long mission..."

As they enjoyed a delicious dinner at the inn, the team eventually retired for the night. However, before anyone else woke up the next morning, Sai silently slipped out of bed and made his way outside. He stealthily moved to a dark corner where a Root ninja was waiting for him.

"Report," the Root ninja demanded in a hushed tone.

Sai, his face expressionless, replied, "Nothing significant so far. However, the rest of the team seems to have their guard up around me."

The Root ninja nodded. "Remember your primary objective. You must prioritize watching the Nine-Tails host over your original mission. Some of our other reports don't seem consistent with what we know."

"Understood," Sai responded flatly.

Just then, a loud yawn echoed from the inn, followed by Naruto's voice. "Oi! Where's everyone? I'm starving, dattebayo!"

Sai quickly turned back towards the inn. "I must go. The loud one is awake."

As Sai made his way back, Naruto burst out of the inn, still in his pajamas and nightcap.

"Hey! Sai!" Naruto called out, rubbing his eyes. "Whatcha doing out here so early? Don't tell me you're doing some secret cool training without me!"

Sai plastered on his fake smile. "Good morning, Dickless. I was just getting some fresh air."

"STOP CALLING ME THAT!" Naruto yelled, his face red with anger. "I'll show you who's dickless, you jerk!"

Sakura's voice rang out from inside. "NARUTO! Stop yelling so early in the morning!"

As Naruto continued to argue loudly with Sai, Yamato emerged from the inn, looking tired.

"Alright, team," he sighed. "Since we're all up, let's get some breakfast and start our training."

"YEAH!" Naruto cheered, pumping his fist in the air. "I'm gonna show you all my awesome new jutsu, dattebayo!"

As Team Yamato gathered in a clearing for training, Naruto bounced on his feet excitedly.

"Alright! Let's show our moves, dattebayo!" he shouted, forming his signature hand seal. "Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

A dozen clones appeared, all grinning widely. Sai observed with his fake smile, brush and scroll ready.

"Interesting. Though quantity doesn't make up for quality, Dickless."

"THAT'S IT!" Naruto and his clones charged forward. "I'll show you quality!"

"Naruto!" Yamato's face darkened ominously. "This is a team coordination exercise. Control yourself."

"Eep!" Naruto froze mid-charge. "Sorry, Captain Yamato!"

Inside his mindscape, Kurama snorted. "Nice acting, kit. Though you're not entirely faking your annoyance with the pale one."

"He really does get on my nerves, dattebayo!" Naruto thought back.

Sakura stepped forward, cracking her knuckles. "How about we practice our combination attacks?"

"Good idea," Yamato nodded. "Sai, you'll provide aerial support with your ink birds. Naruto, your clones will attack from multiple angles while Sakura..."

As they practiced, Naruto deliberately held back, using only basic techniques while pretending to struggle with coordination. He had to appear strong enough to be believable, but not so strong as to raise suspicion.

"Man, this is harder than I thought!" he complained loudly. "Sai's birds keep getting in my way!"

"Perhaps if you weren't so clumsy, Dickless," Sai commented.


"NARUTO!" Sakura's fist connected with his head.

"Ow! Sakura-chan, that hurts!"

Yamato watched the interactions carefully, a small smile hidden behind his serious expression. "The kid's gotten good at playing his part," he thought.

Once the others were distracted with their own training, Yamato casually walked over to Naruto.

"Naruto, come with me for a moment. I want to discuss your clone tactics."

Once they were a safe distance away, Yamato made a subtle hand signal. Understanding immediately, Naruto entered Sage Mode, his eyes taking on their distinctive toad-like appearance as he scanned the area for eavesdroppers.

"We're clear, Captain Yamato," Naruto confirmed quietly. "What's up?"

"Listen carefully," Yamato's voice dropped to barely a whisper. "Your display of power during the Suna mission has changed things. The Akatsuki will be more cautious now, more prepared. This means we need to be more aggressive with our other objectives."

Naruto's eyes widened. "You mean..."

"Yes. Instead of letting Orochimaru, Kabuto, and Sasuke escape like in your future memories, your new mission is to capture them. All of them."

A grin spread across Naruto's face. "Really? I can bring Sasuke back this time?"

"But," Yamato raised a cautioning finger, "this presents a new problem. How much power should you reveal? Catching Orochimaru won't be easy, and Sasuke..."

"Yeah," Naruto nodded thoughtfully. "I need to show Sasuke how strong I've gotten. Maybe if he sees that staying in Konoha doesn't mean being weak..." His eyes lit up. "Oh! What if I promised to help him get stronger? Show him there's a better way than Orochimaru's!"

"Just remember," Yamato warned, "no talking this time. Actions speak louder than words. Show them your strength, but be careful not to reveal everything. We still need some surprises for later."

"Got it, dattebayo!" Naruto pumped his fist excitedly, then paused. "But wait... how much should I hold back? I mean, this is Orochimaru we're talking about..."

"Use enough power to win decisively," Yamato advised. "But keep the more advanced techniques - like your Tailed Beast cooperation and Hiraishin - hidden if possible. We don't want to show all our cards yet."

Naruto grinned mischievously. "So basically, beat them up but make it look like I'm still just a knucklehead ninja who got lucky?"

"Exactly," Yamato nodded approvingly. "Now, let's get back before the others get suspicious. And Naruto..."


"Try to look less excited about the mission. You're supposed to be nervous about facing Orochimaru."

"Right, right!" Naruto quickly arranged his face into an exaggerated worried expression. "How's this?"

Yamato sighed. Some things never changed, even with future knowledge.

Three days flew by in a flurry of preparation and anticipation. As the appointed meeting time drew near, Yamato gathered the team for a final briefing.

"Alright, listen up," he said, his face serious. "We'll stick to the plan. Wait for my signal before revealing yourselves. Understood?"

"Hai, Captain Yamato!" the three chorused, though Naruto's enthusiasm was barely contained.

With a series of hand signs, Yamato's body transformed, taking on the hunched form of Sasori's puppet armor. "Remember," he growled in Sasori's raspy voice, "stay hidden until I give the word."

As Yamato lumbered towards the Tenchi Bridge, Naruto, Sakura, and Sai concealed themselves in the surrounding foliage. Naruto fidgeted impatiently, earning a sharp elbow from Sakura.

"Naruto! Stay still!" she hissed.

"Sorry, Sakura-chan," he whispered back, trying to calm his racing heart. "I'm just excited, ya know?"

"Dickless seems incapable of stealth," Sai observed with his fake smile.

Before Naruto could retort, a figure appeared on the bridge - a man in a light purple robe with a hood obscuring his face. Kabuto.

The scene unfolded much as Naruto remembered from his future memories. Kabuto approached cautiously, exchanging tense words with the disguised Yamato. The air crackled with tension as Kabuto revealed his true allegiance to Orochimaru.

Naruto's fists clenched as he watched, knowing what was coming next. Sure enough, a sinister chuckle echoed across the ravine as Orochimaru himself appeared.

"It's time," Naruto thought, his body coiled like a spring. "Any second now..."

As if on cue, Yamato's signal came - a subtle hand gesture that would be meaningless to anyone else.

"Now!" Naruto shouted, leaping from his hiding spot with Sakura and Sai close behind.

"Well, well," Orochimaru's serpentine eyes gleamed with amusement. "What have we here?"

Naruto landed on the bridge, blue eyes blazing with determination. "Orochimaru!" he growled, dropping into a fighting stance. "This ends now, dattebayo!"

The real battle was about to begin, and this time, Naruto was ready to change the future.

Orochimaru's eyes narrowed with amusement as he studied Naruto. "My, my, how you've grown, Naruto-kun. Still chasing after Sasuke-kun?"

Naruto's response was different this time. Instead of shouting or letting his anger show, he remained calm, his eyes focused and determined. "Captain Yamato," he called out, "permission to go all out?"

Yamato, having shed his Sasori disguise, nodded. "Remember the mission parameters."

In a flash of orange, Naruto created multiple shadow clones without any hand signs, surprising both Orochimaru and Kabuto. Two clones immediately entered Sage Mode, while others spread out strategically.

"Interesting," Orochimaru hissed. "You've learned some new tricks."

Kabuto adjusted his glasses, analyzing the situation. "Lord Orochimaru, his chakra levels are—"

Before he could finish, Naruto's sage-enhanced clones burst into action. One engaged Kabuto while the other launched toward Orochimaru. The real Naruto formed a Rasengan, but unlike before, it was controlled and precise.

"Sakura, Sai, formation B!" Yamato commanded, launching wood style jutsu to restrict the bridge's exits.

Orochimaru's smile widened as he dodged the attacks. "Such coordination... Perhaps you're more interesting than I thought, Naruto-kun."

But Naruto wasn't falling for the taunts this time. His future knowledge and training were showing - each movement calculated, each attack purposeful. This wasn't the same impulsive ninja from before, and both Orochimaru and Kabuto were beginning to realize it.

The real battle was just beginning, and the bridge trembled under the weight of their clashing powers.

Sai watched in barely concealed shock as Naruto displayed abilities far beyond what his intel had suggested. His hand unconsciously moved to his scroll, ready to support, but his eyes couldn't hide his confusion.

Meanwhile, Sakura positioned herself strategically, her eyes darting between Naruto and their opponents. "Shannaro!" she yelled, smashing her fist into the bridge when Kabuto tried to flank them, forcing him to jump back.

"Naruto," Yamato called out, "don't overdo it!"

But Naruto remained focused, his sage-enhanced clones moving with precision. "I know, Captain Yamato. Trust me, dattebayo!"

Orochimaru's neck suddenly extended, his sword Kusanagi emerging from his mouth as he struck at Naruto. However, the sage clone simply caught the blade between his palms.

"Impossible!" Kabuto exclaimed.

Sai, still processing what he was witnessing, quickly drew several ink beasts. "These abilities... they weren't in Danzo-sama's reports," he thought, his carefully constructed understanding of Naruto beginning to crumble.

"Your intel seems outdated, Kabuto-kun," Orochimaru chuckled, though his eyes showed a hint of concern. "The Nine-Tails' jinchūriki has grown... interesting."

The bridge continued to shake under their battle, with Yamato constantly reinforcing it with his Wood Style. The clash of powers was escalating, and everyone could feel that this encounter was going very differently from what any of them had expected

"Naruto! Change of plans - take Orochimaru to a different location. We'll handle Kabuto!" Yamato commanded, his hands already forming seals.

A knowing smile spread across Naruto's face. "Game time is over, Captain Yamato. Leave both of them to me. It's time to show what real sage power looks like, dattebayo!"

Suddenly, the air grew heavy as Naruto released his chakra. The sheer density of natural energy mixed with his own chakra created visible ripples in the air. His eyes, now golden with horizontal pupils, seemed to pierce through everything.

Orochimaru's eyes widened, his usual smirk faltering. "This... this is perfect Sage Mode? Impossible!" His mind raced through calculations. "To master this level of control... even Jiraiya never achieved this perfection. Three years ago, this boy could barely control his own chakra, let alone natural energy. Even with Jiraiya's training, this level of mastery should be impossible in such a short time."

Kabuto stepped back instinctively, his analytical mind struggling to process what he was seeing. "Lord Orochimaru, his chakra levels are beyond anything in our data!"

Sai stood frozen, his brush hovering over his scroll. The gap between the intel he had received and the reality before him was astronomical. This wasn't the same ninja he had been sent to observe.

"Fascinating," Orochimaru hissed, his excitement barely contained. "I had thought Sasuke-kun's progress was exceptional, but this... this is beyond even Itachi's developmental curve. What exactly are you, Naruto-kun?"

Naruto formed a single-hand seal, creating dozens of perfect Sage Mode clones - each radiating the same overwhelming power. "Why don't I show you?" he replied, his voice carrying a confidence that sent chills down everyone's spine.

In a flash, Naruto appeared before Kabuto, delivering a devastating kick that sent him flying. Before Orochimaru could react, Yamato's wood style erupted from the ground, binding Kabuto tightly.

Two more clones materialized beside Naruto, each holding a different elemental Rasenshuriken, their chakra whirling violently. "Hey, Orochimaru," Naruto called out, his voice eerily calm, "Want to experience my father's complete jutsu? I've made some... improvements."

Orochimaru's eyes narrowed, a twisted smile forming. "How touching. Speaking of your father, how does it feel, Naruto-kun? Knowing your father himself sealed the Nine-Tails inside his own son?"

In a flash, Naruto appeared before Kabuto, delivering a devastating kick that sent him flying. Before Orochimaru could react, Yamato's wood style erupted from the ground, binding Kabuto tightly.

Two more Sage Mode clones materialized beside Naruto, each holding differently colored Rasenshuriken - one crackling with lightning, another swirling with wind, and a third blazing with fire. "Hey, Orochimaru," Naruto called out, his voice carrying an edge, "want to taste what my father's complete jutsu feels like?"

Orochimaru's eyes narrowed, a cruel smile forming. "Ah yes, your father - the Fourth Hokage. How does it feel, Naruto-kun, knowing your own father condemned you by sealing the Nine-Tails inside you?"

The atmosphere suddenly shifted. Everyone present felt the dramatic change in Naruto's chakra - not just in volume but in its very nature. Yamato sighed heavily, "There he goes again, overdoing it..."

Naruto's eyes softened momentarily as he looked at Orochimaru. "You know, I can still see the good in you, just like Master Jiraiya always did." His expression then hardened, and an overwhelming wave of killing intent flooded the area, making even Orochimaru step back. "But first, I think it's time you understand the consequences of your actions."

The killing intent continued to build, creating visible distortions in the air. Sakura and Sai struggled to remain standing, while even Kabuto, despite being restrained, began to sweat profusely.

"This pressure..." Orochimaru thought, his usual composure cracking slightly, "it's beyond even what I felt from the Third..."

The Sage Mode clones moved into position, their Rasenshurikens illuminating the area with different colors. Naruto's voice carried both determination and a hint of sadness, "Let me show you what happens when you push too far, dattebayo!"

Orochimaru's eyes widened as he sensed the immense power radiating from each Rasenshuriken. The elemental chakra was perfectly balanced, something he'd never seen before.

"Impressive, Naruto-kun," Orochimaru hissed, trying to maintain his composure. "But don't think these fancy jutsu will be enough to-"

Before he could finish, Naruto and his clones moved with incredible speed. "Wind Style: Rasenshuriken!" one clone shouted, hurling the wind-natured technique.

"Lightning Style: Rasenshuriken!" another clone launched its attack.

"Fire Style: Rasenshuriken!" the third clone released its blazing version.

The three elemental Rasenshurikens created a perfect triangle formation, leaving Orochimaru no room to escape. The Snake Sannin's eyes darted around, realizing the tactical brilliance behind the attack pattern.

"This isn't just raw power," Orochimaru thought, "his strategic thinking has evolved far beyond what anyone could have predicted."

Yamato watched in awe, thinking, "So this is what he's been working on. The perfect combination of his father's technique with multiple chakra natures..."

The three Rasenshurikens converged on Orochimaru, their different elemental natures creating a devastating reaction as they collided. The resulting explosion lit up the sky, the shockwave forcing everyone to brace themselves.

"Is this the same knucklehead ninja?" Sakura whispered, shielding her eyes from the intense light.

As the dust began to settle, Naruto stood firm, his Sage Mode eyes fixed on the impact zone, waiting to see the result of his attack...

As the dust cleared, a massive crater revealed itself, but Orochimaru was still standing, though heavily damaged. His body was partially regenerating, but the combined elemental damage from the Rasenshurikens had severely compromised his cellular structure.

"Impressive... truly impressive," Orochimaru coughed, his usual smirk replaced with a grimace of pain. "The cellular damage... it's preventing my regeneration from working properly."

Naruto maintained his stance, his Sage Mode still active. "That's not all," he said calmly. "Look closer."

Orochimaru suddenly felt it - the different elemental chakras were still circulating through his body, creating a destructive cycle. The wind chakra was amplifying the fire, while the lightning was disrupting his chakra network.

"A delayed reaction?" Orochimaru's eyes widened in realization. "You've created a technique that continues to damage even after the initial impact?"

Yamato watched carefully, thinking, "He's combined not just the elements, but their after-effects as well. When did he become so tactical?"

Kabuto, still restrained by the wood style, called out, "Lord Orochimaru!"

Naruto. "This is your last chance, Orochimaru. Surrender..."

Orochimaru's face contorted into a twisted smile despite his condition. "Surrender? Ku ku ku... You should know better, Naruto-kun." His neck suddenly elongated, snake-like, as he attempted one final, desperate attack.

But Naruto was ready. The moment Orochimaru moved, golden chakra chains erupted from the ground, wrapping around the Snake Sannin's body. Orochimaru's eyes widened in shock as he recognized the technique.

"These chains... Kushina's..." he hissed, struggling against the binding.

"That's right," Naruto said firmly. "My mother's chakra chains. I've been training to master this technique too." The chains tightened, their sealing properties beginning to take effect. "It's over, Orochimaru."

The chains glowed brighter, their sealing power increasing. Orochimaru's body began to lose its ability to move as the chakra-suppressing properties took hold. Even his regenerative abilities were being nullified.

"To think... you'd master not just your father's techniques... but your mother's as well..." Orochimaru managed to say, his voice strained.

Sakura and Yamato watched in amazement as the legendary Sannin was finally subdued. Kabuto, still restrained, could only watch helplessly as his master was sealed.

Yamato nodded, giving a subtle signal to Sakura. In an instant, she moved with incredible speed - far greater than she had shown before - appearing behind Sai. Before he could react, she performed quick hand signs.

"Doton: Earth Binding Technique!" The ground beneath Sai shifted, encasing him up to his neck in solid rock.

"First part of the mission complete," Yamato announced, approaching Sai. He quickly located and retrieved Sai's pack, searching through it methodically. His expression grew serious as he found nothing resembling the expected intelligence files.

"Empty," Yamato said, looking directly at Sai. "No files on Konoha shinobi. So, what was your real mission from Danzo?"

Sai maintained his fake smile, remaining silent.

Yamato turned to Naruto. "Can you break through Danzo's seal on him?"

"Yeah, I can," Naruto replied, "but it'll take some time to safely dismantle it without hurting him."

From his bindings, Orochimaru observed the situation with growing interest. 'How fascinating,' he thought. 'They've far exceeded what Tsunade could have done to them alone. There must be other factors at play...'

His analytical mind raced. 'Naruto-kun has mastered Sage Mode, completed the Rasengan in ways the Fourth never could, mastered three chakra natures, and even learned his mother's chains. And now he claims to know advanced fuinjutsu? Most intriguing.'

His gaze shifted to Sakura. 'The girl has Tsunade's strength, but that speed she showed capturing the Root agent was at least twice what she displayed in our battle. They're deliberately hiding their true capabilities.'

Orochimaru's eyes narrowed as he focused on Naruto. 'But he's the most frightening of all. I sense he's still concealing his true power. At this rate, he could reach levels comparable to Madara Uchiha and Hashirama Senju.'

A question burned in his mind: 'How did they rapidly achieve such growth? Even with the best training, these improvements should have taken years, not three. There's something more here... something I'm missing...'

The Snake Sannin watched silently as the scene unfolded, his curiosity growing with each passing moment.

Orochimaru's analytical mind continued to work despite his restraints. 'He could kill me if he wanted to,' he realized, 'but he won't. It's not just about Jiraiya's feelings - it's not Naruto's way. But...'

His eyes narrowed as something struck him. 'They haven't completely sealed my senses. They need information, but about what? Sasuke's location? Or perhaps... Danzo?'

Then a startling realization hit him. Throughout this entire encounter, Naruto hadn't mentioned Sasuke once. There were no demands about his location, no emotional outbursts about returning him to Konoha. 'That's... unusual. For Jiraiya's student not to show emotions...'

He observed the three shinobi before him more carefully. 'They're not even asking me questions yet. It's as if capturing me was just one part of a larger plan. What exactly is Tsunade plotting?'

A new thought occurred to him. 'And who else is involved? This level of strategic planning, this growth in power... there must be someone else working from the shadows. Someone with enough influence and knowledge to guide them.'

"Ku ku ku," he chuckled softly. "You've all become quite interesting. Especially you, Naruto-kun. I wonder... who's pulling the strings here?"

The three Konoha shinobi remained impassive at his words, which only confirmed his suspicions that there was much more going on than met the eye.

Yamato smiled coolly at Orochimaru. "You truly are a genius, Orochimaru-san." With swift movements, he knocked out both Kabuto and Sai, ensuring their conversation would remain private.

"We already know where your base is," Yamato continued, his voice measured. "And yes, we're aware Sasuke is there and that he's fine. But that's not why we're here."

Orochimaru's eyes widened slightly with interest as Yamato explained further.

"There are two reasons we captured you. First, we need evidence of Danzo's crimes. And second..." Yamato paused, his expression growing more serious, "we need your mind. There's a project we're working on, but we need your research to progress faster."

"Oh?" Orochimaru's trademark smirk appeared. "Now this is unexpected. Tsunade-hime asking for my help? How... intriguing."

Naruto remained silent, his blue eyes fixed on Orochimaru, while Sakura maintained her guard position. The atmosphere grew tense with anticipation as they awaited the Snake Sannin's response to this surprising revelation.

'So that's their game,' Orochimaru thought. 'Not revenge, not Sasuke, but something bigger. Something that requires even my expertise...'

Yamato cleared his throat, "We need your research on the First Hokage's cells and how they interact with different chakra types. Particularly..." he glanced at Naruto again, "how they might interact with certain... unique chakra signatures."

Orochimaru's eyes widened with understanding. "Ah, the Kyuubi's chakra. You're trying to create something involving both Hashirama's cells and Bijuu chakra. How ambitious."

"No," Naruto spoke up firmly. "We're working on adding First Hokage cells to me without side effects. Because of the natural side effects, and because I have Kurama... the Nine-tails' chakra, the cells have additional complications we need to solve."

Naruto's eyes hardened as he laid out the conditions. "Let me be clear: there will be no human experiments from now on. You'll be confined within a designated array, and Kabuto stays with you. Plus, we need evidence of Danzo's crimes right now. Those are our terms. Do you accept or not?"

Orochimaru's amused expression faltered slightly at these restrictions. He remained silent for a moment, weighing his options carefully. The prospect of studying the interaction between Hashirama's cells and a perfect Jinchuuriki was tempting, not to mention the secrets Naruto claimed to possess. Even with the restrictions, the research potential was enormous.

'Working under constraints isn't ideal,' he thought, 'but the knowledge I could gain... And perhaps, with time, more opportunities might present themselves...'

"Ku ku ku," he finally responded, his trademark smile returning. "Very well, Naruto-kun. I accept your terms. Though I must say, you've become quite the negotiator. Who would have thought the loud-mouthed brat I met in the Forest of Death would grow into someone so... diplomatic?"

"Then it's settled," Naruto replied with a fox-like grin. "But remember, Orochimaru - break these rules, and you'll wish you'd never agreed to this deal, dattebayo!"

Yamato nodded with a proud look and moved toward Kabuto and Sai. "Naruto, you can release Orochimaru now. I'll handle Kabuto's restraints."

While Sakura moved to unbind Sai, keeping a close watch on him, Naruto approached Orochimaru. The chakra chains binding the Sannin began to retract back into Naruto's body.

When Sai regained consciousness and found himself unbound, he immediately checked for his poison pill, only to discover it missing. He looked at the group warily, particularly at Yamato, Naruto, and Sakura.

"What do you want?" Sai asked coldly. "I won't betray Danzo-sama."

Naruto turned to Sai, his expression softening. "What I want is to help you understand that Danzo's teachings about throwing away emotions are wrong. I want you to be my friend, Sai." His voice grew heavy with regret. "And I'm sorry I couldn't save your brother, or get you out of Root sooner."

Sai's eyes widened in shock at the mention of his brother, while Orochimaru watched the exchange with amused interest. The Snake Sannin noted that while Naruto had clearly grown and matured, his fundamental nature - that desire to connect with others and help them - remained unchanged.

"You truly are interesting, Naruto-kun," Orochimaru mused. "Growing stronger while keeping your core intact... quite remarkable."

Sai quickly composed himself, his face returning to its practiced emotionless mask. "Your attempts at emotional manipulation won't work on me. I've been trained extensively against such tactics."

Naruto shook his head, a sad smile on his face. "This isn't manipulation, Sai. I'm just telling you the truth. Look around you - do you really think Danzo's way is the only path to strength? Look at me, look at Sakura, look at Kakashi-sensei. We're strong because of our bonds, not despite them."

"Bonds are weakness," Sai replied automatically, though there was a slight hesitation in his voice. "They cloud judgment and compromise missions."

"Is that what you really believe?" Sakura interjected, her voice gentle but firm. "Or is that just what you've been programmed to say?"

Orochimaru watched the exchange with growing interest. "How fascinating," he murmured. "Danzo's methods haven't changed at all, it seems. Still creating his perfect, emotionless weapons."

"They're not weapons," Naruto said firmly, his eyes never leaving Sai. "They're people. And people need connections, need emotions. Even you know that, don't you, Sai? Deep down, you remember what it felt like to care about your brother."

Sai's carefully maintained mask cracked slightly at the mention of his brother again, a flicker of pain crossing his features before he could suppress it.

Naruto took a step forward, his blue eyes filled with sincerity. "I just want you to give me a chance, Sai. One chance to show you the true strength that comes from bonds. That's all I'm asking."

Sai stared at Naruto, his training warring with the unfamiliar feelings stirring inside him. The mention of his brother had shaken him more than he wanted to admit.

"Bonds... are forbidden in Root," Sai stated, but his voice lacked its earlier conviction.

"Maybe that's exactly why Danzo forbids them," Sakura added softly. "Because he knows how powerful they can make us."

Yamato observed silently, noting how Naruto's words seemed to be reaching through Sai's conditioning, even if just barely. Even Orochimaru watched with interest, perhaps seeing echoes of his own past decisions about bonds and power.

"One chance," Naruto repeated, extending his hand to Sai. "That's all I'm asking. If I'm wrong, you can go back to believing what Danzo taught you. But if I'm right..." He left the sentence hanging, his hand still outstretched.

Sai's hand twitched slightly at his side as he stared at Naruto's outstretched palm. The internal conflict was visible in his usually expressionless face.

"I..." Sai started, then paused, struggling with words that weren't from his training. "I don't understand. Why would you offer this to someone who was sent to spy on you?"

Naruto's smile grew warmer. "Because that's what bonds are about. Everyone deserves a chance to understand them. Even someone who thinks they don't need them."

Orochimaru let out a soft chuckle. "How very like you, Naruto-kun. Always trying to save everyone you meet."

"Shut up, snake!" Naruto snapped without taking his eyes off Sai. "This isn't about saving anyone. It's about showing the truth."

Sai's eyes darted between Naruto's face and his extended hand. Slowly, hesitantly, he began to raise his own hand.

"If... if I accept," he said carefully, "Danzo-sama will..."

"Danzo will no longer be a problem when we go back," Yamato interjected firmly, crossing his arms. "Even without your help or Orochimaru's evidence, Danzo's time has come to an end. It's time for the elder council to watch from the sidelines."

"My, my..." Orochimaru's lips curved into an amused smile, his snake-like eyes gleaming with interest. "It seems Konoha is finally ready to clean house. How interesting that my former teammate's schemes are finally catching up to him."

Kabuto stood slightly behind Orochimaru, his expression distant and thoughtful, while Sakura remained silent on the matter of Danzo, her green eyes focused on the unfolding situation.

Naruto's expression hardened as he maintained his extended hand toward Sai. "He won't be able to do anything anymore," his voice carried a weight that hadn't been there before. "And even if he wants to try anything..." Suddenly, powerful chakra began radiating from Naruto's body, causing the air to grow heavy with pressure. "He'll have to go through me first."

The ground beneath their feet began to crack under the weight of Naruto's chakra, spreading outward in a spider-web pattern. Everyone present could feel the overwhelming force of his determination, a physical manifestation of his will to protect those who would trust in him.

Sai's eyes widened slightly as he felt Naruto's overwhelming chakra. For the first time, genuine emotion flickered across his face - a mixture of awe and uncertainty.

"I..." Sai's hand trembled slightly as it moved closer to Naruto's. "I've never known anything but Root, but..." He glanced at Yamato, then back to Naruto. "Is this what it means to have real bonds?"

Orochimaru watched with undisguised fascination. "Fascinating. To think Danzo's perfect weapon could be swayed by something as simple as friendship. You continue to surprise me, Naruto-kun."

"This isn't about weapons or tools," Sakura finally spoke up, her voice firm. "This is about people. Sai is a person, not a weapon."

The cracks in the ground continued to spread as Naruto's chakra pulsed. "That's right. And people deserve to choose their own path." His blue eyes locked with Sai's dark ones. "So what do you say, Sai? Ready to find out what real bonds feel like?"

Sai stared at Naruto's extended hand for what felt like an eternity before slowly reaching out. As their hands clasped, the overwhelming chakra pressure from Naruto gradually subsided, though the cracked ground remained as evidence of its intensity.

"I... accept," Sai said quietly, his usual fake smile replaced by a smaller, more genuine one.

"Well, well," Orochimaru mused, tilting his head slightly. "It seems I've witnessed something quite remarkable today. Though I wonder..." his golden eyes narrowed, "how will Danzo react when he learns his most loyal operative has chosen a different path?"

"He won't have time to react," Yamato stated firmly. "Tsunade-sama has already begun moving against him. By the time we return to Konoha, things will be very different."

Naruto grinned, still holding Sai's hand. "Welcome to Team 7, Sai! And don't worry - we protect our own."

Kabuto adjusted his glasses, studying the scene with calculated interest. "This certainly changes things, doesn't it, Orochimaru-sama?"

"Indeed it does, Kabuto," Orochimaru replied, his expression unreadable. "Indeed it does..."