
New Dress

"Why the hell are we at Camerille Mall?" I opened the door of his convertible (convertible!) and gazed up at the huge metallic building in front of me. It had large flashing neonlights that spelt 'CAMERILLE MALL' right at the front of the building.

"Come on!" Dylan grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the large automated doors without giving me an answer.

Classical music reverberated around me as we entered a posh-looking clothing store on the second floor of the mall. The pale yellow marble floors shone exquisitely under the bright lights of the store. Amazing dresses of different styles were hung up by velvet hangers neatly along the sides. Everything looked straight out of a fairytale.

"Dylan, why are we-"

"Welcome. How may I help you?" I was interrupted by a well-dressed woman probably in her twenties, whose brown hair was made up into a high classy bun. Dylan bent forward and whispered something into the woman's ear.

"Most definitely." The saleswoman replied and bowed in response. Then, she smiled at me and beckoned me to follow her. I looked at Dylan, confused, but he gently urged me forward with his hand, mouthing the word 'go' as he tried to hide his smile.

I was led to a large room at the back of the store. The sight before me took my breath away. I had thought the rest of the store was stunning, but this... words couldn't even justify the extent of its beauty. Everything in the room - the walls, the tiles, the ceiling - was covered in an amazing rose gold colour.

In the middle of the room hung an intricate rose gold chandelier with rose gold lights. Even the racks inside were of a metallic, rose gold colour. The woman walked to one of the racks and pulled out the most gorgeous dress I've ever seen. Resting on the rose gold hanger was a dazzling, taupe-coloured, chiffon dress that had rows of silver sequins decorating the waist area of the dress. The high-low hemline eluded an elegance that was breathtaking just looking at it.

The saleswoman placed the hanger into my hands and smiled gently at me, "Please, try it on."

"T-Try it on?" I widened my eyes, dumbfounded.

"Yes, we will be waiting for you outside after you have changed." The saleswoman gave me a last bow and closed the door behind her with a soft click, leaving me alone with the dress in the magnificent room.

"Wait-!" I called out, but she was already gone. I stared at the dress in my hands, dazed. What. Is. Happening. I walked to the humongous mirror at the end of the room and held up the dress against myself. I guess... it wouldn't hurt to try it on, right?


"Wow." I blinked at the girl who was staring back at me in the mirror. Is that... me? I couldn't even recognise myself. The dress cinched at my waist nicely, with the sequins shining beautifully one by one under the light, showing off the slender figure I never knew I had. The ends of the dress fell just above my knee, and flowed around me like I was a princess in a fairytale. It was perfect.

"Are you done?" I heard a guy's voice call out faintly from outside. Oh! I forgot Dylan was waiting for me outside. I looked at myself in the mirror and suddenly felt embarrassed. I've never dressed like that before, will he laugh when he sees me in this? I walked hesitantly to the door and opened it slowly. Dylan was waiting outside, browsing through a rack with his back towards me.

"What took you so lo-" Dylan started but stopped mid-sentence when he saw me.

I looked down and started to ramble, "I-I know this probably doesn't suit me, and you probably think so too, but I don't know why you did this, and I should change out because I look ridicul-"

"You look beautiful."

I looked up at his comment in surprise. He was staring at me fixedly with an unreadable expression on his face. The saleswoman was standing beside him, nodding in agreement.

"I'm..." My face burnt a crimson red while I stood there, not knowing how to respond. I quickly looked away and ran back into the room, closing the door behind me as fast as I could. W-What the hell... what was Dylan thinking?! I took a deep breath to calm my racing heart, and then quickly changed back to my normal clothes. When I came out, Dylan was at the cashier. He saw me and beckoned me over.

"We'll take this." Dylan took the dress from me and placed it on the counter.

"Wait, what?" I turned to him, bewildered.

"Make sure you wear it to the party, kay? Treat it like a present from me for agreeing to go to the party with me." Dylan smiled sweetly at me.

"But this must cost like thousands of dollars!" I tried to stop him by holding on to the dress on the counter.

"Don't worry, this is nothing to me." Dylan gently tugged my hand away. The person at the counter folded the dress neatly, placed it into a nice looking paper bag, and handed it to Dylan.

"Thanks." Dylan took the bag and led me out of the store. I followed him out, not knowing what else to do. Once out of the store, he grabbed both my hands and smiled cheerfully at me.

"Come, let me send you home."
