
The New Demon King Must Conquer

Roman took on a new job. it was to repopulate. But as he was reaching his destination, his car was hit by a truck. After his death, he was reborn in a new world as a Demon King. Now an enemy of the world, how will he survive?

Tenden · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Arrogance Is Bliss

"Tsk, I was told that there may be some Demon King impersonators around but it's funny witnessing it in person." A woman with a hood over her head spoke up. She had a large wooden mug in her hand filled with Snow flower Wine. She takes a sip of her alcohol after finishing her sentence.

"Impersonator?" Omnisinanis turned to the direction the voice originated from. (Wait, was there a demon king around before me?)

"It's usually the small fry adventurers using Transformation Magic trying to get free money and shit by acting like their demon lord." She stood up from her chair.

(Who the hell is dumb enough to do that?) The demon king thought.

"Surgé!" Two men ran over to the injured buff dude Omnisinanis pushed. They uplifted him by his arms and torso and brought him outside the tavern.

"But to do that in Furgis Village?" The woman approached him with a smirk on her face. To Omnisinanis, her most recognizable feature wasn't the crimson blaze hair that strokes down her back. It wasn't blood shot irises that coincides with the hue of her hair congruently. Nor was it the obvious hard work she put her body through to obtain such chiseled arms. No, it was the dump truck she had and the voluptuous thighs she was working with.

(DAAAAAAYUUUUUUM!!!) His mind wandered toward the size of her ass.

The woman stood up to him with a face that mirrored arrogance. "You must have some big balls on you, doncha!?"

"...." He crouched to her level. (It's distracting me.) He looked her dead in the eyes and all she could see is a blank expression on her face. "Guard. You may be skeptical about my existence. But do not let your thoughts be swayed by mere words from an impudent woman."

The girl got closer to him. ,"Hah!? Impudent??"

He looked over to the guard that was his escort. "Do you understand?"

As the guard nodded in response, he reflexively got into a standard straight up position in response. "Ye-yes sir!"

"I shall release you from your duties, guard." As he was facing the guard, the woman cut in front of his view.

"Hey!!" She called out to him. "I was talking to yo-" her face was immediately gripped by Omnisinanis. As soon as this occurred, his grimoire flipped into existence and turned its pages.

{Minus Quam Vermes: When facing arrogance, their sense of self is inflated by previous achievements. If the arrogant being is lesser than one's own rank, corruption can ensue.)

"When did I permit you to flap those lips?" A look of scorn appeared on her face.

"Cocky bastard." Reacting to this sudden force with her own retaliation, she grabs a hold of his wrist and emits a flame.

"Woman, you will take care of these animals. For me." He demanded.

"And why would I do tha-" his knuckles bury into her skin. She spits up. He let's go of her and she throws up on the ground.

"I will give you 3 hours to skin and dismantle these animals. Or else I will reek havoc on this village. Understand?" He grabbed her by her hair to up lift her.

"Go f-fuck yourse-" He smashed her head into the pool of vomit. She laid there unconscious and Omnisinanis placed the animal corpses on one of the tables. "Heed my words mortals, if my food and clothing is not ready in 3 hours. I will destroy this village." He then took a sack off the woman's body and walked out the Tavern.

As soon as he left the area, multiple people ran to the woman that lied in her dreams. "Flare! Flare!!" They picked her up, wiped her face off, and tried waking her up.