
The Nerd Reincarnated As a Caterpillar?!

Ash Eastwood is the typical bullied-silent-book-addict in their school, the fruit of a failed marriage, and a victim of abuse. His life is a chaos, as it seems. That's why, when Ash got hit by a four-wheeler truck way back home, he felt not sad or anything, though: blessed. Because at once, his hell pit-like life came to an end. But without knowing anything, Ash will be given a second chance to be reincarnated in a different world where magic, monsters, demons, archangels, dragons, dungeons, and gods exist. Ash thought, when he realized it, that it would be his second chance to redeem himself. But as he sees his regressed form... his ambition and future dreams for himself were crushed to dust, as he realizes that he was reincarnated as a monster! But to be clear, a Caterpillar monster!  What will Ash journey be like? Can a Caterpillar make it at the pinnacle of food chain in a world where those strongest govern the weak? Can he change this new world given to him? A Fantasy Novel by: RV        

Rv01192004 · Kỳ huyễn
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28 Chs

Chapter 15: The Thunder God Dragon

Chapter 15

The Thunder God Dragon

"Chronas? Can I ask how strong Zeus, the monster of this dungeon, is?" I remember I asked Chronas about that in our training days. When she let me rest for about a minute only after our sparring match ended.

She first wiped the sweat droplets in her strong forehead and looked down at me, who was sitting on the ground, very exhausted because of her hellish training. 

She didn't open her mouth for about a minute or two though when she stared at me mindlessly. Likely, she is in deep thought of my sudden question to her.

Though, when silence in the 99th floor safe zone is about to eat us, she gives me an answer that gives me goosebumps.

"The strength of the dragon that is lying below where we are is incomparably stronger to Vanguard's combined power, Monster." She gives me an intent look as she emphasizes all the words so it can be instructed in my little head, "That's why even Vanguard's, the powerful beings in Livettia, considered this dungeon a dangerous place and a threat in their existence. That's also the reason why they're not stepped on this dungeon for almost eighty-years now because they are scared of Zeus' wrath coming back at them when they try anything stupid."

On that long, detailed, explanation. I kept my mouth shut for a bit. Because of course, I am shocked as hell. That the dragon beneath us has so much power that even the combination of powerful beings in this world, The Vanguards, which Chronas loathes, and can even destroy nations, can't win against it.

But all of a sudden, when silence filled my stomach and mind with that nerve wracking information coming from the woman, I still made a decision to ask Chronas again a question regarding Zeus. The Thunder God Dragon because of curiosity that keeps killing me in my mind.

"But Chronas, may I ask one thing?"

"Drop it," She said coolly and closed her arms under her chest.

"S-So… if you will have the liberty to imagine right now that Zeus, The Thunder God Dragon, that even Vanguards teams up can't defeat. And you, a born-to-be-devil woman who is I don't know where's living, and did I not even once, defeated in our sparring matches—What do you imagine who gonna win? To both of you if you will cross clash?" 

Chronas did not answer me again instantly. What she did was lock her gaze at me with seriousness. Then she heaved a sigh before finally opening her lips, "The answer is I don't know Monster.... because, I still have not met Zeus, the Thunder God Dragon and fought him. Though, the thing that I am sure about is if I go all out to fight him, I think I have a small chance of winning."

I didn't have the audacity again to speak up, because of astonishment and nerve-shock. Because really...? Even the most boastful woman I met and also the powerful being I know is double thinking whether she can defeat that dragon?

"How can be it's so strong that you can't even confidently say that you can win against it, I'm confused." I speak up my thoughts without knowing. And there, Chronas smirks at me with a mock. Like she is saying in those smirk plastered in her kissable lips that any men will obey to seal it with their own if she commands them, that I really don't know how dangerous and harsh this world I belong now.

"Monster, do you believe in Gods?" She asked. My small face shrinked because of that sudden and out of the topic question. "I-I guess... yeah? Why?" But still I answer it. Because somehow, I really believe that there is someone up there that is pulling up all the levers for things to happen.

Her smirk grew and then she lifted her gaze at the sailing where a large glowing crystals was impacted, and acted as our sun and moon here on the 99th floor on our daily basis, before she spoke up.

"In this world, there is really God's existence. They are the beings that control the balance of this world. And about a hundred years ago, four of those Gods transcended in the land because they wanted to intervene in beings here, and now, they are called: 'The Four True Dragons'. Which symbolize catastrophe and destruction to each land they set their foot into," With that given knowledge. And without a doubt that Chronas is not pranking me this time, as I saw her face sad like she is reminiscing those old tales she just talked about.

My fear grows in my system like a poison infested in my blood circulation, "S-So you mean, that the dragon below… i-is a God, C-Chronas?" the fear that eating me up is so audible in my voice that moment I ask that.

She simply nods while still her gaze is still locked above in the sailing as she recollect the sad memories that keeps her face expression sad and empty.

"Y-Yeah, Zeus is one of the Gods that transcended this land hundred years ago. He is also the God that brings chaos, horror, and destruction to the habitants of Livettia as he is known as the God who enjoys slaughtering the lives of mortals he sees as insects and vermin. And... my home small country is one of the lands that he annihilated with a single breath. Including my family and loved ones," In her last statement, my eyes automatically went wide open. Because I didn't really expect that story to come. 

And as stupid as I am. I just stared at Chronas' sad and empty face as she remembered the scenario where, The Thunder God Dragon, washed out her hometown in a blink of an eye. 

Thankfully, Chronas continues to tell the other half of the story, as I am so damn speechless, "Though, after Zeus kill all my descendants and other more small nation nearby, The Gods that keep the peace and balance above, make there move, and sealed Zeus away by making a dungeon and put that dragon sealed in the depths of that dungeon for eternity as serves as he's divine punishment for using his divine power to bring chaos and havoc. And after decades passed, the barren land that was destroyed by him became one large forest and became the habitat of magic beasts and other monsters. It is now called: Piston Forest in the map. And that's where we are right now," Chronas end her storytelling with a positive tone to kill the awkward and silent air that suffocates me.

"I-I'm so sorry to hear that, Chronas," I took those words out of my heart as Chronas stared back at me like she did not tell me her traumatic past.

She nodded and smiled neatly, "It's ok, I moved on now," She replied. That makes me smile. Though, another minute of silence for us after that, she spoke up again. "But I am more happy Monster, if you will defeat Zeus for me in the future if you become a fine and strong Monster."

I stood up on the ground I was laid back because of shock, "Eh?! Why me?! And is it even possible?!"

She laughs, which makes my heart melt and at peace at the same time. Because, damn. This all-violet woman is really the living statement of the word: beauty.

"Yes, monster. You can do it. As long as you will continue your training and cultivating your magi-core at its finest. You can make the impossible possible. Believe me."

I pout at her, "No! I can't do that! You're pressuring me! Plus, I will die first at your hand before achieving that kind of milestone!"

I remembered Chronas continued to laugh at me that day because I keep denying that I can defeat a God in my bare hand. And that day too I am still clueless to the hints that Chronas gives me that her life is declining already. And the reason why she passed me her will to defeat the villain God who caused her so much pain is because she can't do it anymore as she already knows that her life-span is not long enough to do so.

And as I think of that now as I stand in front of a big door on the 100th floor. I am gaining more confidence and faith in myself through all the years of training and cultivation I've been through.

And as I fulfill her will through me. This will be reflected as my repayment to Chronas' kindness and generosity for fostering me when I was in my stupid and weak phase. So now, I can confidently say I surpass her. I will make the last thing that she want to make her spirit at peace already.

"I will kill Zeus, The Thunder God Dragon now, Chronas. I promise that in the name of our familia," I whispered to the air before pushing the thick and tall door in front of me.

[Alert! The host entered the den of the master of the dungeon. Zeus, The Thunder God Dragon, is awake from his deep slumber. Because of the aura of the host. Prepare for combat. Kai!]

To Be Continued...