
The Naughty Police

It is a story of two people who are forced to be together by destiny. Man forcing himself not to be close to a girl. He did not want to admit to himself that he is in love. He doesn’t want to be hurt, he doesn’t want to be selfish and especially he does not want to go crazy with love. The girl tries to distance herself from the young man so that she does not fall in love with him. She has to finish her goal. Ever since she became alone she promised to herself that she have to look someone who needs to pay for everything and nothing can stop her. But does the destiny permit them?

bang_shyme · Thanh xuân
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

Quesha's POV

"Mirat, I'm sorry I can't pick you up now because my boss keeps me busy in this d*mn building!" Ivy apologizes. I used to know that there was something between the two. Why don't they just admit it? They damage my curly hair on my body.

"Yeah I understand. Just make sure we have fun later. Tell your crazy boss too! " I said while waiting for a taxi.

"You should ask him for me because he does not believe in me. He can't say no to you. Pleash? " She requested childishly. How can her boss grant her request if she always lied saying that I will be arrived but actually she is truancy everywhere she wanted.

"Okay, I'll drop the call, I already have a taxi and don't worry I'll call him. See you later." i put my phone at my pocket once the call was end. I took a taxi and was told the address of Ebyang (Ivy) 's condo.

"Hey little monkey! Why didn't you pick me up? " I threshold to Gabison when he answered the call. He is Ebyang's boss who is also our childhood friend.

"So you're really here huh? "Why is this one so cool?

"Come home early so I can make fun of my vacation. And do not excuse the work. I will really get mad if you don't show up tonight. I will really shoot you. Shoot to kill! Bang! If I see you "I threatened him. I noticed the driver looking confused and scared as he looked at me through the rear view mirror. I smiled at him but he's still seemed scared.

"I think you are becoming a more sadistic woman! If anyone can hear you, they will definitely be afraid of your crazy behavior! "He said jokingly.

"You seems right because I think the driver is scared of me right now. All right, I'll end the call. And I'm close to Ivy's condo. So, bye"I said.

"Yeah take care and please rest. I'll come to visit you. "He said before I hung up the call.

I fell asleep as soon as I reached Ivy's condo. I just woke up when I heared a fight between two monkeys.

"Why are you so cluttered? How many years have you not cleaned your condo? " a man's voice.

"Yah even though my condo is like this, at least it is comfortable to live in." woman's voice. I think I already know who this people are.

"What? Comfortable? Ridiculous! "


"Ridiculous your ass. Look at Quesha, she has a good night's sleep! " Ebyang

"Quesha is mad! She may have died from the stench of your condo. Quesha? " and he started to ran to the room where I was. Because I'm still sleepy so I closed my eyes again, just in time for Gabison to enter.

"Quesha? Hey! Wake up! Quesha please wake up! You can't die like this! It will be a shame that you will just die in this smelly condo "he said hysterically and shook me really and slapped my cheek lightly.

"Yah! How dare you! Why so harsh in my condo ?! " Ebyang shouted.

"You still don't really change." I yawned and stretched. They were suddenly surprised and hugged me. Because Gab was near, he was the first one who hug me. And they are slapping each other again.

Their quarrel ended in a chaotic manner. Ivy thought we would just go to the bar because it was already night. At first Gabison did not agree but at the end he joined us. We just arrived at the club but Ivy immediately went to the dance floor as if she had no one with her. Gab and I just shook our heads and went to the counter. And he ordered me a drink.

"When do you start?" Gab asked.

"Four years ago." I answered him.

"So you didn't meet us because you already started. I guess we will just wait for your signal for the right time. Right? ". I just answered him with a nod and gulped down a lady's drink.

"When I go back I'll execute my next step. Don't worry if it doesn't work out then I'll call you then. " I told him.

"I know you'll get what you want." Ivy replied suddenly.

The night ended without a riot. Sometimes when we have fun at the club we end up at the precinct. If nothing had been so rude, no beating would have happened. I was just staring at the ceiling when my cellphone rang which I immediately answered.

"Quesha, where are you? Didn't you arrive yesterday? What worries will you give me again? " Chairman

"I just went somewhere. I do not want to destroy your bonding with your grandson Chairman. I will also visit you. I'll just call when. "

"At least you're fine. Be careful and if possible as soon as possible come here so I can be at ease. "

Chairman said worriedly.

"Yes. Just give me the address and I will take the initiative to meet you. " I said while yawning

"Have fun on your vacation so I won't force you to come here first."

I hung up the call immediately after our conversation and before I got bored in this condo I got up and did my morning rituals. I stared at myself in the mirror wearing a white shirt with a ¾ length sleeve, skort, 4 inches platform shoes and baseball cap. I took my wristlet bag from the bed before leaving the condo.

Ivy and Gabison went to work. Fortunately, it became my habit to wake up early so I was able to prepare breakfast and medicine for the hang over for them.

I was outside the coffee shop when my cellphone rang again.

"Good morning sir. I was just going to call you but you got ahead of me. " I said to the person on the other line. I entered the coffee shop and sat down at an empty table.

"I really can't believe you will really continue what we had planned." Said the Chief

"Don't worry Chief, the Chairman also wants me to visit them here in America so I am not only focusing in convincing our only witness." I said to somehow calm down Chief.

"All right but don't force her. She is not really obliged to be a witness in this case. Just when you can't convince her, just go to Mr. Walker and make the most of your leave. And please go through in-depth discussions not by force, you might not be able to come back here by chance. " Chief reminded me before I dropped the call because the target was approaching.

"Good morning ma'am. May I know your order? " waitress

"Black coffee and pancake please."

"Right away ma'am!" she said before leaving me for a moment to pick up my order.


We were all in the conference room for a planned raid to be done on an island.

"Montecillo, Hernandez, Macaraig you will deal with Montalbon. Your cover is already in the folder. " Chief

"But first of all, not everyone on the Island that we ate goin to raid is there. Montalbon's partner is still unknown to us. The source also said that he has no idea who Montalbon's partner is except for his daughter Faye Montalbon who is currently in America. He left the country with her boyfriend when he found out about his father's job. " Harris informed.

"Then the success of the case is still 50-50?" I asked.

"It simply came to our notice then. But more importantly, we will catch Montalbon. " Chief promised

"What if after the raid someone convinced Montalbon's daughter? Maybe she won't cover up her father and partner, will she? " I suggest

"You mean someone is going to America and talk to Miss Montalbon?" Lewis asked

"It may not be difficult to convince the person who hates her father, especially since her own father tried to kill her boyfriend, right?" I said that makes everyone shocked.

"What do you mean Montecillo?" Chief asked

"Miss Montalbon approached the police last month without her father knowing. But even before I let her in, Montalbon came and forced his daughter to go with him. " I said while yawning.

"And you did nothing at all?" Harris asked incredulously

"I can't be called a police officer if I don't act like one ." I stood up and continued

"I put my own cellphone behind her. Not in her Jean's pocket but in her panties. " And grinned that everyone giggled.

"Go ahead Montecillo." Chief ordered as he brought back to reality in my story.

"Before Montalbon and his staff could approach, I whispered to her if she had a chance to call, call the name Lewis in my phonebook. I borrowed Lewis' cellphone and there we had communication. I rescued her boyfriend from her father's hand, immediately. After I saved her boyfriend, I rescued her as well. I told her we would report to the police but she refused because they were planning to run away from his father. The end. " I ended the story.

"She didn't know you were a police officer?" Benjo asked.

"We just finish our raid at that time where I was wearing dirty clothes." My answer

"Ah last month we raided a club ?!" Harris and I just nodded in response.

"Done? How can we use her as a witness against her father? " Chief asked.

"She will fight her father's own partner." To everyone's surprise after I told them what I meant.


"Here's your order ma'am." Faye said happily.

"Thank you." Me

"You're welcome ma'am." She said with a smile on his face

"By the way, do you have time tonight?" I ask.

"I'll see if our manager allows me." She replied with a wink.

"Okay I'll wait." I said

I ate what I ordered. After a while someone sat across me.

"I think I can make it." She said with a smile on her face.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"I still owe you time, I think?" Faye

"Yes, you had. You got a huge deduction for my salary! " I joked that she laughed too.

"I'll just pay for a moment." I said.

"I have already paid. So let's go! " she said excitedly and pulled me out.

She took me for a walk wherever she wanted. We took pictures of the place we were going through. We ate at a French Restaurant at noon, then returned to our outing. We went back to the coffee shop.

"What do you want to eat?" she asked me.

"Anything. It's up to you but I hope this time O can pay. You've been freeing me before so I might get used to that? " I joked that we both laughed.

"Oh, how about this. I'll pay for this and later you'll pay. Call? " Faye

"Deal!" I immediately laughed when I suddenly realized something.

"Come on. Are we going somewhere else? It's late, isn't it? "

"We're going to Clarence's bar!" she said excitedly.

"Did you really plan to leave the Philippines long ago? You have built a coffee shop and your boyfriend is a bar already. " I complimented as she prepared me something to eat.

"This coffee shop is really from my mother. Before she died, she bequeathed it to me. I only left it with my cousin for a while when Daddy took me to live with him in the Philippines. And at Clarence's bar, it came from the money he saved it from Daddy from working as a bodyguard

. Fortunately, we were not followed here. Thank you, Clarence is alive and well, especially since you helped us escaped even though you are not obligated to us. " She said sincerely.

"You should not be thankful because I have an obligation to you as a police." I said and pose a pogi pose.

"Are you really a policewoman ?! I really thought you are a dirty woman owned by a high rank police when we first met. " she confessed but the shyness is evident on her face.

"We just came from a raid at that time! If you only knew how many days they asked me to take that cover assigned to me. " I told her.

We were still talking when suddenly someone called me.

"Please excuse me." Faye nodded at me

When I got out, I answered the call.

"How is it?" I said to the other line.

"Quesha, we got it!"

When he finished telling the information I had asked him, I told him what they should do.

I think...