
the natures queen

a girl born different from everyone else soon forced to leave her home planet and lands on earth and makes a family of her own

wolfdragon_32 · Kỳ huyễn
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21 Chs

please dont make a scene

now its the next day and we all arrive at the school for the dance.i look around when i enter the door and i notice all the plants are real.fuck if shit goes down then it will end very badly for devika and my friends and i. after i sit down at a random table i look around and see my friends are with their girlfriends and the girls are glaring at devika who is slow dancing with edward.before you ask no i dont have a date, im the defination of bad boy and i sleep with random girls and call it a day i have also been told im a jerk but who cares. so i didnt ask anyone because i need to give my entire attention to devika and the girl i would have randomly picked to come with me would get jealous and start a scene and that is what we are trying to avoid ...right? i just hope nothing happens to go wrong and no one learns about devika true identity.

three hours later,and nothing has happened and im starting to calm down but i still have some walls up im not totally relaxed. and that seems to be the wrong decision i have made because the girls of my friends are in front of the table and not just any table the table devika is sitting at currantly.my worst nightmare just happened edward is not with her he left to get drinks and devika is all alone. i dont know how this happened but all my friends are at the drink station, my friends have now noticed what is going on. they are close to her but not close enough to get to her in time.so we are just standing were we are watching devika waiting for shit to go down,and i hear one of the girls start to talk to devika."you need to stay away from our boyfriends we know they have a crush on you because they all call you 'my queen'they wont call us that they just call us baby or love but they call you their queen.and that is not going to fly with us "

devika is now lookng at all the girls and she started to talk to them " you better back off before you get hurt" they start to laugh and say"what are you going to do if we dont bitch" oh no they didnt just get snippy with devika. now devika has an evil look on her face and im scared i have never seen this side of her i hope the girls make it out alive.is this the queen coming out to play? then they dig their graves more by throwing their drinks on her and devika started to laugh like a crazy person. i turn and look at my friends to see if we all have the same look and we do we all have fear in our eyes. i see edwars is trying to calm her down from afar since no one is close enough to save her.but it is not working she is not listening,im closer than edward but im still not close enough but im blocked by the girls and their minions i thought since i grew up with devika i could help better but when devika sees me she turns and looks at me and says " im sorry jax i cant hold it in any longer" i mumble under my breath" well fucking shit". all of a sudden i feel her power coming off her in ways.i can tell it will be unleashed soon,so iwatch her walk up to the girl who was talking and says" you just fucked up"

she smirks at them and says" they call me queen because i am one not because they have a crush on me you stupid bitch" they immediatly laugh at her and i am mentally telling them to shut up." you are the same age as us so you didnt marry royalty and i know edward isnt a prince and if you were royalty you would be in a better school that was suited for royals and not a public school so you are not royalty try again bitch" devika shrugs and says" i did warn you right?" at that moment all the plants that are near the girls are noe longer and larger and wrapping themselves around the girls arms,legs, and necks." i did say you would get hurt didnt i?" devika asked." ahhhhhhhh put me down you witch" cries the girls.