
the natures queen

a girl born different from everyone else soon forced to leave her home planet and lands on earth and makes a family of her own

wolfdragon_32 · Kỳ huyễn
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21 Chs

my queen

now everything is back to normal,the plants trust me again and i have my friends back.the only thing different are my friends.they treat devika like royality,well i guess she is but not on earth not to us she isnt.she is only royality to plants but my friends dont care they call her your majesty or my queen never do they call her devika anymore and thats her name.SHE ISNT ROYALITY HERE ON EARTH!!!!!!! she thinks it cute,adorable,funny but i think its annoying and stupid.they(my friends) actually get pissed i dont call her 'my queen'or'your majesty' and when they catch me call her devika they slap me on the back of the head and scold me like i am some servant steping out of line, all she does is laugh. but everyday when they see her they ask for the lastest gossip she heard from the plants,and the worst thing is she tells them. for example she told my friend robert that his girlfriend is cheating on him and we didnt know that so she told us how to catch her in the act and we did and they broke up.she told my friend mason that all the girls thinks he is hot and she made it clear she was not one of them and all he has to do is go ask ask one out and they will say yes.she also played matchmaker by telling my friend axel the girl he as a crush on actually likes him back he dashed from us and found her and asked her out when he caught his breath and now they are dating. but what surpised us the most is what she said to edward she said " the plants like you " then walked off leaving us confused and surprised and questioning what she ment by that.

i started to realize recently that the forest is starting to look brighter,and i dont mean a few shades brighter like when you treat your grass with expensive stuff that claim you will have the best yard on your block no the forest looks neon bright like i got a highlighter and colored the forest in neon highlighter. so i asked devika about this because who else would know the anwser and she said " that all the plants know she is the queen and so they want to look'decent' so they brighten up their colors". what the fuck did that mean?