
the natures queen

a girl born different from everyone else soon forced to leave her home planet and lands on earth and makes a family of her own

wolfdragon_32 · Kỳ huyễn
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i was her only friend for a long time until she found a few more. but i was her only friend here on earth and by that i mean she isnt from earth she is from another world. that everyone can maniputate their surroundings on some way or another. in this world everyone can relate to each other because they all use magic, they might not all have the same power but they all knows what to expect from everyone elses powers and the strength it holds.that means two people with the same power and age may not be able to do the same thing. for example: george might create wildfires by just blinking and a flick of the wrist where poor ol sam might struggle to make a simple flame.

it all depends on the level of your magic given to you by the goddess of life before you are born. the level given to you can be from level one to level ten being level ten is the strongest. in my example geroge was a level ten and sam was level one. now level tens are born strong and learn faster so they can reach level ten as soon as possible since everyone is born at level one then groe into your level given by the goddess of life. now level one will always stay at level one no matter how hard you try to level up you will never be able to do so. but good news level ones are rare. yay! level ones are the weakest of all the levels you be lucky to get any job that uses your power you will be stuck doing stuff to help everyone else like being a maid or something like that. so since level ones are rare the lowest you could go is level two and level twos could get a job using your power but you will be the lacky of the others and most likely never use it unless its a all hands on deck scenario. so if you are that one person that is level one i am sorry but you are very unlucky and have been given a bad hand in life.

mother natures story begins now that you are kinda caught up now i am sorry i had to give the back story but you would have been lost as hell if i didnt so your welcome. so mother natures real name is devika, its funny how her name means goddess when she is the goddess of nature but her parents didnt know that when she was born i swear it was just a happy coinicidence. devikas life started horribly when she was born she was just like any other child nothing seemed off until she was a year old. normally powers dont come until the age of five but hers came at the age of one.

it happens but its mega mega rare for it to happen and it doesnt mean the child will be powerful either it just means the powers got impatient and couldnt wait any longer and wanted to be released thats all.so when devikas powers emerged at the afe of one everyone realized she was not like the others. she was not at a level one like she was supposed to be but her level was a twenty when her powers emerged. it was unheard of to be that powerful because that powerful and more powerful than the council of magic and the royals. now for the royals its a different story they are the lucky ones they can reach level eighteen if they are a true royal and the council is made up of royals.when she was one year old she could have started a war at age one and win without stressing too much if that or at all for that matter. she wouldnt have to worry about if she will die or not or if she had enoigh strength to win. thats how powerful she was. at first they thought she was a long lost royal so the locals tested her blood and her parents and the results were she was not a royal and that scared them even more.