
the natures queen

a girl born different from everyone else soon forced to leave her home planet and lands on earth and makes a family of her own

wolfdragon_32 · Kỳ huyễn
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21 Chs

flash of light

as for me i was playing in the yard close to the house being bored because my friends didnt want to come over to play.like i said we are in the middle of nowhere and about fifteen minutes from town and surrounded my forest. we werent in the middle of the forest if that is what your thinking.a better word for it the forest is our backyard.now devika lives in the middle of the forest but i will get to that later. while i was playing alone outside being a six year old boy,i saw a random flash of light in the middle of the forest( were devika) lives now. apparentally it had a sound but i didnt hear it i was distracted by the light but my parents heard the sound and barely saw the light and being alien lovers.they immeditally thought it was a alien and went to check it out.well it kinda was an alien but that doesnt mean anything so shut up.they get it right one time one freaking time and now they get to brag to themselves about it man my parents are strange.

so the three of us walked to the ball of light. when we got there we saw a ball of plants in the middle of the field in front of us. it was like a cocoon it was the most magical thing i have ever seen. my parents were flipping out because they were excited to see what was inside.after fifteen minutes it started to open up and slowly might i add. im not gonna lie i was nervous. but when a girl was revealed,we were shocked she even looked human. but we knew better we knew no human could be in thta ball of magic and come to us in a ball of light and when she was revealed she was covered in plants.she is definitely not a human even if she looks like one.

when i first saw she i thought she was the most beautiful girl i have every seen. later in life guys always flirted with her.bwcause she was that hot i guess people from her world are made like gods.her beauty was so great that it went beyond the hottest girls in our school and they were jealous.but back to the matters at hand i walked up to her slowly but when i go up to her she finaly opened her eyes and looked at us. they were beautiful one was blue and the other was purple.when she started to go to school we will tell everyone it was a birth defect and the idiots believed us. but when i saw her i was frozen in my spot and my eyes were fixed on her i knew my parents were staring as well but i dare not to look back at them all i could see is her .