
the natures queen

a girl born different from everyone else soon forced to leave her home planet and lands on earth and makes a family of her own

wolfdragon_32 · Kỳ huyễn
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21 Chs

11 years later

im a senior,devika is a junior,and for some reason no one at school or the world for that matter other than my friends and my family and me found out her true nature...yet ....oops i did a another spolier didnt i sorry. my friends still call her my queen or your majesty or your highness. yah that was a new one they started a few years back. even edward is saying it and he is dating my sister now. they have called her that for so long they forgot her real name even though i still say it but it never clicks.so when i talk about her when she is not around they ask who i am talking about and very sarcastically i say " your queen" and they just nod and we continue our conversation. i really have smart friends you guys. dont you think? only the smart could pull that off.

im a little worried about devika because she is going to go to her first dance tomorrow with edward. but what scares me is the theme of the dance is .....paradise. you know plants, plants will be everywhere.if something was to ever go wrong it would be at the dance.so my friends and i are going to be back up and by back up i mean we are her bodyguards.because i am her brother and well my friends treat her like royality anyway so now they can play the part of her highness's personal guards. so a little tid bit is all my friends have girlfriends and they are taking them to the dance.but the reason i am worried is besides edward my other friends girlfriends are jealous of devika because they call devika queen and the girlfriends take it as devika might steal the boys away from them one day if they let their guards down.but the naive boys think nothing will happen because the plants would have told devika if a plan was in motion. hence the back up i am providing for the dance and edward is going to be next to her the most of the time and the immediate response if something would happen.