
2. Beauty of Green.

- Beauty of the world see in green colour. It shows Nature and Nature build our lives so keep in touch and save nature everday.

- Keep touch with nature's heart its lead to you at beautiful destinations.

- Green colour feel like cold ice give some humidity.

" Begening is quite but destruction is create huge noice "

- The Green is the feel with no. of truths.

- Silence give us spirit and simplicity when it comes from the nature.

- What's beautiful feeling! when nature touch you by the smooth air and beautiful sound.

"तेरी बहती ये हवाऐ ओर मधुर आवाज हमारी मुहबत है"

-The outside of nature is look beautiful but inside is worst look. This the truth and another meaning to say sacrifice of the nature .

" दर्द मे सहारा तु और रहने का बसेरा तु...

- Nature create Beautiful , work strictly , And Give a Multipul surprise.

- Look the tree, they stay steady with prosperity and confidence.

- And sometimes cloud say everything which needs you know.