
Chapter 26

Percy was thrown back by the Goblin King's pure strength. The demigod landed on his feet a few meters away with sweat covering his skin. The weapon the Goblin King had was powerful and scorching hot to the touch. Riptide was still cooling down from the few seconds the two weapons touched.

Percy looked up and saw the Goblin King charged him with his fire spear lowered down. Percy tightened his grip on Riptide cracking the leather and dashed forward meeting the monster half way.

The Goblin swiped his spear towards aiming for Percy's neck. Moments before the blade touched his skin Percy activated his Smoke Form exploding into blue and green smoke. The blade went through him and Percy reformed engaging the Goblin ruler in battler.

Percy struck the spear's metal body deflecting every swipe the Goblin King made. Metal rang on metal as Percy moved slowly into the Goblin King's defence. The vibrations from the clashing weapons suddenly stopped as Percy slipped under on of the spears's wide slashes and aimed a swing at the monster face. Riptide was inches from the monster neck when suddenly a strong blast of wind shoving Percy a good few feet away and ripping Riptide away from his hands.

Percy landed on his back but quickly got back up to see the Goblin King smirk.

"So you're just all talk huh?" the Goblin King commented as he swung his giant fire spear over his head with one hand, "I thought you might have been able to touch me at the very least."

Percy could feel fear creep in but Gamer's mind quickly crushed that, "don't worry Mr. tall, dark and ugly I'm full of surprises."

"Somehow I doubt that very much, shrimp."

"Bite me bitch!" Percy roared as he charged the monster head on. The Goblin King swung the spear towards Percy intending to cleav him in half. Percy jumped over the fiery spear in the last moment, he could feel the flames on his back as he landed inside the monster's defence. Percy cocked back a hand channeling Earthquake energy and body form into the fist;

Body From Activated: Right fist

"Giga burst!" Percy threw his right fist into the Goblin King's stomach causing a shockwave to explode outwards.


A sharp pain followed by numbness took over Percy's hand. The demigod looked up and saw the Goblin King smile down at him, his punch had no effect. He pulled back his arm and jumped away before the Goblin King would react, landing a few feet away and shook his hand.

Defence left- 72,000 Defence

'That thing even took some of my Marble skin defence away!' "What the hell are you made off?!" Percy yelled trying to regain feeling in his fist.

"Pure muscle, brat," the Goblin King grinned at demigod. He patted his chest piece, "it's made out of Galvron, very hard to come by and very hard to create. But if you get one made than it's next to indestructible."

"Nothing is ever indestructible," Percy replied as he finally got back feeling in his arm.

"Next to indestructible," the Goblin King said growling, "the only thing that could destroy his thing is an attack from the god's themselves!"

Percy smiled 'then it's a good thing I'm half god.' Percy charged his fist with his Earthquake control and smashed into the ground breaking it in half.

The Goblin King lost his balance and Percy moved quickly activating the Speed demon perk. He dashed right into the Goblin King's defence and activated his Body Form perk and Earthquake powers in his leg;

Body From Activated: Right leg

"Giga kick!", Percy yelled out as he snapped his leg sending it right into the Goblin's head throwing the monster backwards.

Damage- 800 Attack X 4 from Body Form = 3,200 Attack!

Critical Strike- 2,500% of 3,200 Attack = 80,000 Attack!

The Goblin King crashed into the ground sliding across the ground and right into a nearby tent causing it to collapse down on him. Percy lowered his leg and watched as slowly the monster pulled itself out of the wreckage. "Well fuck me sideways, you might give me a challenge yet beat," the Goblin King said as he moved out of the collapsed tent and spat out a wad of blood, "what's your name kid?"

"Jackson, Percy Jackson," Percy said taking out riptide which magically came back into his pocket like usual.

"Well now I know what to right in your tomb stone," the Goblin King said smirking as he spun his fiery spear.

"And what's yours?" Percy asked uncapping Riptide, "I doubt it's actually 'Goblin King'."

"Defeat me and I'll tell you," the Goblin King said smirking.

'Asshole, fine be that way,' Percy smiled,"okay got it….. Timmy."

"Whose Timmy?"

"You are, that's what I decided I'm going to call you from now on."

"But that's not my name!"

"Well it is now."

The Goblin King started at Percy before sighing and pinching his nose, "has anyone ever told you that you're extremely annoying?"

"Some," Percy said charging forward bringing Riptide up and slashing across the monster's giant chest piece. Riptide didn't even scratch its surface before Percy had to move away least he got impaled by Timmy's spear. The demigod spun on one foot and kicked across the monster's face with Body form and Earthquake control;

Body From Activated: Left leg

"Giga kic-" Percy stopped as Timmy caught his leg with one hand. The Goblin looked at Percy and smirked before squeezing his foot. The pain came but Percy quickly activated his smoke form again causing his leg to easily slip out of the monster's grasp.

'I need time to think,' Percy thought as he floated away from the battle towards the forest.

"Get back here brat!" The Goblin King yelled out as he raised an arm suddenly summoning a gust of wind that somehow grabbed Percy's smoke body and confined him into a small sphere of hard air, "you're not going anywhere."

'I need to get out of this thing before my time limit is up!' Percy said as his Gamer's mind worked overtime to reduce his panic levels, if he transformed back into a human while in this bubble of hard air he would be reduced to red paste!

Percy went through his list of powers and something stood out to him. Percy looked at the Goblin King and saw him smile as he still had one hand out closed in a fist. His fiery spear glowed behind him forming very solid looking shadow's underneath.

Percy had never tried this before, use magic while in this form, but he had no choice. He pushed his mana out and strangely it flowed much more freely. The mana went into the shadow underneath the Goblin King as Percy activated his Shadow control abilities.

'Shadow control!' Percy thought out as suddenly the shadows underneath Timmy turned into thorns ripping into the monster's feet.

"AWW!" Timmy yelled out as his concentrations wavered and Percy used this chance to escape. He bursted out of the hard air sphere just in time as his Smoke form timer ran out making him forcefully back into his human form.

Percy landed kneeling and turned around to see Timmy blowing on his feet to reduce the pain. Percy sent a blast of ice shards at Timmy's chest which harmlessly shattered on impact, 'figures.' Percy sighed and dashed into the forest with the Goblin King following suit.

You have entered a forest!

+5 to all stats!

Percy quickly climbed a tree and ran further into the forest as he began to form a plan.'Factors to consider, he can control wind and is also fire proof from the fact he can even hold that hot spear. He can also take a punch and his HP bar must be huge judging from the fact that he is still standing from that last attack.'

Percy formed a plan as suddenly;

Warning! Attack from above!

Percy didn't even bother looking up as he simply moved to the side narrowing avoiding a ball of wind that destroyed the tree he was running on. Percy blocked his eyes as splinters flew everywhere, some bouncing harmlessly off his hard body.

The demigod looked and as his eye went wide in disbelief. Standing high above him on nothing was Timmy smirking his ass off holding his fiery spear in one hand.

'Okay so he can form those hard air structures from before to stand on, pretty clever,' Percy thought to himself as he smiled 'it's going to be so fun kicking his ass!'

"Damn and here I thought I got rid of you once and for all," The Goblin King a.k.a Timmy said as his smirk changed to a frown, "you cut my fucking feet asshole!"

Percy shrugged, "sorry man promise I won't do it again," Percy said as he jumped toward another tree running away as fast as he can.

"Oh no you don't!" Timmy yelled out as he charged ahead sending blast after blast of concentrated balls of air towards Percy.

The demigod used his Area since skill to avoid most attacks as slowly the trees gave way to a large plain. Percy couldn't turn back, so he jumped forward and ran towards the center where Timmy waited for him.

"You can't escape me Jackson, I know this place like the back of my hand."

Percy nodded, "yeah I imagine you must have spent many night coming out here to shit behind a bush or something."

Timmy growled, "fucking brat!" he twisted the handle on his spear and suddenly the weapon grew bigger and bigger. Timmy raised it above his head and brought it down in a huge arc, "DIE!"

The fire from the spear flew out into the form of a bird moving faster and faster towards the son of Poseidon. Percy dashed to the side and expected to clear the area of the attack, but when he looked back he saw the fire bird following him.

'Well shit!' Percy thought out as he ran in circles to avoid the fiery attack, but it didn't look like it would stop or run out of power. Percy knew he couldn't keep this up forever, his stamina was not unlimited.

Percy turned towards Timmy and ran. The Goblin King raised an eyebrow before suddenly breaking into a panic, "don't bring that thing towards me you asshole!" The monster snapped his fingers and sent blast of wind towards Percy.

Percy could barely see the outline of the wind attack coming towards him, but he could guess when it would hit him. He waited until the last moment before jumping as high as he can, clearing the gust of wind which then crashed into the fire bird causing an explosion that sent Percy flying forward.

The demigod rolled and got on his feet again in one motion. Percy looked at his remaining defence;

Defence left- 63,000 Defence

Being so close to the explosion cost him a lot of defence but luckily he still had enough. Timmy smiled at Percy and quickly brought his now normal looking spear up, "you up for another round brat?"

Percy narrowed his eyes as he took out Riptide in it's pen form, "you talk too much."

The Goblin King grined and dashed forward. Percy moved forward in his normal speed, he opened up his inventory and pulled out a celestial bronze lance he got on his birthday. He leveled the lance down and activated his Speed perk.

Timmy swung towards sending a blast of wind towards Percy. The demigod jumped and brought his spear down on the ground and used it as a pole vault to launch himself over Timmy. The blast of wind knocked the lance to side as Percy landed on Timmy's head. The demigod then trusted Riptide into the monster's eye blinding him.

"ARGHH!" The Goblin King yelled out in pain as he grabbed' Percy's body and threw him away. The Goblin King held his eye as he felt the liquid remains of his eyes pour down his face with Riptide still imbedded inside.

Percy landed on the other side and turned just in time to avoid a trust from Timmy's spear. Percy moved to the left and right avoiding every trust as slowly Timmy drew closer and closer. Percy avoided a trust to his chest when the Goblin King grabbed his jacket with his left and pulled the demigod up.

Percy hung 7 feet off the ground as Timmy brought Percy to eye level, "you are nothing," he growled out looking at Percy with his remaining eye, "you are worse than nothing." Percy grabbed the monster's arm and tried to break free but his grip was too strong.

The demigod then drew back his left fist and tried to punch Timmy's face with his Giga strike activating his Body form and Earthquake powers only to have the Goblin grab Percy's hand and squeeze.

"ARGH!" Percy yelled out in shock as the monster crushed his fist along with the gauntlet of Kefka breaking the metal armour into pieces.

Marble Skin defence broken!

Percy ignored the message and focused on escaping. His right hand reached over to Riptide and he pulled the pen out of the eye socket uncapping it. The sword grew and Percy swung the blade cutting into the Goblin King's thick writs. Blood flew but the strike lack momentum and so did not quite severe the writs from the hand.

"FUCK!" Timmy roared as he threw Percy to the side holding his injured wrist. Percy moved back and quickly inspected the gauntlet. It's lower half was broken with everything above the wrist still intact. Hopefully it would still work.

"I'm going to kill you!" The Goblin King shouted as he lifted both arms summoning gales of wind towards himself. The winds began to pour out of the forest breaking branches sending them flying towards the field.

Percy jumped to the left and pushed himself to the side of a giant branch that tried to impale him. He turned to see the Goblin King and a sight of pure power.

The wind around him took the form of a powerful hurricane with Timmy right in the center of it. The Goblin King's single eye glowed blue with power as the hurricane around him acted as a vacuum sucking everything towards him. Percy felt his own feet being dragged inside, he knew he couldn't maintain his stance like this. Percy turned moved away from the storm pushing his legs to the limit trying to fight the winds.

"Where do you think you're going?" Timmy said summoning a blast of wind that blasted Percy off his feet and towards the hurricane.

Percy felt like a leaf being thrown in a blender as his body was spun around the chaotic winds. His eyes closed down from the swift winds around him as different objects hit him again and again. A branch pierced his left leg as rocks battered his body.

Percy HP: 4,500/5,350

The Goblin King sent a ball of hard wind right at Percy that dislocated his right shoulder.


Warning! You have dislocated your right shoulder! - 20 to Dex and - 50% effectiveness for Sword skills and Archery!

Percy felt pain pour out of his shoulder as he opened his eyes looking for his the half blind opponent. The demigod of Poseidon spotted the Goblin floating in the middle of the hurricane with a barrier of wind surrounding him that pushed away all stray debris.

"And now you die," he raised a hand and suddenly all the air around Percy flowed away, "vacuum sphere."

Percy felt his face and lips dry up and strain as all the air around him was sucked away. Percy clutched his throat gasping but no air came. 'No, no way this is not how I go!' Percy thought to himself as his mind worked on how to get out of this. He couldn't move, he was completely at the Goblin King's mercy. He tried to move by kicking his legs but that didn't do shit. Percy looked at his opponent as slowly his eyes started to close, 'no...NO!'

Percy exploded into his Smoke form as he tried to escape but his body couldn't move, there was no air for him to move through, his essence simply floated around. Percy changed back as slowly blood started to leak out and float in front of him. The blood floated down slowly and away form Percy.

'Is this the last thing I'm ever going to see?'

The blood was thick, so very thick and red. It floated slowly away, it's surface shined like silk, like red silky hair. Like Artemis's hair.

'Why am i thinking of her now?' Percy wondered as he smiled, 'neah, it doesn't matter. In the end nothing ever matters. It's sad I have to die alone,' Percy said with tears forming in his eyes. He opened his mouth and spoke though nothing was heard, "I don't want to go."

"Than live," a familiar voice spoke in his head. Percy's eyes narrowed as suddenly a thought entered his head.

Using his last grain of strength he pulled both hands up and poured mana out. He didn't care how much he used or where it went he just threw it out there until it connected with his own blood. 'Gotcha!' Percy controlled the blood and brought it towards his right hand forming the rune for the water summoning spell.

Percy's right exploded with water as he snapped his left hand summoning a fireball. The fire glowed bright blue as it burt using Percy's mana instead of air. Percy brought both hands together and the water instantly evaporated on contact releasing steam that Percy breathed in greedly.

Percy's eyes snapped to the side as an explosion rocked him in his vacuum sphere. He looked down and saw Timmy fighting with what looked like a black shadow.

'Marchosias,' Percy realised this as his chance. He brought out more water form his hands and used it to form a water sphere around himself;

You have entered a water body! Due to your parentage you have gained a boost!

+1000 HP(+1000 HP due to necklace of Poseidon) = +2000 HP

+1000 MP (+1000 MP due to necklace of Poseidon) = +2000 MP

All wounds are healed

All ailments cured

Water Breathing ability active

Once inside it he could finally breath again activating his water breathing perk. Percy felt his shoulder fix itself and his leg slowly heal up again;

Percy HP: 7,350/7,350

You are cured of dislocated shoulder! All stats and skills are restored to normal.

Percy focused as he brought more water out from his palm slowly draining all of his mana. The water sphere grew bigger and bigger and then Percy threw his hands apart, "ARGHHH!"

The water ripped apart the vacuum sphere allowing Percy to escape. As he fell down he realised the Goblin King and Marchosias were fighting right below him. "Marchosias!" Percy yelled out tacking Riptide out of his pocket.

The demon looked up at the sound of her master and saw him fall down towards her. The wolf smiled and looked to the black skinned goblin, "looks like my master has some unfinished business with me goblin."

"What?!" The Goblin King yelled as he turned around just in time to see a flash of bronze cut through both of his horns.

Percy landed hard on the ground breaking it under his weight;

Defence from Marble skin- 4,200

Percy had poured 72 MP into his Marble Skin in the last moment bringing his defence to 5976 which got reduced to 4,200.

Percy looked at the Goblin King and jumped forward with Riptide as he swung his blade up. The Goblin King blocked and the two began their dance once again with sparks flying everywhere as slowly Riptide cut away at Timmy's weapon. It might have been magic but it was still ordinary metal. Percy swung his blade with all his might and suddenly the crack on the spear grew bigger;


And shattered in half. The part with the blade flew behind Percy while the other flew towards the forest. Percy saw his chance and swung his Riptide across the Goblin's legs cutting across his knees. He then drew back an arm and charged it up;

Body Form Activated: Right arm

And Percy launched it right into the Monster's left knee cap.


Damage- 800 Attack X 4 from Body Form = 3,200 Attack!

Critical Strike- 2,500% of 3,200 Attack = 80,000 Attack!

The leg bent backwards as Percy shattered Timmy's left knee sending the monster to the ground. Percy jumped on the monster's chest and grabbed his neck with his left and punched with his right fist still empowered.

"AHHHH!" Percy yelled as he brought down a rain of punches down on top of the Goblin King's chest piece.




Mini explosions flew out of the monster's chest as Percy kept punching and punching. His battle cry was heard above the boom's from his fists impacts as slowly more and more of the Galvron armour was chipped away. The demigod punched the same spot of the chest plate again and again cracking the ground underneath the Goblin King who coughed out blood every time a fist landed on his chest.


The sound rang out but Percy ignored it fully, the only thing on his mind was living. Percy drew back his fist high into the air, he looked at the Goblin underneath him as slowly everything else simply faded away. He swung his fist downwards with everything he had;


The black metal of the chest piece bent inwards in the form of a fist. The ground underneath the Goblin King broke into spider webs as peice of the ground flew all over the place. The ground itself roared as it slowly began to shake. Percy panted as he lifted his hands up. Blood flowed freely from his knuckles drenched the broken metal armour.

"What are you?" the Goblin King choked out through the blood in his throat.

"I am Perseus Jackson, the son of Poseidon."

"A demigod, no wonder," Timmy said with his eye slowly losing focus, "you are half a god. I never really stood a chance did I." It wasn't a question.

Percy nodded looking at the one eyed monster, "no, you didn't."

The goblin King looked at Percy with sadness in his eye but a smile on his face, "well at least I finally got that match I always wanted."

Percy nodded and slowly the Goblin King disintegrated away into golden dust.


Congratulations! You have leveled up!

Percy Jackson

Health-4,650/4,650 (+1000) = 5,650

Mana-2,300/2,300(+1000) = 3,300

The Gamer

Title- Son of Poseidon

(+20 Str,+20 Vit, +20 Dex, while in water)

Level-25 Exp- 46,710/ 81,000









MONEY- 142,637$/1,088D

Percy then looked at the other notification he got during his battle;

Earthquake control, Lv-11 (20%)

You can cause an Earthquake thought any part of your body.

Attack- 900

Cost 100 MP


And underneath that;

Congratulations! You have obtained a new technique for Earthquake control!

Earth mover- by pushing your earthquake mana into the ground you may cause tremors by becoming the focal point of the own earthquake. Effects whole areas resulting in varying levels of damage, Max- 2000 Attack

Just as Percy finished reading and dismissing those two boxes;


Perk- Chimera's blood has activated! Which trait of the Goblin King do you wish for?

Immunity to fire

Goblin's growth

Wind's blessing

Percy blinked, this hadn't happened in a long time. Maybe it was just specific monster's that activated the Chimera's blood perk? Percy pushed the question aside and looked at his options. The first one was obvious, and kind of basic. Percy pressed the second option;

Goblin's growth,

When paired up with 'Puberty' status will allow for user to grow to their nature prime faster and will help in obtaining muscle mass quicker.

Positive results- Quicker growth rate and bigger body size

Negative results- Increase in all hormones resulting in an increased sex drive that will cloud your thoughts.

Percy blinked, the negative results were…..surprising to say the least. It would be useful though… Percy shook his head and turned to the next option;

Wind's Blessing;

Will allow you to receive + 1000 HP and +1000 MP when you are surrounded by wind.

The demigod shrugged, it wasn't really all that special, though if he paired this up with his water's domain blessing he would gain an additional of +3000 HP/MP. Which was impressive but at the same time….kind of lame.

Percy closed the box and looked at the Goblin's growth again. From the three options that seems like the best to chose, but if he did then he would have to deal with the extra…..sex drive. Maybe Gamer's mind would take care of it, or maybe not.

"One problem at a time," Percy told himself as he pressed Goblin's growth twice;

Are you sure you want to learn Goblin's growth for your Chimera's blood perk?


Percy pressed yes and suddenly his body flashed gold as he felt his body tighten up before relaxing. Percy moved an arm around trying to see whether he felt any different, 'maybe I need to wait till I gain the 'Puberty ' status?'

Percy shrugged and closed the boxes in front of him. He turned to his side and saw Marchosias walk up to him. "Thanks," he told the demon wolf.

The wolf nodded, "it's okay master. It is my job after all."

Percy nodded, "but either way, thanks." Percy then turned to the loot left behind and saw 4 things left behind for him.

The first was 80,000$, which was a lot more than he got from fighting off Cerberus. Then came an amulet. It was a dark blue stone shaped like an egg as big as a raisin and around it were golden lines that surrounded and caged the stone.

Amulet of Hasis,

Gives + 20% for all wind based attacks

+3% to health regeneration.

Percy shrugged his shoulders, it wasn't really something suited for him but at the same time the +3% HP regeneration would be very useful. He put the chain around his neck and looked to the other two loot items.

The first one looked like a pin in the form of a dragon. It was black and red with silver lining it;

Pin of protections;

Gives a boost of + 50 durability to any object it is attached to.

"Huh, this is useful," Percy said before putting the pin on his jacket's collar.

"What does it do?"

"It gives a boot to my defense Marchosias…...you know what we need a nickname for you, something shorter than Marchosias."

The wolf looked amused, "any suggestions?"

Percy scratched his chin, "how about….Mary?"

"After the stupid virgin? Fuck no!"


"No way."


"Shove it up your ass if you like it so much."

"Then what about…. Marcia?"

The blue eyed wolf blinked, "that's actually pretty good."

"You sound surprised," Percy said with a grin "I'm great at making nicknames you know."

The wolf sighed, "I'm not going to even address that," she then turned to the last loo item, "now what is that?"

Percy looked at the last loot item which was a big black chest piece, the exact one that Timmy wore. It had an impression of Percy's fist right in the center and looked bigger than his entire upper body;

Galvron chest piece;

A piece of armour that is made out of Galvron and is considered nearly indestructible.

+20% to MP

+10% to HP

+ 70% to elvish magic

Durability- 720/800

Note: this is a one time loot given for the first ever clearing of the Goblin camp ID

Percy picked up the chest plate and instead of it being heavy it was light, incredibly light. It was lighter than leather armour the campers wore during a capture the flag game!

"Is that Galvron?" Marcia asked sniffing the metal, "that's incredibly rare!"

Percy nodded, "yeah, but it doesn't exactly fit me now does it."

The wolf nodded, "indeed, especially with that hand print there. You need to have it re forged."

"Know any good forgers?"

"Don't you literally have a cabin filled with children of the forge god?"

Percy blinked, "huh, that could work." Percy put the chest peice away in his inventory and put Marcia back into the gauntlet, which luckily still worked. Percy walked to the goblin main camp sight and quickly took all the loot there;

2,000 $

120 D

32 low grade potions

13 swords

12 shields

Along the way he also grabbed the broken piece of the Goblin King's weapon. The spear was broken but the blade still looked like it functioned;

Spear of Defire (Broken),

A spear enchanted with the ability to create flames hot enough to melt steel. The blade can expand in size and increase in the flames intensity.

Cost of fire- 300 MP

Damage- 5 X Vit attack

After putting the broken weapon away Percy looked to his gauntlet and poured mana into it. Once again he found himself in a well of grey souls with all those he had defeated looking at him. Percy turned to his latest victim and pulled his soul out.

The gauntlet glowed as it expelled a big cloud of smoke outwards. The cloud then condensed into the form of the Goblin King who stood with nothing on but a pair of pants and his red cape. His eye was now fixed and he used both to look at Percy. The 14 foot tall being looked at Percy before bowing, "master."

Percy smiled and desummoned Timmy. He then put his hand up, "ID Escape!" The three mooned sky cracked open and gave way to a sky with a single moon. Percy sighed as he found himself back home, he felt safe again. For a moment there it seemed he might actually die, that his life was forfeit to the Goblin King's power. The demigod looked to the moon and smiled as he wondered, 'why did I hear Artemis's voice back then?'

The next day found Percy inside his cabin sitting on his bed with Annabeth, Nina, Michael and Clarissa standing in front of him. He just finished telling them what the Gods wanted them to do.

"I'm just glad I don't have to do this alone," Clarisse said smiling.

"Come on Clarisse you really think we would let you sail into the Sea of Monsters alone?" Asked Michael with a check smile, "well I might but the other might not."

"Shut it flute boy!"

"Now now no need to fight," Percy said calming them down, "you guys will have plenty of time to do that later."

"What do you mean 'you guys?'" Annabeth asked catching the words used.

Nina blinked, "yeah Percy aren't you coming with?"

Percy sighed and shook his head, "no, I'm not."

"What?!" They all screamed together.

Percy sighed, "I have another quest assigned to me."

"What is it?" Nina asked curiously.

"It involved Argo and Gergosas."

Clarisse;s face turned into that of rage while Annabeth looked indifferent, but Percy could see fear and cold fury there just below the surface.

"What about them?" Clarisse asked through gritted teeth.

"There is apparently some kind of Gergosa factory near the Sea of Monsters…..it's run by Argo."

"So the Gods want you to find and destroy it?" Nina asked to which Percy nodded.

"Well shit," Michael cursed, "this is bad."

"Why so?" Percy asked.

"You are probably the best shot we had at finding the fleece and coming back home alive," Michael explained, "without you…."

"Relax Micheal you'll do fine."

"Yeah easy for you to say Mr. I-can-kill-giant-metal-robotic-bulls-with-one-punch."

Percy smiled. He got off his bed and placed both hands on Michael, he looked at the son of Apollo right in the eye and said, "Michael you're a son of Apollo, so you know I mean it when I say that I believe in you, all of you. If anyone is qualified to get the fleece back it's you guys."

The black haired and brown eyed boy looked at his friend and smiled, "damn straight!"

Clarisse smirked, "didn't know you needed Percy to hold you hand flute boy."

"Hey Clarisse why don't you shove your spear up your ass and go fuck yourself."

"Why you little!" The two began to fight as the rest simply looked on.

"I'm going to have to make them stop from now on don't I?" Annabeth asked sighing.

"Yup," Percy said smiling.

After the fight was done Percy pulled out three yellow bags, that Hermes supplied, and gave them to the others. They then took off to go to their respective cabins to prepare for tonight which was when Clarisse was expected to leave.

Percy wanted to ask Nina's help in fixing the Galvron armour but seeing as they didn't have enough time Percy decided to skip it for a later date, after all something like reforging armour would take a long time to do.

Percy spent the rest of the day preparing for the quest ahead. He stocked up on food from the Mess Hall storing up to a month's worth of food, needless to say the harpy's and nature spirits there did not like him stealing food. Luckily Percy managed to zip away before they could even get to him.

Inside the black bag Hermes had given him was 300 $ in cash, something which is insignificant compared to the amount of money he now had. He also got several sets of clothes with even a pirate costume packed in there for someone goddamn reason.

There was also a bottle of spray on glue;

Can of glue!;

Spray this on anything and watch as anything that comes to contact with its surface be attached for the next 24 hours.

A map of Nassau and a bottle of what looked like pills, blue oval shaped pills…

Bottle of multivitamins;

Vitamins which provide bring the user to their normal status giving them a shot of adrenaline in the process.

+100% restoration of bodily functions.

Warning!: Do not take more than five pills a day, doing so may result to heart attacks, strokes, liver failure or even death.

Percy shrugged, at least it wasn't viagra. Percy put all the materials he got into his inventory and put the bag away, no need to carry extra weight.

Percy turned to his window sill and saw his enchanted sapling growing there. It was the prize he got when he won against Craig well over a year ago. The plant had silver leaves and three red berries growing on it. Percy had watered it every day and when he was away from camp he asked Nina or Clarisse to take care of it for him and now it was ready.

Percy plucked one red berry and Observed it;

Berry from the Enchanted bush;

Consumption will give a permanent +200 MP boost.

Percy smiled and bit into the red round berry. The berry flavour exploded in Percy's mouth as the demigod tasted a mixture of strawberry and blueberry, something very unique. It was slightly bitter but soon the taste was overpowered by a large amount of energy flowing into Percy from the fruit.

Percy's eyes glowed green as he quickly swallowed the whole thing in one go as it's juices flowed down his throat.


You have gained +200 MP permanently!

Percy closed the box and quickly picked the second berry and ate it as well. The taste of the second berry overwhelmed the first as a fresh burst of energy took over Percy's body.


You have gained +200 MP permanently!

Percy then put the last berry inside his inventory saving it for an emergency.

The son of Poseidon then walked out of his cabin towards the edge of the forest. He passed by the Big House and waved to Mr. D who was sitting on the porch. The god of wine nodded to Percy before returning to his magazine which was titled, 'Olympus daily'.

Percy walked out of the camp and passed Thalia's tree. The tree was looking worse now, the poison had spread throughout the middle of the trunk and now most of the wood there was grey. The green venom of the Elder snake hadn't moved much, partly to the continuous use of the staff of healing on the tree by Michael. The staff didn't help much but at least the poison was now contained.

Percy walked further away and down the hill until the forest gave out showing the route to the main road. Percy stopped and looked up, "come on out guys."

Zed, Alecto and Craig dropped from trees and bowed to Percy. They had been standing out here guarding the camp since day one and due to their added protection monster's didn't even try and approach camp any more. This was a good thing for the camp, but it also meant PErcy couldn't get a steady stream of exp from his servant defeating the monsters.

"Craig you're coming with me," Percy said pulling out the gauntlet of Kefka and putting it on, "we have a mission."

"What about us master?" Alectos asked pointing to her and Zed.

"You and Zedd stay here and continue to protect camp," Percy desummoned Craig and put the gauntlet away, "I am going on a quest right now and it will be on the sea. Zed will probably sink due to his heavy blade and armour."

"Hey don't diss the blade!" Zed yelled out but was promptly ignored.

"And I need you," Percy motioned to Alecto, "to stay here and keep an eye on Zed."

"Hey!" Zed yelled out again and again he was ignored.

"I'll keep him on a tight leash master," Alecto assured Percy making the demigod smile. Percy left leaving Alecto to pull Zed away by the ear.

Percy then walked back into camp and towards the Arena, might as well get some training done right? But as Percy passed the Climbing wall a voice called out to him.

"Hey Percy wat up!"

Percy turned and saw Micheal run up to him with a smile. "What's up Michael?" Percy asked, "forget something back at my cabin?"

"No not that," Michael schook his head, "I wanted to know wether your free right now."

"Ah, I don't really have anything important to do," Percy said shrugging his shoulders, "I just was heading to the Arena to get more training done."

"Okay so nothing important," Michael said as a big smile took over his face, "then follow me."

Percy raised an eyebrow, "what for?"

Michael pulled him away, "just shut up and follow me."

Percy shrugged and let the son of Apollo pull him along as the made way to the Hermes cabin, "why are we here?"

"Travis and Connor are watching a movie," Michael explained, "and they wanted all the boys to come."

"Just the boys?"


Inside the Hermes cabin was packed with male campers who were around 12 years old with a few being older than Percy. Percy noticed that all Ares, Hermes and Apollo male campers were present with a few guys from other cabins littered all over the place with most siting on the beds while a few sat on the floor.

Just than Travie spoke up, "hey Michael! I see you got Percy. Great! Means that we can start," Travis said with a grin.

"Start? Start what?" Percy asked looking at the Stoll brothers who were standing in front of a projector screen.

"Travis here managed to sneak in a few things," Connor explained motioning to the projector and a DVD player that was attached to it, "so we decided to invite all the guys to watch a movie."

"Why not call the girls?" Percy asked as Michael and him sat on the floor.

"Because this isn't the kind of movie you see with a girl Percy," Travis said as his grin grew wider reminding Percy of Hermes's similar smile.

"What movie is it?" Travis went to a secret panel in the floorboards and pulled out a DVD and showed it to everyone. Percy looked at the cover confused, "what the hell is 'American Pie'?"

"Oh it's not just American Pie my friend," Travis said holding the DVD higher, "it's American Pie - Beta House! "

The rest of the male campers cheered while Percy simply looked on confused. Travis put in the DVD and played the movie.


Percy and Michael stood at in front of the beach waiting for the rest of their friends to arrive.

"So that was….." Michael began.

"Interesting," Percy replied as he looked at the waves hitting the shore.

"Yup interesting," Michael nodded, "did you like it?"

"It was….interesting."

"Very interesting," Michael nodded again as he looked straight ahead at the sea.

"Did you like it?" Percy asked.

"Me? Oh yeah I did, it was…."


"Interesting," Michael agreed. The two boys stood in silence as time went by. Michael then spoke up,"was that your first time seeing boobs?"

Percy raised an eyebrow at Michael before shaking his head, "nope," images of his very first encounter with Marcia popped up in his mind, god that demon had a nice rack on her.

Michael nodded, "me neither. I saw my first pain when I was 10, nice structure, very firm."

"Really? Where did you see them?"

"In-ah, in camp."


"I-I don't really want to talk about it."


"It involves doing things which I am not proud of," Michael admitted. Percy stared at him until the son of Apollo sighed, "I may have tried to spy on the Aphrodite girls when they were taking a shower."

Percy narrowed his eyes and;


Lie detected!


Due to constant use your skill has leveled up!

Lie detection, Lv- 3 (22%)

You can detect lies said to you, 20% chance of success.

"You're lying," Percy whispered.

"No I;m not!" Michael shouted back.

"You are totally lying right now," Percy smiled, "a son of Apollo caught lying, who knew that was even possible?"

"Shut up Percy!"

Percy laughed as Michael became red in the face, "hahaha!"

"Dude shut up!"

"Okay!" Percy put her hand up slowly raining his laughter in, "okay fine. So tell me, when did you actually see your first pair of boobs?"

Michael sighed, "I-ah..."

"It was during the movie wasn't it."

Michael nodded, "yeah."

Percy patted Michael's shoulder, "it's okay man, there no shame in that."

Michael sighed again and turned to Percy, "when did you see yours?"

Percy blinked, "hm? Oh, right well it was this monster I had to fight during the quest to save my mom. It wanted to possess me and tried to distract me by transforming into a bombshell of a woman. Luckily I managed to fight her off."

Michael nodded, "sweet. So who was she?"

"Remember that wolf that serves me?" Percy said making Michael node, "that's her."

Michael blinked, "wait….that thing, the winged wolf, can transform into a woman?" Percy nodded, "a sexy woman?" Percy nodded again, "and you basically control her?" And again Percy nodded "YOU SON OF A BITCH!"

"Micheal keep it down!" Percy hissed.

"Oh fuck no! You basically got a sex slave on hand!" Michael gasped, "have...have you like made her-"

"NO! Fuck no! God damnit Michael no!" Percy yelled loudly, "dude that's sick man!"

"Well I'm sorry but you know if you're told somebody basically has a slave that is incredibly sexy you would think they were using that slave for….a less than honorable purposes."

Percy blinked, "huh….I never thought of it like that."

"Never thought of what?" Asked a voice. The two boys turned and Annabeth and Nina walked up to them with their yellow bags slung behind.

"Ah, nothing, nothing at all" Michela replied quickly before elbowing Percy, "right Percy?"

Percy blinked before quickly nodding as well, "right, nothing at all."

Nina and Annabeth looked at them funny before shrugging. The boys sighed in relief before sharing a look that basically said, 'we never speak of this again.'

"Anyway Clarisse just left from camp," Nina spoke as she looked at her watch, "she should be here in five minutes."

"Did she mention where she would be getting a ship from?" Percy asked as Michael also put on his yellow backpack and waited.

"She said it was somewhere North," Annabeth replied, "apparently her dad Iris messaged her and told her where to find the ship. We were right by the way, apparently the ship is being run by the undead."

"Zombies?" Michael squeaked.

"Zombies," Nina nodded.

"Why is it always bloody zombies?!" Michael threw his hand up in the air.

"Anyway when's your ride coming?" Annabeth asked turning to Percy.

"Well if what the gods told me is right, then my ride should be here right after you guys leave," Percy replied.

"You still don't know who's going to take you?" Nina asked.

"No idea," Percy replied, "hopefully it isn't anyone to crazy."

"If they are part of Greek Mythology than I recomend you don't' hold your breath," Annabeth replied.

The four friends waited for a minute and a half when a whistle sound screeched through. They all turned just in time to see a black iron clad steam ship sail towards them. Clarisse could be seen standing in front of the ship waving to them as the ship came closer to shore.

"Ah...how are we going to get onto the ship?" Michael asked. Percy stepped up and placed a hand inside the water, he focused and drew upon his Ice control power. Slowly ice began to form on the surface of the water around Percy's hand. Percy opened his eyes and directed the ice outwards forming a thick ice walkway going directly towards the ship.

"Huh...neat," Nina said as they began walking on the ice walkway towards the steam boat. When Percy got closer he noticed that the ship was rusted near the edges and looked kind of beaten down. It honestly didn't look like it could sail to New York let alone to the middle of the Bermuda triangle.

A ladder was dropped down the side of the ship as all three demigods climbed up. There Percy saw several dead looking soldiers managing positions all over the ship. One which was decorated like a general manned the wheel with one dressed like a lieutenant at his side. There were three zombie sailor lifting up the anchor while another looked like he was charting the course.

"Welcome to the CSS Birmingham," Clarisse said motioning her arms out.

"Okay this ship is the second most scariest place I have ever been to" Michael said looking around.

"Is it because of the zombies?" Clarisse asked sarcastically.

"No it's because of colour of the ship, of course it's because of the fucking zombies!"

"Wait second? What's the first?" Nina asked.

"Percy's ID worlds," Michael replied.

"Yeah well get used to it Michael," Annabeth said as she looked around, "this is what we are going to be sailing in."

Percy walked over the the zombie plotting the course and frowned. "That's wrong," Percy said grabbing the map from the zombie's hand along with the Astrolabe, a lens attached to a big circular disk with several measurements on it.

"Excuse me" the zombie said, "but I do believe I am the Sailing master on this ship and I am completely-"

"-Incompetent, this isn't the tool you need by the way," Percy said throwing the Astrolabe to the side before picking up a sextant that was lying next to the captain zombie, "this is what you need."

The son of the sea god then began using the navigational tool and rewrote the entire map plotting the right course to the sea of monsters. All the knowledge of the sea flowed into him like second nature, and in a way it was. Percy understood everything, the current's the wind patterns, where to go and what to avoid.

'Damn,' he thought, 'I would have made a hell of a sailor.' "Here," Percy said tossing the map to Clarisse, "follow the instructions I wrote down."

"Percy," Annabeth said looking at the map, "these are amazing! How do you know all of this?"

Percy shrugged, "son of the sea god."

"This quest is going to hell to finish without you," Clarisse commented tucking away the map, "you sure you can't come with us?"

"Sadly I can't," Percy said walking to the side of the ship, "but if you guys need my help just Iris message me."

"You bet buddy, and when I do please come and get me off this zombie filled boat ride," Michael said eyeing the crew, "why are they all dressed up as soldiers?"

"It's because they all died during the civil war," Clarisse explained as she told the captain to set sail.

"Wait...these aren't just normal zombies but soldier zombies?"


"Were they at least part of the Union?"


Michael turned just in time to Percy jump off the side of the ship and land on the icy walkway below, "Percy don't leave me!" The son of Apollo tried to jump off as well but Clarisse dragged him inside by the collar, "they are all zombies! Confederate, probably racist zombies!"

Percy chuckled as he walked back to shore. He waved them goodbye as the iron ship sailed away in a puff of smoke. Michael's cries of help soon died out in a few minutes leaving Percy all alone on the beach.

Percy sighed and looked at the time, he really needed to get a watch. Time moved on as Percy waited and waited. He was thinking of Iris messaging Hermes to ask where his ride was when suddenly an Iris message literally popped up in front of him.

"Percy are you there?" Hermes's voice and face came through the rainbow message.

"Yeah I'm here," Percy replied back, "and I'm standing here all alone."

Hermes nodded as he scratched the back of his head, "yeah about that...see the thing is the one's who were meant to pick you up got into a kind of...situation."

"What kind of situation?"

"The kind that involves a giant 50 foot wide octopus."

"They were attacked by the Kraken?!" Percy shouted out.

"No no," Hermes replied quickly, "just a giant octopus. No big deal. But they are going to be late."

"Where are they now?"

"Ah just off the coast probably just 15 kicks to the South-East," Hermes said, "why do you want to know?"

"I'm going to go help them," Percy said canceling the message before Hermes could reply. He hardened the surface of the water until it was strong enough to take his weight and then began to run activating his Demon Speed perk.

He ran at around 80 Km/Hr, which was the fastest he had gone. He slowly pushed himself further and further until he could feel his shoes heat up from the friction, 'shit! Don't' think about that!' Percy scolded himself but ignored the heat in his shoes and continued forward.

In around 15 minutes he saw a pink object just below the horizon. As Percy came closer and closer he recognized that it was in fact a giant pink octopus and it had it's tentacle wrapped around an orange coloured shipt with red sails and a Jolly rodge flying above.

'That's the boat,' Percy realised as he quickly ran towards the ship and beast. As Percy came closer he drew Riptide from his pocket and the gauntlet of Kefka from his inventory. He put the gauntlet on and readied his blade. He was around 30 feet away when he used to water to send him flying through the air like a cannon ball.

"ARGH!" Percy roared out as he slashed into one of the Octopus's tentacles causing the giant sea creature to below in pain. Riptide cut the tentacle halfway through when it got stuck. There was too much meat to cut through and Percy didn't have a big enough sword, 'I so regret not bringing Zed with me.'

Percy used his legs to pull Riptide out of the tentacle and landed on the wooden deck of the ship, 'wood? Since when are ships these days made of wood?'

Percy pushed that question aside and turned to the giant octopus;

Dave the Octopus


HP: 15,450/18,000








Dave is a giant octopus that was always made fun of by his friends for being so big. So he is considered a very lonely creature of the sea. He likes to play with whales and other large creatures but in the end he is alone. Right now he is attacking a ship because they woke him up.

Kill to gain- 20,000 Exp

"You no good stinking human! I'll eat you all!" The octopus roared out as it moves it's tentacles around while the crew of the ship attacked it with their weapons.

'Wait...did that thing just talk?' Percy blinked when suddenly it hit him, 'no it didn't talk, I can understand it!' He was the son of Poseidon after all

"Hey you there stop!" Percy yelled attracting the crew's and the Dave's attention, "stop fighting for one second!"

Dave the octopus looked at Percy before slowly moving it's tentacles. The ship's crew also stopped attacking the octopus and looked at Percy with a look of surprise and shock.

"You can understand me?"

Percy nodded as he tossed Riptide aside and held his hands up, "yeah I can."

"Are you a water spirit?"

"Something like that," Percy replied, "look I know you're kind of pissed and all, and I did just try to cut off one of your arms, but ah you could please stop attacking the crew?"

"Why should I!?" Dave roared out startling the crew.

"Wait!" Percy yelled stopping the crew from moving, "let me handle this." He turned to the giant octopus again, "I know you're pissed, and you have every right to be, but could you like settle this later? I really need these guys to kind of save the lives of my friends."

"Humph," The giant octopus humphed, "and why should I do anything you say?"

Percy sighed, he really didn't' want to threaten Dave, it seemed like a nice guy-ah, a nice octopus, but some people never change. So Percy poured his Bloodlust outwards and looked at the octopus right in the eyes, "if you don't leave right now I'll turn you into a popsicle" Percy then used his ice control to freeze the water near the octopus,

Dave's looked at Percy with eyes filled with fear, "you don't have the strength."

Percy smiled as he froze even more of the water with some of the ice creeping onto Dave's body and slowly biting into his suckers, "try me."

Dave narrowed his eyes, "you think a little bit of ice scares me?! I'll fucking squash you like a bug!"

Percy sighed, "worth a shot," he then launched himself at Dave with his right hand drawn back. He charged up his hand and punched the octopus right between the eyes, "Giga Impact!"

Dave's body was ripped off the ship as he flew back 20 feet into the ocean. Some wood was broken off as well but luckily the hull wasn't damaged. Percy landed on the deck of the orange ship and sighed, the quest hadn't even began and already he was fighting monsters.

"Well now who exactly might you be?" A voice asked drawing Percy's attention.

The demigod looked and saw the crew of the ship slowly surround him. With more time to properly look at them he realised that they were all dressed like sailors for the age of explorers. Most had some form of leather on on them, be it from vests or boots, along with very light clothes.

Thier skin was bronze, probably due to the days spent sailing under the sun and most of the had a weapon of some sort. Most of the crew looked well over 50 with only a few younger men among them.

"My name is Percy Jackson, you guys were supposed to pick me up," the son of Poseidon explained eyeing the men around him. They didn't look like they were proper sailors, if anything they looked more like pirates.

[Ah so you're the little one Hermes wanted us to bring aboard,] said a manly voice. PErcy's eyes winded as he recognized ancient greek being spoken with his mind automatically understanding it.

[Who are you?] Percy replied back in the dead language, not really knowing how he could speak it.

[I'm surprised Hermes didn't tell you who I am,] said the voice coming from behind the group of men around Percy, [usually he is more than happy to show me off to everyone.]

[Well they said they wanted it to be a surprise,] Percy replied back as he tried to look through the people around him and find the mysterious man talking to him.

"Well then move aside men, let the boy see who is to be his captain," said the voice in english. The crew in front of Percy moved aside making a pathway. Slowly a man walked through the path, his hair was long and brown with a receding hairline. His eyes were dirty blue and on his face was that oh so familiar smirk that every child of Hermes had on. The man wore a black long coat with gold trimmings which hugged him tightly showing off his thin frame. On his side was a greek style sword similar to Percy's own except his was pure white.

Percy gasped when he saw the man's name and level. "Ah so you recognize me," the captain said with a smile, "I must admit that's fast, even for a demigod."


"Yes I know," the man smirk grew bigger, "but since you can't seem to bring yourself to say it allow me to introduce myself. I am Odysseus, former king of Ithaka, hero of the Trojan war and grandson of Hermes, that last part I was forced to always say by the god of thieves himself."

"You…...you are supposed to be dead," Percy finally managed to say looking at the man who was one the first legendary heroes of humanity.

"So are the Greek gods," Odysseus replied with a smile, "now tell me little one, who are you?"

Percy gulped as used Gamer's mind to calm himself, "I-I'm Percy, Perseus Jackson, son of Poseidon."

The legendary hero of Greek myth nodded, "hello Percy and welcome to my ship, the Ascension."