
The Mystical Sphere

Every day, powerhouses rise and fall on this world, and no one can foresee the flow in this world. Different beings and same races compete for the cultivation resources. Even the mightiest can be devoured by the stronger. The strong have the ability to rewrite their fate and other. This is the world where Wang Lei, a young man of unknown origin raised in the black city. He fought immortals, gods, the devil and accomplished an inconceivable feat that no one has ever seen or heard off, while unraveling countless past incidents. Come experience the journey of the world's strongest cultivator. (The name used in this novel is pure fantasy, it is not related to any real word, so don't get offended if anyone name matched.) (Author's comments: This novel will become more fascinating after chapter 20. The main plot and world building will begin once Season 1 concludes in Chapter 104) (Material used in cover page didn't belong to me)

Lezee10 · Huyền huyễn
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105 Chs

Wang Lei Loan shark

"Who is that boy walking into the cloth shop with Wang Lei sister?" Dai xin asked, pointing to the cloth shop.

"Perhaps relatives"

"I looked into their family history, but I couldn't find any relatives of Wang Lei in this city, and even more interesting, he wasn't registered at their family account."

"I don't care who that boy is; we'll take care of him as well," Yi da replied with an evil grin. Yi da and Yang hai both smiled as they nodded.

"Wang Lei sister beauty is more than an average girl even at her age, we might receive more gold than we thought," Yang hai said gleefully. They were all talking while focusing their gaze on a cloth shop on the corner of the street, which is between two buildings.

"No, you are mistaken. She is much more beautiful when viewed up closely."

They all spoke in unison "Yes! You're correct."

They became aware that something is wrong; we are three persons, but where did this fourth voice come from?

When the three of them turned around, they spotted a boy wearing a black mask; he was the same boy who had gone to the cloth shop with Wang Lei's sister.

Wang Lei punched Yi da, Yang hai in the stomach and kicked Dai xin in the chest. They coughed up blood.

Yi da, Yang hai, and Dai xin tried to stand up, but failed. They were only at the first stage solider whereas Wang Lei was at the second stage of solider, so they have miserably defeated even if they were on guard result will be the same. He pulled them towards the inner part of the building's corner, where no one can see what he's doing.

"Why were you following us?" Wang Lei yelled loudly. They were all terrified, and after hearing the unknown boy's yell. He questioned them all, but none of them opened their mouths.

He put his hand in the pocket of his new overcoat and summoned his dagger, giving the impression that he was concealing his weapon in his overcoat. He walked up to Dai xin and chopped his head as if he were cutting chicken; when Dai xin head falls to the ground, blood splashes on Yi da and Yang hai faces. Yi da fainted quickly, and Yang hai remained in his original position without moving, as if he didn't exist in the first place.

Wang Lei smiled as he watched Yi da faint; he now knew that amongst these three Yi da had a weak heart, so he killed Yang hai by stabbing him in the abdomen.

He slapped Yi da more than three times then only does he awake. Yi da eyes welled up with tears as he realized he had offended someone even more dangerous than Li jie.

If Li jie was a poisonous snake, the boy in front of him is a predator.

"I'll ask you again: why were your groups following me?"

"Young master, we were not following you, we were only following the girl beside you," Yi da replied fearfully.

Wang Lei was enraged, but he pretended to be amused by his word.

"You should have said it first; I was also approaching her. What a shame your friend died for no apparent cause " Wang Lei bemoaned as he spoke.

As Yi da heard this sentence, he puked a mouthful of blood.

When Wang Lei saw Yi da, he saw himself in past. He has completely changed since the historical heritage event. He was a caring brother at times, a sweet talker at others, and a merciless person at others times. He changed his behaviors according to the situation.

Yi da said "Can you let me go"

"I can but tell me why you were following that girl, I am just curious," Wang Lei said while keeping his hand in his chin.

Yi da believed that he had little chance of survival, and he had no animosity against this unknown boy, so he told him all that had happened, as well as the Li jie order.

Wang Lei responded after some consideration "I'll let you go if you go and tell Li jie that your two companions have hurt you, and then they took that girl and flee. Just tell him that you didn't want to betray him, and he will betray you. Li jie may let you go after hearing this word because of your royalties."

Yi da paused for a moment and bowed his head; he knows that if he tells Li jie the truth about running away, he will very certainly die, whereas if he followed this youth order, he will almost certainly survive.

"I personally want to deal with Li jie, who has his sights set on a girl I like, but I am busy right now, so I will deal with him later when I am free," Wang Lei said solemnly.

He searched both death bodies and discovered 400 gold coins. He handed it to Dai xin, and said, "This young master is so wealthy that my room is built of gold; just kept it."

He wanted to show that he is superior than Li jie, so Yi da had no intention of telling the truth to Li jie.

He even took a hundred gold coins from his pocket and handed them to Yi da, saying, "I would like to offer you much more, but I haven't brought any more gold."

Yi da was overjoyed when he heard the words.

When Wang Lei had earlier questioned Yi da, he had withheld a great deal of information, but now he had revealed everything about Li jie, including his favorite undergarment.

Wang Lei had only heard that money can do anything, now he had witnessed it for himself. He told Yi da to stay here for a while.

He walked to the cloth shop where his sister was waiting and bought everything without even trying it on. He had spent about twenty gold coins on his clothes, and he also wanted to choose some clothes for his sister, which would take some time, so he planned to come back the next time. He then took his sister's hand and went to the Sunshine Home-hotel, which was the best home hotel in the surrounding area. He rented a flat for two months for roughly seventy gold coins. He then left his sister in the flat.

Wang Fang had a lot of questions for her brother and was about to ask them, but Wang Lei informed her that he would explain later.

He purchased some pain-relieving medication and returned to Yi da, feeding him as if he were his best friend. He realizes that if he fails to deceive Li jie, her sister will be in grave danger; he may be able to flee, but his sister and mother cannot. According to Yi da, Li Jie was a scholarship holder of the sun-light branch academy and a fifth stage soldier.

After some time Yi da pain reduces and can stand in his leg. Wang Lei immediately order him to go to Li jie place and show his injuries in a full display so, that he can believe him. Wang Lei didn't do anything to two dead bodies, many people died in this city. If only a person whose status was higher, then only the minister's degree will send to do a full investigation and punished the murder.

Yi da went straight to the Li family residence, which is located on the boundary between the inner and outer areas. He said everything Wang Lei had advised him to say. His eyes were also filled with tears as a result of the anguish in his body.

"Those two bastards, they went away even taking that girl," Li jie slammed the table in front of him, breaking it into little pieces.

"Don't worry, you are royal to me and my brother, so I will not treat you badly," Li jie stated as he handed fifty gold coins. While glancing at Yi da's pale face, he felt pity.

A servant entered the room and said while bowing head "Young master, the sun-light branch academy has sent notice that your leave of absence has passed its due date, therefore they notice to immediately return at the sun-light academy."

Li jie want to find those two bastards, but he must return because the top three academies are much stricter in terms of study and training due to competition with the other academy.

He told Yi da "I will take care of this business after this semester finished, that two bastards can enjoy their life for five months."

Then he left his residence.

Yi da also came out of from residence; he had sold all properties, so he was going to the hotel to stay. He had no idea Wang Lei was constantly following him.

After a while, Wang Lei noticed that no one was around at this junction, so he moved in front of Yi da.

With a warm smile, Wang Lei asked about the event at Li jie residence. Yi da was terrified as he noticed the same strange guy in front of him.

Yi da though, 'Why am I afraid? This boy even handed me a hundred gold pieces to fulfill his order; I might benefit from following this guy.'

'Li jie just given me fifty gold coins that were four times less gold coin this boy gave me,' Yi da recounted the entire affair.

Wang Lei became more at ease when he learned that Li jie had been busy for five months.

"Very well, you can now go to hell." Wang Lei didn't even give Yi da the opportunity to speak before beheading him.

He collected all the gold from the headless body, feeling that he was worse than a loan shark who provided money just to take it back with extra interest, then he went to the Sunshine Hotel to meet his sister.