
The Mystery Of The Woodland Mansion

This tale is different than most as it revolves not around a man but a house, a Mansion to be specific. Surrounded by 2 kilometers worth of leafless trees in every direction. The house is one that is recently built but uninhabited. No one dares to live in the house. It might be because of the thick fog surrounding the mansion or the eerie sounds and red eyes within the veil of darkness.

The mansion its self is glamourous on the inside. IT holds many rooms with some seeming almost as large as the mansion itself. The outside looks like its straight out of a horror movie with the vines drooping from the overhanging front porch roof.

It is said that those who venture within it never live to tell the tale. It awaits a worthy host who can overpower the house. Throughout its lifetime no one acquired the mysteries that the mansion possesses. Not yet at least.

This isn't the greatest but at least I tried.

LordHermescreators' thoughts