
The Mystery of Maruyung mountain(ENGLISH VERSION)

Mount Maruyung is located in Central Java, on the border between Cilacap and Brebes. There are many mysteries that haven’t yet been solved, but there is a woman who has the courage when she tries to enter the mountain. On her way, she gets lost and meets a grandfather who gives her a riddle that confuses her. Will she find her way out of the mountain or will she end up like the other climbers? Get lost and then disappear.

saputranugroho · Thành thị
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6 Chs


(POV Gisel)

It was late and I was alone in the tree, not because of anything, just because if I got lost in the forest it was better to sleep in the tree and for the bag it was better to hang it on a strong branch. I was hungry, but I would rather go hungry than die from being eaten by wild animals. I tried to close my eyes, I was very tired after a day of searching, and the way out was suddenly out of sight.

The sun began to shine on the master sleeping in the tree, and when he blinked I almost fell out of the tree. "It's a good thing I didn't fall out of the tree, it's not a waste to hug such a big tree hehehehe". I said, laughing quietly. "Instead, I'd better find someone who knows what Grandpa said yesterday," I said thinking. "Yes, it's better to come down from this tree," I said.

After coming down from the tree, I had better find a stream of water to drink, as the supply was running low.

Having finished my business with the water, I heard footsteps and unexpectedly hid near a large tree.

"Finally, after all this time, I found the spring, boss. " said someone.

"Yes, it's already hot in the heart and hot in the body. " someone said again

"Yes, enjoy it first, I want to rest my eyes for a moment. Don't bother," Chandra said and immediately lay down near the tree I was hiding in, but I seemed to recognise who they all were, my mind said. I slowly poked my head out and saw who they were and was surprised to see them here.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I threw a stone at the three of them.

"Hey! What are you doing here?" asked Chandra, looking at me sharply.

"Huaaaa...huaaaa. My friends have all disappeared and now I'm lost here," said Gisel as she ran and immediately hugged Chandra, even though they often fight, but she's close to home so she's used to Chandra.

"What are you doing here?" asked Angga.

"I'm lost here somewhere." I said with a stammer and then let go of Chandra's hug.

"So the rumours about this mountain were true?" asked Angga again.

"They are not true, but there is a story that you can really believe about this mountain and only one person can prove it," I said. 

"What do you mean Sel, I don't understand," Aldo said and Angga nodded her head.

"We'd better sit down first, Gisel's sorry," Chandra said.

After choosing a comfortable place, I finally told them why I was lost and why I knew everything about this mountain, and they all paid close attention.

"You're joking, right?" Angga asked and I replied with a shake of my head.

"Didn't you see my face, it's so serious?" asked Gisel.

"So the full moon is coming and we're going to foil the plan?" asked Chandra and I nodded my head.

"Where did you meet the old man?" asked Aldo.

"Near here, but when I went to ask him, he suddenly disappeared, isn't that strange?" I asked.

"Did he give you any clues or anything about Maruyung Mountain?" asked Chandra.

"I don't think he gave me any clues, but he did give me this." I said, pointing at it.

"It's crazy how sharp that knife is, even though you're just a kid. Did the old man really give it to you?" Angga asked.

"Yes, that's right, he said he would stab the queen right in the chest," Gisel said, returning to her original place.

"So maybe the grandfather meant to solve the mystery and catch the criminals," Aldo said.

"I think that makes sense. Think about it, how many people have been sacrificed on this mountain?" asked Chandra.

"Yes, let's go find our friends," said Aldo.

"Eat first, don't you feel sorry for Gisel, she's been holding back her hunger all this time?" Angga said and got a grin from Aldo.

"Yes, you eat first. You'll faint on the way," said Aldo, opening his backpack for breakfast, and coincidentally they hadn't eaten breakfast either.


After they had eaten, they tidied up the place and removed as much of their tracks as possible.

"Yes, it's better for you to stay with us for now, and we'll also find out where Deny and the other friends are," Aldo said.

"Oh God, how is this, I have to climb a scary mountain. Forgive me Tuham, if I have many sins against you. Angga said and was rewarded with a slap from Aldo.

"Please be quiet for a moment. We are looking for a way out," Aldo said while the others rolled the ball lazily and listened to the argument between the two.

"So we'll find the base first and then deal with the criminals here?" asked Aldo and Gisel nodded.

"You're smart too, it's not a waste to study. "Angga said.

"What are you, stuck in one class?" I teasingly said back to Angga and immediately slapped her hard.

"Come on Sel, don't joke, the poor thing is going to die here, it's not funny," Chandra said, breaking them up.

"It turns out to be true, if the soul mate won't be much different, that's why the boss and Gisel are the same, both of them really like to twist the facts." Angga said as she rubbed her head.

"That's why you have a mouth, don't be like a woman, too frontal," I said while holding my chest.

"That's right, women are always right, so you can't blame them," Angga said, and the others laughed.

"Let's go find the queen before the full moon comes," Chandra said as she got up from her seat.

"Come on, I'm already on my way to the gates of freedom." Angga said, beating her chest.

"Has anyone brought a watch?" I asked. 

"Don't worry, I did and it's 8.12 a.m." Aldo said.

"Really, it's already eight in the morning?" asked Angga.

"Is it, I thought this forest was like 5 in the morning, it's so dark," Angga said.

"You think we have reached the top, if we have reached the top we should be able to see the sun," replied Aldo.

"Joks, it's not the top yet, but it feels like 5am. That's why I relaxed. It's already 8a.m. Let's continue," said Angga.

"Instead of you talking so much that is not clear, we better keep going so that we can get to their base quickly," said Chandra as he walked ahead. (First row: Chandra, second row: Gisel, third row: Angga, fourth row: Aldo)

"Okay boss, we'll just follow what the big boss says. "Angga said.

After it got dark and they stopped a few times, their footsteps started to go far, but they seemed to be walking in place. Walking but in the same place or the same as walking in place.

"Boss, is it just my feeling or what, we seem to pass this way many times?" asked Angga and was answered with a nod from Aldo.

"Yes, I have the same feeling," said Aldo.

"Are you gay, do you feel the same way about each other?" I asked with a confused look on my face.

"Rubbish mouths, I'm still a normal guy, I have a girlfriend," Angga said, denying my words.

"Let's see, we've been walking for a while, but the scenery is the same from the beginning of our walk," said Aldo and Chandra immediately noticed their surroundings.

"Is it true that we are repeating the same path?" said Chandra.

"So from noon until dark we walk in places like scouts, is that it?" Angga asked and Chandra nodded his head.

"Fuck... this forest! We're so tired of walking that we're just going in circles!" said Angga, swearing.

"What are we going to do now?" asked Gisel.

"Well, we have to pitch a tent here," said Chandra, as the three of them sighed and immediately made a tent for tonight.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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