
Chapter 2


She was even more beautiful every night than he watched discreetly, sitting on a stool in the bar with the same glass she orders like a drug that she can't help depriving herself.

Like him, he can't help but detail it from afar without having the courage to approach him.

Did a real coward mow

He drops a last breath between his lips, and walks towards the exit of the club, then gets into his Jeep and starts towards his apartment. The neighborhood where he lives is one of the least frequentable neighborhoods in Chicago, the building gives the impression that it will collapse.

A miracle that he is still alive; he thought

At the entrance to his studio, which has just a bed in the middle with a small TV on a wooden table, a small kitchen just enough to eat on the left and the bathroom on the right on a small corridor. He takes a shower and takes out a towel on his waist, and goes to his bed dropping on it. Since the time he crossed the young redhead's gaze, he can't help but think of her or fantasize about her. He caresses himself by imagining the redhead, His towel at the bottom of his bed, he gives himself pleasure, creating images in his mind where the young redhead is the main actress. A moan escapes him, when the heat of his body increases. His lips open slightly anticipating a fierce pleasure that is approaching and in a feeling of fullness, he cracks;


He lets go of a deep moan

This redhead will cause my loss! He said to himself

He drops on the bed as soon as he gets carried away by sleep.


-"Hi Eugen"

A colleague hits him on the shoulder as a hello.

-"Hi man"

He goes to his place of work and puts down his bag that contains his spare clothes.

-"So your wife, is she okay?"

He turns to his colleague by giving him a sincere smile, Joe has been his friend for two years now, a tall blond with sculpted muscles, who attracts the female gender like a magnet, but unfortunately for some he has found paired with his shoe, a woman of rare kindness.

-"She almost killed me last night but I survived, you see!"

He answers her by designating his body. Eugen lets go of a laugh and shakes his head.

-"You are lucky"

-"You haven't spoken with the young redhead yet"

They both head to the workshop where the cars to be repaired are waiting for them. Eugen blows and has the coffee his friend gives him.

-"She is so different Joe, in addition to her job does not allow me to approach her. I feel like I know her better than her assholes who keep fondling her."

He ends his last sentence with a rictus of disgust.

-"So you came to see her again yesterday?"

By stuffing his hand into his hair, Eugen goes to a black sedan that he begins to repair.

-"And for the first time, she spotted me... Fuck like an idiot I panicked as she approached... I left the place."

Joe looks at him with a smile and bangs his shoulder friendly

-" I know what's happening to you man"

Surprised that he understands it so quickly, Eugen turns to his friend

-"Ah, okay?"

-"Yes! She already holds your balls in her hands without even knowing you"


He goes back to work ignoring Joe who bursts out laughing.


An hour of hard work, they take their break, and sit on the hood of a car, with a sandwich in hand, Eugen's thoughts still travel to the young redhead with a perfect curve. His thoughts drift again and again on this body he would dream of possessing.

This girl is a sexual attraction on her own! Did he think?

-"You're still in the moon buddy"

Joe's voice brutally brings him back to reality

-"I guess you're still thinking of the redhead. Forget it, you want, there are still lots of women who fantasize about you"

-"I didn't think you were fantasized about me man"

-"Idiot, I don't tell you about me, and my wife is more than enough for me. Look at Stacy, she has always done everything to attract your attention, but you are always thinking of your redhead that you may never touch."

-"Thank you for your frankness!"

The sarcasm that resounds in his voice made his friend roll his eyes

-"I'm just avoiding that you're blue. And then I really worry about you. Invite Stacy takes it on all positions... I'm sure she's just waiting for that"

His friend jumps from the hood leaving him alone in a whirlwind of thought that he hits on his nerves.

Bravo Joe now you blurred my mind; he said to himself


In his studio, he prepares as every night to join the club from where the redhead practices her shows.

On the driver's seat of his Jeep, he gives himself courage to be able to talk to the young woman this time without marching.

When he arrives at the entrance to the club, he pays a sum that costs his buttocks to enter the establishment.

All this for a woman, pathetic! Did he think?

At the entrance, the deafening music welcomes him immediately. He goes to his usual place to have a better view of the bar when the young woman approaches. His little espionage has earned him suggestive eyelashes from some women or somewhat direct proposals from others that he repacks each time, earning him looks of contempt.

Finally! Did he think?

He stands up when he sees the redhead heading for the bar

She's so beautiful!

The redhead opted for a black tight dress with a rat buttocks tonight, her back is naked with a much too plunging neckline, which barely covers her body, but the appearance of her tattoos makes her even more attractive and devilishly sexy. As if she had felt that he was fixed even if she was used to it, she turns and crosses Eugen's gaze, which remains frozen when their gaze clings. A frowning shows that she wonders about her presence, but to Eugen's great misfortune, she turns around quietly drinking her glass. Giving himself more courage, he decides to meet him. With his heart beating to break everything, he easily passes through the crowd, his gaze fixed on the young woman's back. At his height, he touches it by the shoulder which causes him a slight shudder in the process

Sweet euphemism! Did he think?

He goes to his right and slowly turns his face towards the redhead.

Fuck, she's even more beautiful in meadows!

Make-up wraps his face as an angel but does not change his beauty in any way. Not knowing how to talk to him, he scrapes his throat attracting the redhead's attention.

-"Good evening"

The young woman stares at him, her lips enters open as if she suspected that he would come to talk to her despite the other night. A nervous feeling gradually seizes him when he does not get any reaction from him, just a mysterious look from the woman. A deep green look that shows what she wants to show the people around her.

Don't let yourself be disassembled! Does he encourage himself internally?


He reaches out his hand to her and her muscles finally relax relieve themselves of seeing the redhead react, she takes her hand and a delicious discharge passes through her to her spine to meet their skin.
