
Chapter 15: Hitomi Tanaka

I wasn't always like this… Shy, non-social, and never speaks to anyone due to lack of self-confidence. I started normal at first when I was 7, I made friends with girls of my age, and I had no troubles during daycare. Everything was just sunshine and rainbow to my eyes. The teacher would often give me a gold star for my good behavior, making my parents proud of me as I took joy in seeing their Smiles and feeling my mom's warm embrace every time she picked me up after school. We would always hold each other's hand as I skipped down the same road we always take to get back home while she smiles and hums the melodic tune that always got me to hum that tune as well.

Our smiles and laughter could be heard and seen as we continued our way back to our house. I still remember it having the third floor, the interior was spacious and the kitchen is divine and filled with the complete set of Utensils that a Chef would use. My father was a popular chef in Shibuya and my mother worked as the vice president of one of the most successful business companies in Japan. But even with their busy lifestyle, our way of living was similar to any other normal family, we're wealthy but we don't hire bodyguards, maids, drivers, or even live in a mansion with a limousine. My parents loved to keep everything simple and I was satisfied eating my father's cooking as a complete family at one table. My mother and I would always bathe together, she would always wash my hair with shampoo and scrub my back with a clean towel before dressing me up in my favorite purple pajamas and tucking me to bed before kissing my forehead good night.

I never wanted anything special to be honest, I wanted what a very rare few people would want. A normal life, a life where our smiles and laughter would be heard as the years go by, I wanted a life where it would be my turn to watch over my parents and when the time comes, tell them my thoughts and farewell as I hold both of their weak hands on the hospital beds before departing from this world. That was the kind of life I wanted, nothing special, nothing exciting, just a normal way of living.

But everything changed in just one night. It was midnight at that time, I woke in the middle of the night after I heard strange noises coming from downstairs. It sounds like two males arguing. Curiosity took over me and I went downstairs, slowly creeping down the wooden stairs as I made my way halfway to the first floor, but upon reaching the center part of the last stairs, I saw my father. Tackled by a man of his size, wearing a black jacket, his head was covered with a black hood as he slammed my father on the ground, struggling to get up but he was pinned by the man. My legs were frozen and my hands were shivering, what is happening?

Soon the man pulled out a long Knife and suddenly stabbed my dad through his throat. Blood squirted out of his throat and stained the white walls of the house's interior after the man pulled the knife off his throat. My dad's body wiggled as he covered his neck with the palms of his hands, desperate to stop the blood from gushing out but after a few seconds, he stopped moving and became still. I realized that he was already dead, my heart raced, my arms and legs shivered before attempting to scream, but my mom's hand covered my mouth from behind before picking me up as we rushed towards my room. I could hear loud laughter coming from the first floor along with faint noise my father let out his mouth as he suffered his agonizing death. Once we arrived at my room, she dropped me off near my walk-in closet before she slammed the door behind us. Resting her head on the wooden door as she whimpered, faintly. My heart was still racing and my fear was still growing but I didn't want to see my mother cry, not ever. I walked towards her and held her hand tightly from behind, stopping her from sobbing before she turned to face my direction and knelt down to my level.

"Watashi no aisuru, Hitomi... watashi ha anata ga sono zyaaku na otoko ga anata no titi ni nani wo si ta no ka mi ta atokowai koto wo sixtu te i masu… (My dear, Hitomi... I know you are scared after seeing what that evil man did to your father... I am too... but you must be strong, Hitomi.)" My mother spoke with a soothing voice as small tears fell from her eyes.

"Nani shiyou ka... ? Watashi wa kowaidesu... Sono otoko wa... Watashitachi o koroshimasu ka? (What are we going to do...? I'm scared... will that man... kill us?)" I spoke as I could feel my voice shivering from the growing fear as we could hear footsteps coming up from the lower stairs, making their way up to us.

"Watashi wa kare ni anata o kizutsuke sasemasen, hitomi... Mama wa anata ni yakusoku shimasu (I won't let him hurt you, Hitomi... Mommy promises you)"

"Shikashi, watashitachi wa nani o suru tsumoridesu ka... ? (But what are we going to do…?)"

"Damatte hoshī… dekiru dake shizukani shite, Nani mo oto o dasanaide ne, wakarimasu ka? Nani ga okotte mo daijōbuna oto o dasanaide kudasai? (I want you to stay silent... stay as quiet as you can and don't make any sound whatsoever, do you understand? No matter what happens to me, please don't make any sound okay?)

"Shikashi, anata wa do narimasu ka? Watashi wa anata to issho ni itaidesu. Okāsan ga watashi o oite ikanaide kudasai! (But what will happen to you? I want to be with you. please mom don't leave me!)"

I replied to her while the tears fell down from my cheek after thinking of what might happen to her but she stopped me from speaking by placing a finger in front of her lips, gesturing me to be quiet as she let all her tears roll down her cheeks while she kept a gentle smile.

"Hitomi onegaishimasu... Yakusoku shite kudasai... Nani ga okotte mo, keisatsu ga tōchaku suru made anata wa itsumo shizukade iru to mama ni yakusoku shite kudasai... Hitomi ni onegaishimasu, mama ni yakusoku shite kudasai (Please Hitomi... promise me... promise Mommy that no matter what happens, you will always remain quiet until the police arrive... please Hitomi, promise Mommy)

She begged me to be quiet while I just stared at her in a mixture of fear and sadness, I didn't want to leave her alone but I knew if I stayed with her and disobeyed what she told me, I would only make it harder for her. So with a simple nod, she placed me inside the walk-in cabinet, hiding me behind a box of unused clothes before planting a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Aishiteru, Hitomi (I love you, Hitomi)"

Those were the last words I heard from her before she closed the closet, leaving me alone, hidden in total darkness and silence.

In a matter of moments, the man kicked down the door with one successful attempt. I couldn't hear what they were talking at the time, but I knew that my mom shouted and made it seemed that there was no one else in this room, but after that, I heard nothing but the sound of a sharp metal weapon, piercing the soft flesh of the body along with the collapsing sound of a person upon the floor. I crawled towards the blinds of the closest and saw a glimpse of my mother, pale and lifeless as she stared at me with both eyes wide open. My eyes widened in fear and shock as the savage man grabbed her by the hair and slit her throat, showing no mercy even though she was already gone from this world. As a response I almost screamed but my hand covered my mouth as a reflex but I let out a soft squeal. I saw the man's shoes facing in the direction to where I was, slowly walking step by step towards the closet, my heart beat faster and louder by the second before the closet was opened, and there I was, crouching as I covered my body with my knees together while staring eye to eye with the killer wearing a Kabuki mask. My body shivered as a response while I let him run his knife that was covered by the blood of my parents around my cheeks and stopped in front of my eyes. Using his free hand, he removed his mask and revealed to be an average adult, with a scar on his left eye as he smiled directly at me.

"I know Asians are cute but I have never seen anyone as cute as you, little girl," Said the man with a language that I have yet to know. "Your eyes are like sparkling jewels… so pretty… Maybe if I tore them out, I could sell them and make a fortune. Yeah, that sounds about right" He muttered with a laugh as he pointed his knife directly into his right eye, only a few inches away until the sound of the police siren was heard, causing him to stop with a sigh before standing up. "Jeez, why are cops in japan faster than the ones in America… Pizza deliveries are faster than the police there. I guess this is goodbye, little girl. I hope we meet again, those eyes are yet to be held by my hands" and with that, the killer left my house without being caught.

Knowing that he was already gone, I wanted to finally let out all my scream of pain, sorrow, and agony but I couldn't move my mouth, no, I can't make myself speak anymore! I tried to command my voice to escape from my mouth but I lost the will to speak, I was left there, sitting on the cold floor, paralyzed in fear as the police arrived at the scene and carried me to safety. They asked me questions on what happened but I couldn't answer any of what they asked, I just couldn't… I was heavily traumatized, I felt like if I speak, that man will instantly find me and kill me as well.

Starting from that day, I realized my life would never be the same as well. Why was I given life like this? I just wanted to live happily with my parents, nothing more and nothing less. The serial killer was never found but the news keeps spreading throughout social media about a family being killed by an elusive serial killer every night.

After my parent's funeral, my mom's sister took care of me and became my guardian, she did everything to help me in my current condition. She scheduled me for multiple Psychology sessions but none worked out, I refrained from speaking and kept my mouth shut even though I wanted to speak my heart out, I just couldn't make myself speak anymore, my thoughts were just bottling in my head. The only way of communicating with my Aunt was writing on a piece of paper, but even with that, my responses were still short.

I moved to another school, and as expected, the other students were weirded out by my silence and emotionless gaze, it didn't take long before I was bullied. It's funny how cruel preschool can be even though we were just children then. I lived my life at the center of the class's laughter and mockery throughout the years, blaming me for something I didn't do because I can't defend myself. But once I entered my first Library, I could feel as if the quiet aura was drawn to me, I felt like I was somewhere I belonged. I took my first book, it was a fairytale book, the sounds of the pages I flipped felt like a soft, melodic tune to me, the words of the paragraphs gave me knowledge of the beautiful world filled Fantasy, I soon started reading Fictions, actions, history, and even romance novels, I wasn't just addicted to reading books, books became my doorway to Narnia, my rabbit hole to Wonderland, and became the walls that block away from my negativity from the cruel and harsh words of reality. At the age of 16, my Aunt died due to a car accident, it was really tragic and I cried and cried after the police told me the news, memories of my parents came into my mind and I couldn't stop but cry seeing that it was the only thing I could do.

With only one family relative left, I was sent abroad by the Child Protection Agency and arrived at New Orleans, where my Grandmother was located in a small creepy town called Shooting Star. I was dropped off by the doorstep with my Family agent and told my grandmother everything, she gazed at me with compassion before hugging me tight. I couldn't remember much about my grandmother, except that I was there when we celebrated her birthday when she decided to travel one last time to her home country. The warmth of her hug was something I never felt in a long time, it resembled my mother's embrace so I couldn't help but cry as she gently brushed my hair for comfort. Seeing I was new in this small town, I knew I would never make any friends, so I started living my life only inside my grandmother's house, reading nothing but books about the American language, so I can at least familiarize myself in this country's language. My Grandmother was really old and weak so I had to make myself useful and aid her by myself, seeing her smile as I assisted her from walking towards her favorite rocking chair, baking sweets, and making tea for the both of us to enjoy. She never forced me to speak or communicate with words unlike my Aunt, all my Grandmother did was talk to me, telling me about her past. I loved to listen to her story about her youth days, it makes me feel like my future won't be as negative as I thought it would be. She did however tell me to at least go out of the house once in a while and feel the fresh breeze and the soothing quiet of the forest.

A few weeks have passed and I finally decided to stroll around the town, it was the middle of spring at that time, flowers were seen blooming on the sidewalks, we lived a bit distant from the town of Shooting Star but it's no effort to walk from there, unlike that old antique shop I saw when I first arrive near the entrance of this place.

Once I arrived in the town, I could feel like there were hundreds of eyes staring only at me, or was it just my imagination? Even so, I couldn't help but cover my head with my purple hoodie as I placed my hands inside the pockets of the hoodie. I wanted to go somewhere where I can feel reassured, and there I saw a bookstore. I didn't have any second thoughts and immediately went inside, letting out a deep breath of relief as I browsed through the book aisles. I was in the mood to read Fantasy novels with a hint of Romance, I was really in love with books that had a mix of true love and magic in them. And lucky me there was only one book left in the romance Fantasy aisle, I reached my hand for it but I stopped when a tall, beautiful female whose age was covered in her soft and smooth skin as she grabbed to book out of the aisle. She had long, beautiful brown hair that reached her lower chest before noticing me when I attempted to grab it earlier. Her eyes sparkled like a magical blue gem in the darkness, wearing a dark brown coat with blue clothing's underneath that I failed to notice.

"Oh, my apologies…! Do you want this, young girl?" Asked the beautiful female with a polite tone. My eyes shifted upon a slight reflection of light from her left finger, it was a Ring and it was a beautiful one too, whoever the male she is married to must be lucky to find a female as beautiful as her, I wish I find a male that will like me for who I am and sweep me off my feet or hold me close to his chest, but it's just a fantasy caused by my addiction to romance-fantasy novels. Then I realized that she just asked a question, I couldn't help but stutter, I didn't know what to say or do, my thoughts were jumbled by words that no one could understand as I failed to respond for a while but little did I know, that she was actually observing me. My hands shivered before shaking them side to side, gesturing to her that I don't mind but she let out a soft giggle as a response before speaking.

"I see, you don't talk much do you? I understand" She spoke as I paused with a look that resembled a cute confused puppy. "You're new here aren't you? Because I haven't seen anyone with eyes as beautiful as yours, young girl" I couldn't help but blush out of pure embarrassment at what she said. No one else had complimented my eyes before but my parents and… the killer. "How about I take you on a tour?" The woman suggested as I quickly nodded my head as a yes. I wanted to get familiar with the places and having someone to accompany me would be delightful, I thought of that. She giggled once more and smiled before buying the book for me as we strolled around the town. I can tell that she was confident and liked by all, seeing that whoever she passes by waves their hands towards her, greeting her good morning before mentioning her name 'Lily'. So that was her name. She was super nice, she treated me to coffee from a good cafe and halo-halo from a nearby stall near the market which sells one of the freshest and tastiest fruits I ever tasted before. I was wrong to judge this town by its cover, now I see its true beauty but I still couldn't help but feel once she said farewell, the eyes of judgment would linger across my skin once more.

The last spot she took me was a private place where only she knew, it was somewhere in the calm forest near the town. A peaceful creek was in view along with a few majestic deers from a short distance as we sat behind one of the tallest and largest trees of Shooting Star. We conversed in delight, well to be exact, she conversed with me while I replied with either a giggle, a smile, a nod, or a head shake.

"My husband is always so caring, but unlike his brother, he can be selfish from time to time, but in a good way you know? But he loved his brother, that's why it pained him to see him leave with his wife and son to live in the City. I hope those two are having a good time, now that I think about it their son might be the same age as you by now, or older. Haha I just realized I'm telling awkward things to a teenager I just met, sorry if it's uncomfortable"

"(No, no! I don't mind! I love listening to people's past)" I said as a reply in my head before shaking my head sideways, slowly. Gesturing to her that I don't mind it and she realized that gesture.

"Thank you, My name is Lily by the way. What's yours?" She asked me, I then revealed the lower part of my hoodie towards her, showing her my name that was stitched on the hoodie.

"Tanaka Hitomi? Oh, your Japanese! Nice to meet you Hitomi, you must be related to Masami Tanaka am I correct?" I nodded quickly when she mentioned my Grandmother's name. "Haha, I knew the aura that's coming from you is familiar, it's the same as hers. I used to take care of her and deliver her fruits but she told me I should focus more on my relationship and hobbies. She is a really caring woman. How are you enjoying your arrival here by the way?" She asked me once more, I couldn't think of a good and honest reply except for lowering my head as I stared at the leaf-covered ground. "I see… I may not know why you don't speak but I won't force you to, you're a good listener, not everyone is like that, Hitomi. But it would feel good to finally let out all those thoughts you keep inside and share them with someone who is determined to listen.. trust me, I know. No can bottle everything because once it overflows, it will start to leak and the only way to prevent that is by emptying it to make room for more. Why don't you try to reduce that overflowing bottle by speaking to me"

She suggested with a caring voice that made me listen and rethink about my past. I wanted to talk to her, but the past still haunts me, it creeps in the darkest part of my mind, waiting for the right moment to strike to prevent me from speaking but it started to fade when she placed a gentle hand over my head and rubbed it slowly for reassurance. I gazed upon her gentle smile, waiting for me to speak as I opened my mouth, shoving the negative thoughts down to the deepest parts of my mind as I was finally able to speak.

"I… w...want to… talk" I managed to let out those few words, my eyes widened in surprise at how good it suddenly felt. Soon I heard a peal of laughter from Lily, her laugh was so loud and joyful that the deer's attention was on us. I shut my mouth and lightly slammed my fist on her legs, I was mixed with embarrassment and anger seeing her laugh at me.

"I'm sorry…!" She said before finishing her final laugh. "It's just you have a really cute voice, I was surprised to hear that voice of yours. You should talk more often, but only to those who you trust because immediately trusting someone isn't always a good thing. But anyways, your voice is so cute! You're like those female cat humans that people who like Japanese cartoons always adored" I kept blushing from compliments as I managed to speak once more.

"T… thank you…"

"Your welcome, Hitomi. Say, let's read the book! I really do fancy a good Romance Fantasy novel"

"M.. me too"

As we read the book she bought at the bookstore, I could feel that she enjoyed the content of the book as much as I did along with the plot. The story was about how a girl that was cursed by the goddess with the power to turn anything she touches into gold, was outcast by the village of where she was given birth and was forced to live alone in the forest where she met a handsome and wounded mercenary and treated his injuries. Each passing day, they soon realized their feelings for one another, but with a curse like that, rumors would often spread wide. Other mercenaries wanted the power she had to themselves or at least use her for turning objects into priceless gold. The mercenaries found her location and attempted to take her by force but the male stood his ground and fought them all by himself to keep her safe. But when he faced the main antagonist of that story, he lost the fight once the antagonist's sword pierced the male's chest and threw to him the ground where he was about to finish him off but the girl used her body as a shield so the blade won't reach the male, taking her life instead but not before she placed her hand over the antagonist, instantly turning him into gold. The male crawled towards the dying female, and with his last few breaths, he gave her the first kiss she ever had. The female kissed him back and cuffed his cheeks where both of them slowly turned into golden statues, stuck with their lips still connected together as that was where the story ended. Dome might dislike this book and thought it was cliche but not me, I enjoyed every word I read from the start, I could imagine what she looks like and how the story flows, and I couldn't believe that Lily felt the same way. She couldn't help but burst into tears after we finished reading it, and after that, we shared our thoughts. I was actually doing it, I was actually communicating with people for once, and I felt so comfortable even though I kept stuttering.

We spent hours just talking to each other about the book, even though she was older than me, I actually felt I made the first friend in forever that really understood me. After we finished, she accompanied me back home and left with a farewell wave as I looked forward to meeting her again. I immediately rushed towards my grandmother who was watching her favorite television show and spoke. She was surprised in hearing my voice for the first time in years as I couldn't help but blabber anything that comes out of my mind, I told her how I enjoyed listening to her stories, and I told her about Lily. She smiled gently towards me as she was glad that I finally managed to speak my heart but I knew that I still can't speak towards people with who I am not comfortable with but I was satisfied by just like this.

I spent almost a year and lived every day going outside towards the forest where I would always read a book with Lily and share our thoughts about it but I couldn't help but feel that she was acting a bit off. Until that very day, it was winter at that time and she visited me at my house, I happily invited her in where I suggested she stay on the couch as I prepared her some hot tea to warm her insides. She enjoyed it very much, while my Grandmother slept, she told me to take a seat as well and judging by her tone, I can tell that it was serious.

"Hitomi… I know what I am going to show you is unbelievable but… I want you to show you this" She pulled out a brown book from her coat and opened the pages where she read something in a muttering tone before a yellow eye appeared from the back cover of the book and a flash of blue light illuminated the room. I covered my eyes as a response before the blue flash disappeared, and there I saw a large 6 feet tall bluebird, staring right at me with a calm and docile gaze with faint smoke coming from its body that I believe is made entirely of Ice.

"W… what is that?!" I asked in shock but she gestured for me to lower my voice as the girl kept staring at me while tilting her head to the side and squawking loudly before Lily shushed it as well.

"In short… this… is magic" She replied to me as I was left there in shock, slowly turning my head towards the large ice bird as I tried my best to process everything. She noticed how troubled I look so she explained everything to me in a gentle voice.

"Hitomi, listen. I am not the real Lily. I am just like this bird, I am a creation born out of magic. The real Lily disappeared several years ago, but she created me to finish her purpose"

"Wait… I don't… understand… you are not real…?"

"Physically I am, but inside I am nothing more than just energy created by the real Lily."

"Does… your husband know…?"

"He doesn't… he knew Lily disappeared 18 years ago, when I was created I received her memory so I knew who she was with… he hasn't left his home since that incident happened…"

"I still… don't understand… you lied to me…? Was everything that just happened… just a bunch of lies…?" I blurted without realizing what I said, my thoughts were just filled with the assumption that I had no real friend from the start, but why should I care about that? I was always alone ever since that night happened.

"Hitomi no, that's not true… those laughs we had and the tears we shed as we read the book, they were all real to me"

"But where is the real Lily...? I have so... many questions… that… I'm dying to… know"

"I know, but I'm afraid I can't answer anymore further than that… All I can tell you is this… I was created to become the keeper of this book I am holding. But as time goes the magic that keeps me from disappearing is getting weaker, that's why I searched this town for the next keeper through the years but I never found one, except for your grandmother… but she refused to do so and I respected her decision. But this year my magic is at its weakest and I'm afraid that it won't be long till I disappear… but still kept searching and searching… and then I met you. The person who shared the same love for books as I do… Hitomi I want you to be the new keeper of this book, I know this is sudden but all I ask… is for you to keep this safe and away from the wrong hands"

"But… Why me? Why… place all that responsibility onto… my hands…? And whom am I… supposed to keep it safe from…?"

"Because your grandmother and I knew that you would be the right person for the job. She declined my invitation because she told me that someone who shares the same characteristics as hers would take over my role and that someone was you. She saw herself within you and believed that you would be suited for this role more than her, seeing that you still have your future ahead of you. Your love and value for books showed me that this book would be much safer in your hands than any others. Unfortunately, I can't tell you what you might face once the time comes where you will need to use this book at any means to keep it safe, but I know that someday, you will know, and when that day comes, you won't be alone to stand your ground. So I ask you once more… will you protect this book, learn the magic within it, and swear to never tell anyone about this unless they are to be trusted?"

It took me a while to make a response but she sat there patiently with both eyes directed at me, waiting for my response, same goes for the bird. I thought hard about everything, her information was still a bit vague for me, like will I be endangered in the nearby future? Why is it so worth protecting besides the book having magic? And how was it created? But realizing that this might be the only thing close enough to redeem me for all the days I spent my life in the shadows of people's laughter. With one quick breath, I stared back at her and nodded as a 'yes'. She smiled at me with reassurance before handing me the book. Once I placed both hands on the book and swiped it away from her slowly, in just a blink of an eye, she was gone, leaving nothing but blue dust that was gently being blown away to the side. I started to cry as I realized that I suddenly missed Lily, she may just be a clone but she was the closest to a real friend that I could ever ask for. The ice bird squawked in front of me and rubbed the side of my face with its cold, hard beak as if it was trying to cheer me up. I smiled at it and gave the bird a quick pat before gazing at the large brown book on my hands. I was actually holding something that predicts magic, something only in fantasies that exist. I opened the book once more and the words that were written inside were a language that no man could ever understand but somehow, I don't know why, but I can understand what it said. Each word glowed in many different colors, I could even feel the book's magic from my hands but I won't let it consume me, I won't use it for useless stuff… I promise to protect it… until I find out what truly is going on in this town. Over time the bird disappeared as well and returned to the book in a form of blue light, I guess they have durations as well.

I wanted to tell this to my grandmother as soon as possible but… she has a disease, it appeared 5 months ago. I walked into her room, I wanted to feed her some oatmeal and tea I prepared. She just sat on the bed, staring at the open window at her side. I forced myself to keep smiling as I don't want to make a sad face whenever I enter her room. Once I sat on the chair next to her bed, I scooped a spoon of oatmeal and told her to eat, but once I said that she turned to face me with a confused look.

"Oh… sorry, who are you again, dear?"

"I'm Hitomi… your granddaughter"

"Really? Huh… I don't recall ever having a child though… you must be confusing me with someone else, dear" She said with a light chuckle before eating the oatmeal I gently entered in her mouth and continued to feed her. She was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, she kept forgetting who I am which made me sad but I still love her even if she doesn't remember me.

After a few months, she passed away due to old age. Of course, I cried heavily but I was glad, I was glad that I actually lived a normal life with her. I would pretty much prefer she died in a peaceful way instead of a tragic one, the memories I spent with her were all my favorites as I would cherish them until the end. I kept my favorite photo of her and me in a frame and placed them on the top shelf where I would forever look up to see our smiles. I lived alone starting from that but with this book around me, I felt like I would be alone ever again, not because I can create creatures with this but because Lily's aura is still within this book. I had no trouble with finances seeing that I now own my parent's inheritance of the money they have on the bank, even though I was turning 17, I still managed to make it through the days living alone with no troubles, but without Lily, I rarely went out anymore unless I was to shop for groceries.

I enrolled in the only school in this town, just so I can start learning again. The eyes of the students were all on me as I walked inside the halls on my first day, the principal announced that I was a transfer student and all of them believed him. I guess they never saw me before even though I have lived here for more than two years now. Many girls wanted to befriend me but I was too scared and nervous to speak in front of them and they immediately lost interest because of that. I was bullied by a female I don't even know the name of, she called me names and insulted me but I couldn't care less, I spent my whole childhood in laughter so something like this meant nothing to me. She started the word "Book freak" and every other student soon followed her footsteps into mocking me every time I walked past them. I would always go to the rooftops and read my book there whether it was lunchtime or break time. Soon the principal walked towards me with a calm smile and reassured me with his kind words. Even though I didn't reply to him with words, he still knew that I appreciated it very much. He offered me a seat in the Student Library Council and I happily took it seeing that he knew I loved books.

I was introduced to the other members which consisted of 4 females and 2 males. I was heavily shy seeing that the principal explained to them about my condition in not speaking but understood and gave me a warm welcome to the council. It didn't take long when I got elected as the President of the Student Library Council, I was responsible for watching over the library with care and interest in books while the one in charge of discussing the future plans for the library was the Vice president, Jessica Morales. She was the only one who was willing to speak with me even though I only replied to her through messages or notes, but I could still feel that she was weirded out by me but I don't blame her.

From that day forward, I guarded the library and maintained it's silence while also guarding the book which I swore to protect. I would sometimes use its powers to help me arrange and organize the books that were left on the tables by careless students. I was never caught by anyone doing magic until this fateful day. Where the only student that knew I spoke, and the only student where I somehow felt comfortable being close to saw my careless action as we stood there face to face with each other.

"Hitomi… what's going on?"


We spent several minutes in that library. I couldn't help but tell him the truth but all of it, I wrote my answers in a black book and made him read it. I didn't write about Lily or how I received that book, only vague information. I sat there in growing nervousness as I couldn't but avoid staring at him while he read what I wrote. Once he finished I was sent in a wave of alert as I focused all my thoughts on what he was going to say.

"So… you're saying that you are protecting a book which grants you the ability to use magic…? Where did you get this?"

"I… can't… tell you…" I replied while looking down at the table, can't force myself to stare at his eyes as I was filled with guilt that someone just saw me do something that I shouldn't have done.

"I see… alright then, that sounds reasonable. Do you want me to accompany you home? It's getting dark"

My eyes instantly widened after what he just said, I was expecting for him to ask a garage of questions about what the book can do specifically, tell me to use it in public so the students would think twice to mess with me, or something else, but I never expected for him to keep a calm look like that which confused me the most.

"Aren't… you shocked… or surprised…? I… can actually… do magic"

"I know, trust me when I say I have been through something similar so I'm not that surprised…"

I couldn't help but be more shocked by his response, had he been through some magical stuff or event as well as he just kept a calm gaze at me with a small gentle smile that somehow put me at ease. He's too calm… I just can't help but feel like he would betray me and tell the whole world what he saw… or is it just me? Do I actually have trust issues? I guess I do… for even I have negative thoughts about him sometimes.

"You can rest assured, Hitomi… I won't tell anyone"

"Are… you… sure…?"

"I promise, that I won't" Even though the promise is just a word, a part of me wants to trust him so I stick with that feeling and nodded with a smile towards him.

"Come on, I'll accompany you home before it gets dark'' And there I realized that he asked me the same question earlier which I failed to recall, my heart immediately pounded across my chest as I could feel the blush reaching my ears, I never walked with anyone before and having the thought in walking with a person like Ryan made me recall all the Romance novels I used to read, all of them have the same "Love stroll" which means having a cute romantic event once the guy accompanies the female back home. I knew that wouldn't happen in reality but I just couldn't help but fantasize about the possibility where it would happen between us.

"Thank you…." I replied to him once I cleared my thoughts as my heart went back to beat at a normal rate. I closed the library door behind us and locked it with the key that was untrusted on me by the members of the Council. Once that was done, all that was left was to walk home with him by my side. Why would he accompany me anyways? Sure it's getting dark but… I guess I just didn't realize that he would suggest that. While we walked towards the direction of my house, I tried my best not to imagine this resulting in the books I read. We didn't talk but I was still a bit glad that I was being accompanied by someone. Ryan really does remind me of Lily… but starting now, I won't use this book's magic except when I'm in my house.

As we walked in silence, I could feel that wind was unusual today, as if there was something ominous about the forest beside us, I don't know if it was because the sun is setting down but I can tell Ryan felt the same as well. Suddenly, he placed his arms in front of me, blocking me from walking further as 5 males blocked our paths, half of them had their hood on while they smirked at us while the rest had their mouths covered with a black bandana. 5 more males showed up from behind and cornered us, why were they there and what did we do to them? I was suddenly afraid, I couldn't think of anything else except for my growing fear. But my fear stopped when Ryan stood in front of me and muttered a sentence.

"Don't worry… let me handle this" His voice became deep all of a sudden but I automatically placed my trust in him and rushed towards the side of the road so I won't get caught up in what will happen next. The aura thickens as Ryan stood at the center of the 10 people that surrounded him.

"I don't know what you guys want… but if you do something violent, I will be a force to defend myself"

Soon the 5 males in front of Ryan rushed towards him with violent intent. I did nothing but stand there as Ryan fought all of those who rushed to him. He was fast and skilled but I fear that their numbers will overpower him but I must trust in Ryan and hope for the best. We're already distant from the town and the Sheriff's department so we can't call for help. Every hit Ryan took made me sink even more in despair as I kept wishing for him to be safe and to win in this sudden clash. A male whose hair was brushed to the side was almost as skillful as Ryan, seeing that he managed to evade and even land successful hits on Ryan's stomach and face. I don't watch much television but from the way his footwork was swift and fast, I realized that he was a boxer. A boxer who's mixed with both speed, evasion, and strength would often win in many street fights but Ryan planted his foot onto the boxer, I don't know why he did that but now the boxer was unable to evade or dodge his attacks and returned all of the damage he took into a combo of power strikes using his elbow and fist, sending the man to collapse on the ground, injured and exhausted. After seeing how Ryan is capable of fighting, I realized that he might actually win this fight but an unknown figure appeared from behind me and wrapped his arms around my neck before yelling Ryan's name. Diverting his attention onto me and the man from behind.

"Ryan! I think you should stop for now, or else!" Yelled the male with a familiar voice before pulling out a knife and placing it onto my throat. I was so freaked out that I could barely move or blink, seeing that knifepoint onto my neck made me remember the killer from my childhood, all of the fear and trauma of back then had taken over me once more as I couldn't help but cry in silence while Ryan stared at me with a conflicted look. He would have won if it weren't for me being here.

"Oh look, she's crying… hahaha"

"Bruno, you coward!!! Let her go!" Ryan yelled in anger before a male suddenly punched him across the face with a brass knuckle. Causing him to fall hard on the ground which suddenly causes me to struggle, removing my traumatic memories.

"Ryan!" I yelled his name in my thoughts but it's useless since no one can hear me and I couldn't bring myself to speak again. Two males apprehended him and held him by both arms as they forced him on his knees, unable to his body before Bruno handed me towards one of his friends which held me as hostage. He walked towards Ryan and punched him once on his stomach with all his might, he coughed his saliva with a mix of blood as I couldn't bear to look at the sight so closed my eyes, I couldn't just stare at him while he was getting beat up. I wanted to ask for help, as loud as I can but I can't, I hate this! I hate myself! Why can't I just speak! Ryan is injured and I'm just standing there without anything to say or anything to do to help him.

"You put up quite a fight. How are you feeling, Max? I thought you could handle him" Bruno asked, referring to the boxer.

"I never said that…"

"Eh tomato potato. So how's life, Ryan? Long time no see right? Not so tough now are you" Bruno said with a satisfied smile towards him.

"What do you want..!?"

"Simple, because of you… I was expelled, Humiliated, and now my dad-... My father is going to disown my thanks to you. All I want is very simple. First I want you to suffer, and I checked that out of the list so there's only two left, oh scratch that! You're already on your knees haha, silly me. I want you to apologize and beg for me to leave you alone. So that's it, easy right? Now get started" Bruno replied before Ryan let out a small laugh. I could have sworn I noticed his left eye glowed or was it just because of the tears that are making my eyes blurry.

"Awww… is little Bruno afraid of Daddy's wrath…? Afraid of leaning forwards against a counter or a chair while Daddy rolls up his belt and slaps you with the metal part on your behind? That's really cute, you want me to apologize? Fine, I'll apologize, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I defeated you in fair combat in front of everyone at school, I'm sorry that you got what you deserve. Know your place, Bruno… bottom of the food chain!" I don't know if the others realized it as well but they're something different on how Ryan said those words, he's usually calm and focused but the way he said those words with a threatening tone made me feel unnerved as if there's something hidden with his smiles and caring nature.

Bruno replied by putting on silver brass knuckles and punching him on the stomach again, blood dripped down from his mouth as he coughed in pain. I wiggled in response, trying my best to escape and help Ryan in any way I could but I was locked tight.

"That's not what I wanted to hear"

"No, it's what you needed…."

"Still keeping a tough act huh? How about this?" He pulled out his knife again and aimed the sharp end in-between his eyes but Ryan stared fearlessly dead in Bruno's eyes, showing no fear no hesitation what's so ever. "Hmm, how about this then?" He stood up and immediately slapped me after turning to face my direction. I was paralyzed from the pain before he placed the knife on my thought, forcing me to arch my head back, exposing more of my throat to the blade as I breathed heavily and rapidly.

"Don't touch her! This is between you and me! Leave her out of this!"

"Aww, how sweet. A freak caring for another freak. You two make a good couple"

"Let her go, Bruno!!!"

"Or what? I can quickly slide my knife on her throat and boom, blood will squirt but I won't worry, I'll just throw away the body in a nearby river along with yours"

"Bruno, we aren't seriously going to go this far right? I mean, you told us to just beat him up, there's no need to bring that girl into this, she's harmless-"

"Shut up, Max!!! I will do anything I want! Don't question my authority! Remember who helped you when you needed it, you work for m-"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry for what I did to you back at the cafeteria! I'm sorry for acting tough, and I'm sorry for what I said.. just… just let her go… please… you can do whatever you want to me but… please let her go…" Ryan begged with a desperate tone. I heard everything he said, the way he begged for him to spare me moved my heart. I didn't actually realize how much he cared for me… So that's why I can't just stand here and do nothing after he just threw away his pride for my sake! If I wasn't locked I could have used the book to save right now, I don't care if I get exposed anymore, as long as he's safe. Bruno then laughed and removed my knife away from my throat and clapped his hands slowly.

"Eyyy, that's more like it. I like this side of you. Your selflessness is your insecurity. You act all high and mighty but once you're in this situation, you beg at your knees for one disposable life. But I'm afraid I was hurt when you insulted me, so as the saying goes, you hurt me, I hurt you back. Doing it" with one command, Bruno's gang immediately tossed Ryan to the ground and kicked him mercilessly, except for the one named Max who stood at the side, facing the empty road like he didn't want to see the brutality. Ryan couldn't fight back because if he did he knew my life would be endangered. But my fear was disappearing and was being replaced by anger, I never had such rage, is it because of what Bruno did to me? Or is it because of what they are doing to Ryan? I don't know for sure but I know I am angry at Bruno. I clenched my fists and shut my eyes before screaming at my loudest voice.

"HELP!!! SOMEBODY HELP!!! WE'RE BEING MUGGED!!!" After what I just screamed, I opened my eyes to see everyone staring at me in shock including Bruno. I knew they were surprised by how I just spoke but I couldn't believe I actually yelled something but was it worth it? There's no one coming to our help, we're stuck here until they finished treating Ryan like a floor mat.

"Holy shit, she can speak! Damn, you surprised me there, but I'm afraid you only made it harder. I was going to let you live since you can't speak, but after what you just yelled. I'm afraid I might have to silence you for good"

My legs shivered once more as I stared at Bruno who walked towards me with his knee clenched tightly on his hand. I can tell by his eyes that he was fueled with insanity and bloodlust. And just when I thought everything would end, tragically. All of them soon felt the earth trembling as if a giant was stomping its feet, everyone came to a sudden stop when the breeze became aggressive. Blowing a gust of powerful wind on the dark forest in front of us. Our attention was pointed at the forest as a sudden roar was heard at a loud volume to the point where we were forced to cover our ears.

"GET OUT!!!" Yelled the loud voice from within the forest with a deep and masculine tone before Bruno and the others were sent in a panic and ran for their lives away from the area. I removed my hands away from my ears and gazed at the forest, thinking about what that voice was just now but my mind soon flashed with the image of Ryan, realizing what just happened to him. I rushed towards his position, he was unconscious. His head was slowly bleeding and blood dripped down from his mouth. I covered my mouth as I resisted letting out a loud cry and whimper from what happened to him. I pulled his head towards me and placed it gently on my lap for comfort, I didn't hesitate and pulled my book out of the inside of my purple hoodie. Quickly turning the pages towards what I desired and read the words written on the page in a whispering tone before a bright flash of light emitted from the book and suddenly standing I don't of me was a tall, beautiful female wearing a white dress and white wings spread at its widest from both sides, staring down at me with her beautiful blue eyes and golden yellow hair.

"It has been a while, Dear Hitomi. How will I be of assistance?" Asked the radiant female. I called her Lumi as a short meaning for light, she was originally called as Guardian Angel from a page from my book in the healing Chapter.

"Lumi please… heal him, he's injured"

"I will do my best," Lumi replied as she placed both of her warm palms on Ryan's chest, emitting her healing ability onto him as his wounds slowly disappeared over time. After a few minutes, she removed her hands away from him and knelt in front of us. "Your friend will be fine, Hitomi. I did my best"

"Thank you so much, Lumi"

"Also, I might add… there's someone within that forest, it is approaching. I can't help you but it appears to have no violent intentions, good luck Master" She spoke before turning into a wave of light and returning to my book. I could hear the sound of twigs breaking as a sign that the creature with the darkness of the forest was approaching. I held Ryan close to me, in an attempt to protect him after what he did for me. Soon the creature moved out of the shadows, it was a tall, muscular bull-looking creature. With a circular piercing on its bull-like bose, having one of its horns broken, wearing a brown leather short and leather sash from the side of its or its upper body down to its lower left. If I wasn't wrong, the description of the greek mythology, The Minotaur fitted its appearance. I was alerted by its terrifying aura before it was ruined when the creature bowed in a gentlemanly manner and spoke with an expected deep voice.

"I apologize for the sudden scream. I thought it would be better to scare them away, are you hurt, young girl?"

"Who… are… you?" I asked.

"I am but an old, humble warrior. Is your friend alright?"

"He's okay…"

"He's brave for putting his life on the edge for your safety, I admire him"

"Me too…" I muttered before I felt his head moving. I gazed down upon his eyes as they slowly opened. He was regaining consciousness.

"What happened?" Ryan asked me while I tried my best to hold back my tears of worry and hugged him onto his chest, I didn't know what came over me but I couldn't let go of him no matter what I do, no matter how embarrassed I am, I couldn't bring myself to let go.

"This girl right here saved you, Young lad. You should thank her for that" I don't know if Ryan was shocked or not to see a talking bull creature who was 8 feet tall on his side but he replied with a calm voice so meaning he wasn't that surprised.

"I see… thank you, Hitomi. I'm glad you're safe" I heard it correctly, he said he was glad that I'm safe, so he really did care about me. No one had cared for me since my Grandmother died, so I couldn't help but let out all the tears I'm keeping inside. I feel really embarrassed that I kept crying even though Bruno and his hand were nowhere to be seen now. "Why did you save us?"

"I heard the cry for help from a damsel in distress. A true man would always save those who need it"

"Thank you…"

"Don't mention it, I should leave now. If you ever need help, just stroll into the forest until you are truly lost, and call for my name." Said the creature before disappearing into the dark forest.

"He didn't say his name though…"

After a few moments of silence, I managed to assist Ryan in getting up. It seems that Lumi's magic worked really well on his injuries. But I can't help but think that Bruno might do this to him again and I can tell that Ryan is thinking about it too. It may be best if I don't get in contact with Ryan again… he could have escaped his injuries if it weren't for me, but is it the right choice though? I feel like I actually made another friend, or Ryan is just really nice even for someone like me.

"Hey, Hitomi?" I was alerted by the mere mention of my name, my mind was set into expecting him to tell me to stay away from him because it was the most obvious choice of words but… I didn't expect him to smile before speaking those words.

"It's getting really dark, let's get you back home"

Once we arrived back at my house, he stopped near in front of my house while I walked towards the door. As I reached the doorknob, I realized that I still had more things to say to him, and this is the time to say what my thoughts are. I took in as much air as I could before letting it all out as I opened my mouth and spoke while facing down at the doorknob.

"Ryan… can I ask you something…?"

"Oh, sure what is it?"

"Why… did you… surrender for my sake…? If it weren't for me… you would have avoided risking your life…"

"Are you saying you want to just stand there and let Bruno do something to you with that knife?"

"No, I mean… it's not just that… People call me a book freak for a reason. I like to read alone... I love being inside a library and I never speak to anyone… but… why are you friendly towards me…? Did I yell at you remember? I called you an idiot in a Japanese word… it's only natural if you avoid me but why… Why did you smile when we wrote to each other for our reply… Why did you defend me back at the library… why did you accompany me… why did you almost let yourself get killed for my sake…? You're so perfect, you're nice, you're funny, you're smart, you're skilled, and you're… different… you are so much that I'm not, why would you even talk to a person like me?" I asked with all my heart into those questions, I didn't even realize that I spoke without stuttering, it was either because I managed to make a breakthrough or because my mind is only focused on the confused feelings I am experiencing right now.

"I'm not perfect, Hitomi… no one is perfect when based on appearance, because appearance can be easily deceived and people are attracted to what they want to see instead of what they need to know. The reason I smiled when we wrote back at the library was that you smiled as well, the smile you emitted was true and radiant which made me smile back at you. The reason why I defended you was that you stood up on your own two feet and showed that person who you truly are by writing it in the book. The reason why I accompanied you was that I wanted to see that smile of yours for a couple more times. And the reason why I risked my life was that you are an amazing person, Hitomi. More amazing than anyone I met in this world..."

What he just said to me with a serious tone caused my body to feel light, I felt like I was floating in zero gravity. Soon my heart fluttered like a butterfly as I turned to face Ryan as I locked my eyes directly onto his as the twilight sky stared down on us both, sending in a calm breeze of zephyrs.

"I'm… amazing…?"

"Yes… There is so much flaw in me as well and that involves hooking onto the past… but you, even despite the words and laughter of other people pulling you back, you still managed to push forward without caring what they think and doing what you love the most, and that is reading. Reading isn't just for everyone, it is also classified as a skill, and that Hitomi is your skill. Don't let others take that away from you. And don't be afraid to feel flawed… a wise female once told me "Imperfect actually spells I'm Perfect. Because everyone is perfect in their own imperfect ways…" I hope that answered all your questions… I'm sorry if I'm a bit vague or wasn't that helpful… just know that-'' I interrupted him by instantly wrapping my arms around his warm chest and embracing him as tightly as I could. I didn't know what came over me but no one has ever been honest to me like that before so my body immediately moved as a response to my deepest desires.

"No… it wasn't vague… thank you so much, Ryan… thank you for accompanying me… thank you for everything…!!"

"Your welcome, Hitomi"

The way he replied was so heart-warming for me as I can't help but release a small portion of my tears while I hurried my face on his chest, I don't know if he minds it or not but once I felt his hand on top of my head, I felt reassured as I stayed in that position before the wind stopped and along with my subconsciousness. My eyes instantly widened before pushing myself away from him.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to do that! I don't know what came over me!" I apologized the best I could as I could feel my cheeks warming up again.

"It's okay, I didn't mind. Hugging is an act of caring right? By the way, you're talking more clear now"

"Oh yeah… I guess I am…"

"Well I guess this goodbye, for now, it's night now I got to head home"

"Uhh yeah yeah! Me too!"

"I'm looking forward to seeing you after the weekend, I'll help you arrange the books after school ends so you won't risk getting caught," He said to me before walking back towards the road. I clenched both of my hands together and shouted his name, gaining his attention.

"Ryan… Shooting Star isn't a normal town… there are Mysterious Phenomenon happening without the others realizing, and this book is entrusted to me as proof of that, along with the creature from earlier… If you ever need help, I'm always here. I owe you a lot and I am willing to repay you. Be careful, Ryan Cunningham"

"I will, Hitomi Tanaka"

After his reply, we parted ways for the day and closed the door behind me. I paused for a moment before leaning my back on the wooden door and sliding into the floor as my back was still rested on the door, covering my bright red face after what I just said to him

"(Oh my God! I can't believe I just said that to him with a serious tone! I have never spoken a full sentence like that before! Not even with Lily… but what am I supposed to do now? What he did for me and how he encouraged me with words made me realize that I actually fell in love with him… but the question is… will he love me back?)"


"(That creature earlier… I feel like I saw him already before… but where?)"

As the lad made his slow return to the shop with the lights already on and the thermostat already set to a warm temperature for a cold night. He opened the door and was greeted by a familiar female voice.

"Yo dude, what took you so long? You're Uncle is away, he told us that he was picking up a delivery for this shop's new Antiques, whatever that is" Said Wendy as she stood up from behind the counter and walked towards Ryan to greet him but she stopped on her tracks when the female saw viable bloodstains on his jacket and shirt. Her eyes widened and were immediately filled with concern and anger.

"Ryan what happened?! Who did this to you?!" She yelled in a loud high pitch voice, catching Joseph's attention who was spreading peanut butter on a slice of bread.

"Dang dude, that must have hurt" Said Joseph before taking a bite on his peanut butter sandwich like it was just nothing.

"I'm alright, don't worry everything is okay"

"Everything is not okay! Look at you! Your head is covered in dry blood and your shirt as well! Who did this to you! Tell me and I'm going to shoot them with a harpoon gun!"

"Wendy calm down… it was Bruno… but-"

"I knew it! That asshole! I'm going to tell Lucas, he can end this once and for all!"

"I think you're overreacting, he looks fine," Said Joseph which angered her more.

"Looks fine?! Joseph, he's covered in blood! That asshole went too far"

Ryan realized that words will not get through to the raging Wendy, remembering what Hitomi did to him before they parted ways, he pulled her towards his chest and embraced her with one hand, it may be too illogical or not the typical way to silence a raging woman but it worked for Wendy.

"Ryan… what are you doing?" Wendy asked with her cheeks faintly lighting with pink colors.

"Showing you that I'm alright… Hitomi helped me and treated my injuries… trust me, this is just dried blood, my wounds are healed"

"Hitomi? You mean the one they called, book freak?" Said, Joseph.

"Yes… but she isn't a freak… I accompanied her home and on our way there, we were ambushed. Most of them are weak so I didn't have much of a hard time… except for that guy…" Ryan recalled fighting the boxer who managed to injure him in the heat of battle, he didn't wear any brass knuckles, yet his punches felt like being hit with a steel tube.

"Okay, we get it… could you… let go of me now… it's embarrassing?" Wendy asked with a shy tone before he released her from his grasp. She crossed her arms in front of her chest as he shyly gazed over at Ryan, still angry after what Bruno did to him.

"I would really appreciate it if you guys would keep this a secret from Uncle Lucas… I don't want to cause him more troubles…" Ryan asked which they nodded as a response. "Thank you… I'll be in my room, resting. You can just wake me up when you're going to leave"

"Nah it's okay dude, we usually close this shop on our own anyway, Lucas will give us a lift back to our home once she arrives"

"I see, that's good to hear" Ryan replied as he walked up the stairs, removing his jacket and shirt and exposing his fairly built muscular body. Wendy couldn't help but stare at his abdomen as he made his way back to his room. She realized that Joseph was staring at her, mentally laughing at her after getting caught.

"Jeez, you're so obvious"

"Shut up!!!"

After placing his blood-stained clothes on the laundry basket, he took a quick shower to remove the blood off his body and put on a pair of blue shorts before hopping onto his bed. After the day he had, he felt unbelievably tired, it was probably the after-effects of Lumi's healing although he doesn't know that. His eyes felt heavy and soon found himself fast asleep. Everything was quiet until he heard the sound of a liquid drop. Drip… drip… drip… that sound was the only thing he could ever hear. His eyes opened up and found himself in the same dark plane he always hated. He could feel his sanity decreasing with each sound of the liquid drop which was actually blood. Despite being it a dream, he could somehow smell the metallic scent of the blood. The blood formed itself and took the appearance of Hitomi, standing in front of him with a smile. He felt like his sanity stopped in decreasing after seeing her warm smile. But soon he felt unnerved and afraid when her purple eyes slowly turned black and let out tears of blood before getting pulverized into in front of him with the hands of the same black figure he always seems in his nightmare. Her blood splattered on his cheeks while he stared at the violent creature in growing anger.

"Who are you?!! Come on! Kill me!" Yelled Ryan in anger before getting choked by the figure's right hand, he lifted him up a few feet off the ground. Soon its colors and shape became much more visible. His eyes widened in the realization of how he was being strangled by the same bull-looking creature from before, gazing at him with its deep red eyes.

"You Have Failed The Test!!"

Yelled the creature before Ryan was sent awoke from his bed, holding upwards as he cuffed his neck again before coughing as if he could feel that he was really choked by the creature.

"So that was him all along… if what I'm seeing is a vision… then I must put an end to this…"