
Soft Metal

The clock struck 8:30 am. A text message pinged on Daken's phone that woke him up. What could this be, he wondered.

"Hey Daken. Thanks for your little favour this week. I've wired you and Maria the money. $5M each.

P.S. You get a little extra for those....services 😏."

Attached was a very cheeky picture Hannah had snapped. It showed her breasts from above and her panties seemed to be sliding off. Daken laughed slightly as he felt his blood rush when he typed a reply.

"Thanks H. I'll check it out. Nice extras btw. I'd show you something but a little exhausted right now. 🤭"

No sooner had he sent that, she replied:

"Mmmm sounds fun. Ok I'll wait then. 👉👌"

"Damn she's always thirsty", he laughed to himself as he checked his account. As she said, the $5M was sat there nice and secure.

"Nice. I'm sure I can afford a bit more sleep."

Back down his head went.

- - - - - - -

Lee woke to a soft light in a room. It was quiet, except for the sound of someone breathing. He could feel the presence of someone in the room. He tried to sit up but winced as a jolt of pain shot up his side.

"Hey man, go easy. You almost needed stitches for that."

Hannah sprinted over as he tried to moved to ensure he didn't open the wound again. In the fight the night before, a glass shard scraped his side as he passed out. The cut was so deep it needed stitches, however somehow it began healing on its own. Neo and Hannah made a point to dress the wound and let it heal up.

Lee blinked a few times until he clearly saw Hannah's face shrouded with worry.

"Is this an infirmary?", he finally asked.

"Yep. HQ's infirmary. You got gashed real bad but it looks almost healed", she replied as she turned to a table laden with different medical supplies. She came back with a mechanical syringe and a small vial. Lee was weary of needles and flinched a bit.

"Whoa whoa whoa, you're gonna stick me with that?"

"Yeah. Why, you scared? Heh magnetic but still afraid of needles."

"I can still be weary of them e-"

"Alright, alright. Chill. It's not like I asked you to do the horizontal mambo or something."

That made Lee swallow hard. He suddenly became conscious of his surroundings; sitting bare chested with possibly the hottest girl in town at the moment in the room. Alone. His face began to heat up making him lost for words. Hannah stalked over with the syringe in one hand, revelling in breaking down his defenses. She raised his head with her free hand, making him stare into her deep blue eyes.

Lee felt his pain subside for a moment. His senses relaxed. Breathing was more poised. He closed his eyes for a second and felt a gentle kiss on his lips as his mind reached a state of internal peace. Hannah pulled away for a second but he held her close still.

"Kiss me again," he whispered breathlessly. Hannah respected his wish and kissed him deeper than before, twisting their tongues together. She pulled back again whilst withdrawing her hand from his side. Lee noticed and looked down.

"Heh. You jabbed me, right? But how come I couldn't feel it?"

Hannah disposed of the syringe and her gloves as she answered him.

"Well you were distracted so of course you couldn't feel it. Pheromones aren't just for feelings, you know."

She stood closer to him again in such a way her cleavage gained prime viewing. Despite just having done his side in, at least he had some eye candy to pass the time. He tried to get her to sit next to him but Hannah held his hand and shook her head.

"Easy. I know you wanna get naked and have some fun, but you need to rest at the moment."

"Hmph. So much for the nurse."

They both laughed heartily as she sat next to him. Lee sighed and rested his head on her chest. The one advantage of being busty was that it had a double purpose. To look hot as all hell and as a cushion. Hannah wrapped her arm around him as he settled a little.



"I think you like torturing me. Twice you've gotten me up and I can't do jack about it."

"Eh. Not my fault, I think?"

The pair giggle as Lee fell silent. Hannah looked down at him. She was surprised this little play boy had such a soft side. She held him close to her as he slept.

"Just a little longer. Then we sort this tension out...."

That's sweet. But now that everyone has regrouped, they have to tie up the loose ends from the mission. How will that pan out?

LaraRedcreators' thoughts