
Chapter 34 Reveal

'Finally.' Jin thought as he wiped the sweat off his forehead. A couple hours had now passed since he had started his conversation with Eri, and he had now finalyl put most if not all her worries to rest, at least that's what he thought.

As Jin walked out the room and closed the door, a Yakuza member was waiting for him. "B-Boss, you're finally out, the other Boss has requested your presence." The Yakuza member said. "Oh okay, and just call me Jin from now on." Jin said as he motioned for the Yakuza to lead the way. "Y-Yes Jin." He said before leading Jin to a room.

'I've been waiting for him for hours, what's taking him so long? Did I miscalculate?' Kai thought as his veins began to protrude from his forehead. "Ehhh, how much long-" Izuku tried to ask before being cut off. "Shut up!" Kai responded with.


The door creaked open as Jin entered the room. "What's all the fuss about?" He asked before smirking a bit. "Finally you're fine!" Izuku said as he rushed at Jin with tears in his eyes. "Ya, ya, get off me Izuku." Jin said as he tried to remove the extra appendage which now clung to his body.

"I am just happy you're okay." Izuku said as he finally got off Jin. "Good to see you're in good health, Boss!" The Yakuza members said as they saluted him. "Mhm, so why do you need me here, Kai?" Jin asked as if he couldn't find a good reason why.

"Ha-Have you really forgot?!" Kai asked as he got up and gazed at Jin in rage. "What could be s- OH you need me to activate the quirks, right?" Jin said as he had a sudden realization. "Yes." Kai replied. Hearing this Jin began to chuckle a bit. "Hahaha, wait, how long have you been waiting here?!?" Jin said as he began to tear up.

"Hours." A Yakuza member said as his face showed his dread. "PFFFFF!" Jin let out as he began to laugh. A few seconds later he was finished and he calmed down.

"So that's it right? If you line up in a single file, I can begin." Jin said as he wiped a tear off his eye. "Line up." Kai commanded before pointing to a chair. "You can sit on this Jin." He said before tossing it towards Jin.

"Thanks." Jin said as he caught it and put it down, before sitting on it. "Now let's begin." Jin said as he grinned. After that Jin continually activated the Yakuza member's quirks before after telling them what it was and not to do anything stupid with it.

Finally after a couple of hours, Jin finished up and sighed a breath of relief. "Fuuuu, finished, I am going to bed." Jin said as he got up. "Wait, all of you wait outside for a moment." Kai said as he waved the Yakuza members off. "Oh and Moss Hair, stay." Kai said as he pointed to Izuku.

"Okay, but why?" Izuku questioned as the last Yakuza members exited the room. "Well, that's to ask Jin a very important question." Kai said as he got off his chair and walked towards Jin. "What do you mean Kai?" Jin asked tiredly as he rubbed his eye.

"For a man who's slept for 3 days you sure are tired." Kai said as he reached in front of Jin. "Ya well what I just did took a lot of energy." Jin said as he yawned. "Whatever we're getting side tracked, what I wanted to ask was this, why're you so fucking irresponsible?!" Kai asked as he looked at Jin angrily.

"What do you me-" Jin tried to ask before being slapped across the face. "Aren't you going a bit too far?" Izuku said as he reached towards Kai. Hearing his Kai glared at Izuku while Jin stood there with his face to the side.

"Too far? Too far? You realise this dumb ass nearly killed us all right? I know for a FACT that, that girl did not posses that power which nearly destroyed this damn place, nor could she obtain it from anyone else apart from you!" Kai said as he looked back at Jin.

"....Yes I did give it to her, but that was only as a safety measure." Jin explained as his voice lowered. "You're such an idiot." Kai said as he turned around and shook his head. "Do you give nuclear launch codes to a child?" Kai said as he walked away.

"And not explain to them the consequences or how they work?" Kai continued as he slid his hand across the table. "Oh, and not tell your colleagues about it?" Kai further continued as he began to tap the table.

"....I get your point, so what do you want?" Jin asked as he looked at Kai, Izuku who was standing at the side was a quiet as he witnessed what was going on. 'Even I have to admit Jin was irresponsible." Izuku thought as he shook his head and stayed neutral.

"I, want to know everything." Kai said as he turned his head around and gazed at Jin. "What do you mean everything?" Jin asked back with a bit of reluctance. "Everything means everything, you don't take me for a fool right?" Kai stated as he got ready to begin monologueing.

"It just doesn't add up. Firstly you, Izuku and All Might have distinctly similiar quirks, almost too similiar and the relationship between all of you is odd, especially 2 facts. Firstly you gave a tear to Moss Hair after I healed him and then needed Eri to rewind time on you, this fact in itself is odd. Not only that but the fact that you needed me to train your quirk and the fact that the Symbol of Peace was weakening and he is your teacher, from these facts only 1 thing can be inferred, your power is transferable." Kai said as Izuku began to grow nervous, while Jin was barely flustered.

"Okay, so what does that have anything to do with this? You want One For All?" Jin replied. "Pf, no, why would I want that? This is just to lead up to my point, which is, if firstly your One For All as you call it was inherited which you just confirmed and All For One stolen, then what was your quirk? Or was it even a quirk? The fact that you can travel between dimensions is odd in and of itself especially paired with the fact that you can steal abilities." Kai explained.

"It is a fact that a person can't have more than 1 quirk unless gained from unnatural means, exibit A." Kai said as he pointed at Jin. "But beforehand how would you have obtained 2 quirks? Was it from travelling dimension? But if that was the case why would you have no other comrades, and come back to to our world, since you seem to have no family? And even then it brings up the question as to are you even from our world? But you had an actual identity there, so it doesn't make sense. What are you? And who was that Old Man that we met as we travelled between dimension?" Kai finished.

Hearing this Jin gulped down hard, this was exactly what he didn't want to answer. "And why aren't you afraid that I'd silence you?" Jin asked. "Well isn't he my insurance?" Kai stated as he looked at Izuku.

"Right now I could kill him or at least take him hostage, and at that point I'd just need to run away, and that'd be easy especially since one of the Yakuza have Warp Gate." Kai said as his eyes turned serious. Hearing this even Jin's eyes turned fierce and Izuku gulped down hard.

"So this is the end of ou-" Jin was about to say when Kai cut him off, again. "No I wasn't saying that, I was just playing a joke. I know you need me or at least want me to help you in some case, but I need to know what. Sure you can give me a lot of benefits, and it seems power too, but I need to know what's going on. I am a Yakuza Boss after all." Kai said as he smirked under his mask.

"You really want to know? Fine, I'll tell you. ANYONE LISTENING OUTSIDE WILL IMMEDIATELY BE KILLED UPON MY EXIT!!" Jin shouted as the Yakuza outside trying to listen in immediately retreated in fear.

'Good that should scare them.' Jin thought as he smirked. "Do you really need to go that far?" Izuku asked. "I was just saying that so they wouldn't try anything." Jin said as he waved off Izuku's worries.

"Anyway, I'll get to the point. You're right I'll admit it, I am not of your "world"." Jin said as he used air quotes. "What do you mean "world"?" Kai asked in response.

"Well, I mean what I mean, but that's not important. To put it briefly I come from a galaxy far, far, away." Jin said, hearing this Izuku was shocked and even Kai who had anticipated this was a bit surprised.

"So, who's the Old Man? And why do all this?" Kai asked again. "The Old Man? I honestly don't know all I know is that he can be defined as "omnipotent" at least to us?" Jin said as he used air quotes yet again.

"Wait what do you mean by "omnipotent"?" Kai asked as he mimiced Jin's use of air quotes. Even Izuku was getting a bit confused at how things were progressing. "What I mean is that, he isn't truly omnipotent, but to us he might as well be. Before I was brought to your world he told me he was a Lesser God, and above him were the True Gods and the Great God." Jin explained.

"So what you mean is, there are multiple people at his power, and one who stands above them all?!" Izuku said in shock. "Ya, I estimate that he can at least destroy a universe." Jin explained. Hearing this Izuku and Kai both thought this made sense till they realised something.

"What do you mean by universe!??!" They asked in shock. "I said what I said. You have to realise but your world is awfully weak, in fact that's why I was sent there first, some other worlds have people who can one punch universes, and he's even above them supposedly." Jin explained

Hearing this Izuku and Kai were both shocked yet again, and they took a bit of time to digest this. 'What the fuck has he brought me into?' 'How in the, what in the?!' They thought as their heads swirled a bit.

A few seconds later though, they calmed down and Kai raised his head. "And my final question?" Kai asked. "Well that's a bit more difficult to explain, all you need to know is I need your help in a tournament in a few years." Jin continued.

"Wait how long is a few years?" Kai asked with some apprehension. "Hmm, let's see about a billion." Jin stated nonchalantly. "EHHHHH!" Izuku and Kai both exclaimed simultaneously as their eyes bulged out of their sockets.

"But wait won't all our friends be dead by then? Including my dad and mum? And even us?" Izuku said as he was filled with dread. "I have things that can go around that." Jin simply said. Hearing this Kai looked on in interest but didn't ask. 'Eventually he'll tell us.' He thought as he had one last thing to ask.

"Okay last thing, how do you know everything, or at least way too fucking more than you should know?" Kai asked as he looked at Jin to satiate his curiousity. "Well, they have a compendium with all the information I'd need, I read it and that's that." Jin replied. Kai felt that answer was a bit lack luster but he didn't pry further.

"Anyway, I heard around town and I estimate from the information you wrote that you're probably relative or weaker than an admiral, so how are we gonna fight them?" Kai asked as he walked towards Jin.

"So you've finally asked that question? Well, we'll find an old man." Jin said as he turned around to go outside. "But first, you need to train the Yakuza on how to train their quirks, and I am going to bed." Jin said as he yawned, leaving the stunned Izuku and irritated Kai alone in the room.

'I still don't know what to think.' Izuku thought as he was still shocked. "I-I am going to go out for a bit." Izuku said as he came back to Earth. "Tch, go I have to handle the rabble." Kai said as he headed out.

I can already sense the hate I am about to get from this chapter, Buddha, Thor, Jesus, Zeus, and Waluigi protect my *ss!

Anyway I hope you like or at least handle this development, I thought this was needed since frankly speaking Kai isn't the type to like to be in the dark, and I feel with more sh*t being clear there won't be much useless "mystery" which isn't mystery cause you guys and the mc already know it.

Apart from that this novel is pretty much dead, this is obviously due to my errors though so I understand. These being slow release rate, more slow release rate, mediocre writing, mediocre development and begging. Well I assume anyway, well all I wish for at this point is for you guys to enjoy my novel. (which is unlikely with all the master pieces releasing due to the contest but anyway)

I hope you continue to enjoy my novel and I continue to see you guys around, till next time, bye.

Dragonic_Daocreators' thoughts