

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). Lost. Stranded. And boned. These are the thoughts of many normal Joes lost in the Multiverse whether it was intentional or not. Such a story for our protagonist accidentally wandering too far off from his home reality. However, such is fate. Yet... it seems that Mash Bastion has met the right man to assist him with the tools needed to travel the Multiverse to find his home universe with modified abilities of [THE GAMER] across worlds in the unforgiving territories of the MULTIVERSE.

Jovami6729 · Tranh châm biếm
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Chapter 51: On to the New World

Chapter 51: On to the New World

~Third POV~

In the middle of the night of the Miload Estate, a party was being held in honor of Emilia Camp confronting and winning against the odds they had stacked against them.

Currently, at this moment Mash dressed nicely in a suit asked confused, "They're going all-out here."

Rem leaning on the back of the manor discussing with Mash replied in a genuinely happy tone, "Rem thought this was what you wanted."

Closing his eyes he curtly nodded agreeing to Rem's words as he spoke out, "Yeah, but isn't kinda shameless to do it in a rented space? Then again…"

Not needs to be said that the Roswaal Estate was thrashed thanks to Garf and Mash's fight with Elsa Rem shook her head at their actions in a sad tone, "Truly if the mansion hadn't sustained a battle, we would've surely held the ceremony there, but you know what you did Mash-sama. And besides…The Miload family is a branch of the Mathers family, and their leader, Annerose, is head over heels for Emilia-sama."

Waving her hand towards her Annerose has light blue eyes and long, dark, indigo-colored hair which is braided around her head. She wears an extravagant dress similar to Beatrice, but the decorations are much plainer. Contrary to her young age, she has a hard look and a distinguished expression.

Nodding his head Mash began to get to point with his eyes opening at the Maid with curiosity, "I can see. And what does a lovely lady like yourself doing here with me then Rem?"

Rem merely grinned happily as she held Mash's hand in a happy tone, "Rem is just happy to be around you. And how did things go with Beatrice with… you know?"

Mash flinched at what Rem was implying pointing at his chest and releasing a defeated sigh explaining himself in a defeated tone, "About me having the Witch Factor of Greed right? She was surprised sure, and I couldn't have hidden it from her forever. But surprisingly enough though she wanted me to ask a question of hers."

Rem blinked at the question as she couldn't help but ask out of curiosity's sake, "Really? What did Beatrice-sama ask for?"

Pondering Rem's question Mash answered in a reassuring tone with a complicated frown on his face, "She asked me why the Witch of Greed gave her that Oath to stay in the library for the last 400 years and her Gospel. I gave her the answer she sought ultimately leading her to be free. But even someone like her needs time to mourn."

Rem nodded her head in understanding asking another question a bit concerned for his wellbeing, "So… does that mean Beatrice is no longer your Contracted Spirit?"

Shaking his head Mash smiled sadly as he confessed the truth to Rem in a calm tone sweating a bead of sweat, "No. We're still in a contract. I promised to stay by her side and Betty will stay by mine. I'm after all her second Oath she'll keep her word seriously. She's… just giving me the silent treatment. I've never handled being treated the silent treatment before…"

Rem smiled seeing the situation wasn't as bad as she thought asking another question in a curious tone, "Hehehe… I guess even Beatrice-sama will forgive you Mash-sama in time. But you said you eliminated the Witches of Sin then you gained their abilities?"

Shrugging at Rem's question he explained to her the best he could with a wide smile, "Sort of… Only [Gluttony] remained the same. But those that gain Authority will manifest the user's craving and desires. I even have one that can heal your sister's horn but… I'm too weak to use it."

Rem closed her eyes before smiling happily and tightly holding his hand with a bright gleam in her eyes looking at him, "I know my hero will be able to do it. Because you are just that amazing."

Mash smiled with a light blush on his face before ultimately giving Rem the news making her eyes widen as the news escaped his mouth, "Rem… There will come a time when I need to leave. For the next 2 months, I'll stay before finally leaving to find my family."

Rem blinked, once, twice, her mind comprehending what he said, and after she was done, she felt a hot stone drop to her stomach, "What Mash-sama-"

Mash soon answered in a dry voice leaning his back towards the wall in a neutral tone, "I came here to learn from beyond the Waterfall. But the matter is one day I will leave this Kingdom, as a matter of fact, I only plan to stay in here for a month or two, not longer than that."

Rem opened her mouth to say something anything being blunt holding his hand tighter briefly shaking, "But… what about me? What about… Everything we had gone through together?"

Mash looked deeply into Rem's eyes coming up with an answer straight and blunt as she could see in his eyes that he truly meant those words, "To reunite with my little sister, my father, my mother, and my whole family."

There was silence between the two as Mash continued speaking to her in a kind tone, "But I won't be gone not forever at least. I decided to make this place my temporary base to come home towards long journeys beyond the Waterfall. At least till I find a permanent one I suppose."

Rem remained silently stunned listening to his words his voice sounding comforting patting her head with a warm smile, "You don't need to be that worried though. I won't leave soon, like I said, it would take a month or two before I did."

Rem understands what he means by that, she wasn't stupid. With him who she considers a hero doing everything for them and the house so much. The house owns him so much, from helping Emilia who is a Royal Candidate they support, the Wolgarm problem, White Whale, Witch Cultist, and Sanctuary.

Rem understood they indeed paid him back, but they were pale compared to the deeds Mash had done for them. But there was one thing Rem didn't understand from his words this time.

Rem soon asked making Mash reopen his eyes and stare at her peering through her soul in a confused tone, "Why tell Rem this? Why tell Rem that Mash-sama will leave?"

Tightly holding his hand Mash sighed his breath with a knowing smile explaining to Rem in a calm soothing tone, "Because I want you to know that I will leave someday. I won't be there for you forever, I will leave. Not now, not soon, and it probably will take years for me, but I will in the end. And as my dearest cherished friend, someone I considered close to me, you deserve to know this first."

Rem felt her heart flicker at his kind words commenting on his rude and kind words, "… That's very mean of you Mash-sama… you said you're going to leave but you still say such things."

Mash merely grinned answering Rem's question in a cheerful tone leaning closer to her, "I can give you a lie, but I don't think you will like it, you are close to me and you have the right to know it."

Rem can only let out a small laugh at his words leaning closer to him and inching closer to his face with a light blush, "Giving a woman painful and comforting word at the same time… Mash-sama you truly act how you please. Rem expects no less from Mash-sama."


Both of them leaned closer till they finally kissed on the lips. They soon disengage kissing with the two enjoying the moment of celebration with everyone.

Enjoying the moment the Oni and Gamer shared their time the best they could for the limiting amount Mash placed on himself till the time had come to leave…


~Mash B. POV~

[2 Months Later…]

Whew… for the past 2 months, I've enjoyed my time with everyone in the mansion. All the good and the bad times.

Throughout my time here I learned all that I can. My time learning in this world has been great and joyful learning magic was fun.

Eventually, Beatrice came around after giving me the silent treatment and begging her to forgive me. Have to say that was a very embarrassing experience I suppose…

All for the small price of me in a maid uniform that Petra made… In open public. I bit the bullet and felt some drafts… very vile witch creation but I managed with some dignity and pride...

Who am I kidding? I became the laughingstock.

But moving on from there I managed to form a relationship alliance with the other Camps except for the Sun Princess. And provided proof that the Emilia Camp eliminated The Great Rabbit with Crusch's assistance of course meaning a safer Kingdom and fewer dangers for merchants.

Along with the alliance formed under protection against the Witch Cult, everything has been smooth sailing I suppose. The time I spent here I increased my stats as much as I could and my skills.

Skill List.


<Huma > (Active) Lv.10/100 Exp: 39%

MP Cost: 25 MP/Using the MP Bar when used defensively.

Description: This skill allows the user to create a shining water barrier that blocks other projectiles and sorts of magic using the MP Bar to block the attack using [Water Magic]. However, if the incoming magic is stronger than the shield it will get through it and cause damage to the user. If used on a higher level you can produce a pressurized water slash attack.

<Dona > (Active) Lv.10/100 Exp: 90%

MP Cost: 25 MP

Description: Using [Earth Magic] the user summons one earth wall from the ground. It is typically used for defense, but it can be applied for offense and evasive movement. At a higher level, the user can create different types of earth depending on the user's knowledge of minerals.

<Fura > (Active) Lv.10/100 Exp: 90%

MP Cost: 25 MP

Description: Using [Wind Magic] the user shoots wind slashes with a super high speed that can cut through wood, stone & flesh with ease. When used at a higher level the spell could be used to sharpen the air blade.

<Jiwald > (Active) Lv.10/100 Exp: 90%

MP Cost: 25 MP

Description: Using [Yang Magic] the user fires heat rays from their fingers. On a higher level, the user can temporarily blind an enemy with an intensive flash of light.

<Magic Composition Rewriting> (Passive) Lv.-

Description: Using the [Eyes of Mana] the user can rewrite the spell's composition and disassemble the spell into mana, absorbing it through their gate. The only condition to successfully pull off the rewriting of a magic spell's composition is making physical contact with the spell itself.

<Mana Drain> (Active) Lv.-

Description: The user drains mana from the atmosphere or living creatures. By touching an individual, the user can absorb the mana stored in their gate, bolstering his supply of Mana in the process.

The individual affected by the technique would become physically fatigued if enough of their Mana was drained. By absorbing a person's mana, the user could also tell to a certain extent whether the target had hostile intentions towards her or not. MP regained is 1 MP/Sec.

<Massage > (Active) Lv.9/100 Exp: 90%

Description: Your hands are skilled in making people feel relaxed. This skill can cause more pain, relaxation, or pleasure with intent than normal as it helps the body to stimulate dead and damaged tissues and revitalize the human body.


Made a pretty good control over my magic and control. And the stats I wish I could say the same but hey everyone has to start somewhere, right?



Name: Mash Bastion

Class: The Gamer

Race: Human

Title: Spirit User

Level: 20 Exp: 0/30%

HP: 770/770-> 950/950

MP: 765/765-> 1065/1065

STR: 20-> 35 (+15)

AGI: 20-> 35 (+15)

VIT: 18-> 30

INT: 20-> 40

SEN: 25-> 35 (+15)

LUCK: 53+47= 100

Stat Points: 3

Cash: 1,000


I could only smirk seeing this. Shame I couldn't get Meili to be my mob spawner since everyone didn't trust her, yet which is fair enough.

I managed to find a world I'm jumping towards next to begin mapping my way across the Multiverse while having this would be my main place to stop and resupply if need be.

That's something I've come to learn about the Gamer Ring. I tried to find the right coordinates if I can even call it that of this world line. Like how in Fate the Kaleidoscope allows one to travel dimensions on parallel worlds this one is different.

How to best sum it up is like a game on a randomizer setting. Say you bought a Pokémon game from any Gen with that set of Gen Pokémon inside. It's like that for me I know what world I'm heading towards, but I have no clue when or where I'll be if that makes any sort of sense.

Hence staying in the next world would take some time for me to chart my next set of coordinates carefully. And make some maps of the lingering universes and dimensions ahead.

All I know though it's gonna be one hell of a ride finding my way back home. My gaze soon lingered on the outside of my room.

Exiting out I see Rem and Beatrice by my side with the little loli pouting annoyed for me taking my time, "Hmph! I didn't think my student would be this lazy for making two girls and everyone waits I suppose!"

Rubbing the back of my head I apologized extending my hand to Beatrice and apologizing for the time, "Yeah… sorry about that. Just mentally preparing for the journey ahead. And Rem is everyone waiting?"

Rem nodded. I understood as Beatrice tapped my ring turning into Mana particles inside the Gamer Ring allowing the both of us to speak using my heartbeat inside my head, 'There. At least we are connected for now and if you wish for my assistance. For now, I'll sleep for when you need me, and I'll be there when you shall call for me, I suppose.'

Understanding my thoughts. Thanks, Beatrice.

Exiting outside I see Ram, Garf, Roswaal, Ryuzu, Otto, and Emilia all looking at me seeing me leave returning to my journey with Rem holding my hands.

We all remained silent as everyone gave me their version of goodbye with Emilia grasping my hands and asking with tears streaming down her face, "M-Mash… you'll come back-k someday right…?"

Patting her head I replied in a soothing calm tone comforting her worries, "Someday I'll return. When I do will all have a good laugh with some stories of Beyond the Waterfall one day. So, this isn't goodbye, but I'll see you all later."

Giving both Rem and Emilia a hug they both returned the hug to me. I provided them knowledge of the future using the Book of Wisdom to the best of my ability.


Turning around I activated my Gamer Ring opening a portal to the next world I grinned seeing that this adventure is for now close and onto the next. Let's get your game on Multiverse because I'm ready!


A/N: Alright guys now we finally go to the next world!