

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). Lost. Stranded. And boned. These are the thoughts of many normal Joes lost in the Multiverse whether it was intentional or not. Such a story for our protagonist accidentally wandering too far off from his home reality. However, such is fate. Yet... it seems that Mash Bastion has met the right man to assist him with the tools needed to travel the Multiverse to find his home universe with modified abilities of [THE GAMER] across worlds in the unforgiving territories of the MULTIVERSE.

Jovami6729 · Tranh châm biếm
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Chapter 48: Echidna’s POV

Chapter 48: Echidna's POV

~Mash B. POV~

After ending The Great Rabbit I spent my time enjoying the company of my friends to the day when Emilia finally destroys the barrier within Sanctuary freeing everyone in the process.

Even Garfiel managed to challenge his past again coming out a new person. Well, more Garf controlled than angry at the past at the very least.

Seems like my words managed to either test him after the fight or I would've had to fight the kid. Seems like knowing my strength or for whatever reason he complied.

But I suppose that's a good thing for him then. Now the next issue is dealing with the witches for good and that's by finding the Ryuzu clone named.

Managing to follow one of the newly born Ryuzu clones, I had managed to finally find the building that houses the Sanctuary's core.

Walking through the entrance, I proceeded to tread my steps carefully until I found myself in front of an opened door. So that's how The Great Rabbit managed to come here earlier than expected…

Roswaal you good old some of a bitch. Revealing the core to be Ryuzu the original one body within I can see that some Mana from the outside before was used using this core. I suppose Roswaal originally intended to use Mana to begin the series but managed to pull a fast one on us.

Clever clown alright. Very scarily clever because I didn't anticipate him doing this. Ryuzu Shima or Omega but I doubt she'll name herself that one because I haven't met Echidna again and possibly never will.

Directing my gaze towards the core, I let out a small smile as I closely examined the figure inside of it. Wearing a white robe, a petite girl with long, wavy, and puffy red hair can be seen inside the crystal.

This right here is the body of the original Ryuzu Meyers. And she is currently the 'core' of Sanctuary but the one that harvests the soul of Echidna.

Currently, everyone's busy with the final stages as I told everyone I would wander around Sanctuary a bit. But in reality, I'm waiting for the core to break and end this little Witch's plans for good.


Waiting for a while I looked at the body inside of the crystal and began to examine it closely with [Eyes of Mana]. Around the body that is flowing with extremely potent Od and Mana.

The Od and Mana produced are directed in a certain order in the crystal to the body. The Od is keeping the body preserved and in top shape, and the Mana is preparing for something 'big'.


Noticing some cracks in the crystal, I immediately began to smile. Inside the crystal, Od and Mana were being drilled through the crystal and into the figure as its life signature began to get better and better.

If the crystal is cracking… it seems Emilia is doing a pretty good job. Changing my position, I made sure to keep my appearance out of the way not letting the half-elf-possessed Ryuzu notice me.



~Echidna POV~


Seeing some cracks form in my dimension, I let out a smile as I felt my soul being tugged in a direction beyond my barrier. After 400 years, someone had finally managed to destroy this seal of mine.

And observing the memories of both Garf and Emilia I made my preparations in advance for my body. The original Ryuzu that I plan to use to bring me up to speed on my strength with some minor inconvenience.

When the barrier started cracking, I had already had to double prepare the necessary preparations for my revival. Still, it irks me that I missed out on 400 years of research but to look on the good side…

That just means I have 400 years of potential research knowledge to make up for. I do wonder though how that boy Mash Bastion; he calls himself managed to deflect the [Authority of Gluttony] ability to eat his memories.

Last I checked Authority has the right to interfere with the world. No Divine Protection can protect him from eating his memories, but he managed to do it.

Fufufu… I have much to learn in the past 400 years if someone that interesting is around I have to see what makes him… tick. Shortly but for now, I must deal with my weakened state first.

All that matters to me is knowledge and if I avoid mistakes that led up to my current situation. I whispered while stroking the necklace present on my neck, "And avoid the dangers of the world that await me. And prepare for my reappearance for the world once again."




Feeling the crystal seal my break, I immediately opened my eyes and sent my mana to every part of the room as my new body only managed to grasp the room where the Core was.


My new body collapsed onto the cold floor. Feeling the unfamiliarity of my new body, I struggled to find my strength and sense of balance focusing on using the mana I sent a scan to every nick and cranny of the room.

I already know that I can't use any complicated spells and my current body isn't strong physically. My only weapon to defend myself with right now is my Magic albeit only simple versions of spells.

I can't even use my Witches Authority in my state. Constantly scanning across the room, I constantly came out with nothing and proceeded to test my vocal cords with extreme difficulty and then proceeded to speak a string of different words to familiarize myself with new vocals.

Sensing no one with my Mana my mouth formed into a smug grin. No one to interrupt me and no one –


Ack! My eyes widened in pain as I felt my chest had been pierced through me. And… is that the Life Sword Zeam I, see?

No… that's the [Authority of Sloth] ability of the [Unseen Hands] seeing the shadowy tendrils. But I don't recall them having the ability to phase through matter… must be a new user then.

Oh… that explains it then. Stepping forward to the light I see my attacker casually walking towards me with multiple shadowy appendages around his body.

Mash Bastion huh? Quite the unknown being to not only outwit me but even my students aiming for my life despite being newly reborn.

Does he have my Gospel? Or an ability of a Witch Factor?

I had many questions as I felt my very essence and soul begin to deteriorate from this body with him uttering in a cold tone, "You should know why I have to do this."

He said calmly as he coldly glanced at the necklace around my neck. I see… he was aiming for our Witch Factors. The one's latched to the portions of our souls. But for his question, I just stared at him in silence if only to spite him with my remaining life fading.

Noticing my silence, he just let out a smirk with two new hands popped out of his back before firmly grasping the necklace around my neck. I guess this is the end of that new life I suppose.

I closed my eyes to accept my fate. I began to think back on the many friends and accomplices I have met in my long life. I also began to think of all the misdeeds that I have done to this world.

But I have no guilty conscience of my actions whatsoever. And if I somehow could go back in time to change my actions… I would kill, lie, plot, cheat, steal, and protect them all once again.

And while I would be feared and shunned once more for my actions. I wouldn't care at all. For I would do anything to help my world. I am after all an evil.

If there was one thing in this world I regret… my eyes laying towards my unknown killer… it would be that I never got to know –



~Mash B. POV~

[You gain 5 EXP!]

[You gain the skill card [Telepathy]!]

Figures as much. While Echidna may have been the strongest Witch her soul was housed inside a weak body meaning less EXP earned as a result. I foresaw this outcome but at the very least she won't be causing havoc anywhere else.

Watching Echidna pass away, I immediately grabbed the necklace with my [Unseen Hand] that was present on her body and dropped it on the floor.

I then lifted my [Unseen Hand] in the air before causing it down forcefully causing the ground to crack.



I moved my shadowy hand and examined the now obliterated floor with a smile looking at the necklace taking the form of dust sighing in anticipation, "Another huge threat to me is destroyed. Now just an uncountable amount to go before they all die out. [Minya]. [Goa]."



Summoning a spike, it attacked the body of the deceased Ryuzu crystalizing it. And then using the fire to burn away the leftover spikes to ensure it doesn't leave any smell.

Afterward, I went straight up burying the body with my [Unseen Hands] summoning as many of them as possible quickly cleaning up the remains. With this act done with I just have to endure the more difficult part soon… great.

Taking a step back from the remains of Ryuzu, I began to walk towards the entrance of the room. And with a quick movement of my [Unseen Hands], I had crushed the only opening and exit to this room.


And with the doors being closed until someone powerful forces it open. The results of my actions with Echidna will stay unknown and hidden.

While walking through the corridor exit this building – Ack!

[Due to killing the witches their Witch Factors have been latched to your soul!]

[Beginning process of Witch Factors into the host…]

[Please endure till the process is complete…]

I felt a sudden bout of energy and pain shoot throughout my soul causing me to fall to my knees in agony!

But as fast as the pain to me, it felt just as slowly causing me to squirm on the ground in agony. If I had to describe the feeling, I would say it was like my blood is boiling me alive feeling it to every nerve in my body.

I muffled my screaming not wanting to be heard. Screaming incoherently through now clinched teeth, I sat on a wall with closed eyes as I curled myself into a ball feeling this pain coursing through my body. It was pure agony.

While desperately trying to stay still every second, it would feel as if an hour went by as I desperately waited for the pain to leave me. Luckily enough for me, my desperate pleas seemed to have worked feeling the burning pain in my soul disappear entirely.

I said to myself in a hoarse tone slowly raising myself to my feet using the wall for support chuckling in happiness and seeing the results on my screen, "Finally… that's finally over..."


[Due to your soul processing the [Witch Factors] you have gained abilities corresponding to the host's desires!]

[Due to your soul processing the [Witch Factors] you have gained the full power of [Authority of Sloth] improving your previous skill drastically!]

[You gained the [Authority of Sloth] full power and updated ability improvement!]

[Skill [Unseen Hands] can now summon 100 hands with comparable power of each hand to a missile!]

[The Witch Factor [Authority of Greed] has been latched onto the user's soul!]

[Skill: [Lion's Heart] is gained!]

[The Witch Factor [Authority of Gluttony] has been latched onto the user's soul!]

[Skill: [Gluttony] is gained!]

[The Witch Factor [Authority of Wrath] has been latched onto the user's soul!]

[Skill: [Restoration] is gained!]

[The Witch Factor [Authority of Lust] has been latched onto the user's soul!]

[Skill: [Disguise] is gained!]

[The Witch Factor [Authority of Pride] has been latched onto the user's soul!]

[Skill: [Karmic Retribution] is gained!]

Now this is what a TRUE OMEGA looks like.