

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). Lost. Stranded. And boned. These are the thoughts of many normal Joes lost in the Multiverse whether it was intentional or not. Such a story for our protagonist accidentally wandering too far off from his home reality. However, such is fate. Yet... it seems that Mash Bastion has met the right man to assist him with the tools needed to travel the Multiverse to find his home universe with modified abilities of [THE GAMER] across worlds in the unforgiving territories of the MULTIVERSE.

Jovami6729 · Tranh châm biếm
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242 Chs

Chapter 37: Bittersweet Ending

Chapter 37: Bittersweet Ending

~Mash B. POV~



Item: Gamer Ring

Rarity Item: SSS

Type: Power Ring

Description: Using the power of the Second Magic Kaleidoscope enables the user to travel between parallel worlds and timelines accessing the Multi-Dimensional Refraction Phenomenon is one fragment of the Second Magic, which is essentially the ability to create openings into Parallel Worlds.

One can then interact with the 'other side' through this gap. Otherwise, it also acts as the user's personal Sub-Space inventory and immunity to Mind Altercations or Memory Reading.


This is simply a long shot… but I have to try right?

While the [Authority] is powerful in this world… how powerful are they against something outside this world power system…

No. Rather how powerful is it against the Guild Master's own power in these rings…. I guess I'm going to find out huh?

Placing my [Gamer Ring] on Crusch's hand hoping for the [Immunity Mind Altercations] and [Immunity Memory Reading] having this on the left with –



Suddenly Crusch stood up eyes widened screaming in pain as I stumbled back startled by this sudden reaction having her one hand clutching her head in pain tears streaming down her face.

Felix saw this as he yelled at me for what I did grabbing her missing arm and growling at me assuming I harmed her lady marching his way towards me, "WHAT DID YOU DO LADY CRUSCH!!"



Immediately knocking her out with a simple karate chop I managed to earn something from this as I explained to an angry Felix, "Nothing! I was checking her pulse then suddenly she woke up screaming!"

[You gain 1 EXP]

[You gain a skill card 'defeating' Crusch!]

Not the time game!

Seeing my shocked look Felix sighed returning to healing her arm and shooting me a glare before returning his full attention to her lady.

I immediately checked on her to see if there was a reaction or change in the descriptions of her now since I took away the Gamer Ring from her.

[Crusch Karsten Lv.? Duchess

Description: Crusch Karsten is the Matriarch of House Karsten and a candidate to become the 42nd King of Lugunica. While initially the absolute favorite to win the Royal Selection, she fell from grace after losing her memories to Lye Batenkaitos reducing her level and strength. However, because of the [Gamer Ring] effects, she managed to reclaim a portion of her memories regaining her knowledge to 18 years old.]

I sighed a breath of relief as Wilhelm held my shoulder wanting an explanation once we were away from the group, "Bastion-san can you tell me what you did to Lady Crusch? I saw you place the ring on her finger before she yelled out. Care to enlighten me?"

Nodding my head I explained to Wilhelm what I did briefly explaining what my Gamer Ring did not all but enough for him to understand in a serious tone, "Yes. What my Meteor Ring could do is not only create portals during the battle against the White Whale but also grant mental and memory protection for the user. I thought with it on she would reclaim some portions of her memories but I didn't expect… that…"

Feeling his hand off my shoulder Wilhelm sighed giving me a brief neutral look as he spoke to me with his back turned in a serious tone, "Then tell me… did it work? I don't doubt you since you knew the White Whale's abilities, I simply wish to know not bothering to question how you knew… All I'm asking did it work?"

Taking in a large amount of air I replied giving him my answer in an ashamed tone, "It only worked partially. She's only missing about 2 years' worth of memories starting from 18 years instead of recovering all of her memories. Everything else nada."

Wilhelm paused before finally responding in a deep voice respectful tone walking away from me, "Then you have my thanks. I'll explain to Felix the gratitude of fixing at least enough of Lady Crusch's mind. 2 years of her memories gone is going to be difficult but at least she still has herself remaining. That's more than enough for me."

I could only sigh in relief this was the best outcome I could've gotten from all of this. At the very least I don't have to deal with a literal man, or I guess in this case woman child with her mind working at 18 years old.

Still an advantage for Emilia at least considering Crusch is restarted to zero now. Losing 2 years' worth of info is still a big loss on her end but I get the feeling she'll pull through. So long as she has her friends by her side at least.

With no one around I began to use my new skill card I got from 'defeating' Crusch in her weakened state. Well if it's like what happened to Julius then I have a good feeling about this one.

[Would you like to use the skill card? [Y/N]?]


[You have gained the skill [Divine Protection of Wind Reading]!

I knew it. This one is pretty handy to have allowing me to attack at any range away like how she showed it during the fight against the White Whale.

Skill list.


<Divine Protection of Wind Reading> (Passive) Lv. MAX

Description: This skill allows the user which enables him to read the wind and to see invisible things just like the wind. This skill can also be used to read the situation of others' emotions, making the user able to tell if someone has lied. When combined with [Wind Magic] it enables the user to cut anything within his range of vision with invisible wind.


I'm going to learn [Wind Magic] in the future now. Especially with this skill combined with just negated my direction and…

I can see the wind. No more like reading and seeing invisible things I haven't seen before. This… this is certainly going to take some getting used to.

But… everything is coming up well so far. Maybe my [Peak LUCK] is already tilting fate in my favor right now like this?

I can only hope so. But I hope I didn't scare Emilia and Rem too much because of recent events happening.

The last thing I need is for Emilia to be emotionally depressed at this stage. I need her to be calm and healthy mentally for the next arc to work in my favor.

And… I need a good night's sleep before returning to this mess. But at least everything has been handled and dealt with.


After arriving and picking up the remaining forces that left with Crusch Ferris managed to reattach her arm back but at the cost of her memories. The subjugation of the White Whale was a success…

But the cost of being ambushed by the 'Valkyrie' side where Crusch was got hit hard. Nearly losing all of their forces except only a quarter out of a fourth of them making it back alive or being rescued.

The 'Valkyrie' group was supposed to have collected the head of the White Whale and were headed back to the capital when they were attacked by the Witch Cult. Witch Cultist Sin Archbishop of Greed Regulus Corneas. Witch Cultist Sin Archbishop of Gluttony Ley Batenkaitos.

Crusch lost her memory during battle and a large amount of her force. I made the right call having Rem by my side instead of leaving with Crusch but it probably made Ley cautious of this change…

Granted in other timelines small changes don't matter that much considering the IF stories to consider. But that's beside the point. Crusch seemingly managed to make a recovery with my assistance.

Have to thank Wilhelm for that one explaining what I did to ease Ferris up. Still, Crusch losing 2 years of her life is a loss but I suppose so long as she's a functioning person it's no issue.

I, fortunately, made sure our alliance with them was still on despite Ferris wanting us to dissolve it and pinning Emilia as a scapegoat.

Truthfully, I didn't like his idea. But I understood he needed to vent what happened to his loved ones.

I would've been the same if Rem was caught. But she wasn't and that's all that mattered to me in the end.

Currently, with Rem helping Emilia, I was in the carriage with Otto taking us with Ferris as he spoke to me in a neutral tone, "… Mash-kyun. Are you going back to the mansion?"

Turning my face towards the pained Ferris I replied trying to comfort him seeing he helped me before in my time of need in the battle extending a hand and surprising him, "Yeah. Resting here won't make things better but… you've done a lot to help me out. I feel like I haven't properly thanked you."

Extending my hand out Ferris took it feeling such thin fingers not imaging if he had masculine hands in a thankful and serious tone, "Your welcome but know this Mash Bastion. No matter what happens with the election, I will protect Lady Crusch. And… keep your word to not spread the word about this about Crusch amnesia."

I grinned curtly nodding my head confirming with a stern shake keeping that secret to me alone after what Ferris did to help me out, "You have my word Knight of Lady Crusch. It's the very least I can do. Till then I wish you the best of luck."

He nodded with a genuine smile turning my head to see Emilia and Rem waiting for me outside the carriage. Soon enough before I entered inside Crusch, Wilhelm, and Ferris were by their side as the Duchess spoke out in her military uniform, "Miss Emilia, Master Mash Bastion, Maid Rem. I may have lost my memory, but I know I owe you, my life. I still have hope. I know it was only possible by cooperating with you three."

Soon all three took a bow surprising us as Crusch thanked us for our help with the Duchess's words shocking Emilia taking a step back behind them, "Thank you so much. In any case, I would like us to be friends for a long time."

Emilia was stunned by her words and tried to dissuade them causing me to sigh at her self-esteem being this negative, "N-No you have nothing to thank me for. I-I… But I am one of your opponents, Miss Crusch. We may be in an alliance right now, but eventually…"

Crush remained resolute and determined offering a kind grin in a determined tone, "Yes. I won't lose to you. I'll have to work very hard to beat you, Miss Emilia."

Turning her head down I heard Emilia beating herself up trying not to be friendly out of her fear and heritage, "But… I am also… a half-elf, and I have silver hair… aren't you scared of me?"

I merely grinned when Crusch said her response in a determined tone grasping Emilia's hand in confidence, "The way of a soul determines your value. Are you embarrassed by the way you live your life, Miss Emilia?"

Immediately denying her words Emilia explained locking eyes with the Duchess in a serious tone, "N-No, I'm not. No matter what people around me think, I will never hate myself. I used to live feeling that way."

Crusch slowly smiled warmly replying to Emilia's worries in a confident yet subtle tone opening both her arms and raising one taking hers surprising Emilia kindly, "In that case, there is nothing to be afraid of… You have a wonderful soul. I am not afraid of anything. I am so happy to have met you. Please take care of yourselves and others."

Emilia shared the same greeting as we all got inside the carriage waving back to the Crusch Camp I heard the Duchess say in a warm smile, "Till we'll meet again someday…!"

I could only smirk seeing this. I suppose it does feel good doing good deeds occasionally, for myself. But I guess the time has come to finally deal against Roswaal, Witch of Greed, and…

Elsa the Bowel Hunter... Time for my rematch bitch.