

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). Lost. Stranded. And boned. These are the thoughts of many normal Joes lost in the Multiverse whether it was intentional or not. Such a story for our protagonist accidentally wandering too far off from his home reality. However, such is fate. Yet... it seems that Mash Bastion has met the right man to assist him with the tools needed to travel the Multiverse to find his home universe with modified abilities of [THE GAMER] across worlds in the unforgiving territories of the MULTIVERSE.

Jovami6729 · Tranh châm biếm
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124 Chs

Chapter 100: The Battle is to the Strong (3)

Chapter 100: The Battle is to the Strong (3)

~Third POV~

Both Knights quickly regained their composure circling Mash with a cautious glint in their eyes seeing Mash's unpredictability in combat. Saber and Lancer, being honorable Knights would prefer one on one battles.

However, they were forced to fight together to not let Mash get the luxury of targeting them one by one. This was the Holy Grail War and considering how Mash intervened they needed to eliminate him to continue their duel.


Saber and Lancer both attacked at different sides placing Mash between them to not give any chance of escape. Saber aimed for a slash above while Lancer went ahead for a leg sweep.

Mash viewing this smiled as he activated his Authority of Greed, [My World] as time froze instantly. He frowned seeing how close they were to attacking him just by inches as he spoke, "[Observe]."

Moving out of the way of their attacks Mash soon received notification pop-ups about his enemies quickly forming a plan.

[Artoria Pendragon Lv.85 King of Knights

Description: Artoria Pendragon, known as the King of Knights, maintains a high honor code. Though she and Kiritsugu are Servants and Masters seeking the same goal of peace, their differing ideological perspectives result in a strained relationship where Kiritsugu does not directly acknowledge Saber. Kiritsugu allows Saber to accompany Irisviel as a decoy to enable him stealth tactics within the war, and she becomes good friends with Iris as a result.]

[Diarmuid Ua Duibhne Lv.80 Lancer

Description: Diarmuid Ua Duibhne, a Servant with two Noble Phantasms: Gae Buidhe - Golden Rose of Mortality, and Gae Dearg - Crimson Rose of Exorcism, which can counter Saber and Berserker's abilities. As a knight, he holds a strong sense of honor in battle and loyalty to his master. He and Saber develop a mutual respect for one another, which their masters do not mirror. As when he was alive, a cursed beauty mark bewitches Sola-Ui, creating a fissure between her and Lancer's Master.]

Noticing the high levels Mash frowned seeing as time began to resume alerting Lancer and Saber eyes widening as they began to attack each other. Upon noticing the Knights's moment of weakness Mash sent barrages of [Unseen Hands] towards the two.



Both Knights stopped their attacks as their skills [Instinct] and [Mind's Eye (True)] activated as they left their reactions attack. Both Knights attacked what seemed to be nothing but were destroying the [Unseen Hands] relying on their skills.

Cutting through and thrusting the visible hands relying on their instincts to prevent any harm Mash smiled amused by this development. Witnessing that both Knights are fending off waves of [Unseen Hands]. Mash snapped his fingers continuing the pressure.



Activating his Authority of Pride, [Power of Darkness] he generated darkness opening a purple eye and teeth around as the darkness danced around giving his order, "Nicely done Knights. Let's see how you handle this one?"



Both Knights saw the appendages of darkness with jaws aiming after them with Saber repositioning herself thrusting at the shadows, "[Strike Air]!"


The compressed wind around Saber's sword suddenly burst into a high-pressured gale that struck against the shadows tearing them apart and heading toward Mash's direction eyes narrowing as he flicked his hand whispering in a cold tone, "Authority of Melancholy, [Delete Space]."


The compressed attack of [Strike Air] suddenly vanished without a trace. Saber's eyes widened as Lancer managed to end the shadows equally as surprised. Both eyes narrowed seeing their attacks weren't enough as extended his hand at Saber in a curious tone, "Authority of Envy, <Overzealous Thief>."


Shadowy hands soon grabbed hold of Saber's Excalibur eyes widened in disbelief and rage for someone daring to steal her sacred sword, "… YOU! You would dare steal my holy weapon!"

Gripping her Excalibur tightly from the shadowy hands attempting to snatch it as he extended with a confident grin, "Yes I am!"

Saber frowned as she found it harder to grip her weapon together as he hadn't moved from his spot. But soon Mash stopped feeling Lancer appearing as his red spear was aimed at his head with Mash using [My World] to stop time.


A small bit of bleeding as Mash [Instinct] told him of the danger and opted to use [My World] to avoid a fatal blow moving away in the stopped time alarmed and wiping the wound in a cautious tone, "These two are something else… every Servant is and while I try holding back… this battle is to the strong alright."


Avoiding another deadly blow from Lancer he narrows his eyes as Mash flinches from his bodily pain as he makes a note in a serious tone, "I see… you haven't fully recovered from your battle with Archer have you Master of Caster?"

Mash remained silent but smirked as he called out preparing something in a confident tone, "By the way, aren't we forgetting something?"


Lightning arched through the battlefield as Mash quickly teleported away using [Delete Space] to instantly avoid getting hit by Rider's mount, Gordious Wheel, roaring through the battlefield.

The other Servants Saber and Lancer both avoided being killed on sight as Rider laughed joining in the battle, "Alalalaleeee! Now warriors let us do battle as – huh?"

However, Rider's laughter soon halted as he reached down at his Master, only to see him passed out killing the mood, "Sigh… and just when it was about to get interesting. I really wish he'd man up a little. There's no helping it, then. Unfortunately, we're going to have to suspend this scuffle."

Everyone paused at Rider's words as he analyzed the situation speaking truthfully of the fights occurring shaking his head in a proud tone, "I suppose that Lancer and Saber aren't too thrilled about having to team up being honorable knights. Saber and Mash can't fight at full power because of their wounds. Wouldn't it be better if we repeated this at our finest? Imagine it. It would be a battle for the ages!"

Everyone soon looked at each other contemplating their situation and offer as Mash was the first to respond with a defeated smile, "I suppose that makes sense to beat them in their strongest. And I do need time to heal after fighting off against Gilgamesh."

Saber curtly nodded seeing the situation wasn't in her favor, "Yes."

Lancer nodded agreeing to turn around as he left the harbor informing the others, "Very well. My Lord has ordered me to retreat anyway. Until then."

He gave a curt not before he entered his astral form leaving as Rider tried to get Mash on his side with a wide grin, "Well, then. I must admit that I find myself eager to test my might against the King of Knights and Mash. Speaking of whom, young warrior! I must have you join me! Such talent and expertise, it would be a sin not to have you in my army!"

Mash laughed in an embarrassed tone rubbing his face and declining Rider's offer, "Haha… sorry but no. I kind of have my own thing going on later. But I wish you guys the best of luck in this Holy Grail War. See ya."

Vanishing using his [Delete Space] Rider sighed but grinned all the same using Gordius Wheel he took off into the sky with an arc of lightning, "Sigh… I suppose that was to be expected. Without further ado, King of Knights I take my leave! Farewell!"

All the combatants finally left as there was a long silence Irisviel spoke in a tired tone, "… So, this is the Holy Grail War. Quite an eventful night, wasn't Saber?"

Everything came and went like a storm. Saber was disappointed not to finish her fight with Lancer as she sighed speaking to Irisviel in a defeated tone, "It was… but never mind. Where do we head, next, Irisviel?"

They both left the area to the mansion station in Fuyuki City as Saber thought in a troubled tone witnessing her old friend state, '… was that truly you Lancelot? Why did you return in the Berserker Class old friend… and why were you that angry with me…'



Lying down on the ground in a state of constant agony Kariya Matou groaned panting in a tired tone, "Sigh… sigh… this is going to be a tough battle ahead to save Sakura, especially against that Caster and her Master. If I can't win for the Grail, then that old monster will never let her be free."

Remaining hidden Medea viewed the Master of Berserker as he was in his astral form barely making out a word behind the growling, "AR… THUR…!!"

Kariya frowned in thought. He was listening via familiar on the battle way before Berserker had been deployed and he had heard the Servant shouts and growl from their mental link as he responded in a defeated tone, 'It makes sense, considering who you really are… but you need to control yourself and listen to me, or we won't win the Holy Grail!'

His Servant growled again as Lancelot responded in an angry tone making his statement, 'To hell with the Grail!'

Kariya frowned as he clenched his fist voicing his complaints with his servant in a harsh tone already desperate, 'No! I HAVE to win! You may not care, but there's someone who needs saving, and the only way she can be saved is by winning this dammed war! Whether we like it or not, we're going to rely on each other. Without you, I'm powerless. Without me, you'll disappear in an instant. We need a truce, or we'll both die for nothing in the end.'

Berserker released a rage-filled roar in their link but soon got silent listening to his Master's words. A few seconds before Berserker growled, this time with begrudging acceptance...

Only for another voice to speak alerting Kariya and Berserker coming from Medea in a neutral tone, "Are you Kariya Matou, the Master of Lancelot or known as Berserker?"

Eyes widened alarmed by the news as the fog set in detecting a Magecraft causing Kariya to frown preparing to fight in a stern tone, "… I see… you must be the one known as Caster. Come to claim me next…?"

Kariya looked around on guard with his Crest Worms being agitated as they squirmed beneath his skin. Medea viewed his condition from a distance frowning as she answered to him in a neutral tone, "No. Quite the opposite. My Master wishes to ally with you if you can believe it."

Kariya's eyes widened in shock at the news quickly thinking as the Crest Worms' actions seemed to have ceased under the effects of the fog, 'The Master of Caster wishes to ally with me? Wait… chances are he wants something out of us, right? Maybe… maybe I can ask for his help to save her in return... Caster is the [Magus from the Age of Gods] then surely it's possible...'

Kariya looked down at the ground contemplating the idea. The Matou Family had gone off the radar, and he knew enough to know that Mash was not someone who followed the traditional sense nor a Magus mindset observing thus far. It seemed like a ridiculous plan, and it probably was, but he had to try as he had nothing to lose.

If there was any chance or increase in the likelihood of saving Sakura he would take it no matter the cost. He stared at the ground speaking surprisingly fine, "Uh… Can we discuss this privately? And I mean VERY privately."


Medea appeared with a smile on her face as Mash soon came out from the fog having his hands in his pocket he replied with a grin, "Of course. We both have much to discuss Kariya Matou. Let's get you treated first before we have any discussions."


Like that, they vanished from the harbor that night with Medea using Spatial Teleportation Magecraft…