
Chapter 8 Rosella finds Prince Ashton

After a year Fane decided to go looking for Rosie but he searched and searched but he couldn't find her he got frustrated and told peri to find her Peri looked at Fane and said " she is in Gotham and that it would probably be to late to get her to come back because she has probably already found someone new." Fane looked at his father and Vastile knew what his son wanted to do and said let's go to Gotham and find her and get her to come back.

I was sitting with Ash when he asked me to be his wife I was already caring his child so Prince Ash thought it would be a good idea for the both of them and of course I said "yes!" So me and Ash both decided to wait till our daughter was born then have the wedding but what we weren't expecting was Fane and his father's pack to find me.

Fane and his father's pack walked in the room right as Ash was asking me to be his wife and as soon and I said yes and ash said " I am going to be a father and a husband." " I am the happiest person alive." Vastile spoke up and said "well I am sorry but that child is going to have to die." I looked at him and I said " you can try but you touch my daughter or Ash I would not ever forget or forgive them and that they would have a new enemy and that it would be me."